"According to you, this kind of alloy steel is of no value. It breaks as soon as you fall and is difficult to use," Xu Ping'an said directly while looking at Barry.

"Boss, this is only the current result, and the direction is there. We should be able to make breakthroughs in subsequent experiments. According to speculation, the service life of spacecraft made of super alloy steel can be increased by two to three times."

"Once we make a breakthrough, mankind will take an important step toward space," Barry said with a serious expression, and Xu Ping'an smiled and nodded.

"Keep your eyes normal, don't worry about making this product break through for the time being" Xu Ping'an said directly, and Barry was completely stunned, looking at Xu Ping'an with puzzled expression.

"Barry, carefully analyze the international situation. The current international situation is very dangerous. Once we break through at this time, this super alloy steel will definitely be used in spacecraft."

"However, the greater possibility is that these spacecraft are equipped with destructive weapons. We must be cautious and strengthen research when the international situation changes." Xu Ping'an explained a little bit, Barry did. Understand what's going on.

Some of the actions of the United States can be described as global opposition, but people all over the world have no choice. The military power of the United States is too strong. Now the military power of the earth has lost its balance.

Another thing is that the US military expenditure has been rising year after year. Obviously, the US is deliberately trying to maintain its dominance and its focus is not on human development at all.

This is not a good sign. Once some countries are forced to bear it, a nuclear war is likely to break out. At that time, whether humanity can survive is a question.

"I understand that I will control the progress" Barry took a deep breath and said directly. Understanding Xu Ping's concern, people in the scientific community are also worried about the performance of the United States. How could Barry be an exception.

After chatting with Xu Pingan for a while, Barry said goodbye. Xu Pingan took Barry away and took a shower and went to rest directly. The plane was really tired. If he hadn't planned to build one, he would have bought one.

The next day, Xu Ping'an went directly to the institute to inspect, and after a lap, Xu Ping'an was really surprised that Giles, a stubborn old man, actually joined hands with Peggy.

Giles' goal is to create a cheap aviation material. Peggy's goal is to create super steel that can resist corrosion in space. The price of iron is undoubtedly very low, which is in line with Giles' goal.

And a failed work just completed by Peggy proved that low-cost super alloy steel fully meets the goals of the two. The two elderly people communicated once by themselves, and the two teams were directly merged into one team, and they were fully committed to alloy steel.

In front of Xu Ping'an, the two directly handed Barry an experimental plan with a budget of up to one billion euros. Barry knew what Xu Ping meant. Looking at the plan in his hand, the flesh on his face was smoked.

Xu Ping'an patted Barry on the shoulder. Barry accepted the plan. He bluntly said that it needed to be reviewed. He would reply to the two in a few days. The two of them didn't care. After communicating with Xu Ping'an, he went directly to the laboratory research.

Four different experiments were carried out at the same time. It can be seen how much enthusiasm and creation the two put into. The word has an incomparable temptation for scientists. Money and treatment are not very important. The only goal is to complete your creation.

Nilun has also returned to continue his work, conducting research on the second generation of carbon crystal solar panels. Four members of the original team have joined other project teams. The current team has been reorganized.

Nilun’s global lecture tour lasted for a year, and those researchers couldn’t wait for a year. They didn’t leave Tianqi Group anyway, they were still in the same research institute and directly participated in other project groups.

Only one person named Lamud submitted a research application report. The new carbon crystal project was reviewed and approved by Barry to conduct independent research. Barry accompanied four assistants.

Diamond is a solid carbon material. When processed into gems, it becomes diamonds. The technology of synthetic diamonds is already very common. Lamoud's project is to synthesize a synthetic carbon crystal that exceeds the hardness of natural diamonds by more than three times.

The focus of this type of synthetic carbon crystal is on the use of optics. The specific point is laser weapons. At present, the lack of huge development of laser weapons in the world is due to material limitations. Lamud’s research is to change this situation.

If it succeeds, the laser guns and laser cannons in science fiction movies are no longer a dream, and they are completely possible. Barry carefully reviewed Lamud's background and approved without any problems.

Lamud holds a German passport and his birthplace is Syria. Before the country's civil war, his family immigrated to Germany. He has a PhD in optical materials from the University of Dresden and is a disciple of Nielen.

The Institute of Advanced Materials of Apocalypse was established. When Nilun joined the institute, Lamud was also brought into the institute. In Nilun’s words, Lamud was a very talented student.

Barry was able to approve Lamud's plan because Nilun spoke, otherwise Barry would really dare not approve this plan. This plan is very costly.

The success of carbon crystal solar panels has brought great prestige to Nilun, and has also changed Nilun’s style of doing things. From the original Professor Thorn to a very gregarious scientist, this change has made everyone know Nilun. People are surprised.

However, everyone is more willing to see Nilun’s change. Not to mention, Nilun wrote 39 letters of recommendation for his students, so that these students successfully joined many famous research institutes.

Without exception, these students must be grateful to Nilun, and have published articles in the media that Nilun is a highly respected and good mentor, adding a lot of prestige to Nilun.

Once these students grow up in major research institutes in the future, Nielen will have more prestige in the scientific community. Not only that, but at the University of Dresden, Nielen will also lower his stance and admit his previous mistakes and a few differences. The professors who dealt with it got together.

Admitting mistakes in Nielon’s position today has already given the opponent enough face, and there is no point in continuing to fight. In Nielon’s secret words, they are no longer in the same world today. Need to be angry.

At noon, Xu Ping'an had a drink with Barry, Nilun, Polis and other old researchers. They didn't drink less, and took a break in the afternoon. No one had any comments.

Xu Pingan is also happy today. Many projects in the institute have made considerable progress. It is expected that at the end of this year, there will be a peak period of results.

Early the next morning, Barry arrived at the hotel where Xu Pingan was staying. The two drank tea in the living room. "Boss, this year the funds paid by our research institute are estimated to be reduced a lot."

"What's the reason?" Xu Pingan asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Many of the equipment needs to be replaced, the price is expensive, and it is expected to cost about 800 million euros," Barry said with a curled lips, Xu Ping'an also smiled bitterly.

"It's been several years, and it's time to replace it. Is there any significant improvement in the new generation of products" Xu Pingan asked directly.

"Yes, many have achieved substantial improvements, higher accuracy, and multiple configurations," Barry said directly.

"Change it, Pippen in Austria also plans to replace a batch of research equipment, as well as the Renewable Resources Research Institute in the UK and the Comprehensive Research Institute of the Celestial Dynasty, all of which will be replaced."

"Don't forget to sell the old equipment at a good price" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Boss, this is a certainty. Our current equipment is high-end for many countries, much better than the equipment of their own research institutes"

"Others I am not sure. If the equipment of the Tianchao Research Institute is sold, I believe that many Tianchao research institutes are rushing to ask for it. The price of the equipment here is the first point. Countries like India are also rushing to ask for it." Barry is very certain. Said.

Xu Ping'an nodded and recognized this. The reason why the research institute of Tianqi Group has made many breakthroughs is that the world's top experimental equipment has contributed a lot to this.

In terms of the simplest test tube centrifuge equipment, the centrifuge of Tianqi Institute has the highest speed and separation factor, and the price is ten times that of ordinary centrifuges. As a result, the accuracy rate is 20% higher than that of ordinary centrifuges. two.

A small difference can give birth to a new result. This is the advantage of advanced equipment. Unfortunately, this advanced equipment has a lot of restrictions. You can't buy it if you want.

Tianqi Group has been secretly warned many times when purchasing the equipment, only allowing you to use it yourself. If you find that you are using the experimental equipment for other research institutes, you will directly cut off the supply.

The old equipment that has been used for more than three years can be handled by Tianqi Group on its own, because the high-precision experimental equipment is basically in the half-cost stage after three years of operation, the data has a certain deviation, and the value has dropped sharply.

At this time, it is very difficult for you to conduct high-precision research projects. This is the fundamental reason why the research institute costs remain high. Research equipment is really expensive.

If the equipment prices of several major research institutes of Tianqi Group are calculated together, it will properly exceed 10 billion euros, which is a standard that many national research institutes cannot meet.

"It seems that this year is not only for you to pay less, and other research institutes are no exception. Austria needs more than 600 million euros, and the equipment replacement budget submitted by Gilbert of the United Kingdom is as high as 1.2 billion euros."

"Chen Fansheng hasn't made any statistics yet. It can be predicted that the cost will not be lower than that of the UK, and it is estimated that it will cost about 5 billion euros in total."

"Seriously, I feel pain when I think of it" Xu Ping'an said bitterly, and Barry also smiled and clicked to show his understanding.

The two of them drank tea and discussed the follow-up development of the institute. At the same time, they also communicated the progress of some projects. Those who could increase the research and development efforts and those who wanted to control the speed of research and development had a detailed conversation.

In Marseille, France, Thompson, who came to invite Antonio's group, breathed a long sigh of relief in the hotel. Antonio finally came back. When the group arrived in Marseille, Antonio went on vacation with his girlfriend.

Antonio’s current name is Gardner, and everyone around him doesn’t know that Gardner is Antonio, who has the name [Humanoid Nuclear Bomb]. He is very concealed and has lived there for seven years.

Gardner and his girlfriend Ge Li had a day off at the Travel Club. After Ge Li drove out on this day, Thompson led someone to press the doorbell of Gardner's house, and the door was opened soon.

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