Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 284: : Only you can compare with me, without self-knowledge?

Chapter 284 Only you can compare with me, is there no self-knowledge?

Xiaobing made a blockbuster with a sacred rune.

When she came back, a group of Daozi hurriedly surrounded her and gave her a compliment, which made Xiaobing feel a little at a loss.

"Xiaobing, you did a good job."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

"Thank you for your praise, Xiaobing should do it."

"Well, using the Gengjin Po Yue sword, it consumes a lot of money, let's go down and rest for a while." Madman Chu said.

"it is good."

Next, is the second part of the group stage.

I saw a huge pagoda appeared out of thin air in the sky above the arena, and then a picture was presented in front of everyone.

In the picture, a group of hideous monsters roared and roared, and the entire tall building was filled with violent evil spirits.

Madman Chu noticed that the monster beasts in the picture were of different strengths, and the body was also built with spiritual energy, which was a bit similar to his sword aura clone, and should be the product of a certain formation restriction.

"The name of this tower is called the Demon Refining Tower!"

"There are a hundred monster beasts in the tower, which are formed by the operation of the formation and the gathering of spiritual power, and these monsters are divided into four levels, namely, the King of War, the Venerable, the Supreme, and the Supreme Supreme!!"

"Two Tianjiao selected by the Taoist traditions of each group, and other Tianjiao Tianjiao take turns to enter the demon refining tower, defeating a warlord-level monster and earn one point, two points for the noble level and four points for the supreme. Up to the supreme level, it is ten points!!!"

"As for the order of entering the demon refining tower, it is determined by a lottery. Before entering, you can choose the number of monsters to be challenged. Each person can enter the demon refining tower up to three times."

The thirteen prefects said.

Then, the orthodoxy of Group A starts first.

Everyone saw that the Tianjiao from each of the Taoist traditions from Group A took turns entering the medicine refining tower, fighting with each monster and winning points.

This link is very scary.

Within a hundred monsters, there are sixty warlords, thirty-five nobles, four supreme heads, and one supreme supreme state!

You should know that even in the various avenues of the saints' orthodoxy, most of the people's strength is only between the hole and the warlord. They may not even be able to deal with the lowest-level monster in the demon refining tower.

Only the young emperor who possesses the noble and even supreme combat power in the major saints can achieve good results in this demon refining tower.

"Look at it, what a powerful strength!"

"I rely on, that is the young emperor of the Overlord Body Saint Clan, and is known as the most promising Tianjiao Cangtian who has the most hope to assault the throne in the contemporary era!"

"It's so strong, the Venerable can't do a single trick in his hands!"

Excited voices suddenly sounded from the crowd.

I saw in the scene of the Demon Refining Tower, there was a young man in a cyan robe with a shabby face who was killing the Quartet!

A punch and a kick, open and close, have the power to shake mountains and rivers.

Purple energy surrounds him, circulating a terrifying and domineering rhyme. Once the monster beast of the King of War and even the Venerable is hit, it will turn into aura and disperse on the spot.

Even the Supreme couldn't hold many moves in front of him.

"The strength of this guy is terrifying."

Nangong Huang said solemnly.

"This person is the overlord Saint Clan Tianjiao Cangtian who is rumored to be sitting on the Three Dao Xuan Huang Di Qi and is most hopeful of attacking the throne!"

"I heard that this person also has a purple-blooded tyrant body from the tyrant body clan. This is the rumored supreme body."

Murongxuan added a few words.

Hearing what everyone said, Madman Chu became a little interested, watching the battle in the sky, his face gradually showed a strange look.

That's it?

That's it? !

This is the Tianjiao who has the most hope to attack the throne? !

"Forget it, I should be too demanding. I should be objective. This person's strength is among the best among the younger generation, and there is no upper Taoist body, so sanctification is not a problem."

Madman Chu felt that he couldn't always use his own standards to measure others, after all, not everyone was like him.

The strength of this heaven is indeed very good, he is the fourth to enter the demon refining tower, and he chooses to challenge fifty monsters.

It even included the four-headed supreme and a supreme supreme-level monster beast, and he actually solved them all.

The intrepid strength amazed everyone present.

The patriarch of the Overlord Saint Clan smiled even more.

All the people of the Dao lineage in the scene looked at the murderous Young Emperor of the Heaven who walked out of the demon refining tower, and their eyes were extremely jealous.

"This person is definitely an enemy!"

"This kind of combat power is not trivial!"


Walking out of the heavens of the demon refining tower, a pair of tiger eyes flowed with terrifying light, passing by the Tianjiao present, all Tianjiao who looked at him could not help being frightened by his aura, and subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"Huh, gathering of Tianjiao? But you."

Cangtian sneered, with an extremely awkward attitude.

Then, he looked at the Madman Chu on the viewing platform, his eyes showed warfare, "Perhaps only you in this world deserve to be compared with me."

Hearing this, Madman Chu was stunned for a moment, and then he asked Lan Yu beside him: "Did he talk to me just now?"

"My son, I think it should be."

"Can't young people nowadays be a little self-aware? Really think they have some talents and dare to compare with me casually?"

He shook his head, as if feeling the declining world.

When the sky heard this, his eyebrows frowned, and he said coldly: "Why, don't you think I am not qualified to compare with you?!"

He took a step forward, and an extremely tyrannical aura burst out from his body, surrounded by purple vigor, whizzing towards the madman of Chu.

At this moment, a figure suddenly came to the sky.

"Stop! Don't be rude!"

The person here is the patriarch of the Overlord Saint Clan.

Compared to the sky, as the patriarch, he was much more calm, naturally knowing that provoking the Chu Madman would not do any good to the Overlord Saint Race.

Seeing that the patriarch was coming, Cang Tian had to show some face, so he slowly reduced his breath.

The patriarch of the overlord clan smiled faintly at the madman of Chu: "The heavenly nature is very shabby, if you offend, please forgive the Chu head."

"The Patriarch of the Tyrannical Clan, the quality of your clan is not high. If you don't know how to discipline, I don't mind helping you. It's easy. In this case, you can just take a fight."

Madman Chu fiddled with his fingers and smiled faintly.

Hearing his words, the patriarch of the Tyrant Clan frowned slightly, "I will take care of this, so I won't bother the head of Chu."

Although he was angry, he still didn't want to have any conflict with Madman Chu, but when the sky on the side heard this, he coldly snorted: "It's up to you to teach me as well. At that time, it is not certain who beats whom."

"not good!!"

The face of the patriarch of the Tyrannical Clan changed abruptly I saw the words of heaven just fell, and a terrifying golden big hand suddenly leaped into the air, exuding an extremely majestic power.

Holy King Law, Fumo Great Mudra!

"Huang Huang Zhentian Fist!!"

The patriarch of the Tyrannical Clan hurriedly urged the saint's method, and a black fist mark was punched out, but the fist mark shook the void, but could not shake the golden hand, like a bubble that was easily broken!

The impact of the smashed fist prints directly lifted the patriarch of the Tyrant clan away, leaving only the sky in place. He was enveloped by the vast Buddha's intent and could not move at all. He watched this big hand come to him.


The purple energy that surrounds the sky is like a puff of smoke in front of the big golden hand, and it dissipates with the touch.

Cang Tian was caught in the palm of his big golden hand like this, and was caught in the air like a chicken. It was useless for him to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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