Start the era of black technology

Chapter 469 The struggle between international giants cannot exceed the framework

Gavin took everyone to the base without a few minutes, and the two missiles landed in the base very accurately. The huge explosion sound of "boom boom" spread far away, and everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

For the rest of his life, the word appeared in everyone's mind.

At the same time, the Indian warship that had just launched the missiles cheered. At this time, a series of "boom boom boom boom boom boom boom" sounded, and six fish accurately attacked the warship.

The entire warship began to shake and sink. Everyone was dumbfounded. They couldn't believe the fact that someone dared to attack the warship.

The U.S. is very shrewd and didn't do it on its own. Instead, it paid a small price to let the YD warship launch missiles and attack Gavin's base. The photos sent back by the satellite were very clear. The warship sank and was attacked by a submarine.

Sure enough, as analyzed, Xu Ping'an's reaction was not unexpected. He was completely a lunatic and must be cautious.

Xu Pingan was sitting on the sofa, talking to someone, "You should have heard the news that the base was attacked by missiles," El's voice came from the phone.

"I know, the warship that was attacked has sunk" Xu Ping'an said calmly, and there was a silence on the phone.

"Xu, don't overdo it. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to mediate this matter, and 10 million euros will be paid to YD country. This matter ends here," El said directly.

"No problem, I only ask one point, if the other party is attacking me, how to deal with this matter" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Xu, I said, this thing ends here"

"If the other party is attacking you, you can counterattack, and I guarantee that your Tianqi Group will operate normally on my side," El said directly, and Xu Ping'an was relieved.

"I will arrange for someone to call 10 million euros over," Xu Pingan said directly.

When El was just about to speak, Xu Ping'an said again, "By the way, when will your island policy be introduced? I really feel threatened. I must increase the power in my hands."

El shook his head and smiled bitterly on the sofa at home. "It is currently being reviewed by Congress and will be released in two weeks. I hope you can buy the largest island."

"The island is far away from all continents. You can develop it well there. With your funds, it is not a problem to develop that island," El said directly.

"I hope so, it's getting harder and harder to make money now" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"If your sentence is reported by the media, I can guarantee that you are a global public enemy" El also said with a smile, and the two talked for a while before hanging up the phone.

"I owe another love" Xu Ping'an said to himself.

Country J is very lively now. Because the video was exposed, all five congressmen in it pleaded guilty and resigned. This is a huge scandal, and the US Erik Petroleum Group is also very uncomfortable.

It turned out that the plan to retaliate against Tianqi Group didn't work. Obviously, it was Eric Petroleum Group looking for something first. Xu Ping'an's counterattack was an act of revenge and a victim.

The bosses of many companies in the Celestial Dynasty watched what happened in Country J in a daze, and things changed too quickly. It is dazzling that such hidden things can be controlled by Tianqi Group.

What is the strength of Tianqi Group in Europe, and the United Kingdom and other EU countries have unanimously issued a statement recognizing the security of Tianqi Group's translation server, and how does Xu Ping An play?

It was able to get the support of so many countries, especially Italy, which even satirized country J, showing its posture to maintain the Tianqi Group, and how much the Tianqi Group secretly paid in exchange for such support.

Not only these entrepreneurs couldn't figure it out, but Wei Dongshuo, Chen Qingshan, Qiao Liangqing, Zhang Jianbin, Xiao Jianguo, Xiang Qianjin, Zhou Changkun, etc., also couldn't figure it out.

In the past, it was a European country targeting Chinese enterprises, and there would always be several countries besieging them to ask for benefits. Now it's better, and it's completely changed in Tianqi Group.

Lin Yide sits alone in the office and no one has seen him. He has been thinking about this problem. Lin's Electric Group has now entered Europe. Lin Yide is now fully aware of the difficulties.

People from related departments abroad will burn incense and worship God without asking you for trouble. Don't expect this to happen if you don't have a large amount of money. How exactly does Ping An play? Is there so much difference between yourself and him?

Lin Yide is a little bit magical, and must figure out what's inside.

He simply couldn't think of how much Apocalypse Group invests in Italy and how much tax it will pay every year. Apart from others, the profit and tax of Apocalypse Arms Company alone is no less than 3 billion euros a year.

There are more than 4,000 employees in the company. Together with the employees of the spare parts supplier, Apocalypse Arms Company can affect the livelihoods of 100,000 people. How can Italy not be nervous, it must be nervous.

Many secretly organizations are analyzing this matter, and they have more analysis of Xu Ping's courage, and the threat level has risen by one level. The YD country has not said a word, just like that warship does not exist.

Apocalypse Weapon Company’s small single-person attack submarines are known and evaluated. This thing is definitely a big killer, but you can't buy this submarine.

It must be a customer who has been reviewed by the relevant Italian authorities to place an order with Tianqi Weapons Company. This weapon must also be purchased in ten and eight ships in its own organization.

The warship is a living target in front of a small single-person attack submarine. Even if the full version of the military submarine competes with this small submarine, the outcome is not easy to determine.

Because the small single-man attack submarine is very fast, and there are ten magnets on it to guide fishes. This torpedo is specially designed to attack torpedoes, and the warhead is very magnetic.

If you lock the torpedo within a hundred meters, you can die with the torpedo. How many torpedoes you can carry on a submarine, don't forget, these small submarines have 24 attack torpedoes on them.

It can be controlled by one person, with very high flexibility, low defense and very strong offensive power.

The price is not high, and a dozen of them may be used when they are ready, and they will start purchasing small single-person attack submarines one by one.

Daham also went to the base to see. The two missiles basically destroyed the entire base. What made Daham fear that Gavin had no casualties. Obviously, Gavin received the news immediately before the missile was launched. Up.

What kind of power is needed to know the enemy's movements in advance, this question can not be considered carefully, thinking too much, Daham can not sleep, son Mohan also rarely silent.

Moham was not a fool, and he had experienced a lot in the past two years, and he was no longer as stunned as he was. When the father and son discussed the matter, they both felt complacent.

The father and son in the silent sea area of ​​the warship are very clear, not far from the territory they control. According to intelligence, just after the missile was launched, a series of explosions were remembered.

Obviously, the warship was sunk.

"Father, your idea is right, we have to arrange a back road" Moham rarely agreed with Daham's opinion.

"You should also keep a low profile over there, sell off the assets slowly and transfer them all to Australia, and in a few years, we will leave here completely" Daham said seriously, and Mohan nodded.

This game is too dangerous and not so fun. I have made a lot of money over the years. It is better to leave when necessary. Otherwise, things that have money and die may happen.

One month passed slowly. Xu Ping An returned to City J. He had just taken a few days off and started to work. The U.S. Ambassador to the Celestial Kingdom Edland called Xu Ping An’s mobile phone.

"Xu, I think we need to have a good talk," Edland said with a calm face. The country has sent instructions to mediate the dispute between Tianqi Group and Eric Oil Group.

The oil tanker of Eric Petroleum Group was sunk, and no freight company dared to pick up their business. The crude oil produced could only stay in the local area and could not be transported for sale.

There is nothing simple for entrepreneurs. They all know that Tianqi Group and Eric Petroleum Group have already started a secret war. If they don't want to join in, they cannot cooperate with the two recently. No trading company dared to take over the price of oil.

Failure to transport the oil to the designated location on time is a breach of contract. The liquidated damages are not a small number. There is no alternative. Eric Oil Group paid a certain price, and the Black House began to intervene.

"No problem, Ambassador Edland, J City is a tourist city, I invite you to come as a guest" Xu Ping An said with a smile.

Edland smiled, "Is this a formal invitation?"

"Of course, a formal invitation. I will arrange the hotel for you. We can relax. I think we all have this time." Xu Ping An said with a smile.

"Well, I will visit you tomorrow as a private person," Edlan said directly, and the two of them hung up after a while.

The US's intervention in this matter Xu Ping'an had long been prepared, secretly fighting is a matter of secretly fighting, in the end, we still have to solve this matter satisfactorily, no one can't live with money.

It's a normal way to deal with international issues.

Pressed the button next to it, and soon, Darina came in. "You tell the mayor, tomorrow the U.S. ambassador to the Celestial Kingdom Edland will visit me in a personal capacity."

"Okay" Darina agreed and turned and left the office.

Xu Pingan stretched out and went straight to the leisure area to drink tea. This matter must be resolved. It will not be good for Tianqi Group if it is delayed. The struggle between international giants cannot exceed the framework.

Soon, Chen Qingshan answered the call from Linna in the office. After a few questions, he hung up the phone and leaned on the chair to think about it. After a long time, he stood with a long sigh. Got up and left the office.

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