J City, Tianqi Group headquarters, Xu Pingan, Wu Sikai and Huo Minghai were drinking tea and chatting. The New Year is about to be celebrated. Each branch submitted a summary report and next year's development plan.

"What is the profit turned over this year" Xu Pingan asked.

"Mr Xu might as well guess" Huo Minghai said with a smile.

Xu Pingan looked at Huo Minghai, thought for a while and said directly, "Forty billion euros, the difference is less than five billion."

"48.7 billion euros" Huo Minghai said directly, Xu Pingan was okay, but Wu Sikai was shocked that he had made so much profit.

"Why so many this year, this is not normal" Wu Sikai said directly.

"Lao Wu, I think it's normal. The carbon magnetic wind tree has begun to exert its strength. As of today, seven clean energy marine vessels have been launched. Now global trade is booming because of translators, and the demand for marine vessels is very high."

"According to the information I have received, many shipyards have received a lot of orders and are working overtime to produce. It is estimated that in about two years, all sea ships around the world will use clean energy systems."

"This is a rare opportunity for the development of carbon magnetic wind trees" Huo Minghai briefly explained.

"Not only that, Alexander told me that many farms in Europe have installed carbon magnetic wind tree systems, which work very well with solar panels. Even in the dark and rainy weather, I don't worry about running out of electricity."

"Also, haven't you noticed that the export of domestic home appliances has increased significantly?" Xu Pingan added.

"I haven't found this," Wu Sikai told the truth.

"Lin Yide's relationship with me, you know, their export quota last year increased by 40% compared with the same period last year, and the sales of small household appliances are booming."

"The sales in the domestic market are also very hot. Carbon crystal solar panels are supplied to the country with a 1% share every month, and those who have the conditions buy them. With carbon aluminum batteries, the electric tiger is very unhappy." Xu Ping An Said with a curled mouth.

"I'm not happy to change to me"

“It’s really difficult for the electric tiger to make money from the Apocalypse collective. If you don’t say anything else, just talk about the headquarters of the line. Not only can you not make money, but you can also sell a lot of electricity every month. After playing like this, the electric tiger eats and drinks. "Wu Sikai said with a smile.

"It is estimated that in a few years, the electric tiger will hate me even more" Xu Ping'an took a sip of tea.

"What good stuff has come out again" Wu Sikai looked astonished.

"Professor Nilun has started to develop the second generation of carbon crystal solar panels, one of which is used as a new-style house tile model, which means that the tiles you build on the roof of your house are new-style solar energy"

"With the help of wind trees, it is really not a dream for farm families to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity consumption. When the time comes, it will definitely be another battle," Xu Ping'an said with emotion.

"Are you not going to give the electric tiger a little bit of survival" Wu Sikai shook his head and said.

Xu Pingan also shook his head. "What can I do about the development of science and technology, I can't help but promote it, besides, it has been promoted abroad, and there will definitely be trouble in China. When the time comes, passive promotion will make the electric tiger more uncomfortable."

"Yes, I heard Niels say that Iceland has purchased a large number of carbon magnetic wind trees, and the price of electricity for residents has been reduced by 10%. Many countries are changing. If the domestic is not changing, once it is exposed by the media This news"

"At that time, the electric tiger will be more uncomfortable" Huo Minghai said from the side.

"We are not worried about these things, so let's not worry about it." Xu Ping'an smiled and said, Wu Sikai and Huo Minghai both laughed.

"By the way, where is our single-man aircraft production base? It will take a long time for them to go out and investigate," Wu Sikai asked.

"I'm coming back soon. Delbert told me yesterday that I will be back in the next two days. We will have a meeting to make sure. It must be fair, otherwise none of the three provinces will agree." Xu Pingan scratched. Said his head.

"What about the price? In addition, other countries have not issued relevant regulations. Will it affect sales at that time?" Wu Sikai frowned and said. Without relevant supporting laws, many countries will not promote it.

"You don't need to worry about this. Someone is already active and we are more anxious. It is expected that there will be results in one or two months. At that time, the traffic congestion situation will be greatly changed, and the rich will choose to go. Air route"

"A good sports car has hundreds of thousands of millions of euros. I thought about it. The regular version is 400,000 euros and the high-end version is 800,000 euros. What do you think?" Xu Ping'an asked when they looked at the two.

"How much does it cost?" Huo Minghai asked, then picked up the teapot and filled the cups of the three with tea.

“The cost of the regular version needs more than 80,000 euros, and the high-end version needs about 120,000 euros. The specific needs can only be calculated after the production starts, and it will be adjusted according to the actual cost at that time,” Xu Pingan said directly.

"Mr. Xu, the newly established Tianqi Agricultural Group made a profit this year. I really didn't expect them to achieve lower soybean prices than imported ones. According to the financial statistics there, all the soybeans planted this year have been sold out," Huo Minghai said directly.

"This is normal. The reason why soybean prices in those countries are low is because they are planted on a large scale. The real technical content is not high. The only technical content is seeds."

"Our soybean seeds are specially cultivated by the Institute of Botany, and the oil output rate is higher than that of the United States and Brazil. The United States cannot enter the Chinese market because of the trade war."

"Brazil even dared to raise prices, let them rise, to see how much they can rise, at least hundreds of thousands of tons of soybeans here are put into the market, and we have taken a lot of orders in one fell swoop."

"Fang Changlin and the others are already negotiating with Qing Province to contract 3 million acres of land in one fell swoop, some of which are wasteland, the price is cheap, and we have the technology to transform it into qualified farmland."

"Not only Qing Province, but Black Province will also contract 4 million acres of land, Gansu Province will contract 2 million acres of land, expand three provinces in one fell swoop, and become a veritable big planter."

"Maybe our soybeans will be exported from next year. No one can compare with us at the cost. There are only a few people in Liao Province this year, three state-owned farms have been purchased, dozens of people have been eliminated, and there will be another one next year. More than a hundred people have retired, and labor costs have further dropped."

"The whole process from planting to sale uses machinery, world-class agricultural equipment, and the cost is lower. If it weren't for the chaos in Africa, I would have them go to Africa to open up a granary" Xu Pingan said directly while looking at the two.

"The Institute of Botany is so hanging from the Agricultural Group" Wu Sikai said with a look on his face.

Xu Pingan looked at Wu Sikai and said confidently, "Sixty percent of the country’s top botanists are in the Institute of Botany, and the Austrian Institute of Biologics has also transferred a group of European botanists, you Say it".

"Mr. Xu, you would never let them grow soybeans all the time," Huo Minghai said while looking at Xu Ping An. Based on his knowledge of Xu Ping An, there must be other things in it.

"Of course not. Grain and vegetables are all grown, and there are some cash crops. Look at it and let you know how agriculture makes money," Xu Ping'an said with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Then I will wait and see," Wu Sikai said with a sip of tea.

Highly mechanized agricultural production requires great financial support in the early stage. The first year of investment is very large, and the second year is much easier. One-time investment will benefit many years, and profitability is not a problem at all.

Many people lose money on farms because they lose money on investment and technology. Although sales channels and transportation have certain factors, they are not the main factors.

"Do we need to launch any big projects next year? I can arrange funds," Huo Minghai asked.

"Does the self-retained funds of each branch meet the standards?" Xu Ping An asked rhetorically.

"French Tianqi Technology Company, French Tianqi Game Company, Tianchao Tianqi Technology Company, Tianqi Supermarket Group, Tianqi Logistics Company, Tianqi Agriculture Group, Tianqi Video Company did not meet the standards"

"Among them, the French Tianqi Technology Company lost 2.7 billion euros, and Tianchao Tianqi Technology Company lost 2.9 billion euros. The loss of Qiao Yicheng has increased." Huo Minghai opened the list.

"The game company in charge of Ye Changlin has met the requirements," Xu Pingan said with questions.

"My manager Xu, don't you know that Ye Changlin's life is very good now. After the start of the cultivation world version, the number of registered players and the number of active players have all hit a record high"

"An additional 30 sets of servers are barely enough. Countries around Asia are also popular. The game of Immortal Civilization is the most influential game in many countries."

"You count how much old Ye can catch" Huo Minghai said with a smile.

Xu Ping'an smiled, Ye Changlin finally turned over. The next step is to see if Ye Changlin can consolidate the company's position in the gaming industry, and he can be considered a qualified helm.

"Two technology companies are losing money. You have to be prepared. They probably won't be able to turn around this year, and they have to continue to invest heavily. Next year, they will have a lot of public relations projects, all of which are expensive projects." Xu Pingan rubbed himself Said the head.

"There are translators and the patent fees of single-person aircraft can't make up for it," Wu Sikai said in surprise. Xu Ping'an nodded. There are many projects that are secret, Wu Sikai and Huo Minghai don't know.

"I will arrange the funds and will not let them break," Huo Minghai said with a smile, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"The satellite control center and R&D center on Tianqi Island are under construction, and funding cannot be cut off. Next year, the foreign renewable resources department will be fully launched. Let's put it aside for the domestic one," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Developing abroad first" Huo Minghai was obviously taken aback.

"This is also no way. We have no problem accepting some workers, but we must also give us something normal. Last time the old Wu went to negotiate and gave us the number of patients who were unable to work normally."

"The next few years will be a burden. Once there is something at work, it is a work injury. If we pay one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand to solve the problem, it is better to stay away." Xu Pingan briefly explained the reason.

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