Start the era of black technology

Chapter 417 We Are The World's No1

Not only Qiao Liangqing and Wei Dongshuo competed in the capital, but also the high-ranking official Xiangqiang of E City joined in. Last year's single-person aircraft exchange competition was too good to be given up this year.

The three of them have not yet achieved results in the capital, and high-ranking officials from twelve cities have joined the competition. Not for the others, let the relevant departments give a clear message, and the standard for holding the event in their own city will do.

With this sentence, you can go to Xu Ping'an to discuss this matter. Every city that comes to compete has won the support of its own province, and the support of the two-level organization can only be determined by the directly affiliated department.

These people have all shown their magical powers and started to build contacts. People in related departments are so annoyed that they have no choice but to submit this problem to the senior management. How to choose to decide by the senior management.

After some discussion, the high-level officials gave instructions that it can only be held in the northwest. The economy of the central and eastern regions is already developed enough, and the economic construction of western cities must be increased.

As soon as this instruction was issued, Qiao Liangqing and Wei Dongshuo went back with a black face. Don’t mention how uncomfortable they were. The senior officials in E City were overjoyed when they moved forward, and they did some activities and flew directly to Hangzhou. Talk to Qiao Yicheng about this matter.

Xu Pingan is not in the country, so let Qiao Yicheng be dealt with first. Xu Pingan must also consider the opinions of the senior executives in his decision. On the day Xiang Qianjin arrived in Hangzhou, the senior officials of the Alxa League also arrived.

Only one day has passed, and five more city officials and mayors have arrived in Hangzhou. These people have exactly the same ideas as Xiang Qianjin. Xiang Qianjin is very upset. These people are all here to grab the project.

In addition to Xiang Qianjin, Zhang Jianbin and Qiao Liangqing were also very upset. We proposed this project at the beginning. Did you consider our feelings when you came to pick the peaches? I feel resentful.

Qiao Yicheng also had an uncomfortable look. The leaders were all here, and it was not enough if they were missing. He directly called Xu Ping'an and reported the matter to Xu Ping'an.

"What conditions do they give?" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile.

"The old item gives the highest rate. As long as we agree that this year's venue is in E City, we don't need to worry about all the expenses. E City is all-inclusive and even willing to bear the cost of being a project team member after the aircraft exchange."

"Other cities are saying to bear all costs, not to bear the costs of project team personnel," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"The decision on this matter is not with you and me. Wait. There will be news in a few days. I analyze that the possibility of E city is still high. Wu Sikai told me that the mayor of E city Zhou Changkun is currently in the capital to seek "Superior support" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"There's still this thing" Qiao Yicheng was surprised. E City is amazing. The senior official Xiang went to Hangzhou to attract firepower. Zhou Changkun secretly made Chen Cang's activities in the capital. Both of them were really smart.

"Wu Sikai also met while having dinner with several bosses of Huiying Consulting Company. After talking with Zhou Changkun for a while, he knew what was going on," Xu Pingan said directly.

"I'll just drag it here." Qiao Yicheng already understood what he should do, and after chatting with Xu Ping An for a while, he hung up the phone.

Qiao Yicheng was polite to all the bigwigs, delicious, delicious, and entertained. He said that this matter must be analyzed comprehensively, and he would definitely give an affirmative answer within half a month, temporarily appeasing the bigwigs.

Five days passed slowly, and the relevant department called Qiao Yicheng. The meaning was very simple. E City has experience in holding it. I hope that this year's single-man aircraft competition will focus on E City.

As soon as the call came, Qiao Yicheng knew it in his heart. After asking Xu Ping'an for instructions, he was anxious to announce the results. The above meant that it would be held in E City. If nothing unexpected happens, it will be announced in a few days.

The others were all shocked. This thing is not right. What is the meaning of the above? Xiang Qianjin knows what happened. Needless to say, it must be the result of Lao Zhou’s activities in Beijing. He smiled and told Qiao Yicheng. There is a laugh.

They were all human beings, and they immediately began to play their sounds. As a result, Zhou Changkun's activities in the capital were revealed. Everyone looked annoyed, and Xiang Qianjin and Zhou Changkun were too cunning.

When Xu Pingan inspected in Italy, Qiao Yicheng and Xiang Qiang held a press conference to announce that this year's single-person aircraft exchange competition was held in Hubei.

At the same time, it is announced that Tianqi Technology will donate 30 million yuan to E City for environmental protection. The specific competition rules will be announced on the official website in the near future. This year's single aircraft exchange competition will definitely refresh the world.

It will give everyone an unexpected surprise, and it will change the history of the world's solo aircraft. As for what this surprise is, everyone will know when the aircraft exchange meeting begins.

Here, I strongly urge everyone to come to E City to watch the scene and witness history together.

This is not over yet, and Qiao Yicheng announced a shocking event that shocked the world. Tianqi Group is peace-loving. The purpose of holding the exchange competition is to promote the common development of people who are interested in science from various countries, not to pose a threat to other countries.

Therefore, this year's single aircraft exchange competition does not accept registrations from US groups, and we cannot threaten the national security of the US. After the announcement of this statement, the world was shocked.

Many people curled their lips when they saw the news. Needless to say, this must be what Xu Ping'an meant. He was beaten in the face last year, and he will retaliate directly this year. It is really daring.

Xu Pingan is also too cunning, and the reason is unassailable. The threat to the national security of the United States was announced by the US Black Palace at a press conference. If Xu Pingan held the Black Palace as a shield, the Americans had nothing to do.

Qiao Yicheng's speech was very informative, it was a testimony to history, and it refused to participate in Americans, which made many people confused. However, everyone had another guess.

Apocalypse Group will make a big move at this single-person aircraft exchange meeting. The last time it was announced this time was the birth of the hydrogen energy industry, which directly changed the world's energy landscape.

This time, what will be the big trick? This is a very good topic, which directly caused global media discussion and analysis. Tianqi Group once again launched a wave of long-term free advertising around the world.

The longer the discussion takes place, the more people will subtly accept the concept that Tianqi Group’s products are the top products. It is necessary for Tianqi Group’s products to sell at high prices. Good things must be expensive, and people will automatically accept this concept.

This is a terrifying brand effect. For example, the same formula, the same craftsmanship, the same material, the same product, if it is produced by Tianqi Group, the price will be several times higher than that of similar products. Agree with this.

Buying the high-priced products of Tianqi Group will not buy your products. This is the horrible brand effect. Xu Ping'an has made this set of already played superbly.

In Campbell's Manor, England, six people were sitting in the study with red wine in their hands and discussing this matter. Bartley also appeared in the dark, frowning without speaking.

"There is a 90% chance that the Americans betrayed my information" Bartley said with a serious face.

"Bartley, you elaborate, this is related to our future strategic issues," Tobin said from the side, and several other people nodded.

"Let's put it this way, I know that I belong to the same group as you. Only Americans know about it, but other organizations don't know it. They just know my identity in the government."

"Cooperating with Americans will also be regarded as cooperation between government departments, not other. Americans are too greedy. They do everything for money and don't care if they will harm national interests."

"Therefore, only Americans can betray my information, and other people absolutely don't know my details," Bartley said seriously, and everyone nodded seriously.

"I propose to clean up the few inner ghosts we have, and keep them. Maybe one day we will cooperate with the Americans to replace us. If I don't clean it up, I really can't sleep." Campbell looked serious. Said the expression.

"I agree" "Agree" "Agree".........

Campbell's proposal was passed unanimously.

"Cecil, you are responsible for the hands-on," Bartley said. Cecil nodded. The department responsible for hands-on in the organization is controlled by Cecil, and Cecil is the best choice to do it.

"Gentlemen, next we need to analyze the single-man aircraft of Tianqi Group. I'm afraid Xu Ping'an really didn't joke with us. They really have made a breakthrough."

"What kind of relationship we will maintain with Tianqi Group in the future? Today, there must be a result. We must increase our independence and cannot become a vassal of other organizations." Campbell looked at everyone and said, nodding with a serious face. Express your opinion.

At the RNY seaside resort hotel in Italy, Xu Pingan and Bannon were drinking juice and discussing things, "They actually placed an order for 300 ships at once," Xu Pingan said with a surprised expression.

"Yes, I didn't expect them to be so fierce. They directly placed such a large order for us. I don't understand what Iran thinks," Bannon said directly.

"What about other countries?" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

"It's quite a lot. Basically, it started with a hundred ships. Last month, I purchased equipment and added another production line. Boss. We are now the largest taxpayer in the region." Bannon said with a distressed expression. , So much money was taken away, really not reconciled.

"What's the reaction of colleagues?" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile on his face.

"The major arms dealers are very envious and did not suppress us because our products do not conflict with them. I attended an industry conference in March."

"We have reached an invisible deal with several large European arms dealers, not intervening in each other's fields. The submarine belongs to our field. They don't intervene. Correspondingly, we can't intervene in their fields," Bannon said directly.

"Hmph, they did this because they couldn't intervene in our field. They used it to restrict us. You should be able to tell now that we are No1 in the world in terms of single submarines, and we have no competitors at all."

"If I knew you were going to increase the production line, I would stop you. Think about it now, why should I say that" Xu Ping'an looked at Bannon and said directly, and Bannon's face was immediately thoughtful.

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