Start the era of black technology

Chapter 467 See who is behind the Apocalypse Group

Hall is no longer an advisor to Apocalypse Group's Xu Pingan. He joined Air's staff at the end of last year because Hall felt that he could not play a big role in the Apocalypse Group.

The heads of the various branches of Tianqi Group are talented, and they have a fierce relationship with the local government. Xu Ping'an can also do many things that he can coordinate, and sometimes the effect is better than Hall.

Can't reflect his own value, Hall consciously left. This matter was kept secret and was not announced to the outside world.

This time it was El’s intention to come over to make a transaction with Xu Pingan. He hoped that Hall could use his influence to solve this matter. However, Tianqi Group purchased the right to use the island in exchange for a much-needed fund.

The talks are not going well now. Hall hesitated for a moment. It’s time to come up with the final conditions. "Xu, France will soon introduce a law. As long as private islands do not violate a few specific laws, the federal government only charges. Not managed".

"What do you mean?" Xu Pingan asked in a daze.

"It's very simple. The small islands sold this time are all isolated islands overseas. The value is not high. In order to sell a high price, there must be a specific policy."

"As long as you are not engaged in drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, etc., the federal government only has the right to check once every five years, and all other jurisdictions are waived."

"Every year you pay taxes and fees as scheduled, all problems are not a problem, and you have been given a 30-year tax halving discount, a rare opportunity."

"Besides, this kind of thing is already being done in the United States, Canada, Australia, Portugal, the United Kingdom and other countries. It is not a big deal for France to follow suit."

"There are so many deserted islands that charge a certain amount of taxes and fees each year, which can make up for the federal government's finances. Why not?" Hall looked at Xu Ping'an and said directly.

Xu Pingan frowned and began to think about it. For a long time, "Hall, I need to see the specific legal provisions. I can't take risks. This investment is too big and I must be careful."

"No problem, it is expected that the legal documents will be officially issued in a month or so, and then we will be negotiating," Hall said very simply.

"Okay, I'll let Bruce contact you at that time," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Hall nodded and let out a long breath. This trip is not in vain, at least I know what Xu Ping'an meant.

After talking about business, the two began to talk about private affairs. It didn't take long for Isabella, Song Xinyun, and Miao Yiyi to come back from playing in the sea, and went to the side to rest while chatting.

"Young people are really fascinating, Xu, you are very envious," Hall said, looking at Xu Ping'an with deep meaning.

"Hall, to be honest, I have a headache about getting married right now. The Heavenly Dynasty is monogamous. I haven't figured out how to solve this problem," Xu Ping'an said with a sigh.

"It's very simple. Immigration is good. There are still many polygamous countries in the world. After the marriage problem is solved, it is good to return to the immigration. I believe that the heaven will accept you again happily" Hall said with a smile.

Xu Ping'an smiled wryly and nodded, "If there is no other way, I have to go this way."

In the evening, Xu Ping’an and others invited Hall to dinner. The next day, Hall left. Xu Ping’s and Isabella’s vacation time was also coming. A week later, after sending Isabella to the plane, Xu Ping’an With Song Xinyun and Miao Yiyi also returned to China.

Time calmed down slowly. More than two months passed. Xu Ping'an set off again and immediately went to J City to the single-man aircraft factory. The trial production was about to begin. Xu Ping'an was a little worried.

On this day, in the Dammam area, Gavin's base, in the early morning, the harsh sirens sounded, everyone got up in shock, Gavin did the same, got dressed and walked out of his room and went straight to the command room.

"What's the situation" Gavin asked directly.

"Head, there is a group of armed forces gathering in the northwest. The other side also has armed helicopter combat infantry vehicles. According to analysis, the number has exceeded 500 people. The target should be us." The captain of the duty squad who pressed the alarm reported.

"Activate the Red Alert and send a reconnaissance team to use drones to conduct reconnaissance." Gavin said without changing his face. Someone immediately conveyed the order. The entire base of 300 people began to enter combat readiness, and everyone had a full bullet quota.

Gavin walked to the big screen and began to watch the data, and at the same time gave a series of orders. Soon, York arrived. When Gavin said something, York frowned and said, "Is it someone from Daham".

"No, Daham's people are staying in their camps, there is no intention to act" Gavin said, and York is not asking.

"Head, Daham's phone" someone handed over a huge big brother phone.

"Daham, what's the matter" Gavin asked.

"Gavin, you should have found those people, they are from Bokam. I was just warned. If I dare to assist you, the missile will cover my camp."

"Sorry," Daham said directly.

After listening to Gavin, he understood what was going on. Bokam was backed by the Americans.

"I understand. Just keep quiet. I need to arrange it. Let's talk later." Gavin hung up after speaking.

"The combat team must be assembled immediately, the armed helicopters are all filled with fuel, and they are ready for action" Gavin directly ordered that they must attack in advance, otherwise they will be more passive.

"Don't tell the boss," York said from the side.

"You go to prepare for the action, I immediately inform the boss, since you dare to do it with us, there must be other back-hands" Gavin finished talking and began to call, and York left the headquarters to prepare.

Xu Pingan was having a meeting in the office of the production base at the moment. Darina pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in. Everyone was taken aback, and so was Xu Pingan.

Darina took the phone and whispered a few words in Xu Ping's ear. Xu Ping answered the phone and said "The meeting was over" expressionlessly. Everyone stood up and left quickly, obviously This is what happened.

Xu Ping'an stood up and walked to the window and said "let's talk" to the phone.

Gavin reported the matter directly, and Xu Ping'an frowned, "You are doing the right thing. You can't be passive. You should attack if you should attack. It's no big deal. I will arrange for Lei Yusheng to take someone to meet you."

"As soon as things are impossible, we will start the No. 3 evacuation plan, and we will surely get back the current losses exponentially in the future," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I understand that the boss on my side can rest assured, I am worried that they still have a back-up" Gavin said directly.

"You act immediately, I will activate the second intelligence here, and I will find out what their back hand is," Xu Ping'an said directly. The two communicated for a while, and the phone hung up.

"Xingling, check it all around to see who is behind the Apocalypse Group and what conspiracy they plan to use" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Good Commander" The Protoss agreed and went silent.

Xu Ping'an did not leave the meeting room, and his office hadn't been decorated yet. It happened to be in the meeting room and asked Darina to bring over a pot of tea. "I won't see anyone today, I'll talk about something tomorrow."

"I understand" Darina said and left the conference room.

It didn't take a long time, only about an hour, and Protoss had a reply, and Eric Oil Group planned the incident behind the scenes.

In that year, George extorted five million US dollars from Martin. Martin has not relaxed his investigation of this matter. After a long period of investigation and analysis, he found that there was an insider in this matter, that is, Tianqi Group.

The person who cleaned up Wang Qiang's family was probably done by the Tianqi Group. Because of this incident, Martin lost more than 10 million in front and back. This tone of heart is really very aggrieved.

Through the company's relationship, at the cost of 10 million U.S. dollars, he reached a cooperation agreement with Christa, the head of CIA activities in Africa, to clean up the personnel of Tianqi Group in Dammam.

Krista’s consideration is very simple. There are too many dirty things that he knows and participated in. It is impossible to retire safely. Sooner or later, he will be wiped out one day. Take advantage of now to make a good profit. Changing your status to Europe is the best way.

Using his authority, he began to secretly promote this matter, and paid a series of impossible promises, so that the warlord began to gather forces to attack the small base of the Tianqi Group.

This is the first step of Martin's arrangement. The second step is to use the company's influence and a series of secret transactions to make J country publish an agreement that the translation server is insecure and will leak privacy, and the Tianqi Group's translation server installation in the country is suspended.

The conditions are very generous. Country J only needs to announce this for a week, and then find a reason to resume cooperation with Tianqi Group. The reason is very easy to find. It is said that there is a problem with the data, and it is better to misunderstand Tianqi Group.

This incident has little impact on Country J, but it is a big blow to the credibility of the Tianqi Group. At the very least, you must severely disgust the Tianqi Group to let yourself out of it.

This was Martin's arrangement, which made Xu Ping'an uncomfortable and lost a lot of money and credibility. He has been busy dealing with this matter for a long time.

Country J has gained a lot of benefits, so he agreed directly and will announce it in two days.

Xu Ping'an drank his tea and thought slowly. After half an hour, Xu Ping'an began to call and made several calls one after another, and everyone who received the call was surprised.

What country J wants to do, they all expressed that they will cooperate. After all, the cooperation with Tianqi Group has brought them great benefits, and now it is time to make a difference.

After the phone call, Xu Ping'an left the conference room and returned to the hotel to wait for news. It was already night on the heavenly side, and Xu Ping'an had dinner.

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