Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 285: : What did you call me, I was underestimated, Lan Yu played

Chapter 285 What Are You Calling Me, I Was Underestimated, Lan Yu Comes On

"Damn, damn!"

"How could this be!!"

The heavens were full of spiritual power surging, urging the purple blood domineering body, this is a supreme Taoist body, extremely powerful and terrifying.

In the past, no matter what opponent he encountered, once this Dao body was activated, even the Supreme Supreme would be suppressed by him.

But today, his Taoism is invalid! !

No matter how he spurred the purple blood domineering body, no matter how he spurred his spiritual power, he couldn't shake the golden hand at all.

"Your sage dare not talk to me like this, and your little emperor dare to talk to me here?!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

"Madman Chu, let me go!"

"Let go? Okay."

Madman Chu waved his hand lightly, and saw the big golden hand wave, throwing the sky out like a stone.

The heaven's figure flew upside down like a cannonball, and the air was set off with heavy waves. He tried to mobilize his spiritual power to stabilize his body, but found that the huge force attached to him was too terrifying!

No matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of the influence of this tremendous force.

Seeing that he was about to smash against the city wall on the battlefield, smashing his body to pieces, a soft force suddenly formed an air cushion behind him and caught him firmly.

"Friend Chu's shot is a bit too cruel."

Void, a man's voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh, this voice is a bit familiar."

Madman Chu touched his chin and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "That day in the Clear Frost Valley, the man who broke his arm."


The voice seemed a little annoyed, but before he finished speaking, he saw Madman Chu raised his hand and slapped him, hitting the void fiercely.

boom! !

I saw wind and clouds surging from all directions, and the void was almost distorted.

A middle-aged man in black appeared.

This man exudes a saint humanity rhyme, his aura is extremely powerful, but at this time the face of this saint is extremely ugly.

This person is the saint of the overlord saint who was forced to break his arm by the madman of Chu in Qingshuang Valley, Cangwen saint.

Saint Cang Wen stared at Madman Chu and said, "Madman Chu, if you don't say anything, you will act too aggressively."

"You talk to me, hiding your head and revealing your tail. You should ask if you put my Madman Chu in your eyes!" Madman Chu said indifferently.

Hearing this, Cang asked the saint for a while.

He believed that if he dared to say no, Madman Chu would not give up easily.

Thinking of being forced to break his arm by the opponent in Qingshuang Valley in the past, his arm, which was finally reattached, couldn't help but aching.

"Kuangren Chu, this is the first city, and it's still in the competition now, each step back, let this matter go, how?"

His own young emperor was abused, and he was forced to show up, but Saint Cangwen still didn't want to conflict with Madman Chu, so he had to submit.

"Friend Chu, we still have to compete, please stop first."

The three referees of the competition also began to persuade.

"I'm not unreasonable, but as the head of Xuan Tianzong, I was offended by a junior. I can't assume that nothing has happened." Madman Chu said slowly.

Everyone looked at the sky.

The cause of the matter was all because he provoked Madman Chu. Now if he wants Madman Chu to stop, it depends on what he does.

Cangtian's face changed, and his face twitched with anger.

"Be soft to the madman Chu and continue the game. The big man can stretch and bend, don't ruin the overall situation for this moment of anger!"

The voice of Saint Cangwen echoed in Cangtian's ears.

He took a deep breath and said, "Friend Daoist Chu..."

"What do you call me?"

Madman Chu said indifferently: "The word "Taoyou" is used to describe monks of equal status. Are you and me in equal status?"

Faced with the aggressiveness of the madman Chu, Cangtian only needs to suppress the anger in his heart, "Head of Chu, I was offended just now. I am here to apologize to you and ask the head of Chu to forgive my recklessness."

"Speaking well, I guess you can't wait to cut me a thousand times, but it's okay, you can only think about it in your heart." Chu Madman smiled lightly, and then ignored the other party.

Everyone was relieved when they saw the incident.

If this Madman of Chu really makes trouble, unless the saints behind the orthodoxy are present together, who can control him? !

"Okay, the game continues."

The thirteen prefects said.

But everyone has not recovered from the shock just now.

The strength that Madman Chu showed them was too terrifying, a single move was enough to crush the strongest young emperor of the Overlord Saint Clan, even the Saint was forced to show up by him, but he couldn't help it.

"Who is headed by Tianjiao? Xuantian has madmen... I thought this comment was too exaggerated, but now it seems that it is not exaggerated at all. It can even be said that this evaluation is still low."

"Young Emperor Cangtian, this is the strongest Young Emperor, but in front of Madman Chu, he can't handle a single move. Madman Chu has completely exceeded the scope of Tianjiao. This is simply a monster!"

"This era is destined to be his."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

Even those Tianjiao's games don't feel good.

No matter how these arrogances are, no matter how outstanding they are, they are all bleak and dull compared with the Madman Chu.

Everyone stared at Madman Chu, all amazed.

The Fairy of Floating Snow of Tianyin Sect, Jinnian of Tianwang Palace, and the many beautiful girls of heaven are even more beautiful.

"This is the real Tianjiao, the real domineering!"

"Mad Chu, really is the dragon among people!"

"Oh, that day, he invited this person to play the piano with me, but he didn't promise me, and I was a little bit angry. It seems that I was climbing high."


"The head of Chu is really powerful, but it's a pity that you can't participate in this hegemony competition, otherwise, the leader of this hegemony competition is Xuan Tianzong!" The overlord patriarch snorted coldly.

His implication is that Madman Chu did not participate in this hegemony contest, so the rest of Xuan Tianzong should not be afraid!

After speaking, Madman Chu turned around and left before Madman Chu said anything.

Nangong Huang, Murongxuan and others frowned.

"We are underestimated."

Murong Xuan touched his chin and said to Chu madly: "Head, wait for me to play, I can't wait."

"That's okay, two people need to be sent to the Demon Refining Tower, besides Murong Xuan, are there anyone else to go to?"

Nangong Huang just wanted to speak, "I..."

"I'll go."

A cold voice sounded.

Everyone looked at Lan with a surprised expression.

Madman Chu was also quite surprised, "Lan Yu, you want to play?"


Lan Yu nodded slightly.

"Alright, then you go."

Madman Chu did not refuse either.

When the sages of Group A completed the demon refining tower link, the demon refining tower flashed, and a hundred monster beasts were once again transformed into it, and it was the turn of several Dao traditions of Group B to advance...

Soon, the members of Group A, B, C and C have completed the demon refining tower.

Among the members of the three groups, the three sages with the most points are the Tyrant Saints, Fengyun Mountain, and the Heavenly Palace.

"Now ask the people in Group D to come up and draw lots."

(End of this chapter)

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