Start the era of black technology

Chapter 416 I will settle accounts with him after two years [fourth more]

After a round of inspections, Xu Pingan and Coster left. They did not meet the company, but went to the security base. We will have dinner at the security base at noon today.

Buck was very pleased to see Xu Ping'an coming over, so he asked him to arrange for him to have a barbecue at noon today. When he was drinking, Xu Ping'an asked Coster about the translation server.

"Boss, the server is currently being installed. After the installation is completed, we will conduct internal tests. It will take about two months to complete without delay in use."

"Buddy has already purchased land for the factory in Lyon, and construction has already begun. It is said that the equipment procurement will start in half a month. The other party is very fast. This is to seize the first opportunity to go public," Coaster said directly.

"Did they design the shape?" Xu Pingan asked.

"As far as I know, it hasn't. Their design department is working overtime to design. It shouldn't delay things," Coster said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded and stopped asking.

The trio wiped out two dozen beers, and after drinking Coaster, they were sent away to rest. Xu Ping'an and Buck were drinking tea and chatting in the office, and the conversation turned to Alcatel unconsciously.

"He hasn't confessed yet. It has been three days. He can't stand it without a bit of news," Buck said directly.

"Don't bother, just deal with it directly. He is of no value. If there is no news for three days, it means that he has been abandoned. It is very difficult for us to get news from him. We can tell him that the search for his family will not stop. , Wait in the hell to meet your family," Xu Ping'an said with a cold face.

"I'll arrange it at night," Buck said directly, and he would never let Alcatel die easily, he must suffer pain before he can die, and the traitor must pay the price.

"By the way, the team to invite Antonio has already left, I really didn't expect him to live in France" Buck said with an incredible expression on his face.

"I couldn't think of it. I got the news from him very accidentally. Give it a try. You tell the team members, I can talk to him personally if necessary," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I'll make arrangements in a while, and the team members should contact him tomorrow," Buck said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded, drank tea and chatted with Buck for a while, and then left directly in the car and returned home to rest. He was blindfolded and had to sleep well.

In the next few days, Xu Ping'an, accompanied by Hall, met with many people. He also participated in several receptions to consolidate the established contacts.

In the celestial dynasty, the various branches of Tianqi Group did not stop at all. First, the news media reported that Tianqi Agricultural Group was established and has contracted 1.1 million mu of land in the Northeast.

At present, infrastructure construction has begun, and all large-scale machinery operations are adopted according to the plan. Agricultural equipment imported from abroad has been coming one after another, which can be described as busy.

At the same time, the media also reported another incident that directly caused a shock in the retail industry. Huiyouduo, the fourth largest supermarket in the country, was acquired by Tianqi Supermarket at a price of 38.7 billion.

The reason why the price is so high is that Huiyouduo supermarkets have their own property rights in stores in first- and second-tier cities, and land certificates and real estate certificates are readily available, saving a lot of trouble.

If you only calculate the value of these real estates, it will definitely exceed this value, because many of the plots where the sales are located are prosperous areas with high value.

The reason why Tianqi Supermarket Group agreed to the purchase price was because Tianqi Group gave cash, which could not be rejected. The top five shareholders have their own listed companies.

The current environment is not good, but there is a shortage of cash. Ji Xueyi directly negotiated with several shareholders. The five major shareholders control 82% of Huiyouduo's shares. After some discussions, the two sides hit it off.

The major shareholders sold the shares and the minority shareholders wanted to sell them. Zhao Tongfu, the general manager of Tianqi Supermarket, directly announced that in order to build a boutique supermarket to raise 5 billion yuan, this part of the funds must be invested by shareholders in proportion to the shares.

Without funds to directly dilute the shares, the naked threat is not concealed. The minority shareholders have no choice but to honestly sign an equity transfer contract with Ji Xueyi. The Huiyouduo supermarket chain is 100% owned by Tianqi Supermarket Group.

After the news spread, the major retail companies called out the wolves after learning what happened. They were paralyzed by cash acquisitions. The supermarkets are not so profitable. Why do you want to intervene in our industry because of the strength of Tianqi Group.

A few years ago, Internet companies had already acquired a batch of them. Then there was a large-scale poaching, which caused heavy losses to the talents and the economy of major supermarket chains.

Now Tianqi Group is also coming to intervene. It must be a large-scale digging. By that time, it will definitely suffer losses. On the one hand, the business is not good, and at the same time, it has to deal with the digging.

While people in other industries were gloating over misfortunes, Cao Deshun of Tianqi Logistics announced that Tianqi Logistics had acquired Puma Express for 14.8 billion yuan. This news directly caused shock in the express industry.

Puma Express ranks eighth in China and already has a complete logistics network. Now Tianqi Group is constantly involved, and it will definitely cause great competition in the logistics industry. Tianqi Group knows the style of eating alone.

Within a few days, Cao Deshun directly announced that it had reached an agreement with FAW Group. Tianqi Logistics will purchase two thousand hydrogen trucks with different specifications to completely replace the current fuel trucks. This is the first batch. If not enough, purchase the second. Batch.

This change alone can reduce the freight cost of the logistics company by 20%. The oil price is 4.6 cents per liter, which can be converted into a hydrogen refueling cost of only 3.4 cents per liter, which saves cost per liter. One two is not a small number.

That's not even counted. Cao Deshun then announced that Puma Logistics' original logistics centers in nine provinces will be fully upgraded to intelligent, doubled directly, and seven smart logistics centers will be built at the same time.

The new intelligent logistics center can reduce the current labor cost by half and increase the efficiency by 30%. Cao Deshun fully demonstrated his courage.

After other logistics companies learn about the detailed plans of Tianqi Logistics, they are all big heads. What should I do? The current profits can only barely protect the capital, and the profit can be said to be very small. Then spend money to upgrade the purchase of vehicles. Where does the money come from? , All of them are very big.

The price increase simply does not work. As long as Tianqi Logistics does not increase the price, the price will not rise. Moreover, Tianqi Logistics is not worried. After the operation of the hydrogen vehicle and the intelligent logistics center, the cost will drop a lot. Profit is definitely not a problem. It is to occupy the market. The goal of Tianqi Logistics.

Except for Tianqi Agricultural Group, Tianqi Supermarket Group and Tianqi Logistics Company, these two companies directly stirred up the industry, and the entire industry was shaken.

On this day, in Xu Pingan’s study, Xu Pingan and Hall were drinking tea and discussing things. “Hall, I can’t agree to this request. You know the current situation” Xu Pingan rubbed his head and said directly.

"Yes, I directly refused, but I also left a retreat. When the trade war is over, I will go to inspect in person. This promise is acceptable to the other party, and there will be no overreaction," Hall said directly.

Xu Ping'an nodded. The Americans actually want to invest in the U.S. Now, isn't this looking for something for themselves? If they invest in U.S. now, what will happen to the Chinese market? That is their foundation and they can't give up.

"A lobbyist approached me, hoping that we can reconcile with Eric Petroleum" Hall said directly. Hall was very clear about Xu Ping's calculations a while ago.

"Reconciliation, why didn't I think about reconciliation when I was calculating. In the next two years, I will settle accounts with him, and calculate the price I have to pay" Xu Ping'an said uncomfortably. The trade war has passed and it is necessary to settle accounts with Eric Petroleum Group. .

"Boss, Eric Petroleum will usher in a big development with super fuels and super engines. According to the information I got, Japan has spent 500 million US dollars on three sets of super engines and 50,000 tons of super fuels."

"The European Union is also negotiating with Erics’ companies. This product is an essential equipment for aerospace. In order to obtain these two products, once Eric Petroleum proposes conditions against us, I’m afraid we will suffer losses. "Hall said directly.

"You let him try to be optimistic. I don't care about the loss. It is more important to see the collaborators clearly. Let them all come out. Let's choose the real collaborators," Xu Pingan said directly.

"This way..." Hall just said a beginning, Xu Ping's waved his hand to organize Hall and continued.

"Hall, we don’t need to worry about this. I believe that Apocalypse’s R&D capabilities will sooner or later be the day when they will ask for the Apocalypse. What are we afraid of? "

"Otherwise, you won't get my Tianqi Group's technical authorization and products. It depends on the price you paid. I have the confidence to let them compensate us for our losses." Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and he froze and looked at it seriously. Seeing Xu Ping'an also smiled.

I have understood what Xu Pingan meant. The Tianqi Research Institute must have made a major breakthrough in a certain invention.

Don't worry anymore. I had a tea and chat with Xu Ping An for a while and then Hall left. He was not too young, and his energy was really a little bit unable to keep up. Xu Ping An sent Hall off before returning.

Xu Pingan did not return to the villa, but took a walk in the courtyard. His mind was about the selection of the venue for the single-handed aircraft competition. Last year's success in E City made many places go crazy. He began to contact Tianqi Group to fight for this venue.

Both Zhang Jianbin and Chen Qingshan had spoken harsh words to Xu Pingan, and they had to consider their own city. Qiao Liangqing and Wei Dongshuo had already entered Beijing and started fighting for this project. Related departments are also having headaches.

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