Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 383: : The sacrifice begins, the brutality of the snake god, the madman of Chu comes

Amid the noise of countless people, a large black shadow gradually emerged from the surface of the sea. Upon seeing this, all the island owners looked straight and knelt on the deck respectfully.

After a while, a huge snake head like a hill protruded from the surface of the water. It was a black snake head, and a pair of pale yellow eyes revealed a cold and merciless color.

What makes people even more concerned is that on this snake's head, there is still a peculiar single horn, on which the rhyme of Taoism flows, revealing a palpitating power.

After seeing the giant snake, the people who had been noisy shuddered all over as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and were so scared that they could not speak.

"Meet the snake god!"

"Meet the snake god!"

The owners of Thirty-Six Islands said respectfully.

The zombie ignored them, his icy eyes swept over the sacrifices on the thirty-six ships, and after seeing the three thousand boys and girls, there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"Lord Baiyan Island, you did a good job."

The zombie spoke, his voice sounded like a man's voice, but it was very sharp, as if to pierce the eardrum.

Hearing this sound, the three thousand boys and girls cried louder.

"Thanks to the snake **** for the praise, as long as the snake **** is satisfied, I am willing to put my heart and soul on the ground." Baiyan Island Master said excitedly.

"Very well, now I am going to enjoy the sacrifice, you should leave first." The snake **** said lightly.


The owner of Thirty-Six Islands got up and flew away from the ship.

After they left, the snake **** dived into the bottom of the sea again, but a deadly chill filled the entire surface of the sea.

At this time, a huge tail swept out of the sea, with splashes, and slammed on a big ship.

With a sudden explosion, the ship burst, tens of thousands of people were crying in exclamation, falling into the sea, the zombie opened his mouth, and a person was sucked into his mouth, and a large area of ​​the sea was immediately stained red with blood.

"No, help."

"Woo, I don't want to die..."

On the sea, screams are endless.

Some monks want to resist, but how can these low-level monks resist the power of the snake god?

The zombie devours people very fast, and it can reach hundreds of people after opening and inhaling, even without chewing like that before swallowing it.

In a short while, tens of thousands of people died like this.

But this is only the sacrifice of the first ship.

For the zombie, it's just a dessert.

His yellow icy snake eyes looked at the ship carrying three thousand boys and girls, and couldn't help licking his lips.

"This is the most delicious, let's save it for the end."

The zombie said, and then cast his gaze on another big ship.

With a flick of its tail, the ship broke.

Countless people fell into the water, screaming in panic.

The scene as before continues.

Tens of thousands of monks and people were swallowed by snake gods.

High in the sky, the owners of Thirty-Six Islands watched with cold eyes, without the slightest pity on their faces, they were already used to this scene.

One, two, three...

More than a dozen large ships sank to the bottom of the sea, tens of thousands of people were buried in snake belly.

At this time, the zombie had arrived in front of the ships on Black Wind Island.

Among those arrested here were people from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce escorting Liuyun Mine. At this time, they looked desperate.

"I didn't expect it, but escorting a batch of ore would cost me my life, or in this way."

"me too."

"Damn, I don't want to die yet."

An old man is closing his eyes.

Suddenly, a powerful breath erupted from his body, and when the snake **** approached, he strove to punch.

The fist was full of strength, and bursts of air.

With this blow, he even used some secret method of burning life!

"Lao Liu!"

This old man was the leader of the **** of the ore this time. His cultivation level was at the Jindan level, but he was later injured by the disciples of Black Wind Island. When he was escorted to this ship, he had been healing in secret.

At this time, coupled with the desperate burning of life, the attack power that burst out has reached Yuan Ying.

But this punch fell on the head of the zombie, but it burst like a bubble, and the zombie just looked at him playfully without feeling at all.

"Sure enough... useless."

Old Liu grinned bitterly. How could he be able to be moved by his little golden core to be regarded as a **** by Thirty-Six Islands.

The next moment, he was swallowed directly by the snake god.

"Damn, damn..."

"Damn it."

"Don't eat me, don't eat me."

There were roars and begging for mercy one after another.

The whole ship was shrouded in despair.

"It's over."

A young woman closed her eyes, ready to die.

Suddenly, she seemed to hear a certain rumbling sound, which was very prominent in the incomparably noisy shouts.

She couldn't help but opened her eyes.

But seeing the zombie **** who was going to devour everyone was raising his head and staring at the sky, there was a dignified look in his eyes.

The rumbling sound the young woman heard came from the sky.

The rumbling sound continued, as if something was coming through the air, about to break through the void, the owner of the thirty-six islands looked towards the sound source.


"over there."

I saw a terrifying wave of air above the snake **** descending quickly. Upon closer inspection, it was a...sword!

A gorgeous white jade sword!

A sword that made all the island owners of the 36 islands **** in air!

The gorgeous long sword burst into the air, with a bang, and slammed on the head of the zombie. The terrifying force directly smashed the head of the zombie into the sea, bursting a huge column of water, and setting off heavy waves.

The surrounding ships were pushed away under the waves.

"It's him!!"

"Damn it, how could he come here!"

The owner of Thirty-Six Islands stared at the sea.

I saw a jet of water falling into the sky, like a rainstorm, in the fog, everyone only saw a white dress standing above the water.

The man was holding a gorgeous ancient sword, white clothes and black hair, and a face that was not as handsome as what the world should have, and the chill was shrouded at this moment.

The person here is Chu Madman!

When he saw the wreckage of a dozen ships on the sea and a large area of ​​water stained with blood, he knew that he was still a step late, and after all, many people died in the hands of the zombie.

And when he saw the three thousand virgin boys and girls who were howling and crying, there was an incomparably fierce killing intent rolling wildly in his chest.

He glanced at the thirty-six island owners in the sky, and the coldness in his eyes made them feel cold all over.

"Who can tell me what's going on, why Madman Chu is here?!" An island owner said in a little panic.

Today's Madman Chu is too famous in the even if he says he is number one in the world!

"I brought it."

At this time, the old man with a nose appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing him, the Black Wind Island Master's expression changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Sage, what is going on?"

The old man with a nose simply said the matter again.

Then he said coldly: "The threat of Madman Chu is really too great. Today just let the snake **** get rid of this person!!"

The other island owners breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Yes, they still have zombies.

They still know the power of the zombie.

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