Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 985: : The past of Jianguan, the condition of reaching the academy

The strength of the sword crown is far better than that of the demon immortal who was beheaded by the madman of Chu. He had to leave, even if the sword crown wanted to keep it, he couldn't keep it.

Jian Guan looked at the direction that Dao Guan was leaving, thoughtfully, "His strength is stronger than before."

His figure flashed and returned to the battleship, and Madman Chu glanced at him and said lightly, "You are injured."

"Small injury."

Madman Chu raised his hand to urge the spring weather to transform the rain, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth mixed with the original source, rushing toward the sword crown.

This emperor technique has been promoted to the level of immortality by him, even for immortals, it has a good effect.

Jian Guan's injuries quickly recovered, "Thank you, son."

"You fought the sword crown back then, what happened?"

Madman Chu asked with some interest.

Hearing this, Jian Guan showed a little nostalgia, "It's all old things. Back then, I and Dao Guan met for a battle..."

Many years ago, the prestige of the seven crowns reverberated throughout the Qinglan fairy world. Its popularity was unparalleled. Moreover, the sword crown was the first among the seven crowns. In order to confirm his swordsmanship theory of defeating the swordsmen in the world, he was appointed to fight the sword crown.

At that time, the sword crown was very energetic, so naturally he agreed.

It's just that, during the time when the war agreement came, Jianguan met a woman who said that the hero was saddened by Beauty, even the original Jianguan was the same.

In getting along with this woman day and night, he inevitably gradually fell in love with this woman. He traveled north and south with this woman and spent the happiest time in his life.

From then on, there was only a sword crown in his life, and there was more concern.

Later, Jian Guan went to fight for an appointment, only to find that the woman he loved was actually Dao Guan's fiancee!

This incident caused Jian Guan's heart to be in chaos? Eventually, he lost to Dao Guan, and thus became a waste? Hanging around in the wine shop.

"Hey, this sword crown is so slick. I actually sent my fiancée out to seduce you, and then disturbed your mind during the duel, so I can find a hat for myself? I heard it for the first time."

The madman of Chu was amazed.

"Do you hate that woman?"

Next to? Xueqin asked curiously.

"I hated it at first, but then I let it go? Her family is attached to Jianhai Buried. She has no choice at all? She is also a poor person." Jian Guan shook his head and smiled.

"You are quite broad-minded."

Madman Chu teased, and then stopped asking more.

Several people continued to march towards the Hundred Colleges.

And Madman Chu also continued to go back to retreat, upgrade his Taoist body? In order to master more power of the source.

Now he? Looking around? Almost all enemies? A sword crown is no longer enough to guarantee his safety.

He needs stronger strength.

Another two months.

A few people from Madman Chu finally came to a hundred academies? This academy is located in the mountains? The academy is very large? Covering a radius of one million miles.

And in this academy, there are endless peaks and fairy waterfalls, rare and exotic animals galloping across the earth, soaring in the sky, and there are a number of suspended islands, the fairy splendor? Just like a fairy family.

In addition, the madman Chu felt a completely different aura in this academy? There are monsters, humans, outsiders...

These breaths are mixed together, and they live together here.

"It is rumored that this academy has no kind of teaching, it seems that it is true."

Madman Chu whispered.

"Some friends come from afar, friends, I don't know if I can come to Tianyi Pavilion to tell them." A voice came into Chu Kuangren's ears from afar.

This is the senior of the academy wanting to meet Madman Chu.

And he was not surprised.

Now that he is not small in the Qinglan fairy world, he has offended all the major forces one after another, and he is surrounded by sword crowns. When he visits hundreds of academies, these people cannot easily sit back and watch.

"Snow Maiden, I will meet you gentlemen first."

Madman Chu said lightly.

In the next instant, he and Jianguan disappeared in place at the same time.


Tianyi Pavilion.

A place to pick up guests and discuss matters in a hundred academies.

Today, most of the twelve gentlemen from the 100 colleges are gathered here, including Mr. Da.

It can be said that with the exception of the dean, almost all the senior members of the 100 academies are here, and they only want to meet one person.

Shortly after.

Outside Tianyi Pavilion, a young man in white came with an old man.

The gentlemen in Tianyi Pavilion suddenly condensed their eyes, looking at the white-clothed young man who came slowly, carefully looking at each other.

"This is the Madman Chu who has recently risen to fame. He doesn't have the aura of thunder robbery. He has not yet set foot on the road to becoming immortal."

"But, how did he do it against the sky?"

"It's weird, so chaotic, I can't perceive what Dao he cultivates, what origin..."

Everyone looked at the coming young man, and the more they looked, the more they were surprised.

Madman Chu also entered Tianyi Pavilion with his sword crown, and saw several gentlemen in front of him, including men and women, old and young...

The one with the worst cultivation level is also the top half immortal. The two sitting in the middle are even immortals.

And it's not an ordinary fairy, but a third-grade fairy!

It is at the same level as Seven Crowns.

The omniscient spirit of Madman Chu was turned on, and after an analysis, the gentlemen in front of him were immediately resolved.

"In Xia Chu madman, I have met you all."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

"You don't need to be polite to Chu Daoyou. I don't know why Dao Dao Chu visited one of my 100 colleges?" A gentle middle-aged smiled. This man was dressed in a blue shirt and had a long breath. He was the master of the academy.

Madman Chu didn't go around the circle, and said straightforwardly: "I heard that there is a sea of ​​books in the academy, and there are hundreds of classics in the collection. I want to get into it."

"As long as all the disciples of the academy can enter the sea of ​​books, it is not difficult for Fellow Taoist Chu to request this." Mr. Da smiled faintly.

"Conditions." Madman Chu said. The other party promised so simply and neatly, he wouldn't think that the other party would have nothing to do.

Mr. Da smiled faintly: "Friends of Taoist Chu are quick to talk, then I will say it straight, sword crown and swordsmanship is superb, and Taoist friends of Chu are skilled in medicine, and they are both talented. I want them to teach in the academy."

"Oh, how do you know my medical skills are so good?"

"Isn't it because Daoist Chu healed the sword crown, he chose to follow you?" Mr. Dao asked with a smile.

It is not difficult for them to find out this.

"Being a teacher, it's a novel experience, yes, but let's say it first. With so many disciples in the academy, I can't teach them all. You decide who you want to teach and how you teach, I have the final say."

Madman Chu said.

" Then I will follow the Taoist friends of Chu."

After some conversation.

Kuangren Chu stayed in the academy for the time being, and soon, the fact that two new teachers came to the academy spread quickly.

Sword crown, madman of Chu.

These two names caused a great sensation in the college.

"Jian Guan is coming to teach at the Academy?"

"My God, this, this, the academy's mighty! Even the famous sword crown can be invited. This is a figure standing on the top of kendo. If you can get his advice, you will definitely benefit a lot."

"Wait, Madman Chu... isn't this the peerless immortal species who defends against the sky? He has also come to teach in the academy."

"Tsk tusk, these two are incredible characters."

"The college is going to be lively now."

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