Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 977: : Nine Orifices Linglong Jianxin Upgrade, Nine Xiao Banquet Held

Under Xueqinxin's arrangement, the madman of Chu temporarily stayed in Jiuxiao Huanpei Village. As the daughter of Xueqinxin and Qinguan, it couldn't be easier to arrange a few more rooms for them.

Jiuxiao Huanpei Village, in the guest room.

Madman Chu sat cross-legged, he was deducing his own nine-aperture exquisite sword heart, and he wanted to raise this Dao body to the level of an immortal body.

And this process is almost complete.


I saw an incomparably mysterious wave suddenly emitted from Madman Chu's body, spreading out in all directions.

Next to him, Kunwu Sword first sensed this wave of fluctuations, and couldn't help but tremble slightly and let out a crisp sword chant.

And outside the house.

Sword Crown also opened his eyes fiercely, and the Qinglian Immortal Sword in his body trembled. There was an urge to fly out of his body.

"This feeling...Is it the kendo fairy body?! Someone has awakened the kendo fairy body, who is it?!"

"This direction is..."

Sword Crown felt the source of the immortal body's fluctuation, and his face suddenly became a little weird, "It's... the son?!!!"

He found that he couldn't see through the madman of Chu.

Before that, he preached with the piano.

Now I have created another kendo fairy? !

why like this?

"With the son, there are really surprises at all times."

Jian Guan shook his head and smiled.

In the outside world, the mysterious wave from the upgrade of the exquisite sword heart of Jiuqiao into an immortal body enveloped the entire Jiuxiao Huanpei Villa.

In the villa, the sword repairmen who came to participate in the Nine Heavens Banquet suddenly felt, and their expressions changed greatly, and they couldn't believe it.

"Someone has awakened the kendo fairy body!!"

"What kind of fairy body, Xuanyuan sword body? Supreme sword bone? Or the sword fairy body that is not broken by a thousand calamities? But the fluctuations are not like it."

Inside the villa, all the sword weapons in the sword repair body flew out uncontrollably, flying in the direction of Madman Chu.

After a while.

In the sky above Madman Chu's room, countless long swords hovered, and the sword energy from heaven and earth came to face, like a grand welcome to the supreme Wanjian!

This scene shocked I don't know how many sword repairs.

It's not just Jiuxiao Huanpei Village.

Rather, with the Jiuxiao Ring Pei Village as the center, the sword weapons within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles all felt a little, and they made the sound of sword chanting.

As if, like the birth of the king of swords respectfully!

The power of Qinglan Immortal Realm was also shocked by this vision.

"With this kind of breath, a kendo fairy body was born! And it is not an ordinary fairy body, I am afraid it is an advanced kendo fairy body!"

"Five-Rank Immortal Body, Pu, Xuan, King, Emperor, Zun! It may be a king-level immortal body that can cause such a vision."

"In the entire Qinglan fairy world, there has not been a few times a king-level immortal body in history. Who is it? That direction is Jiuxiaohuanpei Village, which is strange. Isn't that the place where a group of luthiers stay?"

The powerful people in the Qinglan fairy world were amazed.

Among them, some people tried to use the method of deduction to figure out what kind of person this awakened king-level immortal body was.

But no matter how these people deduced, nothing was gained.

Some people do not believe in evil and force their deductions.

But in the end they all suffered backlash.

"It can't be deduced...taboo!!"

In a certain pavilion, an old man with a white beard looked pale in the direction of Jiuxiao Huanpei Village, his face full of shock.

"How can such an anomaly exist? The past, the future, and even the present are nothingness!!"

"Even the prophetic son of destiny, there is absolutely no such fate, who is this person who awakens the immortal body?"

Powerful reincarnation?

Taboo in the universe?

Innate gods?

Countless thoughts flashed in the mind of the old man with white beard, and finally he knew that this person would be the biggest taboo in this world! !

And in the Jiuxiao Ring Pei Zhuang.

The Madman Chu, who raised the heart of the Nine Orifices Exquisite Sword to Immortal Body, smiled with satisfaction, and he also sensed the sword flying from the outside world due to the fluctuation of the Immortal Body.

"It's really eye-catching."

Madman Chu curled his lips.

He waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, a long sword flew upside down.

Those Jian Xiu who had been watching hastily rushed up to grab their own swords one by one, and then looked at the room where Madman Chu was in amazement.

"Who is in it?"

"The person who awakens the immortal body must be here, but who is this person? Is there such a person in Jiuxiao Huanpei Village?"

A monk could not restrain his inner curiosity, and his figure flashed, flying towards the room, wanting to find out.

But before he could get close, a majestic imperial aura swept him straight away.

"Get out!"

A cold voice resounded.

Suddenly, a great pressure made everyone's chests like a mountain, and it was almost impossible to breathe.

Everyone dared not neglect, and left quickly.

And in the distance, a young man in a golden robe looked at where Madman Chu was, with a strange color in his golden eyes, "I didn't expect someone in the human race to awaken the kendo fairy body, it's really unexpected."

"It's not just an immortal body, this person's strength is also extraordinary, and he forced everyone back with pressure. Such strength, even if it is not an immortal, is probably a top half immortal."

Beside the youth, a blond old man said lightly.

"Top half immortal? Oh, not to be afraid."

The young man shook his head, "No matter what, the Nine Heavens Ring Pedestal must be obtained. No matter what tricks the piano crown plays, this is absolutely unchangeable."

Inside the room.

Madman Chu adapts to the ability of the brand new Nine Orifice Exquisite Sword Heart. This immortal body can increase the power of swordsmanship and help him understand the origin of the sword, which has some effect on him.

But it's just a few.

Today's Madman Chu, his strength can no longer be greatly improved by relying on one or two immortal bodies.

"The book of physique allows people to master multiple physiques, but too many physiques will only appear chaotic."

"It seems that I have to find a way to solve this problem."

Madman Chu whispered.

"Analyze physique, master physique, upgrade physique, then can all physiques be integrated together?"

"Mix thousands of physiques, turn thousands into one!"

The more Madman Chu thought about it, the more he felt that this was the next direction for him to study the book of physique, but he had only one idea now, and he had not found a breakthrough yet. This matter was impatient.

"First upgrade the rest of the physique to be like a fairy, and after the rest of the physique is improved, it can also help me master more of the power of the source."

Madman Chu secretly thought that he had set his goal on the chaotic body, which was the first physique among the three thousand physiques of the sky star, and was also his next goal to be promoted to a fairy body.

If nothing happens, it won't take long before he can grasp the origin of chaos.

At the time when the Madman Chu was upgrading the Chaos Body, the Nine Heavens Banquet also unfolded as scheduled, and countless luthiers gathered together.

In addition to the piano master, there are also many powerful monks who do not practice the piano, but are still attracted by the Nine Heavens Ring Pei.

It can be seen that the temptation of this fairy tool is great.

Not to mention, the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant is not an ordinary immortal artifact. Qin Guan once said that this Nine Xiaos Ring Pendant is probably a heavenly artifact.

In the Qinglan Immortal Realm, earth immortal artifacts are already rare, let alone this heavenly immortal artifact, which even immortals will be very excited.

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