Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 268: : Let Linglong be the Queen, 4 Domain Tianjiao Contest

   "The Madman Chu is in the palace, the plan is cancelled!"

   "Let everyone retreat."

   "Damn it, Madman Chu is in the palace. This time his plan to kill the Lord Qingyun failed, everyone should retreat."

   "With the madman of Chu, we cannot succeed."

  The palace, above the tall buildings, the Madman Chu looked at the street in front of him, which was so quiet that even the sounds of birds could be heard, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

   "These people are still acquainted."

   There are no fewer people who came here to prevent the master of Qingyun Kingdom from crossing the catastrophe than Venerable Xuanqi came last time.

   But where Madman Chu went, no one dared to move.

   Qingyun Kingdom Lord's crossing the catastrophe this time can be said to be exceptionally easy.


   In the distance, auspicious clouds gather, and a powerful Taoist rhyme permeates. Although it has not reached the level of a saint, it is still very close.

   Qingyun Kingdom has officially succeeded in overcoming the catastrophe, and he has been promoted as a quasi saint.

   "The Lord of the Kingdom will come forever!"

   "The Lord of the Kingdom will come forever!"

   Perceiving this vision, the millions guarded outside were extremely excited, shouting loudly, and the sound waves rolled straight into the sky.

   The madman of Chu patted his ears, "It's so loud."

   But if the Lord Qingyun can successfully overcome the calamity, he is also happy.

   The Lord Qingyun successfully crossed the calamity, and the next day he rewarded the three armies and hosted a banquet for all the generals, and the Madman Chu was naturally invited.

  In the palace hall.

   The banquet is in progress, and the ambitions are staggered.

   The Lord Qingyun blushed and was in a good mood.

   "Come on, this glass of wine, I respect you all."

   "Thank the Lord."

   Everyone drank it. Starting

   "For this second cup of wine, the widow must respect his son-in-law. If it weren't for the thunderbolt and pill prepared by the son-in-law, I might not have gone so smoothly this time. Come, the widow will toast you."

   "Father is polite."

   After the banquet was over, the Lord Qingyun left Madman Chu alone.

   "The madman, the widow is now a quasi-sage. After a while, he will live in seclusion behind the scenes like your master."

   "Huh? What about the Qingyun Dynasty?"

   "This is what the widow intends to tell you. How about let Linglong be in charge of Qingyun Dynasty?!"

   The Lord Qingyun looked at Chu Kuangrendao with piercing eyes.

   Hearing this, Madman Chu was quite surprised. He didn't expect Qingyun Lord to make such a decision. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   "Women in power is not a precedent in the history of the Qingyun Dynasty, but it is also very rare. The Lord really wants to do this?"

   "As long as you have the ability, it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman."

   "The Lord did this, but is there my reason?"

   "Ha, this is only a part, but the more important thing is that Linglong feels that Linglong is more suitable to inherit the position of the widow."

   Although the Lord Qingyun considered the relationship between Madman Chu, it was the talent of Princess Linglong that really made him make up his mind.

   In the past few years, the princess Linglong has shown her magnanimity, mind and wrist, which is unmatched by the princes.

   Even Gu Changge can't match it.

   "That's it."

   The madman of Chu thoughtfully, "Does Linglong know about this?"

   "The widow hasn't told her yet, but she should agree. She is an ambitious and capable woman, you should know."

"of course."

   Chu Madman smiled faintly.

   He has known Princess Linglong for several years. Although he has not been together for a long time, he still knows her a little bit.

   The other party is a very ambitious woman who has both strength and ambition. Let her be the queen, she will not refuse.

   "The widow intends to take her by her side for a period of time, and slowly transfer the affairs of Korea to her. When she becomes the throne, the widow will resign from the throne, hide behind the scenes, and begin to accumulate the holy heritage."

"ok, I got it."

   "Don't you have any comments?" Qingyun Kingdom said curiously.

   "What can I say about her being a queen, it does no harm to me, besides, if this is her wish, I will support it to the end." Chu Kuangren smiled lightly.

   He knew that the Lord Qingyun told him about this because he was worried that he would be afraid that his wife would be too strong and would be unhappy.

   But he has no such thoughts at all.

   Strong women and weak men?

   does not exist here.

   No matter how strong Princess Linglong will become the queen in the future, Madman Chu will let her know that her man will always be her man.


   After a few days in Qingyun Dynasty, Madman Chu left.

   Before traveling around, he went to the ancient battlefield.

   After experiencing a sweep of the Madman Chu, the number of evil spirits in the ancient battlefield has been greatly reduced and has not recovered.

   So there are a lot more adventurers in the ancient battlefield these days.

   Of course, no matter how much it is, the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield is still forbidden, and no one dares to touch it easily.

   And Madman Chu was standing on the edge of this core area at this time.

   He took out the jade pendant that the white robe will give.

   This is the method he and Baipao will agree on. As long as he finds the other party, he can come to this ancient battlefield to take out the jade pendant.

   The white robe will be found following the breath above.

   After a while.

   A white shadow appeared at the end of Madman Chu's vision.

   The man was wearing a white robe, carrying a spear, and a face covered with armor. He was the white robe general of the ancient battlefield.

   "Why are you suddenly looking for me?"

   White Robe will say lightly.

   "Let's take a look at this first." Madman Chu took out a piece of jade pendant again, and this jade pendant would give the white robe exactly the same.

   This is what he asked for from Lou Yun. Like the Lou's ancient sword, it is the other's family heirloom.

   is probably also the thing of Lou Guo Princess.

   The moment he saw the jade pendant, the white robe trembled his body, the whole person was not calm, rushed up to take the jade pendant and looked at it.

   "You can't go wrong, this is the jade pendant that belongs to Ayu."

   Ayu in his mouth is the former princess of Lou Guo.

   "Have you found our descendants?"

   Baipao will be a little unbelievable.

   It's only a few days now.

   He was already ready to let Mad Man Chu find hundreds of thousands of years, but he didn't expect that in just a few days, the other party would bring Ayu's jade pendant to him.

   This efficiency is too ridiculous.

   "Not bad." The madman Chu nodded slightly.

   "How are they doing."

   White Robe will ask, the powerful man at the dignified Saint King level is a bit nervous at this moment, for fear of hearing any bad news.

   "Don't worry, their mother and daughter are doing well."

   "Mother and daughter?"


   The madman of Chu talked about Lou Qingxue.

   After listening, Baipao will breathe a sigh of relief.

   He glanced at the direction of the Shang clan in the distance, and then solemnly said to Madman Chu, "Thank you!"

   "It's okay, I can help the seniors."

   The white robe didn't say much, just took out a heavenly evil spirit and gave it to Madman Chu, and said lightly: "This is the heavenly evil spirit I got from an evil spirit. You can take it first.

   "Then I will be welcome."

   The madman of Chu smiled, and directly took the Qi of the Sky Evil, absorbed it and blended it, and the undefeated body of the Sky Evil was one step closer to Dacheng.

   "Shang Qingxue is about to join Xuan Tianzong, right."

   "Well, if there is no accident, she should have passed the assessment at this moment and formally joined Xuan Tianzong."

   Two days ago, he had sent a message to Elder Ruyan, asking him to pay more attention to Shang Qingxue.

   After all, the other party has a white robe with such a saint king-level ancestor, so he should start a small stove for others.

   "Then Qingxue will have to take care of her."

   "It's easy to say."

   "If nothing else, I will leave first."

   The white robe hung the piece of jade pendant brought by Madman Chu around his neck, and then turned back to the core area.

   "Let's go too."

   The Madman Chu turned and left with Lan Yu.

   Suddenly, he received a message from Elder Ruyan. After reading the message, his face was stunned, "Tianjiao Contest?"

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