The next day, more than a dozen companies that have been granted patent licenses for carbon and aluminum batteries issued a statement that they will recycle and replace the batteries of sea ships free of charge. Protecting the environment. Starting from me, carbon and aluminum batteries can already be completely harmless.

Many media have also published copies of patent authorizations. Facts have proved that Tianqi Group has indeed implemented free authorization for carbon and aluminum battery recycling technology, and they have praised Tianqi Group.

Dr. Hickman, who was far away in Dresden, was sent to the intensive care unit. He was too old, and it was time for the lamp to run out, and his consciousness had begun to be confused.

The friends who received the news rushed to Dresden immediately, hoping to get a definite news from the old friends. Many media also got the news and rushed to Dresden.

As a result, everyone was disappointed. Dr. Hickman, who was in the intensive care unit, could no longer speak. After persisting for a day, he passed away. After the news, everyone sighed.

There is no proof. The only thing that can be proved is that Xu Ping'an really had a drink with Dr. Hickman on the other side of the square. This has been confirmed by Mrs. Hickman.

When Xu Ping An received the news, he was shocked, and then called Barry to ask about the date of the memorial service. Xu Ping An would go to attend the memorial service in person and ask for the opinions of his family.

A day later, Barry called Xu Ping'an, and Mrs. Hickman agreed to Xu Ping's participation in the memorial service. She agreed that Xu Ping'an believed in Dr. Hickman's judgment.

The memorial service will be held three days later. Three hours later, it will be buried directly after the meeting. Xu Ping'an immediately arranged for people to apply for visas and charter flights, which should be completed as quickly as possible, and participation in the memorial service should not be delayed.

After one day, he went through all the formalities. Xu Pingan went directly to Dresden by chartering a flight. After a two-day rest, the memorial service appeared in a black suit.

He had a conversation with Mrs. Hickman, hugged him, comforted Mrs. Hickman, and shook hands with Dr. Hickman’s children and relatives. Xu Ping’an also spoke at the memorial service, recalling What happened to Dr. Hickman.

After the memorial service was over, until the cemetery was buried, Xu Ping'an said goodbye to Dr. Hickman's family. The media did not hide the incident and brought many photos.

People who watched the news generally had a good sense of Xu Ping'an. The two had only met once and had a drink together. Xu Ping'an seemed very humane to do this. People from all walks of life gave Xu Ping'an a very good evaluation.

After a two-day break, Xu Pingan planned to return to China tomorrow. That evening, he received a call from Airbus Chairman Norton to talk to Xu Pingan. Norton was delayed by other things when the forum ended.

When Norton was finished, Xu Ping'an had left the celestial dynasty and went to Germany. There was no other way but to meet in France first. He didn't call Xu Ping'an until Xu Ping's attended the memorial service.

The meeting place was set in France. Xu Ping'an had a manor on the outskirts of Paris. The two sides met at Xu Ping'an's manor. Xu Ping'an called Norton when he arrived in France.

The ticket was refunded directly and changed to a chartered flight to go directly to Paris. The butler took the convoy and waited outside the airport, shook hands with Xu Ping An and got on the car and left the airport.

Without a word on the way, he soon arrived home. Xu Ping'an drank a little tea and called Norton, and agreed to meet at Xu Ping'an's manor at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

Norton put down the phone and looked at the old man sitting in front of him "to discuss with his manor tomorrow."

"You are so sure that they are already developing hydrogen-powered aircraft engines. This is not as simple as a car engine," the old man frowned and asked.

"Hahn, high-performance automobile engines have always been the shortcomings of the Tianchao automobile industry, but in the hydrogen energy industry, who knows about hydrogen engines? We also disassembled several hydrogen engines. You have read the report and you should know that What level"

"Don't forget the Tianqi Institute of Mechanical Equipment in Italy. The hydrogen engine is the result of that institute. Who knows if they have started research on aircraft hydrogen engines? What if there are really us."

"Civil aircraft is not a military aircraft. It doesn't need so many restrictions, as long as it reaches thrust. How many simple aircraft engine drawings are circulating outside?"

"In case of the successful research and development of the hydrogen engine of the aircraft by Tianqi Group, it will be a different matter to cooperate with us at that time. There are many aircraft manufacturing companies in the world, and it is not difficult to acquire one."

"The cost of aircraft fuel has been reduced by more than half. Although the price of ordinary fuel has fallen a lot, the price of aviation fuel has fallen by only 20%."

"We know how much it will be reduced after replacing it with hydrogen, and how much profit there is in it. We can't take this risk," Norton said with a long sigh.

"Unexpectedly, the celestial dynasty actually played a hydrogen energy, how can it be so incredible" Hahn followed, and it has been so long since the advent of hydrogen energy, Hahn still can't believe it.

"The Heavenly Dynasty is very short of energy, but it has been rejected by the oil giants for a long time. It has no good oil fields and can only rely on buying high-priced crude oil for use. The domestic search for alternative energy is very urgent."

"Even if the Tianqi Group does not make a breakthrough, it will take a few years for the Tianqi government to make a breakthrough in new energy. In Xu Ping'an's words, the emergence of new energy is a matter of time. Tianqi Group is just one step ahead." Norton continued. One sentence.

Hahn nodded and took a sip of coffee. After putting down the cup, he looked at Norton and said, "By the way, Xu Ping'an is very greedy. It is recognized worldwide that he loves to eat alone. How do you plan to talk to him? He knows the profit. How many".

"Hahn, you underestimate Xu Pingan. He is very measured when eating alone. Every step is within the range of public acceptance, and the patents outside the range have been authorized."

"Do you know the product of translator, how effective it is, how big the market is? Xu Ping'an doesn't know, but he didn't produce it himself, but authorized more than 60 companies around the world."

"As for the hydrogen energy industry, what is the profit in it? He has authorized every country, and he lives behind the scenes to collect patent fees. Why, think about it."

"Xu Ping An is more cunning and more powerful than you think" Norton said seriously while looking at Hahn. You can't understand this scheming to a certain extent.

Hahn frowned, and then slowly said for a while, "Forget it, you just have to know it in your heart. I don't worry about it anymore. I'm getting older and I can't keep up with it."

The next day, Xu Ping An had breakfast. Norton arrived while walking in the garden. They shook hands and talked in the garden. The butler brought a pot of tea and left.

"Xu, can you know how far you have developed hydrogen engines for your aircraft?" Norton asked directly to the subject.

"Yes, we have made a great breakthrough so far. The thrust has reached the point where the aircraft can be used. The only problem is that the volume is a bit large and some optimizations are needed," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Norton nodded, as he expected, the volume was not so easy to solve, "Xu, do you know why the heavenly dynasty has been unable to give birth to advanced launches".

"I would like to hear it." Xu Ping'an is really curious about this.

"That's because a lot of materials are controlled in aircraft engine manufacturing technology. You can't obtain these materials. Therefore, you cannot produce high-quality engines." Norton said this is very practical.

"So, you have a solution to this problem" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face.

"Of course, I hope you can let our Airbus engine engineers participate in this project. Once our engineers solve the problem, we don't need much. We only need 20% of the patent share. What do you think" Norton said directly.

"No" Xu Ping'an smiled and clearly refused. Norton shook his head and smiled. Xu Ping'an reacted too quickly to not take the bait.

"I have a proposal. You can sell me the engine technology I need. I promise you that Boeing will not be authorized for hydrogen engines. Except for Airbus, I will only issue a maximum of three patent authorizations."

"I keep one copy, one for Tianchao's enterprise, and the other one I need to trade," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"You really want to intervene in the aircraft industry, why is that?" Norton looked at Xu Ping'an and asked seriously.

"You know, I need to fly around every year. I really do enough for ordinary airplanes. I invited an air manor to produce an airplane for my own use. I don't want other technology to leak." Xu Ping An said directly.

Norton immediately understood Xu Pingan’s thoughts, “Xu, your worry about technology leakage cannot be due to the leakage of other technologies during the interior decoration of the aircraft. I have a plan to solve this problem, but you can only issue an external authorization. ".

"Let's talk about it," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, discussing business, it's just that you come to me and seek an acceptable point.

"Airbus can sell you large passenger aircraft engine technology, allowing you to accelerate the completion of aircraft hydrogen engine research and development, and at the same time invest in an aircraft manufacturing plant in Tianchao"

"We can help you design the sky manor. During production, you can send personnel to install other technologies according to your requirements and make the improvements you need. As long as some inherent places are not changed, it will not affect the performance of the aircraft."

"We can provide cost-priced spare parts support, you can save a lot of time and energy"

"In this way, you don't need to worry about technology leaks, our problems will be solved, you see," Norton said directly, Xu Ping'an began to think about this plan is very practical.

"You don't worry about me authorizing other aircraft manufacturers to compete with your Airbus," Xu Ping'an said directly looking at Norton.

"Xu, as long as it's not Boeing, I really don't believe that your celestial aircraft manufacturers can compete with us. Airbus's reputation has been accumulated over the years and cannot be caught up in a short time."

"Even if the Chinese aircraft manufacturers get your authorization, they can't compete with Airbus. Don't look at my high prices. The aircraft industry is different from other industries. The technology involved is not so simple." Norton is confident Said, knowing Xu Ping'an's little thought.

"At what price does the engine technology sell me?" Xu Pingan asked directly.

"Ten million euros, how about it, buy it at a discount," Norton said directly.

Xu Ping'an followed immediately with a sentence "tell the additional conditions".

Norton rubbed his head after listening, "Xu, you would have no friends if you are so smart."

Xu Ping'an smiled and did not speak, looked at Norton, and motioned Norton to continue talking about the conditions. There is no point in turning and wiping around.

"Correspondingly, the price of the patent authorization you gave me cannot be higher, and at the same time, the authorization price for another aircraft manufacturer cannot be lower than ours," Norton said directly.

"The one-time signing authorization fee is 50 million Euros, and then we authorize a transfer fee of 10 million for each aircraft. The price is not high, right?" Xu Ping'an said directly.

With a "poof", Norton couldn't help spraying out the tea he had just drunk. He reacted quickly, turned his head, looked at Xu Ping An, and gained a new understanding of Xu Ping's greed.

"Don't you think this request is a bit too much" Norton said directly, his face already sinking.

Xu Ping'an took out a pack of tissues from his pocket and handed it to Norton. Norton took it, opened the paper and began to wipe his mouth. Xu Ping'an began to speak.

"You know very well that the price of aircraft hydrogen engines, even if the price is 10 million higher than the current similar aircraft, airlines of various countries cannot refuse, and they will definitely place orders crazy."

"There are also international logistics companies, which inevitably need to purchase a large number of them. You know how much the quantity is. I don't need to say more about the profit here. For a plane, the Tianqi Group only collects 10 million in fees, which is not high." Xu Ping'an said calmly.

International joke, not high, not normal high, Norton began to bargain with Xu Ping An, numbers below 10,000 are meaningless, and the two began to fight back and forth between 10,000 and 10,000.

After drinking a pot of tea, it took more than half an hour to reach an agreement. The licensing fee was 100 million euros and the patent fee charged for each aircraft was 5 million euros.

At the same time, Tianqi Group’s authorization to another aircraft company must also be based on this standard. This authorization object is limited to companies outside the United States and must not be authorized to aircraft manufacturing companies in the United States.

The engine technology sold by Airbus to Tianqi Group is priced at 30 million euros. At the same time, it is agreed that this technology is limited to Tianqi Group and cannot cause technology leakage.

Xu Pingan will not return to China for the time being. Norton will hold a board of directors in the past two days. With the result, the agreement is signed. It is not too late for Xu Pingan to return to China.

After the negotiation, I stopped drinking tea. Xu Ping'an asked the butler to deliver a bottle of red wine. After two glasses, the two of them began to taste the red wine slowly, chatting while talking. Norton had agreed to eat here at Xu Ping'an at noon, and there was time.

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