Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 563: : Fairy Lengyue, never had it before, so why forget it

Inside the Seven Love Gate Hall.

Fairy Leng Yue, the contemporary sect master of the Seven Love Sect, was waiting for Madman Chu with curiosity in his eyes.

"According to the rumors, from the Sword Clan, Demon Clan, Baijia, and Wang Clan, the four ancient Taoist traditions besieged and killed the Tianjiao who calmly retreated? I don't know what kind of person it is."

Fairy Leng Yue whispered.

Not long after, she saw Condensed Jade, Chi Yue and the others were walking towards the hall.

And behind Chiyue and the two, there was a young man in white.

The young man with white clothes and black hair, Jun Yi Juechen, with a wistful smile on the corner of his mouth, there is an extraordinary temperament in every gesture.

It is as if the fairy in the sky may fly away at any time.

Fairy Leng Yue has a touch of surprise in her eyes. She has seen many beautiful men in her life. When she was young, there were countless beautiful men who pursued her. They could all line up from the gate of Qiqing to Dishan, but those beautiful men are. One could not compare to the Madman Chu in front of him.

It turns out that there are really such otherworldly men in this world.

If someone like Madman Chu had pursued her back then, she wouldn't be single now.

Fairy Leng Yue sighed with emotion.

As soon as she thought about it, she suddenly felt that a rush of heat in her lower abdomen was beginning to jump.

Fairy Lengyue frowned, "No way, just now we met, this poison is on the verge of getting angry, this man is really wicked."

She urged her spiritual power to suppress the fire poison in her body.

As for Condensing Jade, Chi Yue led the Madman Chu into the hall.

Madman Chu glanced at Fairy Leng Yue, and was surprised to see the flushing color on his face that had just receded.

What happened?

Chiyue's face changed slightly, "Master, are you okay."

Although the expression of Condensed Jade next to him did not change much, his eyes still revealed the meaning of inquiry.

"It's okay."

Fairy Lengyue waved her hand, then looked at Madman Chu, and smiled lightly: "Friend Chu Daoist came from afar, and the Seven Loves Gate is greeted."

"Fairy Leng Yue is polite."

While talking, Madman Chu's eyes of insight had been opened, observing Fairy Leng Yue's situation in secret.

"Fairy Lengyue, the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, specializes in one of the ways of sentiment...The poison of fire and desire in her body, she often suffers from the burning of poisonous fire, and the most painful when emotional..."

Madman Chu's eyes showed an unexpected look.

The poison of fire desire?

Unexpectedly, this fairy Lengyue was actually infected with such a poison, no wonder Yu Jade would ask him for the unicorn of Tianhan Ice Python last time.

That single horn is the treasure of the cold attribute, which can be used to restrain the poison of fire desire.

"I've heard Ningyu say that Fellow Daoist Chu has an emperor skill that evokes emotions. I wonder if I can see it."

Fairy Lengyue was not welcome, and asked directly.

Kuangren Chu nodded slightly, and did not deal with the poison of fire desire. It was obviously the privacy of the other party. It was really inappropriate for him to rashly put it forward.

When he raised his hand, he urged the Dao Yun of Anger God Fist.

A wave of anger manifested, intertwined in the void, and turned into a black fist print burning with anger.

After seeing this fist mark, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes lit up, "This power is indeed the cultivation method recorded in the scroll."

"Sure enough, the scroll is also in the hands of the Seven Love Sect. How many copies of the Seven Love Sect has collected?"

Madman Chu asked curiously.

"Then I don't know how many copies are in the hands of Fellow Daoist Chu?" Fairy Leng Yue asked with a smile.

"Three copies."

Madman Chu said the truth without concealing it.

Hearing this, Fairy Leng Yue's eyes lit up, "Unexpectedly, there are three. It seems that Fellow Daoist Chu has a good chance."

"I have five copies in my hands."

Fairy Lengyue also confessed that many disciples of Qiqingmen were walking outside, and many people knew that the Qiqingmen had no need to conceal the Madman Chu.

This kind of thing will be known after a little investigation.

"Five copies, plus three in my hand, then there are eight copies."

Madman Chu's heart moved slightly.

That scroll, a total of nine copies, combined is an extremely powerful practice method, even surpassing all the emperor arts known in the sky star.

That kind of method is too mysterious.

Madman Chu even wondered if it was some kind of practice related to immortals.

If they can gather together, it will definitely help him a lot.

Originally, he only had three scrolls in his hand. If he wanted to gather them all, he would have to wait until the year of the monkey.

But now if you add the five scrolls in the hands of Qiqingmen, you can complete the process by a large amount, and only the last scroll is left.

"I believe that the three scrolls in my hand are not willing to miss the Seven Love Gate, Fairy Leng Yue, I just said straightforwardly. I am willing to exchange these three scrolls with the Seven Love Gate for the rest, how about?" Chu The madman said, anyway, he already knew the emperor spell on the scroll, the scroll itself was not important.

"Oh, these emperor skills are related to the foundation of my Seven Love Sect. I need to discuss this matter with the elders in the clan."

Fairy Leng Yue smiled faintly, and then said to Ningyu next to him: "Ningyu, Daoist Chu came from afar, you can take him down for a walk first."

"it is good."

Condensing Yu nodded slightly, and then she left with Madman Chu.

In the hall, only Chiyue and Lengyue Fairy remained.

Seeing Madman Chu's leaving back, Fairy Leng Yue couldn't help but said with emotion: "I didn't expect that there is such a otherworldly man in this world. Just looking at him, I was almost moved by the fire just now. Burned."

Beside, Chi Yue was a little embarrassed, "Master, you are the head of our Seven Love Sect, image, pay attention to image."

"What can I do? This **** fire poison is just like that. It won't work if you are a little emotional. If you want to blame it, blame the Madman Chu for looking so good."

Fairy Leng Yue curled his lips and said.

"Um...I really can't refute this." Chi Yue also had nothing to say, and then she thought of something, and told Fairy Leng Yue about the strangeness of Condensed Jade.

After listening to Chiyue’s account, Fairy Lengyue’s eyes lit up, “You mean, Ningyu might be touched by her?”

"Well, I'm not sure, but there seems to be this sign." Chi Yue was a little worried.

"This is a good thing."

Fairy Leng Yue showed joy on her face, which made Chi Yue a little confused next to her, "Master, how can this be a good thing? Sister Sister, she practiced the way of forgetting emotions, and once she was emotional, it would be good for her. The road will have a huge impact."

"The most important thing is to forget the words, but Ningyu is born with weak emotions and has never experienced true love. Since there has never been, how can we forget? This is also her forgetfulness. The reason why Tao has not been truly successful."

"But if this time she can really fall in love with someone, and then forget them, then her enthusiasm will be truly great!"

An incomplete Wangqing Dao can create a taboo Tianjiao. If it is a truly great Wangqing Dao, the future achievements of Condensing Jade will be limitless.

This is also the reason why Fairy Lengyue is happy.

"Tsk, I thought there is no man in this world that can make Ningyu's heart beat. This Madman Chu is a good target."

Thinking of Madman Chu, the fire poison that Fairy Leng Yue finally suppressed seemed to be burning again, "It's really troublesome."

"Master, Dao Ren Li is coming soon. This time there is the body of the Celestial Ice Cold Python brought back by Senior Sister. Maybe he has a way to remove the fire poison in your body for you."

"Perhaps, but to be honest, I really don't want to invite him."

Fairy Leng Yue sighed helplessly.

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