Scientific research is a project that must be meticulous. Your Ma Daha personality is not good. The difficulty of the test questions increases by 10%, and the degree of carefulness increases the difficulty by 30%. The span is not small.

Only two days have passed. Tianqi University of Science and Technology once again announced the test schedule. There will be no exams on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd, from 9 am to 11:30 in the afternoon. One game from 2:30 to 5:00.

Then there is the examination room arrangement. Each examination room corresponds to the number of the student admission ticket. You can go to the corresponding examination room based on your admission ticket number. At the same time, you can log in to the official website of Tianqi University of Science and Technology to enter the admission ticket for inquiry.

Under the coordination of relevant departments in the city, schools in the entire urban area were suspended for three days. The classrooms were occupied for examinations. Teachers and civil servants were selected to form a huge team of invigilators, with three invigilators in one classroom.

At the same time, the two teams of Tianqi Technology Company have arrived in J City, and are currently installing signal shielding equipment in each examination room. Once the examination is started, all electronic equipment in the entire examination room will fail.

Two days later, Dai Wenshu came to see Xu Ping'an. Seventeen people had their admission tickets cancelled because they failed the medical examination. Is it to be announced?

"They were written off because they were unqualified" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"AIDS" Dai Wenwen said, Xu Ping'an nodded without saying a word, and let out a long sigh.

"Don't announce this matter. Contact these candidates by phone and give each of the seventeen candidates a compensation of 5,000 yuan, which is considered to make up for their expenses this time. When enrolling students next year, we will talk about this kind of thing."

"After the school starts, it is announced that the school will conduct a physical examination once a year. After AIDS and several other incurable diseases are tested, it will be directly withdrawn from school."

"When it comes time to report directly, it will be my decision. We must be responsible for those healthy candidates." Xu Ping'an said the decision calmly.

Dai Wenwen understands Xu Ping's difficulty. Propaganda of this kind of thing will definitely inevitably be criticized by the population. Xu Ping'an has put this scapegoat on the back, and it can be regarded as a kind of protection for Chu Wutang, Ji Huaian and Dai Wenshu.

In the afternoon of the same day, Dai Wenwen contacted 17 candidates. After some discussions, these people left with compensation. The outside world did not know that 17 candidates had left.

On this day, the examination officially began. A car drove from the prison printing plant and sent the examination papers to the various examination rooms. All the examination papers were closed, and they could not be unblocked until the examination time was 20 minutes.

The municipal transportation department began to restrict motor vehicles on many road sections. It is not easy for an institution of higher learning to appear in the city. Both Wei Dongshuo and Chen Qingshan attach great importance to this matter.

The two are also interested in building a strong education city and have already discussed with Xu Ping An. Starting next year, local students, including Tianqi University of Science and Technology, will have a five-point advantage and a quota of 100.

During the summer vacation this year, the city will launch a comprehensive education reform, increase the number of outstanding teachers, and greatly improve the salaries of outstanding teachers, which will directly break the original wage system of the big pot.

This is the benefit brought by economic development. Once the city government has money, it will start to improve people’s livelihood step by step, so that the people can get more benefits. This is a virtuous circle.

Time passed slowly, and the three-day test time passed quickly. Everyone was relaxed for a while and could leave J City. The cost has been really not small recently. Then I will go home and wait for the news. .

If you are not admitted, you will start to take the college entrance examination. The test schedule of Tianqi University of Science and Technology makes everyone very satisfied, except that other universities are not satisfied.

If the family is in good condition, live in J City, and wait for the result. From tomorrow on, the room rate will drop significantly, and the cost of living will plummet, making it much easier.

The intense examination work began. Hundreds of teachers began to close the examination papers. Tianqi Group provided food and lodging and provided a subsidy of 500 yuan a day. All examination papers could be completed within a week.

One week passed quickly, all the papers had been revised, and the scores appeared. Chu Wutang and the three came to see Xu Ping An with the admission list and score report.

"Why did foreign students only admit more than 900 people?" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

"Mr. Xu, you said that the test scores of foreign students must be five points higher than the average score, and only 932 qualified" Chu Wutang reported. Xu Ping'an nodded, forgetting the day by himself.

"Announce it, let everyone see how many other talents we have added after the English test is missing" Xu Ping'an said directly.

There are six assessments, each with a score of 150 and a total score of nine hundred. None of the admitted personnel has a score lower than 860. High scores in physics and chemistry are everywhere. These people They are all talents who have been buried, and talents who have been delayed by English.

The state now grants pilot places to Tianqi University of Science and Technology, giving these talents an opportunity to stand out.

A day later, Tianqi University of Science and Technology began to announce the test scores and admission list, which directly caused a big wave of rendering. Many people did not expect that so many people would rely on such high scores in mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

It can be said that all the personnel whose scores in these three subjects are close to the full score of ten are admitted by Tianqi University of Science and Technology, which makes other universities envy and hate. These are all talents, and they are all taken into the arms of Tianqi Group.

What other foreigners, even if the enrollment quota of 1,400 people is reserved, the recruitment will not be expanded if there are not enough people. You must know that foreign candidates must be five points higher than the average score of the admitted personnel. These are all elites. , More than nine hundred people.

At the same time, it was announced that the file upgrade of the admissions staff will begin immediately and will be completed within half a month. Please report to the school before August 25th.

All students who come to the school report that they are not allowed to bring their own bedding and toiletries. The school will provide them in a unified manner. This item makes many people jealous and paralyzed. Good things belong to other schools. Every year students enter the school, they only give you a designated place to buy. Can't buy it.

The student’s bedding is purchased in a unified way, and it can be done by adding 200 yuan to each student’s head. The quality bedding, washbasin, toothbrush and toothpaste are all unopened brand-name goods, and the unified purchase will not cost much.

The school’s electrical equipment was purchased from Lin Yide, washing machines, air conditioners, and everything else. It was impossible for other manufacturers to do business with them. They all knew about the relationship between Xu Pingan and Lin Yide.

After the admission work began, Xu Ping'an was idle, and it was time to go to Europe to inspect various branches. Before Xu Ping'an could make his trip, Chen Qingshan came to the door and gave Xu Ping'an an invitation.

"Boss, I really don't have time. According to the plan, I will go to the European branch for inspection. It has been postponed twice." Xu Ping'an said directly without looking at the invitation.

Chen Qingshan also looked uncomfortable, and said impatiently, "Look at it and talk about it. I will push everything that can be pushed for you. This is a death order and must be attended."

Xu Ping'an took it and saw that it turned out to be the Summer Davos Forum hosted by the Demon City. He didn't want to open it and planned to go to the side. Suddenly he was dumbfounded before opening it and flipping through it.

Just now, Protoss stopped Xu Ping An, he must participate, and he must attack other companies. According to the current progress, Xu Ping's will not be able to complete the construction of cross-dimensional aircraft when he is old. He must generally upgrade human technology.

At the very least, the basic manufacturing must be greatly improved, so that the goal can be achieved, otherwise, after Xu Ping's death, the Protoss can only venture across dimensions alone.

The Protoss had only three chances to parasitize in his life, and it was already the second time in Xu Ping'an. After leaving, there was only one chance left, and there was no capital to carefully select the host.

I took a closer look and found that the specifications were not low. Leaders of many countries and the presidents and chairman of international giant companies were invited to participate. The time was in August, and there were more than three months left, so I did not delay my visit to the European branch.

"Okay, I promised to participate," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Chen Qingshan was taken aback for a moment. How could he agree so readily this time.

"You still have to speak" Chen Qingshan added, and Xu Ping'an nodded and agreed.

This attitude made Chen Qingshan a little confused. He looked at Xu Ping'an seriously and said directly, "You haven't been drinking too much."

"You mean I shouldn't participate, shouldn't speak, OK, I definitely want to give you face" Xu Ping'an said directly, Chen Qingshan's face was black.

"Why did you agree so readily this time?" Chen Qingshan asked curiously.

"This time the mayor and senior officials of Tianqi University of Science and Technology have helped me a lot. I pay for it. I can't make you embarrassed. You have said it. This time it is a death order. I always give you face. Yes," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"It's so simple," Chen Qingshan said suspiciously. Xu Ping'an agreed too readily, and he couldn't believe it was true.

"It's that simple" Xu Ping'an affirmed.

The two drank two cups of tea. "By the way, did your nephew pass the exam?" Xu Pingan asked. Chen Qingshan said that his nephew would also apply for the Tianqi University of Science and Technology.

"No, you are satisfied, who knows that you will have so many outstanding talents in this exam" Chen Qingshan said very upset.

"Seriously, I didn't expect it either" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face. He was very satisfied with the enrollment, and it is still being discussed outside.

"Ping An, I usually use snacks at the University of Science and Technology, and it will become famous in one fell swoop two years later. In this way, your University of Science and Technology will lay the foundation for my country's higher education," Chen Qingshan looked at Xu Ping'an with profound meaning.

"Mayor, to be honest, you don't need to wait until two years. You still haven't figured out the rules of the University of Science and Technology. If you really figure it out, you will find that what I said is not false." Xu Ping An is equally good. Looked at Chen Qingshan deeply.

"What do you mean, please explain to me in detail" Chen Qingshan became interested.

"Chu Wutang set a rule for the school's lecturers to encourage students to carry out independent research and development and to encourage students' hands-on ability. This stipulates that the school will spend a lot of money on experimental equipment."

"Our tuition fee is 10,000 a year. The reason why it is higher than other schools is because the cost of experimental materials and the abrasion of the high-precision equipment are considered to be huge."

"What should students do if they don’t have the money to start their own research? You can take a loan. My Tianqi Bank provides a loan. Of course, the premise is that your research project must be approved by the school."

"At the end of the freshman semester, those who pass the test can enjoy this kind of treatment, what do you think," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

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