Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 976: : He is a madman from Chu, he was frightened, I haven't lost yet

"Your Excellency is my junior sister's friend. In Xia Qinfeng, before my master left the customs, I was in charge of everything in the village."

Qin Feng smiled faintly, he looked at Madman Chu, and then continued: "How did your Excellency and my junior sister meet?"

This person is hostile to himself.

Madman Chu noticed Qin Feng's strangeness, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Before he could speak, Xue Qinxin next to him couldn't help but said, "Brother, there is no need to tell you about my acquaintance with Daoist Chu. This is between me and Daoist Chu."

If I told Qin Feng what he was in danger, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling his mother about it.

When the time comes, I will inevitably be reprimanded.

"Junior sister, you are not deeply involved in the world. This person has a sinister heart and has to guard against it. Brother, this is also for your good." Qin Feng said.

With his words, he almost said that Madman Chu was a bad person.

Xueqin was anxious, "Brother, what do you mean, I am not a kid anymore, so I don't need to worry about it."

"Girl Qinxin, you should listen to your senior brother. He has a sinister heart, and this person is hiding his head and showing his tail. He doesn't even want to show his true face. There must be something tricky." Yuan Xu also sneered.

Then, his figure flashed, trying to catch the aura on Chu Madman's face.


Before Yuan Xu approached, Lan Yu behind Chu Kuangren had already taken the lead and shot out with a punch.

Today's Lan Yu has been inherited from the strongest of the Feathers, and his cultivation has reached the level of the Lord of Heaven, plus the bonus of the Light Fighting Immortal Body, it is not weaker than the King of the Immortal.

And this Yuan Xu is just a giant of the fairy species.

The fists struck each other, and the void shook. Yuan Xu actually retreated several tens of feet, and the energy of flying also dissipated the aura of Lan Yu's face, and a cold, beautiful face suddenly appeared.

When everyone saw it, they were stunned.

Xueqin's eyes also appeared astonishing, and then she was a little bit savage.

It turned out that Fellow Daoist Chu had such a stunning companion.

Yuan Xu, who was flew by a punch, looked at Lan Yu in amazement. Although he was amazed by the beauty of the opponent, he was even more shocked by the strength of the opponent.

You know, he is a giant of the immortal species, and he is definitely the top of the giant of the immortal species, and there is nothing to say that he is second only to the king of the immortal species.

But this kind of him was blasted back by Lan Yu.

Fairy giant?

Is it possible to be the king of the fairy species? !

Thinking of the opponent's strength is not easy, Yuan Xu didn't dare to offend anymore, standing still and not making any moves.

And Qin Feng was also amazed, and solemnly looked at the madman Chu in front of him, "I don't know your name yet."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, "Are you all popular first before asking others' names?"

The sneer in his words is very obvious.

As he spoke, he also lost the aura of his face, and a handsome face appeared, making everyone present a moment of loss.

He looked at Xueqin and said, "Snow Maiden, I have a little fame outside, so I always cover my face with aura. When you come to see you, I forgot to release the aura. This is not mine, sorry."

Xueqin shook her head quickly, "It's okay."

In the crowd.

A fairy stared at Madman Chu, his pupils gradually trembled, and said, "He, he is Madman Chu!!"

Someone recognized Madman Chu.

For an instant, everyone was in an uproar.

You know, today's Madman Chu's reputation in the immortal world is almost as high as the sky, no one can compare it.

For most monks, even immortals, figures like Chu Kuangren are like unattainable gods.

But now, this **** appeared before them.

"Madman Chu, after all, it was you!!"

Yuan Xu was also extremely shocked. Don't look at him before depreciating Madman Chu, but the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the reputation of Madman Chu are so high that his strength is extraordinary.

He just wanted to do something with such a character?

Oh my god.

Was he tired of living just now? !

"It is under, do you have any doubts?"

Madman Chu raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Xu, just this one glance made the opponent feel like an ice cellar, and his whole body trembled!

terror! ! !

Yuan Xu trembled for a while, and couldn't help his legs softening, and then he collapsed directly to the ground, cold sweat on his forehead.

He was actually frightened! !

This scene made the rest of the immortal species full of shock.

I rely on!

This is too scary!

A look in the eyes scared a giant fairy like this.

There are totally two levels of existence!


Qin Feng couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and said in shock, "It turns out that it was Fellow Daoist Chu in person, and it was rude and rude."

He dared not show any hostility anymore.

The lord in front of him is the master who defeats the heavens and the immortals!

One after another offended the Holy City, Shenhuo Mingjiao, Jinshan Temple, and even the lord of the animal race like Wutong Mountain!

The craziness of his behavior is incredible.

Even though Jiuxiao Huanpei Village has a piano crown, it is not as good as the above-mentioned powers in terms of the wheel background.

In other words, if he dare to say a few more things that shouldn't be said, if the other party is not happy, it is possible for him to cut him with one sword.

Anyway, I have offended a lot of immortal Taoism. What is it to offend another Nine Heavens Ring Pei Zhuang?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little soft in his calves, almost like Yuan Xu, he was frightened and fell on the ground.

"Friends of Chu, we don't care about them. You just came to our Jiuxiao Huanpei Village. Let me take you out for a stroll."

Xue Qinxin said.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Then it will be annoying."

After the madman of Chu left, Qin Feng and Yuan Xu were still stunned, and they had not recovered for a long time.

"Unexpectedly, it was these characters who came!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the Madman Chu, who was against the sky and attacking the immortals, would show up in Jiuxiao Ring Pei Village."

"You said that this person will not also come to the Nine Heavens Banquet, right? If this is the case, then this Nine Heavens Banquet will be worth seeing."

"Tsk tsk, it's no wonder that Snow Maiden is so excited. It turns out that her friend is a character like Madman Chu. It's not uncommon to fall in love with such characters."

"I want to hug such a thigh."

Several immortals talked.

And Yuan Xu, who was limp on the ground, had already stood up, his face was a little gloomy, and the immortal giant of his own grand Yuan Divine Dynasty was actually frightened. What kind of style is this spreading out? !

But when he thought of the look in Kuangren Chu's eyes just now, he felt frightened again. The person UU reading was too scary.

"Even the eldest brother, I am afraid it is more inferior than this person. It is rumored that this person has even killed the king of the fairy seed."

Yuan Xu thought weakly in his heart.

If it was someone else, he might still have ideas about it, but facing Madman Chu, he couldn't even think about it.

"Qin Feng, we lost."

Yuan Xu took a deep breath and said.

It's not cost-effective to confront a madman in Chu for the heart of Xueqin.

"No, I haven't lost yet!"

"As long as I get Xianqin's approval at the Nine Heavens Banquet, the master will surely betroth the younger sister to me. This Nine Heavens Ring Pei Village will still belong to me in the end!" Qin Feng's eyes gradually revealed a firm color.

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