Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 978: : Dragon Island of Shenlong Island, the piano crown appeared, 9 Xiao ring wear

"The Nine Heavens Ring is well-known, but it has never been seen before. Today I finally have the opportunity to witness it with my own eyes."

"Yes, I don't know what the appearance of the fairy qin in this rumor is really exciting."

On an empty schoolyard in the Nine-Xiaohuan Pei Zhuang, a group of luthiers and monks gathered, just to get a glimpse of the legendary charm of the fairy.

"Nine Heavens Ring, this thing is none other than me!"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a white-clothed middle-aged slowly walking up with a guqin on his back, his breath flowing, revealing a strong original wave.

Although they are not immortal, they are not far off.

This person is already the top half immortal on the road to becoming immortal.

Seeing him, everyone couldn't help in an uproar.

"It's him, Tianyue Qin Master!"

"It is said that this person has survived the Nine Tribulations of the Three Plagues and Nine Tribulations. His strength is second only to the immortal."

"This person is also the most top-notch person in the Qin Dao besides the Qin Guan. This Nine Heavens Banquet, he really came."

Everyone looked at the middle-aged in white, a little surprised.

At this time, there was Xianhui circulating not far away, accompanied by an astonishing sword intent, a man in a green shirt walked slowly.

Seeing this person, some people's pupils shrink slightly.

"It turned out to be him, one of the Qinglan double swords, the lone feather of Linghuang Mountain, one of the twelve kings of the immortal species!"

"Unexpectedly, even the King of Immortal Seed would come forward."

Qinglan Double Swords, the two most outstanding swordsman fairy species of the young generation in the Qinglan fairy world, the Dugu Yu of Linghuang Mountain, and Ye Feichen, the great brother of the Longyin Sword School, are all one of the twelve fairy species.

Duguyu glanced across the crowd, and said indifferently: "Someone here has awakened the kendo fairy body a few days ago, I don't know who it is?"

When everyone heard the words, it was a surprise.

It turned out that it was attracted by the Sword Dao Immortal Body. This Duguyu was a sword repairer, and it was reasonable to be attracted.

It's just that Madman Chu is a simple one these days, and no one knows that he has awakened the kendo fairy.

After some inquiries were fruitless, Duguyu stepped aside and said no more. In addition to looking for the swordsman immortal, he also wanted to see the so-called Immortal Qin Nine Heavens Ring Pei.

Tianyue Luthier and Duguyu appeared one after another, adding a lot to this Nine Heavens Banquet, and then some famous luthiers or monks also came one by one.

"It's Yuan Xu, the prince of the Great Yuan Dynasty. This person is one of the top immortal giants."

"Fairy Qingyue, she is here too. This person and Qin Feng, the champion of the piano, are also known as the dragon and phoenix of the younger generation."

"There is also Shang Chanjuan. This person is also a good disciple of the Qin Guan. It is said that this man has gone to the side of the Qin Dao Sword and is called the Magic Qin. He is not happy for the Qin Guan. He has traveled all year round, and now he is back.

In a loft not far away, Madman Chu looked at the young immortals that appeared one after another, and everyone in Qindao couldn't help but yawn, "When will the Nine Heaven Ring come out?"

He came here to wear the Nine Heavens Ring.

As for the others, he didn't care at all.

"Mother will be able to leave the customs today, and then Daoist Chu will be able to see the Jiuxiao ring, but Daoist Chu, do you know the piano?"

Xue Qinxin asked curiously.

The Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Understand a little."

Hearing his words, the sword crown, the little fox showed a different color, one could not help rolling his eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched twice.

Know a little bit?

Have you all preached with the violin, do you just know a little bit? !

Xueqin didn't think too much about it. It was true that Madman Chu only knew a little bit. After all, who would want to have an awakened kendo immortal body with swordsmanship able to prove the way with the qin? ?



Just as the Madman Chu was waiting for the Nine Heavens Ring Pei to appear, a dragon chant suddenly came from the sky.

I saw the sea of ​​clouds rolling, a golden dragon shadow rising above the clouds and driving the fog, unparalleled in power, and the terrifying coercion shocked the audience.

Madman Chu couldn't help but be attracted, "Dragon Race..."

The golden dragon turned into a handsome man in a golden robe, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"The Dragon Race from Shenlong Island is here too!!"

"Damn, have even the beasts come to join in the fun?"

"Five genera of true dragons, this dragon is golden in whole body, if it is metal, tut, I have never heard of anyone in Shenlong Island who is good at piano art."

Everyone took a breath.

They looked at the golden dragon with surprise.

"I am Jinyi of Shenlong Island, come to pick up the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant today!"

Jin Yi said lightly.

Everyone frowned slightly.

Listening to the other party's words, it seems that the Nine Heavens Ring Pendant is bound to win. If you compete with the other party, does it mean that you are an enemy of Shenlong Island?

Thinking of this, most people have already retreated.

Shenlong Island is definitely the top power in the Qinglan Immortal Realm. It originated from the ancient immortal period. Compared with them, even the fairy-level Taoism like the Holy City and the Holy City are slightly inferior.

Enemy with them, there is no shocking background, purely looking for death.

"The Nine Heavens Ring Wear, the capable one lives. If the true dragon can be recognized by the Nine Heavens Ring Wear, then it will naturally be yours."

A cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a lavender guqin filled with celestial glory descending from the sky and falling in front of everyone with a majestic aura. There were many piano masters and monks who were shaken back several feet.

A graceful figure swept out from the depths of the villa and came to Guqin. The person who came here was dressed in a white long dress, plain and elegant. Without powder, he was already beautiful as an immortal, which amazed everyone.

This person is the Qin Guan.

And the guqin in front of her is the purpose of everyone here. It is rumored that no one can play the ancient xianqin...the ring of nine heavens!

"Is this the Jiuxiao Ring Pei? It really deserves its reputation."

"What a wonderful fairy piano."

Everyone looked at the Jiuxiao ring, their eyes a little fiery.

Jin Yi's eyes gleamed even more, "The phoenix tree is the face and the purple shirt is the bottom. It is indeed the rumored xianqin, the ring of nine heavens!"

"Longzi has good eyesight, but if you want to play this piano, you still have to see what you can do." Qin Guan said lightly.

When she waved her sleeves, a stone table appeared, and the Nine Heavens Ring was placed on the stone table. Then, a series of restrictions were distributed in the void around them, crisscrossing like strings.

"Everyone, Jiuxiao Ring Wear is here, and the Nine Xiao Banquet begins, but Xianqin does not allow mediocre people to get involved. Those who want to try to play the Nine Xiao Ring Wear, first pass the prohibition placed by me." Qin Guan said, then stepped aside.

Not far away, Xue Qinxin walked up.

"Mother, you are finally out."

"Yeah." Qin Guan smiled and nodded slightly. Then, she looked at the Madman Chu who came behind him, her pupils shrinking slightly.

Especially after seeing the sword crown, he took a deep breath and said lightly: "Li Juexin, you are finally back."

"Ha, old friend, long time no see."

Jian Guan smiled faintly.

Qin Guan then looked at Madman Chu, his eyes lit If I guessed right, this handsome boy is Madman Chu. "

"I have seen the piano crown."

The mad man saluted.

"Sword Crown, you really followed him."

"Yes." Jian Guan nodded slightly.

Qin Guan looked at Madman Chu carefully, "You must be superior to someone who can be followed by the sword crown. In the past few days, I haven't been able to entertain me in retreat, but I am negligent."

"Qin Guan is polite. We are already grateful for Xue Mai's hospitality these days." Chu Madman smiled lightly.

Several people made a few polite words.

Then, he set his sights on Jiuxiao Banquet.

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