Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 269: : Huizong, the head can’t participate, Xiaohong’s entry

   "Tianjiao Contest?!" The madman Chu received a message from Elder Ruyan, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Beside   , Lan Yu was also very curious, "What kind of competition?"

   "Well, the effect is that the Tianjiao of the four regions of the sky star gather together to set up a competition. This competition is a joint effort by the sages of the four regions."

   "It turns out that this is the case, then shall we go to participate?"

   Lan Yu asked curiously.

   "Elder Ruyan is also asking me that if you want to participate, you have to pay a prize to reward those arrogants who have performed well in the competition." Chu Kuangren said.

   "Then all these prizes belong to us? With the strength of the son, you can completely sweep the audience." Lan Yu's eyes lit up.

   "The problem is that this competition can only allow disciples of various disciplines to participate, and no one above the elder level can participate."

   The madman of Chu smiled helplessly, that is to say, he, the head of Xuan Tianzong, could not participate in this competition.

  Thinking about it carefully, because of his strength, there is no need to participate in this so-called hegemony competition. If he wants to participate, isn't it just adding obstacles to all the arrogances and orthodoxy?

   He stood on stage so long, who else would dare to take the stage to compete?

   "Let's go, go back to Xuan Tianzong, originally wanted to spend a while, it seems that I will be busy again." Chu Madman laughed.

   "My son, do you want to participate in this competition?"

"of course."

   The corners of the madman's mouth curled slightly, "Nangong Huang and the others have been in the sect for a year, and it is time for them to show their performance."

   No matter what, he is also the Taoist Tianjiao of Xuan Tianzong, so these guys can't be too leisurely.

   The two soon returned to Xuan Tianzong.

  Elder Ruyan and others received the message and were already ready to come out to greet them. Looking at Madman Chu, all of them looked helpless.

   "Head, you are going out this time, there is a lot of noise."

   said Elder Ruyan.

   The madman Chu had an innocent face, "I have no trouble, I have always been peaceful with Lan Yu."

   The corners of the mouths of several people twitched for a while.


   Anfen almost overturned the ancient battlefield, Anfen had to run to the Vermillion Bird Territory and cut off the Shang saint? !

   We believe in you a ghost.

   Elder Ruyan and others couldn't help but complain.

   "By the way, the head, the Shang Qingxue you mentioned last time, she has now joined the Xuantian School, but because of her special status, I asked her to start with a true disciple."

   said Elder Ruyan.

   Originally, with Shang Qingxue's top Taoist talents, it was no problem to directly become a Taoist, but after all, the opponent was a member of the Shang clan, and he had just joined the Xuantian Sect, so it was not easy to be promoted directly. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "Well, I see."

   The madman Chu nodded, "What do you say about the competition."

   "Look at the head, this is the rules and procedures of the competition."

   Elder Ruyan took out a constitution.

   Chu Madman took a look, and saw that there was a rule that said that elders, including head-level figures, were prohibited from participating in the competition.

The two characters    Chief is also specially marked in red font.

  It seems to be saying to the madman Chu, don't look at it, just talking about you!

  You are not allowed to participate in the competition!

   The madman of Chu closed the charter and muttered: "Don't let me participate, just forget it. I really think how rare I am."

   Anyway, there are not a lot of good goods, and Tianjiao in this world can't stop him with one and a half moves, and there is nothing to participate in.

   But it’s not bad for the sect disciples to try.

   "Elder Ruyan, reply to the organizer, saying that this competition, we have participated, and you just need to pay the prizes."

   "Good." Elder Ruyan nodded.

   "In addition, there are still three months before the start of the competition. Call me Nangong Huang, Murong Xuan and the others. They will meet in the Hall of Longevity tomorrow. I am going to give them special training on the devil!"

   "By the way, let Shang Qingxue come here too, her Xuanbing Taoist body just opened, let her also participate in the special training, polish it."

   "Devil special training?"

  Elder Ruyan blinked, how devil is there?


   The corners of the madman's mouth slightly tilted.

   He smiled beautifully, as if the world and everything were eclipsed in front of him, but Elder Ruyan shuddered unconsciously.

   She silently prayed to Nangong Huang and others in her heart.

   After talking with Elder Ruyan and others for a while, Madman Chu returned to Lingtian Taoist Palace.

As soon as    entered, only a red shadow flew towards him, it was a palm-sized red bird.


   "You are... Xiaohong?!"

   The madman of Chu looked at the bird in front of him curiously, and said in surprise, "Why have you become so small?"

   Xiaohong fluttered his wings, stood on the shoulders of Madman Chu, and said: "My cultivation level has broken through. Now I am the supreme supreme, and I can freely control body changes." First release https://https://

   "That's how it is." Chu Madman suddenly realized.

   Xiao Hong is a divine beast, immortal divine phoenix, with noble blood, but the more noble blood, the harder it is to transform.

   Divine Phoenix must at least reach the realm of a saint to transform into form.

   "I can always follow my brother in the future." Xiaohong said joyfully. In the past, Madman Chu felt that carrying a divine phoenix was too conspicuous, so he usually didn't take the divine phoenix when he went out.

   Now she can freely change her body shape, and she is about the size of a small sparrow when she is small. Once she hides her breath, the average monk will never notice that she is a divine beast.

   "Oh, that's good, I'll take you when I go out."

   Chu Madman smiled faintly.

   Xiaobing also came out to meet Madman Chu.

  During small talk, Xiaobing couldn't help but yearn for it when he heard Madman Chu talk about the Hegemony Tournament.

   Chu madman's heart moved, Xiaobing had been with him for several He had never left Xuan Tianzong, and he rarely stepped out of Ling Tian Dao Palace on weekdays.

   When he was away, he had been guarding the Dao Palace for him.

   Thinking of this, he was a little touched in his heart, and smiled: "This competition is probably going to be very lively, Xiaobing, let's go take a look."

   "But what about Dao Gong?" Xiaobing hesitated.

   "Don't worry, this palace has no feet, you can't run, you follow me, maybe there is a chance for you to play."

   "Ah, on the court, those are the top talents of all avenues, can I also play on the court?"

   "Of course, don't underestimate yourself, your strength is actually not weaker than those so-called Tianjiao, and how are you refining the Gengjin sword talisman I gave you before?"

   "I don't dare to neglect, it's almost refined."

   I saw Xiaobing spread out his hand, and a mysterious rune appeared, surrounded by strands of golden sword energy.

   A sage rhyme permeated, very scary.

   This is a holy rune!

   This was obtained by the Madman Chu lottery, but although it was a sacred product, his level of swordsmanship at that time was so high that this sacred sword charm was of little use to him, so he gave it to Xiaobing and asked her to refine it.

   Xiaobing, who obtained the Holy Rune, naturally increased her combat power. Although she could not fully display the power of the Holy Rune, with this rune, she was enough to fight some supreme.

   And her own cultivation base is not even the King of War, which shows the mystery of this rune.

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