Start the era of black technology

Chapter 468 Immediately Withdraw [Today's Three Changes]

Next to an unnamed mountain, a fierce battle had begun. Gavin mobilized ten armed helicopters in the base, and York led the action team to attack and opened fire first.

In the minds of the two men, passive combat will lose many fighters. Active combat is the best way. The first is a round of rocket attacks, and then a gunship attack, plus incendiary bombs.

It is said that incendiary bombs are internationally prohibited weapons, but here, there are no rules at all. The only rule is to defeat the enemy.

Bokam was dizzy by the bad check. A thousand seven hundred people were assembled here, fully armed, and he planned to launch an attack on Gavin's base after a little trimming. He never thought that Gavin's base would have satellite receiving equipment.

The leased satellite is a French satellite company that covers thousands of kilometers around the base 24 hours a day. When these people gather, they are controlled by Gavin.

After a fierce battle, fewer than a hundred people fled, most of them were killed, and there were many injured.

"I'll say it again, don't take a prisoner. Ask me the fuck, I will kill you," York said to the person next to him with red eyes.

The person next to him immediately flashed aside to convey the order. Whenever he encountered the wounded and shot him directly, York used the walkie-talkie to talk to Gavin. Soon, four large trucks appeared and went straight to a tribe not far away.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, a person shouted with a loudspeaker, "It takes a hundred people to clean the battlefield, and one hundred dollars per person" "It takes a hundred people to clean the battlefield, and one hundred dollars per person".......... ....

Anyone who heard the sound of the horn appeared immediately, slamming towards the truck, very fast, and in a blink of an eye the people on the four trucks were full.

At the same time, ten trucks departed from the base towards the battlefield. York and his people had already cleared the battlefield twice. Anyone who was found to be alive and killed with a single shot has returned to the base by helicopter.

It didn't take long for ten empty trucks to arrive. After a while, four big trucks full of people arrived.

"Hurry up, everyone knows the rules, shoot them directly against the rules," several people shouted with horns.

These people who got off the truck quickly stripped themselves naked, put their clothes in one place and started walking towards the battlefield. This is the rule, go in naked, and finally come back naked to collect money.

These people work very fast and know how to do it. Obviously they usually do this kind of work. They are very skilled in stripping the corpse. Some are responsible for collecting the clothes of the corpse, and some are responsible for collecting the bits and pieces of the corpse.

All kinds of guns and ammunition are classified, very skilled.

As time passed slowly, seven or eight huge black plumes of smoke appeared. These were smoke from the burning of the dead body, and the surroundings were covered with a disgusting smell of meat.

A car with guns, a car with ammunition, and a car with clothing. The gestures on the body are loading a car, and when it is full, it will be replaced by another car. A special person will register next to the car.

In about two hours, the battlefield had been cleaned up. York was very satisfied. He said a few words to the person next to him, and the person next to him immediately walked towards the crowd.

"Today's work is very satisfied with the boss, and everyone's reward is doubled." One person started talking with a loud speaker, and many people were full of joy.

There was a pile of dollars on a table. Everyone washed them and put on clothes and lined up. Everyone got two hundred dollars. After receiving the money, they went directly to the car and the car would send them back to the tribe.

The news that Gavin had maimed Bokam quickly spread. That night, the four warlords joined forces to attack Bokam's territory. The attack was frantic. Bokam was already crazy at home at the moment.

The American Krista has disappeared. People don't know where to go. Only the team members who followed Krista are there. Bokam has arrested these people and beat them to death one by one.

These people now understand what's going on and they were sold by Krista. Needless to say, Krista has ran away. He must have made a deal with someone and ran away with money.

One of them is quite calm. "Bokham, you were sold by Christa, and we were sold by him. We can't die in vain, let us pass the news back."

"Krista will be hunted down by the organization. You will kill me again after I send back the news." The old agent had already spared his life at the moment, and now made it clear that Bokham would kill them alive.

If you die, you will die, but this hatred must be avenged.

Bokam looked at the man with red eyes, nodded, and waved his hand, someone next to him untied the old agent, gave him a call, and then started calling.

Reported the matter in detail, and clearly stated that I can't wait for others to live, so I ask the headquarters to avenge myself.

When CAI got the news, it fryed the pot thoroughly. Fak, the foundation that had been laid out for several years was completely broken by Christa, and the global killing order was directly issued.

On the sea, an oil tanker of the Eric Petroleum Group headed towards its destination with a full load of oil. The people on board were very relaxed. Some were sunbathing on the deck, some were playing games, and some were listening to songs.

The ship hoisted the national flag of the United States. I don't believe anyone dared to do anything with the ship, and the sea was calm.

"Boom boom boom boom" four loud noises were heard, and the ship immediately began to roll over. Everyone was dumbfounded, and they started rushing around and shouting the name of God. It was late, and the ship sank sooner or later.

Things like this were happening in five places. All five oil tankers directly under Eric Petroleum Group were sunk. Who did it, I don’t know. No one claims to be responsible for this.

Just one day later, country J held a press conference and announced the suspension of the establishment of Tianqi Group's translation server. The reason was that the server was suspected of leaking people's privacy. For citizens' arrangements, the Tianqi Group's translation server must be fully inspected.

The press conference was held in the morning, and Tianqi Group responded after half an hour. All Tianqi Group products withdrew from Country J and refused all insulting inspections and reviews.

At the same time, it was announced that if any distributor dared to sell Tianqi Group's products to country J and endanger the people of Country J, Tianqi Group would directly cancel his distribution rights and impose a fine of twenty times according to the contract.

The news came out and the whole world was shocked. The people of Country J were also shocked, including the high-levels of Country J. They were even more shocked. Tianqi Group responded too quickly this time.

Without leaving any room, I withdrew directly from the J country market. The media was also shocked, not knowing what happened.

Immediately afterwards, various branches of the Weather Group issued similar statements that all distributors must not sell the products of the Weather Group to country J to harm the people of Country J. Once discovered, they will be severely punished according to the contract.

All the media have been beaten up, and the headquarters is busy. "I immediately chartered a plane to figure out what the situation is. I must report it as soon as possible."

"The content of the headlines on the front page was taken down for me and replaced with news related to Tianqi Group"

The editors were all excited by the shouts.

At the same time, many freight companies around the world have received an anonymous document, which clearly indicates that five oil tankers of Eric Oil Group have been bombed. Who dares to accept the transportation order of Eric Oil Group, your entire company All ships will suffer revenge.

This news made many freight companies dumbfounded, no one dared to care, and immediately started to sound like crazy, as long as it proves that the five oil tankers of Eric Oil Group have an accident, they will never accept the order of Eric Oil Company.

The news was confirmed the next day. All five oil tankers of Eric Oil Company were attacked at sea and silenced. The bosses of all cargo companies took a breath.

It's not stupid, what kind of strength is needed to do it at the same time in five places around the world, the average group simply does not have such strength.

At the same time, Al Jazeera TV in Qatar began to report on the incident. Eighteen organizations claimed responsibility for the tanker attack. This was revenge against the predators.

In the afternoon, a piece of news appeared. The British side issued a statement that there was no problem with the translation server of Tianqi Group. It is not clear why Congress J made a problematic conclusion.

With the announcement of the British invention, many countries in Europe have issued a statement. No country stands in country J. At the moment, country J has two sides and not people.

The domestic riots soon started. Poseidon’s products withdrew across the board, which made many people anxious, and photovoltaic solar panels and other items were all anxious.

The reason why the United Kingdom issued the first statement was a gift from Kebel to Xu Ping An in exchange for the right to sell in several Nordic countries. Xu Ping An directly agreed.

Both sides will get what they need. This is a mutually beneficial thing and there is no reason to refuse.

The media have been very excited these days. At the same time, many countries have begun to pay attention to this incident. It happened so suddenly that Tianqi Group and Country J broke up suddenly for no reason.

Only a few high-level executives knew what was going on. Country J received a notice from Tianqi Group before it issued a statement, and originally had the idea of ​​disbelief. As a result, the development of the matter was generally the same as Tianqi Group reported.

The U.S. side also issued a series of statements that the murderer who attacked the oil tanker of the Ericsson Group must be arrested and brought to justice. This incident has made the U.S. faceless.

Not only that, but Crest was also stabbed in doing things over there. The relevant departments knew what was going on as soon as they analyzed it. This is the secret battle between Eric Oil Company and Tianqi Group.

Martin, has been controlled by the board of directors of Eric Oil Company, paralyzed, if you don't talk about making money for the group, you have caused such a big loss to the group. What do you want to do?

It is very simple to investigate clearly. People on the board of directors are not in vain, and they have contact with people in many departments. Once you analyze it, you can know the reason.

However, Martin paid the price, and the Tianqi Group must also pay the price. Just when they planned to further attack the Tianqi Group, a video was circulated on the Internet.

Above, Eric Petroleum Group and several members of Congress of Country J were discussing a video aimed at Tianqi Group, which directly caused a big wave of exaggeration internationally.

At this moment, Xu Ping'an alone called in the hotel room, "Retreat immediately. The other party will definitely launch a missile attack. Come on, you only have less than 20 minutes."

"I understand, I'll arrange it right away" Gavin's solemn expression on his face, the arrangement began as soon as the phone hung up.

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