Start the era of black technology

Chapter 443 Rich People All Over The World Are Waiting For The Single Aircraft To Be Listed

Huo Minghai then understood what was going on, nodded and stopped talking. There is no right or wrong in this matter. It is understandable for the relevant departments to do so in order to arrange these workers.

It is understandable that Xu Pingan does not accept it from the perspective of corporate development. I hope that this problem can be resolved through communication in the future. Sooner or later, Tianqi Group needs to activate the domestic renewable resource system.

After the three had communicated, they had lunch together and took a rest in the afternoon. The company's rules governed less than three.

Two days later, the three teams dispatched to investigate and the personnel from the three provinces arrived in J City. Various preferential policies and various data began to be aggregated, and the rest required a comprehensive assessment by Tianqi Group.

Let’s take a look at the province where the single-man aircraft project is settled. Before Xu Pingan and others have worked out the results, there are people from Beijing. Let’s talk to Xu Pingan and people from the three provinces.

The single-person aircraft project is located in Shaanxi Province. This project must be in line with the country's western development policy. People in Shaanxi Province are washing out, and those in Sichuan Province and Y Province are full of discomfort.

According to the investigation report of Shaanxi Province, the target is Baoji, a famous industrial city in Shaanxi Province. In recent years, the development of Baoji has been unsatisfactory. With the single-person aircraft project, we will see if Baoji can be restored to its former glory.

Delbert and Wu Sikai led a group to Shaanxi Province to discuss specific matters. It is expected that there will be an answer a year ago. Now it is only half a month before the New Year, and time is very tight.

It was the common need of Shaanxi Province and Tianqi Group that it was negotiated years ago. After the negotiation, both parties can calmly make funding arrangements so that things will not be delayed.

Things went very smoothly. The contract of intent was finalized in just one week. After the copy of the contract was faxed to Xu Ping'an, Xu Ping'an directly agreed.

Shaanxi Province has also invested a lot in attracting investment this time. It has comprehensively upgraded the roads around Baoji. Baoji has also invested a lot and provided strong support in infrastructure.

After Xi'an confirmed the contract, Wu Sikai and Dalbert went straight to Baoji with the people from Baoji. The site selection of the factory was so efficient and they decided to do it immediately.

Baoji provided three plots for Tianqi Group to select the site. After careful consideration, the largest plot was selected, which is located on the outskirts of the city, covering an area of ​​close to 500 mu.

This place is not enough. After the two parties communicated, the land was expanded to level one thousand acres of land for the single-person aircraft project. The two parties agreed that the land leveling would be completed within one month after the year.

At the same time, Tianqi Group will also send personnel to plan, and construction must start within three months. After Wu Sikai asked Xu Ping An for instructions, "You directly promise that we will directly start construction within two months after the year." Xu Ping An proudly said .

I started work in three months, so I want to start work right away.

Campbell has already talked with Xu Pingan on the phone, and several European countries will introduce regulations on single-man aircraft management in April, paving the way for single-man aircraft to be launched.

Other dealers are also in the event, and it is expected that policies will be introduced one after another. Everyone is not worried about the sale of single-person aircraft. Rich people around the world are waiting for single-person aircraft to be launched.

Wu Sikai and Delbert returned after they were busy. In the next year, Delbert's management team will relocate to a chartered flight and the headquarters will also be established in Baoji.

It’s really time for a holiday when it’s a holiday.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Xu Pingan and his parents also bought movie tickets and entered the cinema to watch the animated film [Fengshen] produced by Xinyun Comics. Needless to say, the result was disappointing.

The character design is very beautiful, and the scenes are also fine. Only the plot is flawed and inexplicable. Xu Ping'an can only smile and shook his head.

How can the script written by a foreigner be successful? Xu Ping'an analyzed that there will be no market abroad, and it will not succeed wherever the positioning is unclear.

"Ping'an, this is really a movie made by Xinyun's company" Xu Hong asked, and Xu Ping'an nodded.

"It must be that the child Xinyun didn't take a look in advance and was scammed by the people below," her mother Qin Caixia said on the side, Xu Ping'an couldn't laugh or cry.

After working at home for a few days, Xu Ping'an received a call from Mabo, "Peace, Xinyun is in a bad mood, stay with her more."

"Have you watched the movie? Did she ask your opinion?" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I saw it. Originally I planned to book the venue and invite the employees to open it together. After seeing it, I cancelled it directly. I really couldn't get in. I suspect that Song Xinyun's brain was eaten by a bug."

"It's messy, it makes me baffled. At that time, there were a few young people in the movie theater scolding, and I insisted on leaving the movie theater."

"Xinyun asked me what I thought of the movie, I told the truth, counting today two days, did not talk to me" Mabo told the truth.

"Let her calm down for a while, I will say the same as you when I went, and it will be more uncomfortable when she is sober," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Mabo understood Xu Pingan's meaning, and did not say anything else, "By the way, Rulong's wedding is postponed to early April, are you going?" Mabo asked.

"I will definitely go. I booked a car for him last year. As a result, this kid postponed the wedding, which caused me to pay for the warehouse for several months. I must compensate for my loss," Xu Ping An said with a smile.

Li Rulong originally planned to get married last year. As a result, he performed well and was recommended by the unit to attend the provincial party school training. This was a good opportunity. After the two parties discussed, the wedding was postponed without delay for Li Rulong to attend the training.

"This time you can pour him a few glasses," Mabo said with a smile, and the two of them hung up after being polite.

On the tenth day of the tenth day, Tianqi Group’s official website was updated and a statement was issued. Tianqi Group’s single-man aircraft project was officially launched. Parts manufacturers from all over the world are welcome to come to J City to negotiate business cooperation. The start time of the talks is indicated later. .

The time schedule is very good. It happened that in the past 15 and 16 days, formal negotiations began on the 17th. At the same time, the Tianchao Construction Group also began to send personnel to the construction site.

The drawings have been handed over to the Tianchao Construction Group, and the two parties have signed a legal contract. The rest of the matter does not need to be bothered by Tianqi Group. The relationship is old and I have cooperated many times. It is clear what to do.

Time has passed slowly. Parts manufacturers from all over the world are sending elite soldiers to J City, and the domestic spare parts manufacturers in Tianchao are no exception. Many companies are heads to J City. What can be done on the spot? .

On the 17th, Delbert issued a quality standard for spare parts. You should consider it carefully. If it is detected that the specified standards are not met, you will have to compensate Tianqi Single Aircraft Company for losses.

At the same time, all companies participating in the bidding are required to submit your corporate qualifications within three days. Tianqi Group will conduct a comprehensive review. Those who do not meet the qualifications will directly cancel the bidding qualifications and block the bidding for five years.

Companies already in the spare parts supply system of Tianqi Group do not need to submit additional enterprise qualifications. This requirement is more humane and basically accepted.

Many domestic accessory manufacturers see this standard, it is really big. Taking screws as an example, the requirements are civil aviation standards, and the hardness and toughness are improved by several levels compared with ordinary civil ones.

After reading the standards, large parts manufacturers are also fortunate for a while. Fortunately, their company has upgraded their equipment. Otherwise, they really cannot participate. Tianqi Group has strict requirements on parts suppliers, which is not a waste of name.

Three days later, forty-two domestic parts suppliers left voluntarily, and their qualifications and technology were not up to the requirements, and they were unable to cooperate with Tianqi Group.

After the news spread, many people were shocked, and the relevant departments were also shocked. They immediately found a copy of Tianqi Group's quality standards for analysis. As a result, many people shook their heads helplessly.

Regardless of the small parts, the technical indicators are really not low. Small companies really don't have this kind of strength to participate. Then Tianqi Group began to formally bid.

Ten days have passed without knowing it, and the bidding activities have also been concluded. The suppliers of various accessories have been confirmed. Some are directly paid in deposits, and some are paid for the first batch of goods as deposits, free to choose.

Sichuan Province has obtained 27 spare parts supply contracts, Y Province has obtained 34 spare parts supply contracts, and the whole country has obtained 217 spare parts supply contracts in total.

The remaining 262 spare parts supply contracts were taken away by foreign companies. The relevant departments looked at the situation and shook their heads helplessly.

There are many manufacturers of spare parts in Tianchao, and there are really too few manufacturers that can produce high-quality spare parts. What is even more unacceptable is that many steel products need to be imported from abroad because the price of domestic production is higher than that of foreign countries. .

This is the gap in industrialization. The industrialization of the Celestial dynasty has only reached about 50% of that of developed countries, and the gap in high-precision products is even greater.

China's high-speed rail has achieved impressive results in the world. However, the small nuts have to be imported. The export company is a small company with only 45 employees. The nuts are never loosened by HardLock Industrial Co., Ltd. of Japan.

From a small screw, we can see the technological gap between the two sides. Our generation still needs to continue to work hard to accelerate the narrowing of the technological gap with foreign countries.

After the busy schedule, Dalbert talked to Xu Ping'an and began to organize the relocation of personnel. He temporarily leased a small building in Baoji to work. The entire production base has been under construction and it is expected to take about six months to complete.

Just when Xu Pingan was about to relax, Sun Wenbin called Xu Pingan to investigate the biological activity area at the bottom of the ocean in the South Pacific, where a volcano erupted.

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