Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 567: : I can't do it, refining the essence of the earth veins and stepping into the em

"Daoist Ningyu is a sage of the Seven Love Sect. Whether it is cultivation base or talent, it is the best choice."

Madman Chu held his mind like a wild horse and said lightly.

"You know, I didn't ask you this."

Fairy Leng Yue said quietly.

"Um, what Daoist Leng said, I don't quite understand it." Madman Chu pretended to be confused.

Just kidding, he already has a good name.

This Lengyue Fairy wanted to lure herself into derailment, no way!

"Then I'll just say it, I hope you can make Ningyu fall in love with you."

"Ahem, Fellow Daoist Leng, you can't obey your fate under this forgiveness, and you can't force your feelings. I don't have any thoughts on Daoist Ningyu."

"It doesn't matter whether you have it or not, the main thing is to let Ningyu have it."

Madman Chu became even more confused, "Friend Leng Daoist, you are urging me to seduce fellow Daoist Condensing Desire and let me be... a scumbag?!"

"It's almost what it means." Fairy Leng Yue said, touching his chin.

Madman Chu was dumbfounded.

This master and apprentice have so much feud and resentment.

No, it looks pretty good. Yesterday, the master and apprentice acted as if they could pay for each other. Why did it change in a blink of an eye?

It is said that women are fickle, but this has become too fast.

"Don't get me wrong, I want you to do this, the main reason is to help Ningyu practice, let her fall in love with you, and then forget you, let Wangqingdao truly succeed."

Fairy Leng Yue said.

Hearing this, Kuangren Chu suddenly realized that the co-author was to treat him as a tool man.

"Then what if she can't forget me after falling in love with me?"

"Don't worry about this, I have my own way."

Madman Chu pondered for a while, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, I really can't do this."

Let him deceive a woman's feelings, make the other person fall in love with him, but he doesn't love her, this kind of thing, he Chu Madren can't do it.

"Tsk tusk, it seems I really did not misunderstand you. The more you refuse, it means that your character is noble and that Ningyu did not misunderstand you."

Fairy Leng Yue looked at Madman Chu with appreciation in her eyes.

"Then I promise?"

"That's even better, so that I can use you as a tool without any psychological burden."

Madman Chu: "..."

He shook his head and said, "I heard that Daozi of the Sword Clan likes Daoist Ningyu very much, why not let him help?"

"He? If he had half of you, Ningyu's emotionlessness would have become a big deal."

Fellow Daoist Leng Yue curled his lips.

The Sword Clan's Ken Daozi somehow sneezed and was a little puzzled. After this cultivation level reached his level, would he still catch a cold?

In the Seven Love Sect, Fairy Leng Yue continued: "But this kind of thing really requires you to love me. If you don't want to, I can't force it. These five scrolls have been given to you, and I will let others. I'll arrange a place for you to enlightenment, so go to enlightenment."

"Well, thank you Daoist Leng."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Fairy Leng Yue, who looked at him from behind, smiled faintly: "Friend Chu, you don’t know how attractive you are. Even I am a little moved. Whether you want it or not, but as long as your personality is attractive There, Ningyu's heart touches you, then this matter will become more than half of it."

Then, Fairy Leng Yue called Condensing Yu again.


"Ningyu, I asked you to come here today, mainly because there is one thing I want to tell you, that my teacher wants you to fall in love with someone."

Hearing this, Ning Yu's heart didn't know why, and the figure of Madman Chu appeared immediately.

"Who is the master talking about?"

"Chu Madman."

Condensed Yu's heartbeat slowed by two beats, and his indifferent face was rarely flustered.

Fairy Lengyue saw in her eyes, secretly happy in her heart, there really is a show!


Qiqingmen, in a secret room for practice.

Madman Chu opened the five scrolls one by one and began to comprehend the emperor skills recorded above.

Madman Chu was already familiar with the knowledge of emperor art. With his perverted understanding that is almost indescribable, it took less than a day to fully comprehend these five emperor art. This spread out. , I don't know how many disciples of the Seven Love Sect to scare silly.

You know, even the most enchanting Tianjiao in the Seven Loves Gate takes a year and a half to master the emperor art.

And Madman Chu had realized all five emperor arts in less than a day!

It is not a simple comprehension, but a thorough thoroughness!

Nowadays, even if Fairy Leng Yue came in person, he didn't necessarily dare to say that his understanding of these emperor arts was better than Madman Chu.

"I have mastered the emperor technique, so why not take this opportunity to refine the wood genus earth vein essence and the white spirit divine fruit?"

Madman Chu thought to himself.

He took out these two great treasures, with expectation in his eyes, "This part of the wood-genus earth vein essence is enough to raise my cultivation level to the quasi emperor, and this white spirit divine fruit can make me enter a state of enlightenment and strengthen myself. The perception of Tao."

Speaking of it, Madman Chu's current cultivation base is considered a holy king, if strictly speaking, he is considered the supreme holy king with the foundation of the supreme saint.

Not only him, most of the Taboo Tianjiao are in the realm of Saint King.

The reason why they have the power to rival the Emperor Zhun, in addition to their own foundation, is more important because they, like Emperor Zhun, have already walked out of their own way!

However, their cultivation is still in the category of Holy Realm.

As for the emperor above the quasi-emperor, they are also the quasi-emperor, but they have taken their own way to a point that is difficult for ordinary quasi-emperors.

The madman of Chu first began to refine the woods of the earth vein essence.

In addition to improving the cultivation base, this essence is also a treasure for prolonging life and healing injuries.

Its curative effect, even the emperor's heartbeat.

Madman Chu had reserved a part for Murong Xuan and Shang Qingxue in advance, and he used all the rest for refining.

The effect?

He has an immortal body, what kind of curative does he need?

Besides, he has the Spring Wind Transforming Rain technique, and the curative effect itself is not much worse than this earth vein essence. Coupled with his top healer level, he can heal even this wood-genus earth vein essence is helpless injuries, so why do you keep it? , Take up space?

So he simply took it all for refining.

He took a big mouth, like drinking water, continuously swallowing this wood-genus earth vein essence into his stomach.

The furnace body of heaven and earth will start instantly!

The terrifying oven body quickly transforms these external energy into spiritual power.

The energy contained in these wood-based earth vein essences is extremely huge, and even the top quasi-emperor using the top-notch refining method will take at least one year to refine.

But Madman Chu doesn't need it.

His heaven and earth oven body can quickly refine all the heterogeneous energy in this world.

This earth vein essence is also one of the different kinds of energy.

It takes a year for the Emperor Zhun, and it takes him a day to refine it.

And in this short period of time, his cultivation level is constantly rising, from the one-step holy king to the two-step holy king, the three-step holy king...

In the end, directly break through the threshold of the Holy King and reach the realm of Quasi-Emperor!

Even after reaching the quasi-emperor realm, it increased by a large amount and then gradually stopped. There is no one-step two-step sacred realm division in the quasi-emperor realm. It is only divided into the lower, middle, upper and top according to the spiritual quality. Among the four levels, Dao is more important in Zhundi!

A quasi emperor’s way is stronger, and the deeper his comprehension, even if his spiritual power is not as good as the opponent, he may be defeated!

"Before the emperor's Tao, the Tao is divided into three steps: to find the Tao, to implement one's own Tao, and to prove that the Tao becomes an emperor. The implementation of one's own Tao is divided into five stages: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Peak, Consummation, and Ultimate. The Tao of those emperors, at least It is also complete, even the ultimate!! And the invincible way I have taken is now at its peak."

"I am now a quasi-emperor. With the foundation of the supreme sage, even the top quasi-emperor cannot be better than me in spiritual quality. With the assistance of God's soldiers and other methods, I can face the emperor of the way of perfection. , Can also be defeated!"

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth curled slightly, feeling that he was very powerful now, and his transformation had not yet ended.

He also has a white spirit fruit.

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