Start the era of black technology

Chapter 407 Apocalypse Game Company does not close down, the honor lasts forever

"You are not afraid that their learning is not solid," Chen Qingshan asked questioningly. After one year of university study, you can study what you can learn by yourself, and the researcher is too worthless.

"Of course I am not afraid. Our courses are different from other universities, focusing on practicality and hands-on ability. During learning and hands-on experiments, we will be informed of the current stage of similar science in the world."

"They are very aware of the gap between their research projects and the international ones. Besides, there will be audits by the school management. Repetitive research decisions will not pass the audit, and projects that are too wild and unreasonable will not pass the audit. Everything is based on reality." Xu Pingan explained it, and Chen Qingshan understood what was going on.

"You are really smart," Chen Qingshan said directly looking at Xu Ping'an. These people are completely reserve researchers.

"Don't come to this one. You really think I don't know what you are fighting with the old guard. Pay attention. I tell you the truth, I have been complained by Brother Zhang more than a dozen times." Xu Ping'an looked at it with a contemptuous expression. Chen Qingshan.

Chen Qingshan smiled happily and did not speak. He picked up his teacup and drank tea directly. Tianqi University of Science and Technology is located in J City. Zhang Jianbin must be uncomfortable. He was prepared for this. Anyway, he and Wei Dongshuo have achieved their goals, Xu Ping An does not matter if there are complaints.

The two chatted for a while before Chen Qingshan left. There were a lot of things. Xu Pingan sent Chen Qingshan away before returning to the office. Just after sitting down and drinking a cup of tea, the phone rang.

He picked it up and looked at it. It was Ye Changlin's phone, "Changlin, what's the matter" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Mr. Xu, good news, the first player in the Shattered Void has appeared. The screen name is [Miss Sister, wait for me]. We have already carried out a full server announcement as planned."

"The customer service has notified the player through the mobile phone number left by the player when registering. Please bring your ID card to the company to receive the bonus. We will reimburse the travel expenses and the board and lodging at the company." Ye Changlin said with a face Joy said.

The version of the realm of cultivation was completed last year and has been suppressed. The reason for this is because the player has not yet seen a broken void powerhouse.

It's been nearly ten months, and one has finally appeared. How could Ye Changlin not be excited? The cultivation world is the beginning of the immortal world civilization, a brand-new experience that gives players more freedom.

"Really, it was carried out according to the plan. I will check it online immediately." Xu Ping'an was really interested, and went online directly after saying a few words with Ye Changlin.

It can be said that the game of Immortal World Civilization has worn the patience of the players to the extreme. If it hadn't been for watching Xu Ping's release such a high reward, the player would have given up long ago.

Many players are wondering whether what Xu Ping'an said is really opening the Shattered Void function, and now a full server announcement suddenly appeared, everyone was dumbfounded, and someone actually did it.

The bonus of 300,000 yuan is not a small number. Many players are beginning to envy it. At the same time, this also shows that Xu Ping'an did not tell lies, and the function of Shattered Void is open.

Because many people on the server where the player [Miss Sister, etc.] are located know this person, he is a local tyrant, playing games is to pick up girls for fun, and he is very active in the guild.

Once the guild organized an offline meeting, many people also met with this player and spent more than 20,000 yuan for a direct treat. Compared with the average person, it was definitely a local tyrant.

There are discussions in the game, and the game forums are also directly exploded. There are countless messages and various requests for the secrets of the Shattered Void. According to regulations, the official method will not be disclosed until ten people have completed the Shattered Void.

Xu Ping’an also wrote a post with his account. Congratulations to this one. In addition, he gave an additional small reward to this player named [Miss Sister, etc.] for a picture and two Game character model.

A large map of the wild, well-made, with one hanging in Xu Pingan's office. He directly picked up the phone and took a photo of the large map on the side wall and uploaded it directly.

As soon as Xu Pingan’s account posted a post, it was immediately set up by the administrator and given an essence mark, which was very conspicuous, and soon someone started to follow it.

The wild map and mission model are peripheral products developed by game companies. They are very well-made, and the materials used are very elegant, waterproof and dustproof, and there are sixty-six pictures sold online.

At present, hundreds of thousands of maps have been sold, and the inventory is really low. The character models have been completely sold out in eight batches, and the remaining are used for prizes, only more than one hundred sets.

Xu Pingan browsed for a while and noticed Ye Changlin through the internal chat system, and instructed Ye Changlin to give out the reward he promised. Soon Ye Changlin replied and followed Xu Pingan's instructions.

Xu Ping'an stopped working and started to accompany his parents at home. According to the plan, he would accompany his parents for a few days and then go directly to the European inspection branch. It was time to go.

After the official website announced the appearance of the first master of Shattered Void, all servers began to be extremely active, the phenomenon of queuing began to appear again, and the enthusiasm of players was mobilized.

Since there is the first one, there must be a second one. Players have reinvested in their passion and started to enter the game. The forum began to analyze the player's information [Miss Sister, etc.], hoping to find out the problem.

Only three days have passed. On this day, the official website of Apocalypse Game Company was updated. Players [Miss Sister, wait for me] have gone to the game company to receive the bonus, and many pictures have been posted on it.

[Miss Sister, wait for me] This player is very generous. He directly discloses his identity and cooperates with the game company to take photos. At the same time, he uploads photos of the player and the tax officer for tax payment.

At the same time, the official website launched the Epic Corridor. As the first person to shatter the void, his photos and the shapes in the game will be made into sculptures and set up as the first person in the Epic Corridor.

Additional rewards are rewarded with 3,000 days of coins every year, which will be transferred to the player's account on January 1st each year. The activity will continue until the player's natural death.

There is not much money, but this kind of honor is what all players say they are pursuing, especially this method is definitely the world's first, and it attracts everyone's enthusiasm.

The official announcement is that after the cultivation world is opened, the first foundation player, the first Jindan player, the first Nascent Soul player, until the Tribulation Period, the first person in each realm will enter the epic corridor.

Apocalypse Games will not go bankrupt, and the honor will last forever.

This sense of honor exploded in the player group in an instant. More than sixty sets of servers were fully staffed. Ye Changlin was very excited. He directly instructed that ten sets of servers were opened, and the new servers were fully staffed instantly.

The number of active players completely refreshed the game record of the Celestial Dynasty, and directly climbed to the top, becoming the first in the Celestial Endgame, finally achieving the surpassing of World of Warcraft, and it can be regarded as an elation.

This news has also caused a lot of turbulence in the global game industry. Players from countries in Southeast Asia that have begun to run the fairyland civilization have begun to protest collectively, asking Apocalypse Games to treat them equally and give them the opportunity to fight for the epic corridor.

Especially Japanese players are even more crazy. The collective signatures of more than 300,000 people are directly submitted to the Japanese branch of the game company. With Japanese players picking up, players from South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore also followed suit.

The culture of the entire Asian country is influenced by the culture of the celestial dynasty, and is more accepting of fairyland civilization than Western players. Therefore, game companies have a lot of influence on players in Southeast Asia.

This change has surprised European and American game companies. They never dreamed that the game of Celestial Civilization would have such an influence.

Players are the food and clothing parents of the game company, and such fierce protests cannot be ignored. Ye Changlin immediately convened personnel to discuss and see how to balance the emotions of the players.

After two consecutive days of business within the company, it was considered to have come up with a plan. Ye Changlin directly passed the plan to Xu Pingan for insurance. Xu Pingan asked for approval. After reading it, Xu Pingan directly called Ye Changlin to reprimand Ye Changlin.

"You can't be more courageous. Why can't the Epic Corridor be upgraded to an Epic Park? Is our Tianqi Group short of money? Players play games for fun, for a sense of honor, and for a sense of accomplishment"

"Go directly to the city government to buy a piece of land and build it into a fairyland civilization theme park. The first person in the realm can give the statue, and the team who is the first to get through the copy in each version will also give all the statue treatment."

"The small copy is a small statue. Make a copy and give it to the big statue. Take a good look at how Disney plays. It's another money-making project to work around."

"Give me a good use of my brain, give you three days, come up with a new plan for me" Xu Ping'an directly hung up after the reprimand.

Hate that iron can't become steel is the mood of the assassin Xu Ping'an. Ye Changlin's courage is still not enough. He can only come slowly. Fortunately, Ye Changlin is obedient and a good executor.

Pack up your mood and continue to drink tea and read books. He will go abroad in three days. There must be a result before leaving. The British branch has made a certain breakthrough, and Xu Ping'an must deal with it personally.

Ye Changlin hung up the phone with a dazed expression. He lit a cigarette and sat in the office thinking about Xu Ping'an's words. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xu Ping'an was right.

The layout of the epic corridor is a bit smaller. If it becomes a theme park of the fairyland civilization, the attraction will be different in an instant. After thinking for a long time, I immediately convened a meeting between the operation department and the planning department to convey Xu Ping’an’s instructions. A feasible plan must be come up. .

The operation department and the planning department were shocked after hearing what Ye Changlin said. They could still play like this. The president is really amazing, and he deserves to be the man who developed Tianqi Group.

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