Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 382: : Very unreasonable, sacrifice of 36 islands, 3000 boys and girls

"How to calculate this account?!"

Hearing Madman Chu's words, everyone's eyes widened.

What should be calculated?

You took it all at Liuyun Mine, and beat the Black Wind Island like this with one palm. Even if you want to settle the account, we should do it with you, right? !

"King Chu, you can take Liuyun Mine. We won't investigate the matter of you smashing Black Wind Island. Don't deceive people too much!"

The old man with Hook nose forced his anger and said.

"Account? What can you pursue!"

"You robbed me of my things and caused me to come here all the way to get you. You still want to deceive me in the middle, so I will ask you, what can you hold of me!!"

Madman Chu asked in a cold voice, his whole body revealed a horrible sword-style rhyme, his power was as powerful as a mountain, and he was pressing the old man with hook nose.

Under his power, the other party's face flushed, and his whole body trembled with anger, "Aren't you returning everything? And it's the disciple who is hiding from you, not us, what else do you want?"

"Hmph, who knows if that person was instigated by you? It's now exposed. You killed him. There was an inconsistent evidence. I'm so fooled. If you don't give me an explanation today, there is no end to this!"

Madman Chu coldly snorted.

The old man and others were dumbfounded.

They have never seen such a brazen person!

Slap them like this on Black Wind Island, and now they have to give an explanation. Why is this Madman of Chu so unreasonable? !

But what else can they say when their strength lies?

"State your terms."

The old man with eagle nose said aggrievedly.

"One billion catties of spirit stones!"

"Why don't you grab it!" The old man with a hook nose furiously said.

"Snatch? Don't think of me like you. I'm the most reasonable person, and I never do this kind of burning, killing, or looting."

"You, you..." Ying Hook's nose was trembling with anger, his face turned pale, his heart trembled, and almost a mouthful of blood came out.

"Okay, okay, this time we accept it."

The old man can't help but agree.

There is no way to deny it!

They couldn't beat Madman Chu again.

How can I drop it?

"Give you three months of preparation time. Within three months, I won't see these spirit stones in Xuantianzong. I will come again."

Madman Chu said coldly.

Just as he was about to leave, something suddenly occurred to him.

"Where were those people when you hijacked the merchant ship? Don't tell me that they were all killed by you."

Madman Chu said with coldness in his eyes.

"No, but they have now been sent to the Sea of ​​Serpent God."

The old man with a hook nose bit his head and said.

"Snake God Sea?"

"Yes, today is the sacrifice ceremony for the snake gods. Each of the 36 islands must prepare at least 10,000 people to sacrifice the snake gods."

Hearing this, Madman Chu burst into anger, "You said, at each sacrifice ceremony, at least hundreds of thousands of people will be eaten by the so-called snake god, right?"


"These people are all you robbed?"

"Madman Chu, this is the internal affairs of our Thirty-Six Islands, don't you even have to take care of this?" The old man Ying Hook nose said coldly.

"Oh, you sacrifice to the snake god, as long as it doesn’t hurt the people under the jurisdiction of my Xuantian Sect, it doesn’t matter. However, these people who transported the Liuyun Mine can be counted as doing things for me. This sacrifice ceremony, I just decided." Madman Chu said coldly.

"For the sake of some low-level monks and even the common people, are you going to fight against the snake gods of my 36 islands?"

Ying Hook nose felt a little unbelievable, why this guy in front of him can always do something beyond the understanding of the world.

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to the so-called snake **** sea area!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

"Okay, okay, I want to see what you can do to the snake **** under my nose on Thirty-Six Islands!!"

The old man Ying Hook nose said coldly, the reason why he would agree to the conditions of the Madman Chu, he also had his own calculations in his heart.

One billion spirit stones are too burdensome for Heifeng Island. If they can use the power of the snake god, they may be able to solve Madman Chu.

At that time, naturally there is no need to give the spirit stone.


The old man Ying Hou nose took Chu Madman to the sea area of ​​the snake god.


At this time, somewhere in the sea.

Thirty-six huge ships slowly gathered, and on each ship there was a group of people who were bound.

These people were tied to the deck, as if they had already guessed about their next destiny, their faces were full of dead gray.


Thirty-six large ships gathered together.

"Island owners, don't come here unharmed."

The Master of Black Wind Island greeted the various island owners on the deck.

"Hello, Lord Blackwind."

"Lord Qingyu Island, your sacrifices look good."

"Haha, nowhere."

The owners of Thirty-Six Islands greeted each other.

At the same time, they are also secretly observing the sacrifices brought by each other. Each sacrifice is a secret comparison of 36 islands. Whoever sacrifices the best sacrifice will be blessed by the snake god.

This is almost the consensus of Thirty-Six Islands.

For example, in order to be able to cross the calamity and become a holy sage on Blackwind Island, the sage of his Taoist priest was sacrificed to the snake god, thus obtaining a treasure of the robbery, and finally successfully became a saint.

"Hey, there are a lot of people brought by the owner of Qingyu Island!"

Everyone looked at the green jade island owner.

I saw that the other party's ship was densely packed with people, including 30,000 or 40,000 people, all of them were strong men.

Many of them are still monks.


There was a burst of crying.

When everyone looked at it, their pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

I saw on a boat, there were children who looked only seven or eight years old. These children seemed to have noticed something and were all crying.

"Father, mother, where are you..."

"Woo, I want to go home."

Standing on the boat was an old man in a white robe, with a cane in his hand, who looked kind and kind.

"Oh, three thousand boys and girls, let everyone laugh."

The old man chuckled.

The rest of the island owners looked at him with fear on their faces.

"Three thousand boys and girls, tusk, this white smoke island owner is frantic enough to do this kind of thing."


"This sacrifice seems to be the leader of the White Smoke Island."

When the other people on the boat who were used as sacrifices saw the three thousand boys and girls, their faces were full of anger.

" How dare you beasts do such a thing!"

"That's all a bunch of kids, bastard, bastard, you **** who deserve to kill a thousand knives, **** Nima!"

"Asshole, if you still have a little conscience, let them go quickly, there is something to come at us!"

"Assholes, assholes, you must not die..."

But no matter how everyone cursed, the owners of Thirty-Six Islands remained indifferent and looked at them coldly.

For this scene, they have long been used to it.

"Every time the snake **** is sacrificed, these sacrifices are always so noisy, like flies." An island owner curled his lips.

"Just scold it, it won't last long anyway."

"Count the time, the snake **** is coming soon."

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