Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 562: :Visit 7 love gate, the stubborn Chiyue

"Why is the Saint's Order here? Who are you?"

A disciple couldn't help but ask.

"A madman in Xia Chu."

"Mad Chu?"

When several disciples heard this, their expressions changed again.

If you say who is the most famous in this Dilu now, then there is no doubt that it will definitely be Chu Madman.

Taboo Tianjiao's teamwork is not an opponent of the madman of Chu, and several ancient Daoist besieged and killed have been calmly retreated by the other party. There are few people who can compare these two achievements in Dilu.

"Please wait a moment, I'll go and notify the saint."

A disciple took the saint's order into a streamer and quickly disappeared in place.

Madman Chu didn't worry, and waited on the spot.

But after a while, there was a sound of footsteps behind Chu Kuangren, and at the same time, there was a strong drunkenness in the air.

"This breath..."

Madman Chu looked behind him with a weird expression.

I saw that the woman in red who had threatened to smoke him in the restaurant was flushed and approached the mountain gate with a burp.

That body of alcohol can not help but make people retreat.

How much did this guy drink?

Madman Chu couldn't help taking two steps back.

But he stepped back. The woman in red saw him but her eyes lit up. She stepped forward and hooked his shoulder with one hand, reached out and raised his chin, and said drunkly: "Oh, we still have a lot of beauty. Such a good-looking little brother, this is no better than that crazy man of Chu."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth twitched twice, he pushed away the opponent's hand, and then took two steps back.

"Yo, my little brother is quite shy, what kind of line do you come from, tell me, sister will cover you in the future."

The red-clothed woman smiled, became interested, and teased Madman Chu even harder.

Drunk, she was very different from the coquettish appearance that Kuangren Chu saw in the inn, and she was a little more lazy.

"Senior Sister Chiyue, this fellow Taoist is not from our Seven Love Sect, he is here to find the saint."

"Senior Sister? Don't be funny, except for the silly hat of the Sword Clan, which man will come to see Senior Sister."

The woman in red, Chiyue waved her hand, with a look that you don't tease me.

"He is Madman Chu," the disciple said.

"Who is he, can you say it again?"

"Mad Chu," the disciple repeated.

Chiyue took a deep breath, and immediately after the spiritual power of his body was running, the alcohol in his body was quickly evaporated.

As the sky was steaming, Chi Yue's eyes became more sober, her lazy appearance disappeared, and she stared at Chu Kuangren with a sneer, "You tarnished the reputation of senior sister, right!"

"This matter has nothing to do with me."

"Defile Qingyu, you should fight!"

Chi Yue didn't say much, she shot directly, raised her hand and punched out, and his spiritual power mixed with the sky of alcohol and swept towards Madman Chu.

It's not powerful, and it's more like a temptation.

But just when Quan Jin was about to hit Madman Chu's body, his figure disappeared instantly.

Chi Yue's punch was directly empty.

"Oh, spatial means, interesting."

Chiyue's spiritual thoughts gushed out, and soon locked the trail of Madman Chu, just above her head.

"Come again."

He punched out again, but Madman Chu didn't even look at it, and his figure disappeared again.

"So you can hide?"

Chiyue's eyebrows frowned. This time, she was spurred by her spiritual power, and a tyrannical rhyme burst out instantly, covering the space around Madman Chu.

"Tear the claws!"

When the voice fell, Chi Yue burst out with a sense of great compassion, and he grabbed a claw toward the void, as if to tear the void.

The five claws dashed through the void and fell towards Madman Chu!

"Oh, the meaning of grief." Madman Chu felt a heart-piercing emotion from the other's claw.

Obviously, this is a practice related to emotions.

Not only that, but when the other party performed this method, his heart faintly throbbed.

This feeling tells him that the opponent's practice method is the same source as his decisive finger, mourning palm, and anger fist.

"It seems that I have come right this time."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Then, a spatial fluctuation arose, and Madman Chu broke free of Chi Yue's breath blockade, and disappeared again.

With Chiyue's cultivation base, he wanted to block him.

"What?! Where?"

Chi Yue's expression changed, and she looked for Madman Chu everywhere.


At this moment, Madman Chu's voice came from behind her.

She subconsciously turned around and took a palm.

But as soon as this palm was shot, it was shattered by a more terrifying force, which made her whole person involuntarily regress several steps.

After Chiyue stabilized her body, her **** were already at her throat, and sharp sword energy circulated at the fingertips, cutting off a strand of her hair.

Chiyue's throat rolled, her forehead couldn't help but see a fine cold sweat.

She knew very well that if Madman Chu was willing, it would not only cut off her hair, but also her head.

"If you try again, I'm going to fight back."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Next to him, several disciples of the Seven Love Sect changed their expressions, and when they took out their weapons, they would step forward to help.

"Get out!"

But Chiyue yelled coldly and drank some of the disciples back, "Are you stupid? I'm not an opponent, what good is it for you to go up."

Kuangren Chu put down his hand and said lightly: "I am not malicious when I come to visit. As for the rumors of the outside world, it has nothing to do with me."

"Anyway, my senior sister's reputation is always damaged because of you."

Chiyue said, then looked at Madman Chu up and down, and muttered: "It's really the same as the rumored one, it looks so beautiful."

"The clearer is self-clear, what the outside world says, it has no effect on me, Chiyue, you shouldn't embarrass Daoist Chu for this."

At this time, an indifferent voice came from behind everyone.

I saw the condensed jade stepping into the air, with a cold and refined temperament, and an indifferent expression.

"Senior Sister, you are here, don't I want to give you a sigh of relief."

"You are too foolish, Master knows, and will punish you."

"It's okay. I will hide behind you when the time comes. Master will definitely be reluctant to hit you."

Chiyue smiled, and the relationship with Ning Yu looked pretty good.

Condensed Jade seemed a little helpless to Chi Yue, so he ignored it.

"Friend Chu Dao, don't come here unharmed."

Condensed Yu looked at Madman Chu, and there were some fluctuations in his indifferent eyes.

These days, after she came back, when she entered concentration practice, somehow the figure of the madman of Chu always appeared, which made her puzzled.

Obviously, I have only seen two sides. Why is it so unforgettable?

Is it just because the other party saved his life?

Chiyue glanced at Condensed Jade and looked at Madman Chu, with a pensive expression on her face.

Could it be Sister Sister really moved Fanxin?

My boy, this is incredible.

Chiyue was so scared by this discovery that she almost bit her tongue.

"Friend Leng, I came here by invitation."

"Please, Master and others are already waiting for Fellow Taoist Chu inside."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, then followed Ning Yu into the Seven Love Gate.

"Is he the Madman Chu who has been making a lot of noise in Dilu recently? It looks really extraordinary."

"But apart from being a little more handsome than me, I don't see any advantages. Can he really defeat the team of Taboo Tianjiao?"

"I don't know what this person is doing at Qiqingmen this time?"

Along the way, many people were watching Madman Chu secretly, with curious eyes.

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