Start the era of black technology

Chapter 423 Eight Giants

In the past, the Institute of Oceanography in any country dared to brag like this, and absolutely a bunch of marine experts jumped out to spray you, but this time there was no one. After comparing the pictures, it is clear how difficult it is.

The Australian environment department is very upset. A lot of coral reefs have died in the surrounding waters. It can be seen that the pollution has reached the level. The country is still arguing about whether to contract the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography.

It's all right now, no need to argue, even if the contract is given, the Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography will not accept it. Regardless of other things, this large project in New Zealand has already occupied all the manpower, and we must concentrate on completing this contract.

Once the Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography restores the marine ecology of the Bay of Plenty, and then negotiate a contract with the Institute of Oceanography, it will not be the current price. Xu Ping'an's greed is universally known. If there is not enough profit, he will definitely not take orders. .

Hangzhou, Tianqi Science and Technology Park, Xu Pingan’s office, Qiao Yicheng was drinking tea with Xu Pingan. “I didn’t expect the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography to be so powerful, and it cost more than 5 billion euros in one shot.” ​​Qiao Yicheng said with emotion.

"This is nothing, you don't know their true strength" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, Qiao Yicheng froze for a while, smiled and said nothing, and stopped asking this question.

Qiao Yicheng is in charge of science and technology companies. He is very clear about how many amazing researches are currently in science and technology companies. The Institute of Oceanography is certainly no exception. The major research institutes of Tianqi Group are very difficult.

"Mr. Xu, you see that these are the rules for this year's solo aircraft exchange competition. If there is no problem, I will send it out tomorrow." Qiao Yicheng said directly, and after that, he handed the document to Xu Ping An, who took it over and looked at it.

The difficulty of this year's exchange competition has been greatly improved, especially in terms of flying distance. Special rewards are given. The single-person aircraft that flies the farthest will receive a special reward of 3 million Chinese yuan.

With a load of more than two hundred kilograms and a flying distance of more than 120 kilometers, a single-person aircraft weighs no more than one hundred kilograms. Those who meet these three conditions can also receive three million rewards.

Xu Pingan slowly flipped through it and nodded, "How did you get the reward data?" Xu Pingan asked.

"It is based on the data of the aircraft that participated in the exchange meeting last year. It is like the second special reward. According to last year's data, only four teams can do it."

"There are only 17 teams flying more than 120 kilometers, but these teams have very low payloads..." Qiao Yicheng gave a detailed introduction.

"How far is our aircraft?" Xu Pingan asked.

"Boss, we conducted a test a few days ago, with a load of 210 kilograms, the weight of the aircraft reached 98 kilograms, and the flying distance reached 373 kilometers." Qiao Yicheng said very positively. After Xu Ping'an listened. It was a smile on his face.

"How is the safety test going" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile.

"The parachute can be ejected instantly after the engine is shut down at a height of 400 meters, and the personnel will be fine," Qiao Yicheng said very positively.

"Where did the test take place and how confidential is it?" Xu Ping An asked concerned.

"President, please rest assured, our test site was conducted in the no man's land on the side of the Poseidon Planting Base," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"Have you applied for an aerial experiment," Xu Pingan asked.

"It's done, we didn't go beyond the scope" Qiao Yicheng said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"The departments concerned didn't talk to you," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and Qiao Yicheng also laughed.

"Mr. Xu, this is really not there. As of today, no one has come to me to talk about this matter. Seriously, I am quite puzzled about this matter." Qiao Yicheng said directly. come out.

"I don't want to do that much anymore, it will depend on the situation at that time" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and Qiao Yicheng nodded.

"Mr. Xu, this time the Davos forum of the magic city is of high enough specifications, and there are heads of state from more than forty countries. I read the news reports, Mr. Xu, you have to speak," Qiao Yicheng asked.

"Yes, I want to speak. Chen Qingshan found me with an invitation. If you don't speak, this is a dead order."

"Another possibility, I don't even participate in it, it's a waste of time" Xu Ping'an said bitterly.

Qiao Yicheng curled his lips and said, "Mr. Xu, it is said that the boss outside who wants to participate is willing to pay seven million for a place for participation, and one million for a ten-minute speaking opportunity."

"Enterprises are different. I am compulsory to participate. The next level is to select a group of entrepreneurs to inform you. You are free to participate or not. Ninety-five percent of entrepreneurs are not eligible to participate."

"These entrepreneurs do not have enough business scale. What they need is exposure to enhance their brand value. Starting a business is not easy," Xu Ping'an said with emotion.

“It’s really difficult to start a business now. A friend of mine started his own business. It was very smooth in the beginning and got two rounds of financing. As a result, the company’s profits have not come up. The third round of financing is very difficult.”

"In the past two years, I have thought of various ways to increase profitability. As a result, it has become a little bit ugly and forced the original consumers away a lot. It is difficult to say whether it can survive this year," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"What kind of business is his?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Car sharing" Qiao Yicheng said directly, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"We don’t intervene in the business of various industries in the sharing economy. The acquisition of Internet companies must be approved by the headquarters." Xu Pingan looked at Qiao Yicheng and said meaningfully. Qiao Yicheng nodded earnestly. Today, mentioning this matter is to test Xu. Peaceful opinions.

After drinking tea with Xu Ping An for a while, Qiao Yicheng left. There were a lot of things and must be dealt with. After sending Qiao Yicheng away, Xu Ping'an went directly to the large French window and looked outside.

"Xingling, do you have to talk about environmental protection?" Xu Ping'an frowned and said.

"Yes, according to my model, if there is no major change, in recent years, there will be a large-scale and high-frequency ultra-extreme weather that will become horrible year by year."

"For more than ten years, the price of food is more expensive than gold, which is not conducive to the development of commanders," Xingling said directly.

"Will this extreme weather last forever?" Xu Pingan asked.

"No, extreme weather is caused by the reaction of various substances in the atmosphere. After the energy is released, it will return to normal and restore balance."

"It's just that you humans may not be able to survive this period. If it weren't for this kind of weather that would affect the development of the commander, I wouldn't remind you," the Star Spirit said directly.

"I understand," Xu Ping'an said directly, looking at the scenery outside, this time he could not stand on the cusp of the storm again.

Time passed slowly, and the time for the Davos Summer Forum was getting closer and closer. Some national leaders have begun to come to the heaven one after another, and the presidents or chairman of international giants will also come.

Xu Ping'an also set off for the magic city. He did not live in the room arranged by the organizing committee. He opened a few standard rooms and a large suite in a five-star hotel not far from the meeting place.

On this day, Xu Ping An received a phone call from Leonardo, Chairman of Qualcomm Group, and invited Xu Ping An to have a dinner party at night. There were seven people in total.

Xu Ping An agreed. Those who can participate in today's dinner are certainly not simple people. Let's see who is there. Xu Ping An is very curious.

At 7 o’clock in the evening, Xu Ping’an went out by car and headed for the restaurant. The location is a high-end private restaurant and a small courtyard at the mouth of the Yangtze River. It is only for the membership level. To become an ordinary member, you need a net worth of at least 100 million. .

Today, this private restaurant is not open to ordinary members and senior members, only Xu Pingan and the eight others. The restaurant has already mobilized a lot of super ingredients, which are rare in the outside world. Today, high-profile guests pay the bill.

When Xu Ping An arrived because of the traffic jam, Leonardo and the other six were already there. When Xu Ping got out of the car, someone greeted him immediately and took Xu Ping to the banquet hall on the second floor.

Seeing Xu Ping'an coming, Qualcomm's Leonardo stood up, "Xu, you are late today" and shook hands with Xu Ping'an with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, I didn't expect the traffic jam to be so serious. I set off at seven, and it took an hour," Xu Ping said with a helpless expression, and everyone sitting on the sofa not far away laughed.

"Xu, let me introduce to you" Leonardo said with a smile, Xu Ping'an nodded, and the two went to rest.

This room is large in size, with rest area, entertainment area, dining area, toilet, etc. The decoration is simple and elegant, it can make people feel relaxed here, and the decoration is obviously made by the master.

The Eastern and Western paintings hanging around are all genuine, not playful. Each painting is worth more than one hundred thousand. The carpets on the ground are made of Iranian specialty handmade wool, and the price is also expensive.

The tables, chairs and benches are all in sharp oriental colors. Picking up a chair, you will find that the weight is more than twice that of an ordinary chair. They are all made of precious solid wood, including tables, porcelain, and all treasures.

"Xu, this one is talking to you on the phone. It is Mr. Hughes, President of General Motors.

"You should know this, Mr. Gai, the founder of Microsoft"

"This is Mr. Morton, Chairman of Renathan Group"

"This is Prince Adnan of Saudi Arabia"

"This is Mr. Norton, Chairman of Airbus Group"

"This is Mr. Jean, President of the Swiss Roche Group"

Xu Ping'an very politely shook hands with several of them one by one, and everyone sat down to chat. Today's people are all heavyweights, and each one is not simple.

Although the reputation of Renathan Group is not obvious, its strength is very strong. Mining giants, let alone others, in Africa, Renathan Group has 47 large-scale mines, and no one knows how many small and medium-sized mines there are.

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