Start the era of black technology

Chapter 426 This is a vicious circle

Xu Pingan went out early every day to listen to the speeches of the heavyweights participating in the forum, and then came back at five or six in the afternoon, and then went to dinner and went to bed in the middle of the night, very regular.

For four days, more than a dozen people with significant influence gave speeches every day. Xu Ping'an was also paying attention to the lectures, absorbing a lot of experience, and thinking about many issues.

On the last day, there were only three speakers in the morning, Xu Pingan, the President of the United States, and the Prime Minister of India. This is also the most live broadcast of this forum. It is estimated that the number of viewers will reach more than 3 billion, and the huge conference hall is full. of.

The first is the interaction between the host and the three people. Most of them are the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of India. Xu Ping’an keeps a smile on his face and doesn’t speak much. This is the rule. There are basically very few people in the business community. Speaking, it's all like this.

At the end of the discussion session, a one-person speech started. The first is the speech of the President of the United States. Everyone is not surprised and conforms to the guess. It has always been the case, and the speech of the Prime Minister of India is also the same, which is not unexpected.

When it was Xu Ping'an's turn, many people were full of spirits. Xu Ping'an's speech was famous for its practicality, and there were no polite remarks.

Xu Pingan took the computer and came to the speech desk "Thank the organizing committee for the arrangement of giving me a speech. I have participated in the forum these days and listened carefully to the speeches of dignitaries and entrepreneurs, which made me feel a lot."

"Similarly, just listening to the speeches of the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of India on the stage has also benefited me a lot."

"However, the speeches in the past few days have mentioned one thing, and that is that the world economy continues to be weak. I have a certain different view on this issue. If you do not agree with my opinion, you can leave a message on the official website of Tianqi Group after the meeting. , I will reply one by one.” When Xu Ping'an said here, many people were full of energy.

What does it mean to have different opinions on the weakening of the world economy? The highlight is coming. Every time Xu Ping An’s different opinions arouse analysis and discussion by many people, it is definitely a topic that the media likes.

"Everyone discusses the economy for common development. We cannot deny all kinds of opinions. We must make a comprehensive scientific judgment to find the most suitable development route."

"The world economy is weak. I think a large part of the reason is that our statistical methods are problematic. The current statistical methods are basically based on the statistical methods of the Second World War. This statistical method is not suitable for modern society."

"I analyzed the articles published by the media of various countries. Every time a new economic bill is born, it will cause a considerable number of people from all walks of life in various countries to oppose, especially the per capita income."

"Let me give a simple example. There are ten thousand people in a country, and these ten thousand people have created 10 billion in profits. On average, it is 1 million per capita wealth."

"There are two statistical methods here"

"First, 50 out of 10,000 people have created a profit of 9 billion, and the remaining 9,950 people have created a profit of 1 billion. Ask, how many of them have not reached the average wealth of 1 million. income"

"Second, five thousand people out of 10,000 people have created a profit of 7 billion, and the remaining 5,000 people have created a profit of 3 billion. Ask, how many people have not reached the average income of one million in wealth."

"Who can tell me whether this average wealth income figure is accurate and whether it can experience the wealth of the people" Xu Ping'an finished speaking and looked at the people off the court.

Everyone is pondering this question. Obviously, most of them have not reached the average income of one million in wealth, no matter which method is adopted.

"The next question is very simple. Consumption. In recent years, global prices have been rising. Such price increases are indifferent to those with average income. They can afford to consume."

"But how do people who do not reach the average income consume, what do they use for consumption, consumption is to spend money, how to consume without money, why can't the world economy be weak, not weak is the biggest abnormality"

"All countries have introduced economic stimulus plans to reduce loan interest rates, tax cuts, provide entrepreneurial funds, provide subsidies, and issue large amounts of loans into the market to stimulate economic development, but they have not had much effect."

"There is still a widespread lack of money in the economies of various countries. Why does this result happen? Where have the tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and even trillions of funds invested by the government to stimulate the economy gone? Why is there still a lack of money in the market?

"Consumers have no money, companies have no money, where did the money go, and why does it cause a lack of money"

"Why did this happen? I started placing orders with consulting agencies in many countries, began to analyze this matter, and synthesized various data to arrive at this result."

"This data source is a comparison chart made after comprehensive collection of reports from consulting agencies and economic data issued by governments around the world."

"Please look at the big screen. After reading it, everyone will know where the funds in the market are going." After Xu Ping'an finished pressing a few times on the computer, a huge OLED screen appeared on the stage with a very clear contrast. icon.

The banking industry, real estate industry, steel industry, building materials industry, transportation industry, food industry, chemical industry, etc., a lot of industries, basically include the main economic industries of the world.

The profit comparison has pierced the eyes of many people. The profits of the banking industry are thriving and firmly occupy the first place, and the profits of any other industry have not reached one-fifth of the banking industry.

"This profit icon can be investigated by yourself after the forum, and you can compare it with my chart. I believe the error will not exceed 10%."

"Money eventually flowed into the hands of the banks. The banks used long-term loans, short-term loans, derivative financial instruments, etc., to extract part of the profits of all industries."

"The most serious consequence is the lack of money in the market, very lack of money, low corporate profits, low wages for workers, how to consume, and without the consumer group, how can the world economy not be weak"

"If there is no change, the market is still short of money, and consumers are still short of money. The state continues to reduce taxes, continue to lower interest rates, and continue to provide subsidies. As a result, the market is still short of money, and consumers are still short of money."

"This is a vicious circle. After many cycles, the final result is the collapse of the existing financial and economic system. Enterprises have no profits and closed their doors, and workers are unemployed and have no salary."

"The final result is what I believe is clearer than me."

"The world needs a new statistical system, a new income class statistical system, and a comprehensive adjustment of industry policies, so that companies and consumers have money."

"With money, will the world economy still weaken?" Xu Ping'an looked at everyone and asked.

"Papa Papa Papa" Someone on the stage began to applaud, and slowly the applause became louder, and the two on the stage also clapped. People who watched Xu Ping's speech on the Internet frequently launched barrage.

[This is the truth] [This is what Xu Ping'an dared to say] [He said something I dare not say]......... A continuous wave.

All the company bosses who bought the live broadcast of today laughed one by one, traffic, Xu Ping'an is the incarnation of traffic and the representative of money.

"In today's world economic system, many people think that small profits but quick turnover is a huge lie. I think this is not a huge lie. This is a stage that a company must go through in its development."

"Of course, this sentence is not suitable for many industries and even companies, especially for high-tech companies. However, small profits but quick turnover is a golden rule for ordinary manufacturing, and it is a stage that must be experienced."

"Being a high-tech enterprise requires strong financial strength and technical strength. If you don't have this strength in ordinary manufacturing, you will implement this small profit but quick turnover plan to the end to accumulate your own strength."

"But in today's society, small profits but quick turnover are dying, because many factors restrict these basic manufacturing industries from small profits but quick turnover."

"First, the increase in labor costs, the high interest on the second loan, the third increase in patent fees, and fourth, the increase in the cost of raw materials, etc., are all affecting basic manufacturing."

"Someone may have asked, what does this have to do with the world economy? It doesn't fit the subject at all

"What I want to say is that this topic is very much in line with the world economy. The cornerstone of world economic development is basic manufacturing, because the number of employees in basic manufacturing accounts for 40% of the total employment in the entire global economy."

"The consumption of these people has been curbed. The number of consumers in the world has lost 40%. Other industries have not had a good time, and they have lost another 20 to 30%. In addition, the bottom-level employees of the banking industry account for approximately Around five"

"Everyone do the math, how many consumer groups are contained, how can the world economy not be weak, it must be weak" Xu Ping'an said here, many people understand what is going on, this analysis is very profound .

"What we need is not to beat the banking industry to death, because without the banking industry, finance will lack liquidity. We need to reform the banking industry, especially short-term lending rates and financial derivatives."

"This type of product has caused too much damage. In terms of exercising the lending interest rate, it directly drew about 40% of the project’s net profit. The remaining profit was being distributed, and it was taken away by the bank through financial derivatives. Part"

"As for how to reform the banking industry, it is a question that leaders of all countries consider. The more important point is to strengthen the control of enterprises' participation in financial derivatives."

"According to the data, about 30% of the companies are bankrupted because of financial derivatives thunderstorms. If the company goes bankrupt, workers will lose their jobs early, which will cause a chain reaction."

“It’s like dropping a stone on the calm water surface and passing it wave after wave to other industries. The difference is that the energy of these fluctuations is huge, and it’s very expensive to restore calm,” Xu Ping An said with a serious face. Out of this.

What Xu Pingan said is that the manufacturing industry feels deeply. When the company goes bankrupt, it loses one customer for the manufacturing of parts and components, and its profits are greatly reduced. The impact is really great.

Especially those parts manufacturing companies that only target one company. If this company goes bankrupt, the parts company will suffer heavy losses. If it resists it, it will start to live a hard life. Those that cannot handle it will also go bankrupt.

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