Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 568: : Bailing divine fruit, barren forbidden land, their own chances

Bai Ling divine fruit, one of the top ten spiritual fruit.

Not many people have taken this spirit fruit in history, and the most famous one has jumped directly from an ordinary monk to a supreme pride.

He even became an emperor within a hundred years, so this white spirit fruit has been passed on to his god.

Madman Chu looked at the divine fruit in his hand with curiosity in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and took a bite.

With a click, the juice splashed and exploded in the mouth, and a sense of sweetness poured into the body along the throat.

Well, the taste is not bad, just like eating big pears.

Madman Chu took another bite and swallowed the white spirit divine fruit that had spread so much to the outside world, not even the core.

After a while, a strange energy exploded in the abdomen and quickly spread throughout the body.

Immediately afterwards, the madman Chu's mind gradually became ethereal, falling into a certain mysterious and mysterious state of epiphany.

His understanding of Tao is also constantly improving.

And just when the Madman Chu was refining the white spirit divine fruit and entering a state of epiphany, the outside world was already surging.


A barren forbidden land, a place of great opportunity in the Emperor Road.

According to rumors, this place has existed since the beginning of Dilu's formation, and it is the oldest place in Dilu.

And here, there are also a lot of amazing opportunities.

Emperor-level treasures, imperial soldiers, and even the rare emperor's body may be encountered, making countless monks yearn for it.

It's just that there are infinite restrictions here, and it will only be opened when the throne is about to emerge. On weekdays, there are many crises, and it rushes into almost death!

Nowadays, Emperor Mountain has changed, and many of the restrictions in the barren forbidden area have been solved one by one, and various opportunities have emerged one after another, one after another.

The major Tianjiao who wanted to compete for the throne, especially the Taboo Tianjiao, were naturally impossible to miss, and began to go to the barren forbidden land.

In the barren forbidden area.

A certain mountain range.

A fierce battle wave broke out, and the surrounding terrain was affected and continuously broken.

And in the depths of the mountains, colorful rays of light flashed with amazing Taoist rhyme.

I saw a group of monks besieging a five-color giant spider.

This giant spider is very powerful. Judging from its breath, it has reached the level of a top quasi-emperor. It is extremely proficient in the way of the Five Elements. It is just that the monks who besieged it are not weak, and the worst are of the Saint King There are more than a dozen Zhun emperors in cultivation base.

One of the young people's heads had five colors of brilliance, and the mighty power was not much worse than this giant spider.

In the end, under the siege of this group of people, this giant spider could only die with hatred.

And the young man, the taboo Tianjiao of the Wang family, Wang Quan looked at a cave deep in the mountain range, flashed his figure, and rushed in.

Inside the cave, there was a swirling air current, and what appeared in front of the king was a pool of five colors.

"I didn't find the wrong place for this breath. This is the essence of the five elements in the rumors, and it is also the essence of the five elements of high quality. Once refined, my five elements divine chakra can be further sublimated! At that time, it may not be impossible. That madman contends!"

Wang Quan looked at the essence of the five elements, and his eyes were extremely excited.

Then he said to the quasi-emperors outside the cave: "I want to retreat and refine this group of five elements. You are waiting outside."



"The prohibition here is really powerful."

Bai Hongyu raised his hand to condense the seal of worship, and shattered the sword energy emitted by an incomplete restriction.

After spending a lot of spiritual energy, Bai Hongyu finally broke a restriction in front of her, and what appeared in front of her was a flaming red long knife. This knife was gorgeous in shape and was carved with lifelike dragon and phoenix patterns. With extremely strong imperial Dao coercion.

"Emperor Soldier!!"

"This is actually an emperor soldier. According to rumors, many emperors have fallen in the barren forbidden area. It seems that it is true. This emperor soldier must have been left by a certain fallen emperor."

Bai Hongyu looked at the emperor with excitement and rushed forward.

She found some mutilated corpses not far from the imperial soldiers, and there was also a wave of imperial coercion on them.

"Emperor remains! What terrible power is it that can actually destroy an emperor to such a degree, with only a few bones left?"

Bai Hongyu was extremely shocked, and it was terrifying that the barren forbidden area before the prohibition was not unlocked.

But then, she murmured excitedly: "If the emperor's remnant body can be refined, I will definitely be able to break through to the quasi-emperor realm, and this emperor soldier..."

She looked at the imperial soldier, raised her hand and grabbed it.

However, the imperial soldiers burst out with a tyrannical sword light and forced them to retreat.

"I don't believe it can't make you surrender!"

Bai Hongyu's face sank, urging her spiritual power and Daoyun, and rushed up again.

After some contending, this imperial soldier finally approved the worship of Hongyu and recognized it as the master.

"Dragon and Phoenix Red Knife." After some simple refining, Bai Hongyu also learned the name of this knife. The corner of her mouth was slightly tilted, and she proudly said: "Don't worry, follow me by my worshipping Hongyu. You will be famous all over the world!!"

The imperial soldier trembled lightly, making a sound of sword chanting, and the surrounding space was shaking for it.

"When I completely refine the imperial soldiers and the remains of this emperor, Madman Chu, I will definitely step on you!!"

The madman Chu's figure appeared in Bai Hongyu's mind, and a cold color burst into his eyes.


"This is the inheritance of Xuanhuang Tianzun's body!!"

In a space secret realm in the barren forbidden area, Xiao Jingchen who strayed into this place looked at a floating light group in front of him, with a shocking expression.

Xuanhuang Tianzun's body, this is the second strongest physique since ancient times, but he has been deflated many times, let alone Chu Madman, any taboo Tianjiao can hang him.

This made Xiao Jingchen very aggrieved, so when he entered the barren forbidden land this time, he tried hard to find a chance and reverse his destiny. He didn't have much hope at first, but he really didn't expect to really let him He found a great opportunity! !

And it is the most suitable opportunity!

"Being able to enter this secret realm means that you are also the Xuanhuang Tianzun body!"

"This seat is the Great Emperor Moxuan, both the owner of the Xuanhuang Heavenly Venerable Body, but even though he is a great emperor, he still has the limit of lifespan. He came to explore the barren forbidden land in an attempt to find a way to live the second life. Unfortunately, he fell. Here is my legacy."

"Later, after refining this inheritance, you are the heir of my Mo Xuan, don't fall into the prestige of Xuanhuang Tianzun!"

There was an old voice in the light ball.

Immediately afterwards, this light group quickly merged into Xiao Jingchen's body.

And a lot of insights about Xuanhuang Tianzun's body broke out, and Xiao Jingchen's strength began to rise rapidly!

"My way is the way of respecting that day, crushing everything!!"

"When I thoroughly refine this inheritance and exit, it will be the time I sweep the world!!"

"Sword Daozi, Wang Quan, Tu Heng, worship Hongyu and even... Madman Chu! You all wait, Xuanhuang Tianzun body, how can you underestimate it?!"

Xiao Jingchen showed confidence in his eyes.

Each Tianjiao entered the barren forbidden area one after another to explore, and each had a chance.

Everyone is making the final preparations to attack the throne.

And the Seven Love Gate in the distance, the Madman Chu who was in retreat, had a new understanding.

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