Start the era of black technology

Chapter 424: With Technology, Do You Dare To Produce

A properly hidden and extremely deep mining giant, many rare ores have been monopolized by the Renassen Group. Such strength is not obvious to the outside world, which shows its strength.

Drinking tea and chatting, Gai suddenly asked Xu Ping An, "Xu, what do you think of the current trade war between the two countries? Can it end as soon as possible?"

Xu Pingan took a look at Gates. Although Gates’ family conditions are good, he founded Microsoft, the world’s giant company, which already shows how capable he is.

“It’s a good thing for certain industries, but it’s not a good thing for many industries. Both countries will experience labor pains. In the end, it will be a good thing for the governments of both countries. I am afraid it will not end in the short term.” Xu Ping An said straightly. the opinion of.

Everyone was taken aback. The trade war was a kind of harm to the U.S. and China. Everyone was very curious about why Xu Ping'an would say it was a good thing.

"Xu, tell me in detail" Leonardo said next to him.

"After the start of the trade war, there will be certain benefits to the U.S. manufacturing industry. When the import cost is high, it can only be produced in the country. This will increase the number of jobs in the U.S. and is what the Black House urgently needs."

"The downside is that over time, it will have a significant impact on a lot of industries, increasing costs and decreasing profits, and there will be a number of companies that cannot sustain it.

"Now the suppliers of large international companies are basically from all over the world, and an effective cooperation mechanism has been formed. Trade wars will seriously affect this mechanism, and other countries in the world cannot avoid it."

"It also has a lot of benefits for the Tianchao. After experiencing the Xingxing company, coupled with this trade war, many people in the Tianchao are sober. As far as I know, many companies have greatly increased their R&D funds this year. The minimum has also doubled"

"With so much funding, the dependence of Chinese companies on U.S. products will turn, and the dependence will become lower and lower."

"At the same time, the sources of imports of the Celestial Dynasty will be diversified. Products from many industries will be imported from other countries. Now that the international economy is weak, there must be many countries willing to export to the Celestial Dynasty."

"After all, the celestial dynasty has a huge consumer market, and this is something that no company is willing to give up." Xu Ping An said what he was thinking, and many people began to frown.

"So, the trade war has no substantial benefit to the United States," Gates said with a frown.

"It's good for the Black Palace. For Leonardo, it shouldn't be a good thing. It will create a lot of competitors." Xu Ping An looked at Leonardo and said with a smile.

Qualcomm supports global trade, which is different from Apple, because the nature of their products determines that the two companies have different strategies. It is difficult to feed Qualcomm just by relying on the US market.

Only a global trade structure, relying on patent fees and monopoly of chip products, can bring huge profits to Qualcomm. Trade restrictions are also very uncomfortable for Qualcomm.

"You are dissatisfied with saying that after the incident of Xingxing Company, I have ordered the establishment of six chip research project groups to deal with future changes. When the time comes, I can only intervene in the chip industry."

"The new lithography process has been developed by Tianqi Group for more than five years." Xu Ping'an looked at Leonardo and said, everyone else had a shocked expression. I didn't expect Xu Ping'an to hide such a big killer.

Leonardo's brows have deepened. Others don't know the R&D strength of Tianqi Group. Leonardo is very clear that it is definitely not a good thing to let Tianqi Group intervene in the chip industry.

"I also started preparing for the operating system. Four R&D project teams have been established. There is no way. Once your country orders us not to use it, I can't stop production." It's also a move.

"I don't want to take this step as a last resort. It is impossible for your company to intervene in all industries. This will increase very large research and development expenses."

"If things develop to the point where we can't do anything about it, we will have to become competitors, forgive me," Xu Ping'an said. Leonardo and Gates were obviously stunned, feeling that Xu Ping'an had something to say.

"The operating system is not so well developed," Gates said.

"I know, so I acquired the Window of the World operating system and the Linux operating system. With this foundation, it will be much more convenient"

"Seriously, I'm used to the Windows operating system. Once you don't let me use your system, I can't use that old system, so I have to arrange a retreat."

"You know the Apocalypse mobile operating system, and I believe you have also verified it. In the first year, it may not be as good as the Android and Apple systems. Now, in some aspects, the functions far exceed these two systems."

"Therefore, the decision to increase or not increase my competitor is not on my side, but on you. You are fully capable of making me abandon these two projects. It is up to you how to do it." Xu Ping An told the truth.

Gates and Leonardo both frowned and nodded, understanding what Xu Pingan meant. From the operating system of Tianqi mobile phone, it can be seen that Tianqi Group is absolutely capable of independently developing a new operating system.

It is even simpler to develop chips. It is rare to produce chips. Xu Ping'an has just said that the new lithography equipment has been studied for five years. With Tianqi Group's R&D strength, it is impossible to have no progress in five years.

"Fortunately you don't participate in the auto industry" Hughes said while looking at him, everyone smiled and the atmosphere was relaxed.

"The dishes are already here. Let's talk while eating." Mr. Norton, President of Airbus Group, said with a smile, and everyone stood up and walked towards the table.

"Everyone, for our gathering today, let's make a toast together." Prince Adnan raised his cup directly. Everyone smiled and touched the cup and took a sip before eating.

Today's dishes are all specially made. Because of different beliefs, there is no dish that is not suitable for Prince Adnan. The meat is mainly beef-based, and some other dishes are equipped.

"Xu, your hydrogen industry has caused us heavy losses." Prince Adnan looked at Xu Ping'an with profound meaning. The two were next to each other and spoke very convenient.

"Sorry, you know, even if our Tianqi Group does not make a breakthrough, other companies will make breakthroughs in recent years" Xu Ping'an said in a low voice, and Prince Adnan nodded, admitting this.

The number of countries and research institutions engaged in new energy research in the world, Prince Adnan knows better than Xu Pingan, but he did not expect Tianqi Group to take the lead in breaking through.

"After all, crude oil profits are limited, so the prince never thought about researching and developing high-value-added petroleum products," Xu Pingan said with deep meaning.

"Xu, let’s tell you, we have such an institution and research institute, but we have not made any breakthroughs. We have lost the profit of crude oil. Our life is very difficult." Prince Adnan said directly. Better.

"The price of super fuel has soared to one hundred and forty dollars per liter. Does the prince know how much his cost is?" Xu Ping'an said in a low voice. Prince Adnan looked at Xu Ping'an seriously and nodded, very clearly. How much profit is there.

"Knowing that we can't produce, we don't have this technology," Prince Adnan said directly.

"With the technology, do you dare to produce?" Xu Ping'an said directly. Prince Adnan frowned. He couldn't answer this. This is unique to the United States. It is produced in my own country. The US Congress will not agree. Easy to say.

"His Royal Highness, if you dare to produce, the technology is not a problem, and I can authorize you at a low price. We have the technology in this area and do not infringe. It is expected that it will be completely improved this year," Xu Pingan said directly.

Hearing Xu Pingan's saying that he did not infringe Prince Adnan's eyes brightened, "I believe we will have the opportunity to cooperate. If Mr. Xu has time, he can come to our country to play," Prince Adnan said directly.

"This is my honour. I am convinced that we must have the opportunity to cooperate." Xu Ping'an said with a smile. Prince Adnan raised his wine glass and touched Xu Ping's wine glass with a smile, and both of them ate it. There was a clear smile on his face.

Hughes has been paying attention to Xu Ping'an, and seeing Xu Ping'an and Prince Adnan murmur and meet each other with a smile on their faces. Obviously, this is what the two have reached. Xu Ping'an should not be underestimated. .

Hughes turned his head and looked at Leonardo, and found that Leonardo was also looking at him, both of them smiled bitterly, Leonardo was also paying attention to Xu Ping An.

"Xu, I don't know if you have conducted research on the hydrogen engines used in airplanes" Mr. Norton, the chairman of Airbus Group, put down his glass and looked at Xu Ping An inquired.

"This is true, Mr. Norton is interested" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Of course, it has always been our pursuit to reduce the operating cost of aircraft. Hydrogen energy is much cheaper than aviation fuel. Of course I am interested," Norton admitted directly.

"Frankly speaking, I want to buy an aircraft company myself. This new type of aircraft can definitely reduce fuel costs by 50%. I really don't want to authorize externally." Xu Ping'an said directly. Many people were taken aback and reduced the cost by 100%. Fifty points, is there any mistake?

If this is true, Xu Pingan intends to subvert the aircraft manufacturing industry in one fell swoop. At that time, Airbus and Boeing will definitely not escape the fate of bankruptcy.

"Xu, you and our president, Mr. El, are good friends. Do you have the heart to watch El be embarrassed by the unemployment of hundreds of thousands of workers?" Norton was really anxious to say that.

Airbus has already conducted a comprehensive analysis of whether Tianqi Group is researching hydrogen engines used in aircrafts. The answer is definitely yes, because Tianqi Group has recruited many engine authorities, and these people don’t know anything about research and development. It is very likely that it is an aircraft. Used hydrogen engine.

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