Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 986: : A sea of ​​books, a wide range of books, there are poems and books in the belly

The academy arranged accommodation for Madman Chu and Jianguan.

As for coaching, there is no clear statement yet, and Jianguan doesn't care much about coaching.

Pointing to a group of juniors couldn't be easier for him.

the next day.

Madman Chu came to the sea of ​​books among hundreds of academies.

Shuhai is actually the library of a hundred academies, but under the name of Shuhai, it can be seen that the collection of books here is rich.

The one who guards the library is a beautiful woman.

This person is the fourth gentleman of the college.

She was sitting at the door of Shuhai, reading a book in her hand, and nodded slightly when she saw Madman Chu coming.

Madman Chu also replied.

He glanced at the classics in Mr. Si's hands. It was a medical book. Isn't this Mr. Si good at medicine?

"Mr. Shuyuan, each has his own strengths. I specialize in medicine. I have seen sword crown injuries, but I am helpless. Fellow Taoist Chu can cure them. If I have the opportunity, I will ask for advice."

Mr. Si smiled faintly.

"it is good."

Madman Chu did not refuse either.

He walked into the book sea and looked at the endless collection of books in front of him. He couldn't help but admire. He heard that the book sea of ​​this academy had special book boys searching for new classics all over the fairy world, and the scale of the book sea was continuously expanded.

So, this book of books is still increasing.

Even if it is an immortal, thinking is not a simple matter, let alone understanding it thoroughly.

This is something immortals can't do.

The madman of Chu's mind moved, and the entire book of books came to mind, arrays, alchemy? Runes, different smells? Geography and astronomy, physiognomy medical books, Qimen Dunjia, practice classics...

It can be said to be all-inclusive, including a hundred.

This sea of ​​books? It is a treasure of knowledge that ordinary monks can hardly want to leave!

There was a different color in Madman Chu's eyes? He continued to perceive it for a while with his thought power, but after a while? Can't help but frown.

He came here to find a way to create his own source.

It's just that although there are so many books in this sea of ​​books, there is no knowledge about this.

Think about it too, create your own source? This kind of thing is unheard of in the fairy world? How can there be records in ancient books?

He shook his head? "Such a thing? It's already been expected. Since there is no? Then I will create it."

He didn't feel discouraged either.

To create the source? Must a large amount of theoretical knowledge support? The knowledge in this book sea? Just can become his resources.

Can't you? Come here for nothing, right?

He took out a classic and began to read it? He read it very fast, and when his mind moved, countless words recorded in a book automatically came to mind.

But this is just reading the text? If you want to understand it thoroughly, it depends on the comprehension of the Madman Chu.

Coincidentally, the most powerful aspect of Madman Chu is insight.

The three souls of heaven, earth, and man came out together, and he realized that the creation of the book sea is astonishingly fast, and he has read hundreds of classics in one day, and he did not simply memorize them, but complete them thoroughly.

Not far away, Mr. Si frowned slightly.

She naturally noticed the behavior of Madman Chu, could she really learn anything from reading the book? Still, is he looking for something?

Mr. Si was puzzled, but didn't ask much.


Ten days passed.

The madman of Chu watched thousands of classics in these ten days, which involved various theoretical knowledge.

Pills, symbols, formations, weapons, swords, etc., he had already learned a lot, but for him, they also had a certain effect.

Before he knew it, he was immersed in a sea of ​​books, absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

Gradually, a peculiar brilliance appeared on him, and that brilliance was mysterious, and it seemed to contain countless characters.

When Mr. Si saw this, his pupils shrank slightly, "Such a strange walk is...with a poem and book spirit in his stomach!! Only a monk who is educated about heaven and humans can have a strange walk, and fellow Taoists of Chu also have it?!"

Abdominal poetry and gas from China.

A monk with rich knowledge will have a different temperament on his body, and a person with rich knowledge will have an obvious temperament.

It can even condense out different walks.

That is to say, the madman Chu is full of poetry and literature.

"Throughout the ages, there have been few people who have been able to go this way. Among the twelve gentlemen, only the big one has."

"Unexpectedly, Madman Chu realized such a strange walk in the book sea for ten days. Is he a born scholar?!"

Mr. Si said with some uncertainty.

She informed the other gentlemen of the matter.

Soon after, Mr. Da, Mr. Er and others gathered in the sea of ​​books and couldn't help but marvel when they looked at the madman Chu with a strange glow on his body.

"It's really proud of poems and books. This person is a natural scholar. The books he reads are turned into his heritage."

"It's extraordinary."

"This person has come to my 100 colleges."

"Don't disturb him."

The gentlemen were very surprised, but they didn't bother.

As time passed, Madman Chu had a lot of books to read, and his aura grew stronger.

A month later, Madman Chu's brilliance gradually diminished, and he slowly opened his eyes, "The harvest is not bad."

Shuhai has too many books, he hasn't finished reading it, maybe even less than one percent, but this has already benefited him a lot.

After watching it for a month, it was very exhausting to his mind, so he decided to go back and rest for a few days before coming back.

When he was out of the book sea, he noticed that Mr. Si looked at him with a weird look, and he couldn't help being curious, "Mr. Si, something is wrong?"


Mr. Si shook his head.

She was Lu Fa who couldn't see through the young man who was just a fairy. Obviously, she had practiced a strange path that a scholar dreamed of, but the other party didn't care about it.

As if nothing happened.

"Then I will leave first."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Mr. Si said with a somewhat complicated gaze: "Perhaps it is this indifferent temperament that allows him to realize this strange walk with poetry and literature."

Most scholars in the world do not really like to read, and most of them read for fame and fortune.

Mortals have a cold window for ten years, only for one high school, and they are famous all over the world.

The monks read, studied for a hundred years, and felt for thousands of years, in order to develop a more powerful practice.

Even she, staying in this sea of ​​books for thousands of years is not just to improve her cultivation and medical skills to the next level. UU reading

There are very few people who can really study indifferent to utilitarianism.


"You have a poem and calligraphy in your belly. I didn't expect such a harvest from entering the sea of ​​books this time, but it is an unexpected joy."

After Madman Chu returned to his residence, he noticed the strange walk he had realized, and he couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly, quite satisfied.

This strange walk can better help yourself study.

According to his guess, he had realized this strange move because he was too savvy, and he had absorbed too much knowledge in a short time, and then evolved this strange move.

"Shuhai has to go again."

"I don't know what level will this strange move evolve after I thoroughly understand all of the books in the book sea?"

Madman Chu thought curiously.

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