Start the era of black technology

Chapter 427: This Is Nature's Punishment

"Papa Papa" everyone's applause sounded once again. This is the second time that people have received recognition. Applause is the most obvious signal. Many people are surprised by Xu Ping'an's influence.

Today, none of the people present here are ordinary people, politicians or big entrepreneurs. Only when Xu Ping An has such influence is in line with his identity as the boss of an international giant group.

Xu Ping'an pressed down with both hands, and the applause began to weaken. Xu Ping'an looked at everyone, and the ones that should come are always coming. It must be the environmental issue.

"My last topic is about environmental issues. This issue seems to be inextricably linked to the world economy, but it is also inextricably linked. It affects the whole body, and we must consider this issue."

"One time when I was walking around the Dresden Square, I met an old man. He is an authority on atmospheric research in Germany and has a high reputation in the field of meteorology. Dr. Hickman," Xu Ping An said slowly A name.

The people of the celestial dynasty did not know Hickman. Many foreigners knew about Dr. Hickman. He is an authority on meteorology. He has retired. He has worked in the atmosphere and meteorology of the earth for decades and has a high reputation.

"The two of us had a pleasant exchange. We drank a few beers on the edge of the square together. I remember that Dr. Hickman's wife did not let the doctor drink. The doctor explained to his wife for a while before being released." After saying something, many people laughed.

"I can understand that this is for the health of Dr. Hickman. As for what reason was finally released, I don’t know. Dr. Hickman’s wife went to the square. We two were drinking beer and discussing the global climate. problem"

"Dr. Hickman told me one thing, this year may be a turning point in global climate change. If there is no good result, the climate disaster events in the movie are likely to happen in reality."

"The day after tomorrow, I don't know if you have seen this movie. The situation in it is likely to happen in reality. If there are two signs from this year to August next year."

"Then we must be prepared to deal with high-frequency extreme weather outbreaks, otherwise, a large number of humans will be killed by the extreme weather" Xu Ping'an said slowly.

Many people were shocked. This was not a trivial matter. For signs or signs, everyone started to concentrate and listened to Xu Ping'an to continue.

"Seriously, I didn't believe these two signs at first. I took out my mobile phone and called up the global title map. The doctor marked me on the map in detail."

"I asked him what his judgment was based on. The doctor said it was an accidental flash of inspiration," Xu Ping'an said with a smile. Many people were relieved and thought Xu Ping'an was joking.

However, those who knew Dr. Hickman were very disgusted with Xu Ping An, and it was unacceptable to joke about an old man.

"The doctor said the reason why his wife did not let him drink. He is too old and his internal organs have begun to fail overall. I don't know how long he can live."

"When I heard the news, I took the doctor's glass directly and stopped him from drinking beer. Instead, I ordered a glass of boiled water for the doctor, which made the doctor a little angry."

"We talked for a while, I felt that I should believe the doctor's words, he is not an old man who speaks out, I have to believe his professional judgment"

"There is an old saying in our celestial dynasty that people will die and their words are good. Dr. Hickman has no reason to lie to me. I must prepare for the future." When Xu Ping'an said here, many people began to take it seriously.

"Look at the big screen, I will mark out the areas where the two signs occur in detail. At the same time, I am willing to bet a billion dollars with anyone. I think the signs will come as scheduled." Xu Ping'an finished speaking and directly operated on the computer.

A map of North America appeared above, and most of the United States and part of Canada and part of Mexico were circled in. Everyone was surprised.

"The first sign is that sometime in December, January, and February of this year, these places will have a low temperature that has created 60 years of history," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Many people have looked at the pictures, but most of them don't believe that Mexico is in the temperate tropics, so how can there be low temperatures? Is it all nonsense?

"How can you compensate if the signs don't show up, just because of a person's prediction, so you are responsible for that?" The spectrum on the stage stood up and said directly.

"I said, I'm willing to use a billion dollars to bet that the signs will appear" Xu Ping'an turned around and looked at the spectrum and said directly.

"One billion is not enough. If the sign does not appear, you must compensate each of our three countries with 5 billion U.S. dollars," Spectra said directly while looking at Xu Ping An.

Paralyzed, I dared to grab the limelight, and received so much applause than me. I didn't applaud once in the whole process. You and he have appeared twice, and you have to pay the price.

As for the situation Xu Ping’an said, Guang Xuan does not believe it at all. It is less than six months away from time. Are you a prophet? Are you a god? If you say it is cold, it will be cold. .

"Okay, I take this bet, what do you do if there are signs?" Xu Ping'an said while looking at the spectrum.

The people in the audience and those who watched the live broadcast were excited. The $15 billion gambling of the century, and the target was Xu Ping'an and the president of the United States. This kind of scene is rare.

"If the signs do appear, I will withdraw the decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement on behalf of the United States," said Guangpu directly.

Xu Pingan smiled, this is really not equal, but it doesn’t matter, Spectra has this capital, Xu Pingan does not.

"In fact, the Paris climate agreement has no effect. If the signs do occur, the standards of the Paris climate agreement must be doubled, otherwise, there will be no effect."

"I just ask for one point. If I win, the United States will be responsible for promoting the implementation of changes to the Paris climate agreement by all countries around the world, and doubling the control standards. Do you dare to agree?" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Okay, I promise" Spectrum said directly.

Xu Pingan left the podium directly and walked towards the spectrum, "We high-five to confirm the contract, and everyone in the world is a witness." Xu Pingan stretched out his hand after speaking.

Without any hesitation, Spectrum directly clapped with Xu Ping'an three times and confirmed the bet.

The next step is simple, and the spectrum is directly done. This performance has definitely spread to the world, and his reputation must be improved.

At the same time, I can still earn 5 billion US dollars in vain. No, Canada and Mexico have to spend 1 billion. No, it’s too little. They used 4 billion US dollars to give the United States. No effort has been made. It's cheaper for you.

This must be done. If you dare not pay the money, you must pay the price. No country dares not pay back the money owed to the United States.

"Next, I will continue to talk about the second sign. Believe it or not, I will not be making any bets, because I can afford the first bet." Xu Ping'an said directly, and everyone at the scene laughed. Xu Ping An’s $15 billion is not a problem.

"The second symptom does not cause much harm, and it is uncomfortable at best, so I will not be making any bets. Please continue to watch the big screen," Xu Pingan said directly and began to continue operations on the computer.

Soon, a world map appeared on the big screen, and many places were circled in red. Everyone was shocked, even more shocked than the betting appointment just now. Depending on the situation, nine countries will be affected. .

"Next year, there will be historically record-breaking hot temperatures in certain places in these enclosed areas. It will be very hot and very uncomfortable. This is the second sign." Xu Ping'an announced the second sign, in many countries. Yuan Capital began to frown.

These circles are all over Asia and Europe, and Australia has not run, and they are also within the range. It is very hot, and many people are thinking about this issue.

"Gentlemen, if these two signs really happen, change it. For the continuation of mankind, we must change. This is the first point."

"The second point is that the scene of the day after tomorrow will definitely appear in the near future, especially the place where the first sign appears. The probability is very high and the speed is very fast. It is too late to escape from these areas."

"Dr. Hickman told me something. When he went to the North and South Pole to investigate, he found a plant at the bottom of an ice sheet in Antarctica. It was an unknown wild flower."

"This wild flower remains intact in the ice block. To achieve this effect, the temperature and snow must be drastically reduced in a very short time to cause this result. The estimated time is within two hours."

"An inference that cannot be supported by evidence. Antarctica was covered by ice in a very short period of time. Just like the scene in this movie the day after tomorrow, the speed is very fast. You can't react quickly."

"Someone has said that even if this kind of thing happens, it will be in North America and it is irrelevant to us. This idea is wrong. Once this happens in North America for the first time, it may continue to appear in any region in the world. situation"

"Including countries near the equator, without exception"

"Therefore, improving our environment is the only way for us to save ourselves" Xu Ping'an stopped when he said here, and looked at the people sitting under the stands.

"Thank you all. My speech is over. I would rather lose 15 billion US dollars than to see these two signs appear."

"Thank you everyone," Xu Ping'an finished speaking. He staggered his body to the side and bowed to the people below. The audience began to applaud.

Xu Pingan’s speech today is shocking, and it’s a worthwhile trip. Xu Pingan’s gamble with Spectroscopy is a gamble of the century. As for the outcome, it depends on six months later.

Everyone thinks that Xu Pingan’s hope of losing is very high. What happened in a few months of being able to speak is absolutely absurd. Someone who knows Dr. Hickman will ask the doctor about it after cleaning the forum.

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