Start the era of black technology

Chapter 419 Super Alloy Steel

As time passed slowly, there was no news about the countries where these researchers belonged. The media reports continued to ferment every day, and none of these countries was forced to fail.

The UK could not bear it at first, and directly issued a statement that Tianqi Group must be responsible for these researchers. No matter what causes the death of these researchers, it is a crime against all mankind and must be punished heavily.

The ball was directly brought to the side of Tianqi Group. Xu Ping'an was helpless when he saw this statement. Within a few days, other countries also issued similar statements one after another, leaving them all alone.

Immediately afterwards, major scientific groups also issued statements that although scientific research is dangerous, if protection is in place, many people will avoid danger to their lives.

Tianqi Group must ensure the safety of these scientific researchers and provide them with safer protection, otherwise it will be a crime against all mankind.

It is the big hat of crime against all mankind. The media around the world are beginning to get excited. Waiting to see the jokes of Tianqi Group, everyone is interested and wants to see how Xu Ping'an solves this matter.

Xu Pingan immediately sent people to contact the major insurance companies around the world, intending to purchase personal insurance for these researchers. This was no alternative. As a result, all insurance companies rejected Tianqi Group's request.

Just kidding, once an insurance contract is signed, something really happens and you will definitely lose a lot of money. How smart an insurance company can be fooled.

Within a few days, the media broke another news that the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography was asking these researchers to renounce their nationality. This incident immediately aroused unanimous condemnation from everyone. It was not until Xu Ping'an issued a statement that this incident did not happen before it was considered to be dealt with. .

A few days later, Tianqi Group announced that it would spend 300 million euros to order 20 small single-person scientific research submarines for transformation, and at the same time order 20 transparent cabinets made of high-temperature materials to connect these transparent cabinets to the submarine.

In the event of a dangerous situation, scientific researchers diving under the sea can quickly escape to this transparent cabinet to escape. The submarine will take these people to a safe area. At the same time, two oxygen cylinders will be stored in each transparent cabinet.

At the same time, it spent 40 million euros to purchase two sets of earthquake monitoring equipment, and dispatched special personnel to monitor them day and night. Once there is a danger, underwater personnel can be notified to escape at any time.

Achieving this step is really to the extreme. Tianqi Group has done its best to ensure the safety of these people. If something really happens, you can hardly blame Tianqi Group.

Next, the media trend changed, and they began to discuss whether the methods of these researchers were reasonable, and whether the threat to the research institute was excessive for scientific research.

This is really, after the Tianqi Group, and then these stubborn scientific researchers, the same topic can be hyped again, and a large profit is born. The media is really too smart.

In the hotel, Xu Pingan and Pippen were discussing with a list, and the Austrian Institute of Biological Preparations made adjustments, and part of it was adjusted to the Celestial Botanical Institute.

Plant research is too time-consuming, and the research institute here is also a waste. After all, the cost here is much higher than that of the Tianchao side. The optimal choice is to concentrate on the Tianchao Botanical Research Institute.

"Have you talked with them?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"I have talked about it, but I have no opinion," Pippen said, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

Xu Ping’an is not worried about the treatment. Last year, adjustments were made. The treatment of the research institutes in the Celestial Dynasty is only 10% different from that in Europe.

"Don't arrange other projects in the vacated space. Just arrange the Golden Grass project. It is our Jinshan and there is no room for loss," Xu Ping'an said with a serious face.

"I understand, I mean the same. The Golden Grass project has made a breakthrough in the laboratory, and it is time to conduct outdoor natural environment experiments. I will arrange protection work." Pippen knows the importance of this project.

"Is the indoor genetic modification completed?" Xu Ping'an was a little surprised.

"The renovation has been completed. According to the indoor environment simulation, rattan grass can fully adapt to the environment in the European region, especially the environment in Austria."

"If the outdoor experiment is successful, experiments will be carried out in other regions. According to the results of the experiment, we will be able to create a complete golden grass." Pippen said with confidence.

"Well, this project will continue to maintain top secret + standards" Xu Ping'an said with confidence.

I started chatting with Pippen about other projects. At this time, Xu Ping'an's phone rang, and Xu Ping'an took a look and answered it directly.

"Bannong, just talk about it" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Boss, the Iranian side agreed to our price increase request, requiring that if the thing we anticipated happens, we must also complete the order," Bannon said directly.

"Impossible, we refuse directly. We can't take the risk, even if they cancel the order. Once the official announcement is made there, we must stop the supply, otherwise we will suffer heavy losses," Xu Ping An said directly.

Xu Pingan can use the rules to fight against the Americans, and the Americans can also use the rules to punish the Tianqi Group. Now both sides maintain a bottom line, that is, mutual calculations are temporarily not playing Yin.

Up to now, Tianqi Group has not cooperated with several countries. For this reason, the rules cannot be violated. The United States is still the only superpower, and Tianqi Group as a company cannot compete.

People from all walks of life have reminded Xu Pingan, so Xu Pingan pays much attention to this point and must not give the other party an excuse.

"I will notify them immediately" Bannon said directly.

"You can tell them that we can speed up production by increasing the price, and we will not agree to anything else. We would rather give up the order" Xu Ping'an said very positively, and hung up the phone after communicating with Bannon for a while.

Pippen didn’t ask anything. After chatting with Xu Pingan for a while, he left to carry out the things that had just been determined. After Xu Pingan sent Pippen away, he asked Darina to book a flight to Germany tomorrow. The last stop was Apocalypse Institute of Advanced Materials, Germany.

The next day, the group left directly by plane. After getting off the plane, they saw Barry waiting outside with the convoy. Xu Ping'an shook hands with Barry and got into the car.

After chatting all the way to the hotel, Xu Ping’an officially settled in after Carlisle’s inspection, had tea and chat with Barry in the living room, and listened to Barry’s report to the institute.

"This kind of material is actually produced" Xu Ping'an was surprised.

"Boss, it's all accidents, and we didn't expect this material to be born. Ms. Tamia accidentally discovered it while studying anti-radiation materials. As long as a layer is placed outside the wall, the noise can be reduced by 7%. sixteen"

"At the same time, we conducted some tests. This material has another effect. The heat resistance is equivalent to the high-end materials on the market, which is completely beyond our expectations." Barry also said with a helpless expression.

Ms. Tamia is more than 50 years old this year. She is an honorary professor at Stockholm University, Sweden. Her grandmother was one of the victims of Chernobyl in Ukraine. This incident gave Ms. Tamia a big shock.

After graduating from university, he has been engaged in the research of anti-radiation materials, and has achieved a lot of results over the years, but none of the final results can satisfy Tamia.

After joining the Tianqi Advanced Materials Research Institute, he continued to engage in the research and development of anti-radiation materials. This year, Professor Tamia changed his mind to research new anti-radiation materials. As a result, he obtained a new type of material after the test failed last month.

At first, I didn’t care about this material. I knew that when Professor Tamia was holding a piece of material and looked at it, a researcher on the other side spoke to Professor Tamia. As a result, Professor Tamia did not hear clearly. The value of this material.

Immediately started various tests, the results, the test results came out, everyone was very surprised, sound insulation, heat resistance, these two effects are completely against the sky.

The anti-radiation effect of this material is not very high, and it can completely kill all currently known materials in terms of resisting noise. The cost is not high, which is completely unexpected.

"This material has high commercial value, and it is not a failure" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

This kind of super sound insulation material has a very wide range of applications. Not to mention, the meeting rooms of some special units need this material, and the residents in the city also need this material.

This kind of super sound insulation material is even more needed in the military, and all kinds of high-power equipment rooms also need this kind of sound insulation material. It is definitely a profitable discovery.

"I think so too. At present, Professor Tamia is improving this material manufacturing process to further reduce costs. It is expected to be completed by the end of next month. When that time, we will announce this result and directly authorize it."

"The material is very thin and it can definitely sell for a good price" Barry said with a smile.

"Is there any breakthrough?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Boss, there is another result. I listed it as top secret. Many people in the institute don't know that it is super alloy steel." Barry said with a serious face.

"No, I remember there is no such project in the institute" Xu Ping'an asked with a look of surprise.

"Our research institute does not have this project. The president approved me to purchase a small Portuguese research institute last year. This research institute has this project. Dr. Peggy has been developing this project for nearly 13 years."

"I wanted to cut this project, but Dr. Peggy blocked me seven or eight times. She is a woman and she is so old that I can't help it. I seriously reviewed the report she gave me."

"As a result, I found out that Dr. Peggy has recorded more than 4,000 failures in this project. I was deeply shocked. At the same time, I also learned why this research institute could not survive. To spend"

"I began to carefully review Dr. Peggy's information and found that the institute originally belonged to her. It was not until Peggy couldn't support it six years ago that the institute was sold to a company."

"The price is very low, and the only requirement is to provide sufficient funds for Dr. Peggy's project. As a result, the company supported it for three years and couldn't afford it. It sold the institute directly to us."

"With so many failed data, I believe that Dr. Peggy is close to the right direction. I started to establish this project for Dr. Peggy to continue research."

"The equipment is all the latest equipment. According to the requirements, the failure data inferred by Dr. Peggy was re-examined. As a result, four of the materials were added to the furnace and the data obtained was completely contrary to Dr. Peggy's inference."

"This result also exceeded Dr. Peggy's expectations. I immediately turned out my notes and checked it out. After I figured out my thoughts back then, I started further research experiments on these four materials."

"According to Dr. Peggy's request, I added four more sets of equipment to her. After two years, we have used 9,000 tons of iron ore and scrap steel."

"A breakthrough was made in early March, and the first piece of super alloy steel resistant to radiation, high-energy particles, high temperature and extreme cold was successfully manufactured. Many data exceeded the aluminum alloy standards used by the International Space Station."

"This super alloy steel has another advantage. It is pure and does not have any radiation value. This is a boon for many high-spirited sensitive devices."

"Such as military Geiger counters, advanced medical equipment (lung and whole body scanning counters), photonics equipment, aerospace sensors, etc., are inseparable from this super alloy steel, with a super wide range of applications and a bright future."

"The finished product is only half the size of a hand. The only problem is that this piece of steel is very brittle, and it breaks when you drop it hard." Barry explained the matter in detail.

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