When Xu Pingan and Wu Sikai were talking about the supermarket, they were also holding a high-level meeting for the company, and all the high-level faces were unsightly, and many people still had angry expressions on their faces.

"Or we should also learn from Tianqi Group and directly cancel the free authorization to the US Telecom Company and start charging. Anyway, they will not sell our products. There is no need to get used to them." Tao Fangzhe looked angry.

In order to cultivate the company for many years in the communication field, it has obtained a lot of patents. It can be said that the telecommunications companies of various countries cannot avoid being the company's patents. They have been working hard to open up the American market for the company.

As a result, they were targeted again and again. When everything had been negotiated with the U.S. telecom company to sign the contract, the U.S. telecom company directly repented and gave no explanation.

Just received the news that the largest e-retailer did not give any explanation for the direct removal of Weiwei’s mobile phones, which made Weiwei a little unacceptable.

Targeting again and again, paying a lot for the company for the U.S. market, but gaining nothing, for the company through hard work, the U.S. market that was slowly won was cut off abruptly!All efforts are in vain!Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"It's useless, we all know that this is the suppression from the United States, and those companies are also helpless" Boss Ren said, this sentence reaches the root.

"I suggest that we abandon the US market directly, invest all the funds used in the US market into research and development, increase our patent reserves, and consolidate other markets first. It is better than this." Meng Weihua said directly.

"I think it's okay. There is no place to stay here. We don't need to be hot and cold." An Zhongxin also expressed his opinion, agreeing to completely withdraw from the US market.

"I can't figure out one thing, why the United States did not target the Apocalypse Group, and Apocalypse mobile phones entered the American market. There is no obstacle at all. This is why" Liang Hongying frowned and said.

"The reason why Apocalypse phones are not made things difficult is very much related to Xu Ping'an. The U.S. country has a bit of hooligans against Xu Pingan. Don’t forget, before the Apocalypse phones entered the U.S. market, Xu Pingan used super fish oil to deal with the U.S. A hand"

"Unfortunately, we were not optimistic about the Tianqi Group at the time. As a result, Xu Ping'an turned over for Yunfushouweiyu and reached an understanding with the United States. It is incredible that the matter can be resolved peacefully after such a big trouble," Jiang Guanghua said directly.

"The company that threatens the United States to retreat is the Tianqi Group, and what I can't figure out is why Guoguo Company, Guge Company and other Internet companies do not suppress Tianqi Group."

"I think there must be something we don't know" Tao Fangzhe said with a frown.

"It is true. Tianqi Group is also the same in the European market. It went smoothly and weird, and basically did not suffer any difficulties. In order to open the European market, we spent more than ten years, and during the period, we paid a lot of manpower and material resources." Duan Enqi Can't help but say something.

“The Apocalypse Group’s set is not suitable for us. Xu Ping’an started with super fish oil and had a patent monopoly for 20 years. You all know the story of the trouble with the United States that year. All the internal demonstrations in the United States have come out.

"This shows that countries are dependent on super fish oil. We don't have this advantage. One more thing, the reason why we developed is based on free patent authorization.

"Once we start to charge the United States, then other countries, we will not be willing to charge the other party, and will retaliate against us, only charge for the United States, the United States will definitely not agree to us, will sanction us, so we cannot charge for the time being"

"We have a lot of competitors, and we can't be unique." Boss Ren said directly, and everyone was silent.

"However, we have to work around with 5G patents and learn some techniques of Tianqi Group. We can't do it for free. We can charge low fees instead of charging nothing. This will benefit us a lot."

"Tianqi Group has developed a counter-attack all the way, which has a lot to do with Xu Pingan's character. The young people are full of enthusiasm. Looking at his decision, they have halted Vietnam's super fish oil for two years."

"After the collapse with South Korea, it was only reconciled at the end of last year. Each of the four major families in South Korea compensated him by one billion Chinese yuan. Looking at the losses caused to South Korea during this period, it is an astronomical figure."

"It is Xu Ping'an's brutal method that has deterred many people and won space for the peaceful development of Tianqi Group. Now it is unrealistic for who wants to suppress Tianqi Group."

"It now seems that Xu Ping'an has really taken this step right. It is worth our thoughts. We lack a kind of deterrent, so those people want to bite us." Boss Ren said with a long sigh.

The boss of Tianqi Group knows a lot about what happened to Tianqi Group. In particular, Tianqi Group directly cancelled all recruitment. Xu Ping'an has this kind of courage, but he does not have such courage.

“I’m very surprised that our investment in research and development is not less than that of Tianqi Group. Why Tianqi Group’s research institute has made breakthroughs so quickly that no other company has such a speed. That’s why,” Ning Yao said with a frown.

Ning Yao is responsible for researching and developing a piece for the company. He has been paying attention to the Tianqi Group Research Institute and found that the Tianqi Group Research Institute has obtained a large number of patents in recent years, and has invested a lot for the company. Why is there no such effect.

"I can give you a little explanation on this point. First, you can look at the experimental equipment of the various research institutes of Tianqi Group. All of them are the world's top-notch, and the hardware is the world's largest."

"Many of our experimental equipment is designed and made by ourselves. Because of the blockade on us, we can't get any sophisticated equipment."

"It is said that many of the equipment in the Tianqi Comprehensive Laboratory is shipped to China with spare parts, and then assembled by the personnel of these equipment manufacturers. I don't know how to play it. It is said that this is a violation of some national laws. of"

"But you have seen it. Now what equipment is Xu Ping'an purchasing? Is there any blockade, including some products from the United States."

"Because the blockade is useless. If you block, Xu Ping'an can still get equipment from other channels. We lack this kind of flexible means."

"Second, it is the problem between the researchers and the database. The several major research institutes of Tianqi Group have internal data exchange and assembled several supercomputers for maintenance. Researchers can inquire according to their authority. The wisdom of the East and the West will collide, and the probability of breakthrough will naturally be It's a lot higher"

"The last reason is the internal management of Tianqi Group. You all know how many employees have been sent to prison by Xu Pingan in the past two years. The strict internal management can be called the world's first."

"According to the grapevine, many people have been handled secretly. This harsh method is also a deterrent to the outside world. Last year, I discussed this issue with the president of Deco headhunting company when I was in a meeting abroad."

"The dark power in the hands of the Tianqi Group is very strong, and it has secretly fought with several organizations more than once. For any organization targeting the Tianqi Group, Xu Ping'an will fight with one word, and will never negotiate."

“One of the organizations wanted to put a nail in when Xu Ping’an was recruiting assistants. After Xu Ping’s knowledge later, he directly issued a $2 billion reward on the dark web.”

"The reward and power in hand has caused great losses to this organization, and many Americans have died among them. After this happened, basically no one has secretly attacked the Tianqi Group."

"We have also established research institutes abroad. As you all know, our information was stolen cleanly. In the end, we abolished the foreign research institutes and only kept the domestic research institutes."

"The third reason is because of the credibility issue. Let's see how Xu Ping An treats Dr. Luck, Dr. Nilun, Dr. Karen, Miao Yong, etc."

"Xu Ping'an played very smoothly with the method of buying horse bones by daughters. He was called [Friends of Scientific Research]. This title has brought great convenience to Xu Ping'an."

"Ning Yao, you should have seen the researchers recruited by the major research institutes of Apocalypse in the last two years. Many of them are very talented young researchers. Moreover, many research institutes have left many people and entered more. Fresh blood has always been added. Never stopped"

"The old project leader has achieved results and left with a bonus. The new project leader is younger, and if you look at the general managers of those research institutes, all of them are very skilled."

“Xu Ping’an is also very skilled. If you don’t say anything else, let’s just say that this time the solo aircraft exchange competition. Although Xu Ping’s spent several hundred million, he got even more. He spent several billions on purchasing technology. These technologies are perfect for perfection. Tianqi Group’s own single-man aircraft project is very helpful"

"You have all seen the effect of the translator. It can be said that the effect is already leading the world. However, this product does not meet the internal standards of Tianqi Group and needs to be improved. This shows that Tianqi Group is harsh on products. Claim"

"This kind of request is appreciated by many foreigners who have used the trial version. They think that Tianqi Group is a company of responsible persons and that Tianqi Group's products are representative of high-tech."

"A company in the U.S. did not give up and directly sponsored the Davos meeting. As a result, it was rejected by all those who had used the Apocalypse translator. The performance difference was too much, and they had to give up."

"This is the result obtained by foreign media interviewing their natives. There is no way to fake it. This shows the quality of Tianqi Group's products. This is worth learning."

"The quality of our talents is not as good as that of Tianqi Group. This is the fundamental reason why Tianqi Group Research Institute can make breakthroughs, but other companies cannot make breakthroughs," said the boss, helplessly.

Xu Pingan's approach is impossible for the company to copy, not just for the company to copy, it is difficult for any company in the world to copy, such a play requires a large amount of money, and ordinary enterprises who dare to play like this will definitely be dragged to death.

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