Start the era of black technology

Chapter 401 Why does the president specify the scope of activities

You can invest funds, you can't copy the hands of the helm, and it is even harder for you to copy in terms of management. These two are the most difficult aspects.

Boss Ren looked at the crowd, they all had a thoughtful expression, nodded with satisfaction, and when they knew the shortcomings, they rushed to catch up. This is the foundation for the rapid growth of these years.

"We announce that we are withdrawing from the U.S. market. If we continue to continue, it will be a waste of manpower and material resources. We will spend this part of the funds on our research and development. As long as our products are of good quality, customers will beg to buy."

"It's like Super Paint. Why are those companies rushing to send money to Tianqi Group? Because of the effect of Super Paint, they can't refuse. At the same time, they still look at Xu Ping'an's face and make Xu Ping an unhappy. for"

"I believe we will make a product like this. Self-improvement is our way out," the boss of Ren said directly.

"We have withdrawn. I don't know that the Mi Congress will not target Tianqi Mobile Phone Company. Tianqi Group is a strategic partner with us. Do we need to remind us," Tao Fangzhe followed.

"This needs to be reminded. Now is the time when we need our Tianchao enterprises to unite with each other. I will give Xu Ping'an a call after the meeting." Boss Ren said directly, and many people nodded afterwards.

Tianqi Group cooperates very closely with Weiwei Group. Not to mention, Tianqi Group does not participate in the communication conference, but authorized it to Weiwei Group and handed its own vote to Weiwei Group.

Coupled with the advantages of Tianqi Group in millimeter wave, it is a great help to the group and gives the company more advantages at the International Communication Conference. This is a very big support.

J City, Tianqi Group headquarters, Fang Changlin, Jiang Zhichao and Fan Yecheng formally joined the company. Fan Yecheng formally signed an employment contract with Tianqi Group.

Fang Changlin serves as the general manager of Tianqi Agriculture Group, Jiang Zhichao serves as the deputy general manager to focus on planting management, and Fan Yecheng serves as the sales director to focus on sales.

Xu Ping'an arranged for the three of them to leave tomorrow and head straight to the northeast to inspect the market contracted land registration company. They were accompanied by personnel from the finance and legal department. They were required to submit an agricultural company development report for half a month, and Xu Ping'an personally reviewed it.

After dismissing these three people, Yan Lihua brought a few more people over for an interview. These people are all talents in supermarket management, and they are all veterans who have been in the industry for many years.

Li Yunfeng works at the headquarters of a large supermarket chain in China as the manager of the purchasing department of the supermarket chain. He has been in the business for eight years and is an experienced player.

Wu Chaoyang, the purchasing manager of a large foreign supermarket, is responsible for purchasing goods in the heavens and has many years of practical experience.

Zhao Tongfu, the general manager of a large supermarket chain in China, last year, after the supermarket chain he worked for was acquired by an e-commerce platform, he quit his job and rested at home, and returned to look for work this year.

Xue Jinyan, the manager of the cost control department of a large domestic supermarket, resigned last year due to family reasons. After Xue Jinyan handled the family matters and wanted to return to the company, the company no longer had his position and could only find another job.

Xu Pingan met with all four of them to talk, and found that all four of them have practical experience. After communicating with them about his concept of the supermarket, they can all accept Xu Pingan’s management concept of the supermarket.

Especially Zhao Tongfu, who bluntly said that the supermarket he worked for in the past has been operating in this way, and it has grown and grown through strict management and multi-party procurement.

It's a pity that the boss's son runs a financial company abroad. He doesn't like the supermarket company where the boss works hard. He has handled immigration for the boss to take the boss to live abroad. The boss can only sell the hard-working supermarket.

At that time, Zhao Tongfu wanted to buy a supermarket chain, but unfortunately he did not collect enough funds. He could only watch the supermarket being acquired by the e-commerce platform boss, and was sad to resign.

"I will give you a week, go back and settle things at home, take care of all those who have a contract, and come over to join the company in a week to sign a formal contract with the company," Xu Pingan said while looking at the four people.

"Mr. Xu, how to arrange our position" Zhao Tongfu asked.

"Zhao Tongfu is the general manager, Xue Jinyan is the deputy general manager and concurrently in cost control, Li Yunfeng is the head of the purchasing department, and Wu Chaoyang is the deputy head."

"Tianqi Group is different from other companies. The company's internal management regulations must be strictly implemented. The headquarters will send personnel for secret inspections from time to time. If violations of the rules are found, the four of you will be held accountable first."

"When you come to work in a week, I will arrange a meeting with you. You have to cooperate with her in the acquisition work. As for the manpower required for the operation of the company, you recruit yourself."

"Headquarters dispatches financial personnel and legal personnel, and other positions do not interfere. One thing you have to remember is that Tianqi Group does not support dead people. Everyone must have clear tasks."

"Various office processes must be streamlined and there must be no overcrowding. At present, the entire Tianqi Group is undergoing internal rectification to improve work efficiency. Your newly established company is no exception," Xu Pingan said while looking at the four people.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Xu, we will arrange everyone to prevent such things from happening" Zhao Tongfu said with a serious face, Xu Ping'an nodded, communicated with Xu Ping'an and the four people left.

When he was alone, Xu Ping'an only breathed a long sigh of relief and picked up the phone to call Ji Xueyi.

Ji Xueyi was asked to return to the headquarters within a week. Ji Xueyi was given a task. Ji Xueyi agreed and said that he would return to the headquarters five days later. By the way, he reported his recent work and then hung up the phone.

Time passed slowly. On this day, Xu Ping'an received a call from Boss Ren. The two communicated before hanging up the phone. Xu Ping'an also looked helpless. No matter how big your company is, you can't compete with the country. .

In the South Pacific, Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography began its last activity on the island. According to current monitoring, the polluting bacteria on the coral reefs around the island have basically disappeared.

The nutrient strains are in place, the nutrients in the seawater can feed the coral polyps, and the coral polyps can be placed. A series of people began to dive with test tubes to restore the coral reefs.

People dispatched by New Zealand have also visited and tested the quality of the seawater around the island, which has improved significantly. Obviously, the ecological restoration method of the Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography has been successful.

Sun Wenbin chatted with the personnel sent by the New Zealand side on the ship, "Sun, pay attention when you conduct marine research in the southeast."

"According to our Seismological Bureau's monitoring, you have obvious seismic wave activity in the active area of ​​the high seas. Although there is no response yet, it is not a good phenomenon. A lot of attention should be paid to it," Bill said directly while looking at Sun Wenbin.

"Thanks for the reminder, we will treat it with caution." Sun Wenbin expressed his gratitude, and Bill nodded.

"Sun, how long is the estimated time for the ecology around this small island to completely recover? According to recent data, the pollution has disappeared 90%," Bill asked.

"It's coming soon, there will be results in a month or so. After placing the corals today, it depends on whether the corals can adapt to this sea area. If they can adapt to the environment here, they can return to their state ten years ago in one month. Completed the contract"

"If this batch of coral polyps does not adapt to the environment here, we will replace another batch of coral polyps to replace it, and the time will be extended by about one month at most" Sun Wenbin explained, and Bill nodded.

"I hope that the ecology here can be restored smoothly. To tell you the truth, I grew up on a small island when I was a child. After the deterioration of the environment, our entire island people moved away and this place became deserted."

"Back then, the water here was very clear, you can easily see the depth of a few meters below the sea, there are all kinds of fish, very beautiful"

"I saw it here after I got my degree, and it was lifeless. This is also the purpose of joining the Environmental Agency, hoping to improve the pollution of this sea area. Now, I finally achieve my goal," Bill said directly, looking at the sea.

"Bill, I don't tell you, the seawater pollution is very serious. Even if we have completed ecological restoration this time, you should not move people over in the last five years. Once human footprints appear, it will take less than a year and our hard work will be wasted "Sun Wenbin said seriously.

"Rest assured, we have already planned that no one will be allowed to live on the island within five years. The ecology here must be controlled."

"If I come to pass the test in one month, Sun, you will get a big list, an absolute big list, not only our New Zealand list, but also Australia's list, and their coral reefs have died very badly." Bill directly Said, Sun Wenbin smiled.

"I hope there will be a good result. The price will not be the current price when the time comes. As I said before, we are losing money for this single business. Let you see if you make an effect."

"We have recognized our technology and we are negotiating the price" Sun Wenbin said directly, and Bill nodded and admitted it.

"You can rest assured, the price issue is easy to negotiate, and it will definitely satisfy you. The ecological restoration of coral reefs in our seas will benefit us more" Bill said with a smile, and Sun Wenbin also smiled.

The two of them drank the water and stood on the side of the boat chatting. After more than half an hour, all the people who descended came up. It was very smooth. The ten circles of coral polyps have been settled smoothly. The rest depends on the coral polyps' adaptability.

After eating a meal together, the two sides separated. Sun Wenbin returned to the scientific research ship by boat. Sun Wenbin had been thinking about a problem along the way.

The scope of activities of the scientific research ship was specially designated by Xu Pingan, and he was responsible for the execution. The submarine volcanoes there began to be active, why did Xu always designate the scientific research ship to operate there.

Even the cargo ships are rarely seen in that area. The coral reefs out of the water and the small islands have nothing else. Even if there are small islands, there is no fresh water resources.

The closest country to that sea area is New Zealand, with a straight-line distance of nearly two thousand kilometers. Why does the president specify the scope of activities? Sun Wenbin has always been unable to figure out this matter.

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