Start the era of black technology

Chapter 444 Let's Watch Xu Pingan's Fight Against the Top Ten Pharmaceutical Groups

Last year, many national earthquake departments have monitored the signals of frequent fluctuations of submarine volcanoes in areas where scientific research ships are active. Xu Ping’an also ordered the research ships to change locations. As a result, the professors and doctors who conducted the investigation collectively opposed it.

For this reason, Xu Pingan had to add hundreds of millions of dollars to protect their safety. Now, the submarine volcano has erupted. The first sentence Xu Pingan asked Sun Wenbin was whether there were casualties.

"An Australian employee named Polk died, the pilots of the two single submarines rescued died, and six other people were injured. The rest are fine. We have tried our best to rescue them," Sun Wenbin said directly and Xu Ping'an listened. Rubbed his head after finishing.

"How to deal with the aftermath" Xu Pingan continued to ask.

"The injured have been sent to hospitals in New Zealand for treatment, and the deceased have notified their family members and Australian authorities to compensate in accordance with relevant laws," Sun Wenbin said directly.

"What's the opinion of the Polk family?" Xu Ping'an continued to ask.

"Poker's family members are very calm. They received Polk's video message two months ago. According to Polk's message, his family cannot pursue his death during the inspection."

"Last year there was such a big mess, and everyone knew what was going on. It was not easy for us to rescue a dozen other people," Sun Wenbin said with a helpless expression.

"Have you notified Bruce?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It has been notified. According to the procedure, I am the lawyer Bruce who notified the first time. Lawyer Bruce has set off to Australia to deal with this matter..." Sun Wenbin reported in detail a bit.

"Keep in touch with Bruce, try to deal with this matter as low-key as possible"

"When will the submarine volcano be calm," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Mr. Xu, according to the inference, the eruption can end in one day, but this time the submarine volcanic eruption also formed a tsunami. Due to our location, the hull of the ship was not damaged."

"It is located in the vast sea, thousands of kilometers away from the nearest country, so there will be no loss of personnel," Sun Wenbin said directly.

"Do other researchers agree to evacuate?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"There is also a group of people who do not agree to evacuate. They said that to carry out Polk's last aspirations, results must be achieved," Sun Wenbin said directly.

"Evacuate immediately, even if they are tied up, they will be evacuated. It is still unstable. It is not impossible to do it again. We can't take the risk anymore."

"Once public opinion begins to ferment, we will be very passive" Xu Ping'an said directly, chatting with Sun Wenbin for a few more words, hung up the phone, rubbed his head.

Only three days later, the Australian media began to report on the incident. It was about Tianqi Group. Soon, media from all over the world began to report.

[Who blamed the researcher's death] This article is very marketable, and it objectively tells the cause and effect of the matter. It is difficult for anyone who has read this article to tell who made the mistake.

The Institute of Oceanography of Tianqi Group has done it to the extreme. The researchers used the hunger strike threat research institute to investigate, and they also took videos as their last words.

For these willful scientific researchers, Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography lost two single-person scientific research submarines, and two pilots died. The loss was not small.

Researchers' desperate research for scientific research is admirable, but how to count the deaths of other personnel? This matter has aroused discussions around the world.

The old saying goes well, not afraid that there will be no good people if there is no good thing. The rise of Tianqi Group has cut off many people's financial avenues. Under the impetus of the people, a public opinion that makes Tianqi and the Institute open research topics is forming.

Bruce has already taken action with the public crisis management team, spending a lot of money, but can't stop this kind of remarks, a lot of people are curious, and the curiosity of the world is completely seduced.

What is the research topic that can make these professors and doctors take such a risk, regardless of their own lives. This is obviously not a small topic, it must be a major research project.

The storm of public opinion intensified, and the major media around the world are staring at this incident. There are too many black hands behind the scenes, and all the pressure is beginning to press on Xu Ping'an.

It is not that Australia does not want to pursue this matter, but because according to their laws, the Polk family has given up the right to pursue the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography, and there is also a video prepared by Bowen to realize the prepared last words, which makes judicial access impossible. .

Just at the cusp of the storm, a media broke an explosive news that the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography sent all the researchers off the scientific research ship and prohibited conducting research on the grounds that the risk was too great.

When these people disembarked in New Zealand to regain their freedom, they went directly to the New Zealand High Court to sue and demanded the Apocalypse Institute of Oceanography to resume their scientific research projects, otherwise they would go on a hunger strike. These people sat directly at the door of the court and really started a hunger strike.

Many media have taken pictures of these researchers sitting on a hunger strike at the entrance of the court. Many people have been interviewed and they have said that they have recorded a video of their last words, and they have died in a crisis. It is not the responsibility of the Apocalypse Institute.

Many media asked them what scientific research projects they were working on, but they didn't say anything, which made people more curious. The media began to put pressure on Xu Ping An and asked Xu Ping An to explain the matter.

Soon, many countries also spoke, speaking very tactfully. We understand the practice of Tianqi Group, but this matter needs a reasonable explanation, and people need the truth.

Bruce, Hall, Chen Qingshan, Zhang Jianbin, etc., many people have called Xu Ping'an, let's make it public, otherwise it will cause a bigger storm of public opinion.

At this moment, a volcanic eruption once again appeared at the location of the original scientific research ship, and the movement was not small. This was fortunately that the research institute had tied all the researchers back. Otherwise, there would still be heavy casualties.

After Xu Pingan's repeated considerations, with a long sigh, he published a statement on Weibo, Facebook, and Twitter to disclose the research topic.

When the Apocalypse scientific research ship was conducting marine life surveys, it was discovered that a special kind of coral insects existed in the submarine volcanic crater. According to the inference, the submarine volcanic crater should be a forbidden zone for life, and what power allows this creature to exist here.

Researchers began to conduct research. During the course of the research, they discovered that there are not only corals, but also a special kind of small fishes. These small fishes can move around the volcano's crater.

According to experiments, once these small fish leave the environment near the crater, they will die. Researchers collected water samples near the crater and brought out several small fish and coral polyps for research.

According to the current research progress, the cells of the coral polyps and the cells of these special fish have a huge feature, which can enhance the human immunity, not a general enhancement, but a super enhancement.

What is the substance that makes this cell? Can this substance be used directly by humans to increase human cellular immunity? Researchers have conducted a lot of experiments.

To this end, Tianqi Life Science and Technology Research Institute also sent ten senior researchers to participate in the research together. This is a discovery that changes the future of mankind and must be strengthened.

One of the accidental discoveries was that such enhanced cells can actually resist the invasion of cancer cells. According to experiments, cancer cells cannot survive in these organisms and will be naturally metabolized out of the body. These organisms do not have any discomfort.

According to the common opinions of more than 30 biology, life medicine, immunology, professors and PhDs, this special substance can be used to develop a vaccine. Once it can be successful, the child will register for the vaccine at the age of eight.

Can be immune to 90% of cancers currently known.

In other words, people who are vaccinated with this vaccine will have a 90% reduction in the risk of cancer. At the same time, ordinary diseases will not be a threat to humans, and human immunity will enter a new era.

It's really hard to get sick.

This is the top-secret topic of our Apocalypse Group [New Humans]. The reason why these researchers have forgotten their lives is to overcome this problem and free all human beings from the threat of cancer.

After Xu Pingan announced this incident, it directly caused a big wave of exaggeration, especially in pharmaceutical companies. The presidents and chairman of many pharmaceutical companies gave a long breath, your sister, you have already begun to prepare for entering the medical industry. Up.

It really made you successful. When the time comes, carrying anti-tian products will subvert the pattern of pharmaceutical companies in one fell swoop. You are really ambitious. The advent of Apocalypse products will subvert the entire industry. This sentence is really not a waste of name.

Everyone can imagine that once this new product comes out, most of the world's pharmaceutical companies can close their doors. If human beings don't get sick, who will take medicine.

It is impossible for pharmaceutical companies not to be afraid. Many corporate presidents and chairman of the board can't help but feel emotion when they see this. The strength of Tianqi Group really cannot be underestimated.

After reading Xu Ping'an's statement, everyone was shocked. No one thought that Tianqi Group was actually carrying out such a secret subject. No wonder those researchers who gave up their lives to experiment.

It's worth it, it's worth it, even more dangerous.

Now everyone understands why these researchers are desperate for research. If they can really succeed and completely write a new chapter in the fight against disease, this is an eternal opportunity that no researcher will give up.

Swiss Roche Pharmaceuticals directly issued a statement that it is willing to jointly develop this project with Tianqi Group. The conditions are good. Roche Pharmaceuticals can provide all resources within its capacity to join this project. For the sake of all mankind, we are duty-bound.

After the media exposed this incident, many people looked bored. Your sister, you reacted fast enough. People have already started research. Now you are going to get a share.

Soon, all the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world issued similar statements. All conditions are good. As long as we join this project, everyone can see the prospects of this project. This is an inexhaustible golden mountain.

The top ten pharmaceutical groups have already made preparations to pay a heavy price. They all know Xu Pingan's plan to eat alone. It can be seen from the confidentiality of this project until now.

Soon, Xu Pingan once again issued a statement on social software, saying that Tianqi Group had invested 20 billion euros in this project, and said nothing else.

The chairman of the top ten pharmaceutical groups saw the news all with a black face, and already felt full of malice. Xu Ping'an's meaning was obvious. Don't expect to join in without a sufficient price.

Xu Pingan said this because after various analyses, it is no longer possible to eat alone. Once commercial negotiations fail, political forces are likely to intervene. He knows how much the project is profitable, and he will never let Xu Pingan eat alone. .

At that time, Tianqi Group will be passive and will be even more uncomfortable.

Rather than being passive and uncomfortable, it is better to take the initiative to set up a threshold in advance, and get enough benefits first. In short, you can't satisfy Xu Ping An and don't expect to intervene in this project.

It’s a big hurdle for you to invest 3 billion euros. How much do you invest in the entire Oceanographic Research Institute and how much your scientific research ship is worth? Just open your mouth and say 20 billion euros. Why don't you go for it?

What is more uncomfortable than the top ten pharmaceutical groups is the analysis department. There is no analysis of any information. Who the hell knows what progress the Tianqi Group has reached so far, and it must have made some results for these researchers to forget their lives.

But you don't know that there is no way to analyze this result. Medical research is not that simple. A small achievement breakthrough is followed by a major achievement difficulty. You may not be able to make a breakthrough in ten or twenty years.

The analysis department can’t but this responsibility. Once it makes a wrong judgment that affects the decision of the board of directors, the consequences are terrible. Regardless of the fact that there are not many things with high salaries, outsiders simply don’t know the pressure.

Xu Pingan made a phone call with Sun Wenbin, and Sun Wenbin began to go to the hospital to communicate with the scientific researchers who were on a hunger strike. These people are really on a hunger strike. Currently, they are maintained by infusion in the hospital without compromise.

Since Xu Pingan publicized the research project, these researchers have gained tremendous popularity. Many people have expressed support for these people and sent many gifts to them.

The New Zealand side also has a headache now. The personnel went on a hunger strike at the gate of the domestic high court. Once these people show up, international public opinion will certainly not give up.

In order to solve this matter, the only way to put pressure on the Tianqi Group was. Sun Wenbin was forced to call Xu Ping'an. After the two had communicated seriously, they had to stabilize these personnel before speaking.

After Sun Wenbin had serious communication with these people, these talents began to receive treatment and resume eating. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now it's time for Xu Pingan to fight the top ten pharmaceutical groups.

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