Others all smiled. Obviously, Norton was a little anxious, and everyone understood that if the hydrogen engine used in the Tianqi Group planes made a breakthrough, the acquisition of an airport would cause too much impact.

"Xu, I dare not say in other industries. Only Boeing of the United States can compete with Airbus in aircraft manufacturing. The Tianchao has developed well in recent years."

"But in terms of aircraft manufacturing, it is still one level behind. Aircraft manufacturing is not that simple. There are many issues that need to be considered. You can't accumulate research and development in a short time."

"Flights in thunderstorm weather, magnetic field interference, electromagnetic wave interference, air turbulence interference, etc., all require a lot of technical support. Except for us and Boeing, no aircraft manufacturing company in any country has such accumulation."

"Therefore, I think that our cooperation is the best choice," Norton said, looking at Xu Ping'an seriously.

"I will seriously consider your opinion. Let's talk after the Davos Forum meeting," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Norton nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hope you guys don't spread today's things." Norton looked at Seuss deeply after he said, and he nodded with a wry smile, and the others nodded one after another.

Let’s not talk about it, but pay attention to it. In the future, it will be no problem to grab a handful from the stock market. Adnan smiled and greeted everyone to eat and drink together, and began to talk about Fengyue. Very talkative.

After more than an hour, everyone dispersed and left in their own cars. Seuss and Leonardo were in the same hotel. When they entered the elevator, Leonardo took a look at Seuss, and Seuss understood what was going on. Go directly to Leonardo's room.

After making two cups of coffee, the two sat down and talked, "Still worrying about what Xu said today" Hughes asked, and Leonardo nodded seriously.

"Is there such a big threat?" Hugh began to ask seriously.

"Other parties dare not say that Tianqi Group's research strength in the Internet is absolutely strong. The reason why I have always maintained a good cooperative relationship with him is that I don't want him to intervene in this industry."

"He didn't lie. He has been conducting research on new lithography processes for several years. We have confirmed this. Although our ability in chip design is not as good as ours, we have been catching up."

"Researchers have also mastered part of it. I don't believe that there is no result at all. Xu is very cunning and secretive. At a certain stage, he directly throws out the results, causing a huge shock wave and striking the entire industry indiscriminately"

"Many industries have already realized this. The solar industry, wind energy industry, and hydrogen energy industry. Isn't that one that has been turbulently impacted by sudden news? Are there still a few companies that have gone bankrupt?"

"In addition, as you have seen, Gates did not refute what Xu said. The strength of Tianqi Group on the Internet is really extraordinary. Let me put it this way. This is because Xu did not intend to expand in this area."

"If he really wants to expand, the Chinese Internet company is definitely the only one, and technology is the root of the Internet company," Leonardo said with a serious expression.

Hughes was shocked. He did not expect Leonardo to comment on the Apocalypse Group in this way. With Leonardo's pride, the strength of the Apocalypse Group must be re-evaluated.

"No, his technology company has only been established for a few years. How can it be possible to have this kind of talent and technical foundation? All walks of life must have a certain accumulation to make a breakthrough. Where did he accumulate?" Hughes asked.


"This hacker also cooperates with our company. Our company's defense system comes from the hacker's hands. Not only us, Microsoft is no exception, and the same is true for several large Internet companies," Leonardo said directly.

"The hackers of the celestial dynasty, I don't believe they have this kind of ability" Hughes said with a serious face.

"Hackers are our Americans and the president’s supporters. When we cooperated with him, he said that he reminded us that he owes Xu Ping’an a favor. Let’s try not to talk to Xu Ping’an. There is no way out"

"Once Xu Pingan uses this condition, he has no choice," Leonardo said with a sigh.

"How are you sure that he is a native of America" ​​Hughes asked curiously.

"This news was confirmed by Microsoft. When we contacted Microsoft, Microsoft had a technological breakthrough that could restore the filtered sounds."

"This person filtered out the message of receiving takeaways when talking to Microsoft, and was restored by Microsoft. Through voice comparison and analysis, this is the grammar and habit of Americans" Leonardo said directly, and Hughes nodded. .

"I now know why you don't suppress the Tianqi Group," Hughes said directly, with a clear understanding of the strength of this hacker.

"So, once the situation really develops to that point, our companies will suffer a major blow. This can be seen from the intelligent search of Tianqi Group."

"That smart technology came from hackers, and the logic analysis program Microsoft had to write a word of service. Why did the ancient song make peace with Poseidon? I am worried that Tianqi Technology will directly make weekly search free of charge," Leonardo said directly .

Only then did Hughes understand what was going on. It turned out that Gu Ge backed down because of this incident, and Xu Ping'an was really lucky, being covered by such a great god, there were really not many people who dared to move him.

"What are you going to do?" Hughes asked.

"What can we do? Let's start lobbying. It won't affect our profits. If Apocalypse Group is really allowed to intervene in our industry, wait and see that the U.S. will decline faster," Leonardo rubbed his head and said.

"The Apocalypse Group doesn't have such a big influence," Hugh said with a frown.

"Hughes, you can't just stare at the U.S. You can also see how Norton is anxious today. Airbus has a great influence in the European Union. Once in-depth cooperation with Apocalypse Group, the foundation of Apocalypse Group in the EU will be more solid."

"Backed by the two major markets of China and Europe, his influence is increasing day by day. You can also see the order of the forums this time. The last day, the heavyweight."

"Don't forget, who are the three people who spoke that day" Leonardo said seriously.

Hughes frowned. On the last day, there were three speakers, one Xu Ping'an, one from the U.S. President Spectroscopy, and the Prime Minister of India. According to the tradition of the forum, daily speakers must be politicians and business people.

"This is specially arranged" Hughes said, looking at Leonardo.

"The order of speeches was sent to the Black Palace, and Spectrum personally modified it. The last day was considered to be the second speech. The only head of state who spoke twice. It turned out that only the head of the host country has this privilege," Leonardo said directly.

"Why did he arrange this?" Hughes asked puzzledly.

"The ghost knows, who can figure out what that person has done since he came to power" Leonardo said with a wry smile, you thought you guessed it correctly, but the result was not what you expected. This is reality.

"I don't want that much, let me know if necessary, and I will cooperate," Hughes said directly. The secret alliance status of the two companies must help each other.

In other hotels, the people who participated in today's dinner did not take a break, either two people discussed, or discussed with their own team, or thought individually. In short, there are no small concerns.

Xu Pingan didn't sleep either. He was also deducing what he said at the dinner today. Those words were intentional, and the purpose was one point. The development of Tianqi Group should not be affected.

The night passed. Xu Ping'an didn't get up until almost 12 o'clock in the morning. Last night, he slept too late and didn't go to bed at 4 o'clock in the morning. After lunch, he called Qiao Yicheng to speed up the development of the hydrogen engine for the plane.

Xu Pingan does not intend to intervene in this industry. There are several companies that can replace Boeing in the United States, and there is no company that can replace Airbus in the European Union. Once you eat alone, you may face resistance from both Europe and the United States. This is something that needs to be avoided.

The patent authorization and becoming a giant behind the scenes are more in line with the interests of Tianqi Group. This is the result of Xu Ping's repeated thinking last night.

There are still a few days before the start of the forum. Every day there is a meal. Xu Pingan only participated in a meal of a domestic enterprise and served as the boss of the meal. The rest was a meal with the president or chairman of an international giant company.

There is no way to gather things together. When the company reaches a certain point, it is automatically divided into circles. Tianqi Group is divided into the circle of international giants. The gathering of domestic entrepreneurs did not invite Xu Pinggan.

It's not on a scale. It's uncomfortable to talk together. I have all the experience. In order to avoid embarrassment for everyone, it is natural to divide the circle.

Drinking at noon and at night, there is no interruption of the day, although it is not so much, it may not be so good, even red wine, it is not good, Xu Ping'an now feels nauseous when he sees the wine.

I feel uncomfortable, and other entrepreneurs are uncomfortable. Xu Ping'an was very curious about how they persevered. After asking for advice, they found that everyone has their own set of hangover methods.

Xu Ping'an was simple and directly handed it over to the Xingling, who would take care of his body after he fell asleep.

A few days passed quickly, and the forum began to be officially held. This time the translator used in the forum was provided by Tianqi Group Technology Co., Ltd., which was temporarily produced for use.

Tianqi Technology Company also issued a statement, the situation is special, only this batch is for forum use, the technology company has no plans to produce this product by itself.

It was stipulated in the patent authorization contract that Tianqi Technology Company was not allowed to produce translators by itself. This time the production must obtain understanding and sign a memorandum with all companies that have signed patent authorization.

A surprising scene appeared on the streets of the magic city. A celestial man and a foreigner were eating together with a device, and the branches spoke in their native languages.

Through short-distance Bluetooth communication, the meaning of each person's expression appears on the other's translator, which is very convenient, and the communication is smooth and unimpeded.

This is also a major feature of this year's forum. Instant translation, no need to wait. Reporters from some major media, heads of state and dignitaries, and invited entrepreneurs have also received translators provided by the organizing committee.

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