Start the era of black technology

Chapter 415 You have to be prepared [third more]

With no words on the way, the car quickly arrived at Xu Pingan’s manor. After getting off the car, Xu Pingan took Buck to the study and talked. The others did their own things, and the butler had already made detailed arrangements.

After making a pot of tea, Xu Pingan and Buck both had tea and talked. Xu Pingan gave Buck a document, "Send capable personnel, must be trusted people, to invite this person to Tianqi Island."

"It must be noted that this person is an authority on bacteria, known as the [human-shaped nuclear bomb]. All participants must not directly touch him, and must wear two layers of sealed gloves to be careful of problems."

"Antonio, the boss knows where he lives" Buck said with a shocked face, and didn't look through the information.

"You know him" Xu Ping'an asked, a little surprised.

"You know him too much, boss, don't forget that I have been in the mercenary world. Antonio is a famous figure, an authority in the global bacterial and genetic world, a famous lunatic, and many organizations are looking for him."

"He once had a life as a mercenary, saying it was to experience life, but once he was on a mission, a friend he knew was bombed to death. He directly slaughtered a training base of the opponent for revenge, and thousands of people died overnight."

"This incident took place in Africa and was covered up by the joint efforts of two major mercenary organizations. It was said to be food poisoning and more than 100 people died," Buck told the truth.

"Unexpectedly, this person still has such a legend, it is the first time I heard of it," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"The boss heard about Antonio from there," Buck asked.

"In the United Kingdom, someone made a deal with me, and I only got this person's information and information. This kind of top scientific staff can't be used and wasted. The person you send to invite is polite. I need a collaborator, not an enemy "Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I don't understand, I'll pick a good candidate," Buck said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded and took a sip of tea.

"By the way, Rutte's matter has been resolved, but you have to secretly arrange for someone to monitor him for half a year, and cancel it if there is no problem within half a year," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I understand that I will investigate him for half a year, and at the same time arrange a few test tasks for him," Buck said directly, knowing Lu Te's abilities, and I hope Lu Te can sincerely join the Tianqi Group.

At noon, Buck ate lunch here at Xu Ping'an, drank a few drinks with Xu Ping'an, and was finally sent home by someone arranged by Xu Ping'an.

After the death of Buck, Gavin, and York, the original families of the three people did not intend to start a family. Xu Ping'an also persuaded this. Unfortunately, it did not work and became a great regret.

After a day's rest, Xu Ping'an went to the Tianqi Game Company to inspect the next day. Jacques accompanied Xu Ping'an to inspect various departments, especially the company's largest project, the end-tour of the disorderly world.

This game that gives players a high degree of freedom has been jointly created by more than 20 teams. It has been developed for almost two years, and it has not yet taken shape. After listening to the project manager’s report carefully, Xu Ping’an understands how to respond. It's up.

Jacques' ambitions are too big, this game is too big, and the computer hardware requirements are very high. To run the game completely smoothly, the computer accessories must be upgraded.

The graphics card, sound card, and CPU all need to be upgraded to the current top-level configuration. The general configuration simply can't carry it. Xu Ping An is really a little bit dumbfounded.

Returned to the office to make a pot of tea and start talking with Jacques, "Jacques, have you thought about it, such a big gamer must upgrade the computer configuration to play, how many people are willing to upgrade".

"Boss, I admit that this is a flaw, but the boss wants to see the current computer hardware upgrade time, according to our plan, next month, the latest CPU, graphics card and other hardware will be listed."

"The computer hardware configuration is further improved. When the first version of our game is released by the end of the year, the required configuration is no longer the top level."

"Moreover, about tens of millions of old computers are abandoned every year around the world. According to the latest statistics, the accessories used by these people to replace their computers are the top equipment at the time."

"In this way, within two years, the player's computer hardware equipment will keep up with the game's needs. We have planned to do this," Yage explained seriously.

Xu Pingan thought about it for a while, then reluctantly nodded and asked, "Is the first version finished now?"

"It has been completed and is currently undergoing testing. It will take several months to test and clean up bugs. I have confidence in the disordered world. This is a survival technology game."

"Although there will not be a big market in the Celestial dynasty, we have decided to have a big market in the European and American markets. We have also cooperated with the University of Paris. Many basic skills and technological tree development are designed according to the human development process."

"Players also learned this knowledge when playing games. This is a unique design of our game, so our client is a bit big," Jacques said embarrassedly.

Xu Ping'an smiled. It's a bit big. It's not an ordinary one. The 130G client is definitely the only one in the world. In the future, the 500G configuration of computers will be out of date and T-class hard drives will become popular.

After chatting with Jacques for a while, Xu Ping'an left. Everyone in the company has a serious expression that is not conducive to work. Only by leaving these people can I relax.

In the afternoon, I rested at home. The next day, I went directly to the technology company to inspect. Coster accompanied Xu Ping An to inspect the various project teams. After a few hours, he went directly to the office.

"What's the good news lately?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Boss, there is really good news. We are responsible for designing the control chipset of the new renewable resource system. The design has been completed and is currently being tested."

"If the test is successfully passed, the current Tianchao Renewable Resources Company's various factories can be replaced with chips. After the replacement is completed, the efficiency can be increased by 20%, which is another major defect."

"There is also good news that the encryption hardware of our satellite has been designed. According to the boss's instructions, the encryption program will be automatically changed once an hour, and the difficulty of cracking will increase twice."

"It can be said that our encryption program is currently the top encryption program on the planet, and there is no one," Coster said very positively.

"So sure," Xu Pingan said with a smile.

"Of course, the encryption program is changed automatically and irregularly. We don't know what kind of protection method will be used. How outsiders can crack it. We asked Minister Zhu Hongyun from the heaven to conduct an attack test."

"Three hours later, Minister Zhu Hongyun admitted that he failed. At that time, it was not Minister Zhu Hongyun who did it alone, but it was also Minister Zhu's 27 masters who did it together," Coster said with a smile.

Xu Pingan was stunned, and laughed hahahaha. I didn't expect Zhu Hongyun to have this day. To find a chance, he had to embarrass him once.

"What else?" Xu Ping'an asked after taking a sip of tea.

"There is also a breakthrough in some sensors, but now 5G has not been popularized, this type of sensor is satisfied with its function, the current network speed is still a bit slow," Coster said directly.

"How is the wireless broadband transmission research?" Xu Pingan asked.

"The progress is not very big, especially the anti-interference aspect is still a big problem, mainly the material problem. I have communicated with the general manager of Barron, and I will adjust the project there and start two project teams to develop new anti-interference Material" Coster said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

The results of the internal coordination of several major research institutes are more than that of their own intervention. This is the unique advantage of the Weather Research Institute. When each major project is carried out, there will be other research institutes behind it.

In the end, results have been achieved. The results are divided according to contributions, and bonuses are obtained according to your proportion. This good mechanism has laid the foundation for cooperation between the institutes.

After chatting with Coster for a while, the two left the technology company together and went to a communications satellite research and development base not far from the security company. Buck was really concerned about the satellite research and development base.

Xu Pingan and Coster went through two procedures before they entered. Xu Pingan took a close look along the way. There were people patrolling every corner and monitors were scattered throughout the R&D center.

Moreover, there were people on the roof. More than one was observing each other and nodded secretly. This arrangement was absolutely qualified. The vehicle was parked in the underground parking lot, and the two took the elevator together.

Just stepping out of the elevator, I saw Murphy, the general manager of the project, "Welcome the boss to inspect, please come here to change your clothes", Xu Ping'an nodded, and was taken to the next room to put on clean clothes.

The entire satellite R&D and assembly area adopts a dust-free design. Various fans operate 24 hours a day. The air entering the area requires three layers of dust isolation and purification.

Walking all the way, Murphy gave a serious introduction next to him. Today, the boss is coming with the big boss. Murphy is still nervous and worried that Xu Ping'an is not satisfied with the progress.

"When will it be completed?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Boss, the assembly can be completed in September, and you can contact the Rocket Launch Company for launch," Murphy said seriously.

"After the satellite is launched, can we have complete control?" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

"It is absolutely possible. The final control code of the satellite is on our side. The rocket launch company has obtained a three-level code, which is convenient for testing whether the satellite is in orbit. Once the test is completed, the handover can be completed within 24 hours, and we have full authority to take over the control. "Murphy said seriously.

Xu Pingan nodded and continued to watch. The researchers were busy wearing white dust-free suits and gloves. "Murphy, you have to be prepared. When the satellite is successfully launched, the new satellite research and development base will be relocated to Tianqi. island"

"A satellite control center will be built on Tianqi Island, you have to be prepared," Xu Ping'an said slowly.

"I understand that the employees are prepared, and it is not a long-term thing for the control center to be established here," Murphy said earnestly. Murphy is very clear about the existence of Apocalypse Island.

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