Start the era of black technology

Chapter 470 What to do to be the helm of a qualified international giant enterprise

Soon, Chen Qingshan appeared in Wei Dongshuo's office, explained the matter again, and asked directly "how do we do it, do we need to make arrangements".

"Don't worry, let's wait for the notice," Wei Dongshuo said directly.

Chen Qingshan nodded, and took a sip from his teacup. "I really understand the capabilities of these international giants now. I didn't feel deep after reading the information. This time I really felt very touched."

Wei Dongshuo smiled, "Why, I was stimulated."

"According to the information, these international giants in Europe and the United States will not hesitate to provoke wars for their own interests. I never imagined that there is also a company that wrestles with these international giants in China."

"Xu Pingan really taught me a lesson about what to do to be the helm of a qualified international giant enterprise" Chen Qingshan said with emotion.

Wei Dongshuo nodded, recognizing Chen Qingshan's words, "The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and they use various means to clash in secret, which is very cruel. The international market adheres to the law of the jungle."

"You don't have such a means. You will suffer a big loss in the international market. With so many enterprises in our country, 99% of them cannot adapt to this kind of competition."

"Now only Tianqi Group has a firm foothold. In the future, it may be regarded as another company for the company. They have now begun to change."

"We are not a nanny. You can't be an international giant. We count on our government to wipe your ass. Xu Ping'an has done a good job."

"I have become accustomed to the international rules. On the face of it, you can't find out that the Apocalypse Group violated the law at all. The confrontation in the secret is also a tooth for a tooth. You make me hard, and you don't want to have a good life. Let's have a hard time together."

"Backed by the Tianchao market, such a good situation, it is sigh that these people dare not toss in big strides, they only dare to toss in this one-third of the country."

"Relying on state subsidies and local subsidies to live, although Xu Ping'an is still going to be subsidized, but if you look at what Xu Ping'an does, every time a company settles in a place, he must do a local public welfare project.

"This public welfare project fully gives back to the local government. There are contacts and contacts. There are a few who can do this. They are flexible in handling things. This is the characteristic of Tianqi Group."

"Tianqi Group has become an international giant, and it is inseparable from Xu Pingan's tough and sleek wrist," Wei Dongshuo said with emotion.

Chen Qingshan nodded, agreeing with Wei Dongshuo's analysis.

"By the way, I heard that the single-person aircraft has already begun trial production. Do we also purchase a batch for the city driving school" Chen Qingshan asked.

"The first batch is no good, the distribution has been done, and the second batch is no problem. You can tell him after Edlan leaves, he will definitely agree," Wei Dongshuo said with a smile.

"Hmph, he will agree that a single-person aircraft of several million will bring him a lot of profits, and he will definitely not refuse," Chen Qingshan said directly.

When the two were chatting, Wei Dongshuo's cell phone rang, Wei Dongshuo answered directly, and hung up after a while.

"I just received the notice that Edlan will come to Tianqi Group as a private person tomorrow. We will not interfere" Wei Dongshuo said directly, and Chen Qingshan nodded.

The next day, Edland took his assistant and got on the plane. After getting off the plane in Province Y, he directly boarded the car sent by Tianqi Group to pick them up. At noon, Edlan arrived at Tianqi Group in J City.

Xu Ping'an arranged a good drink together at noon, rest in the afternoon, and discussing things tomorrow. Edland had no opinion at all. The two of them talked and laughed at lunch.

After the meal, Xu Ping'an arranged a car to take Edlan to the hotel to rest, and he returned home to rest.

The next day, the two negotiated in the office of Xu Pingan, the headquarters of Tianqi Group. The two reached an agreement in less than ten minutes, and the two sides fudged their losses.

If anyone violates the agreement, the Black Palace is responsible for punishing them. Xu Ping'an didn't take this condition seriously, and Edlan didn't take it seriously. He knew what was going on in his heart.

Punishment, why the punishment is not mentioned, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

Edlan also knew that once Eric Petroleum Group was looking for something, Xu Ping'an would retaliate, but it would not be so easy to solve.

"Xu, you should increase your investment in the U.S. This will be of great benefit to you" Edland said directly.

"Mr. Ambassador, we are different from you. After a hundred years of sinking, we cherish our country more than anyone. The shame of the late Qing Dynasty will never be allowed to appear again." Xu Ping'an clearly expressed his attitude.

Edland understands what's going on. If the matter between the two countries is not resolved, the Tianqi Group will not take any action. He is prepared for this.

The two chatted for a while, and Edland suddenly asked, "Xu, when will your single-person aircraft be available for the market, and will it be available in the U.S. state dealer?"

"The first batch of training products will be shipped soon, and there are currently no distributors in the United States," Xu Ping'an told the truth.

"I'll introduce you to a dealer," Edland said with a mysterious face, and Xu Ping'an was taken aback.

"Mr. Ambassador, do you think that people in the U.S. dare to be my dealer now?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile. The relationship between himself and the U.S. is obvious, and most people will definitely try to clear away the connection with Tianqi Group.

"Knapp Group is your distributor, do you dare to give the distributorship?" Edland looked at Xu Ping'an and asked, Xu Ping'an was completely stupid.

Fack, is there any mistake? The Knapp Group is the largest industry in the United States. Is he crazy?

Xu Ping'an looked suspiciously at Adlan. This incident was really unexpected. Adlan smiled helplessly in his heart. When he got the news, he was shocked.

"Are you sure you are not kidding," Xu Ping'an asked.

Edland shook "When I got the news, I was more shocked than you."

"According to business rules," Xu Ping'an continued, and Edland nodded.

"If you agree, someone will come over to negotiate with you. The national conditions of the United States are different from yours. The Knapp Group's affairs have no effect on that person. This is very accustomed to this."

"Politics is politics, and business is business. This is also a good thing for your Tianqi Group," Edland said directly.

"Yes, let them send someone over, follow the business rules, and I promise the same treatment," Xu Ping'an said directly, it doesn't matter, it's a good thing to cooperate with the Napu Group.

The two chatted for a while, looked at the time, and agreed to have a drink together in the evening. Edland also brought a bottle of good wine this time, and asked Xu Ping An to taste it. Xu Ping An agreed.

Arrange a vehicle to take Edland back to the hotel, and the driver and the car will stay in the hotel until Edland leaves J City.

In the room, Edland called to report the situation, and after communicating for a while, he hung up the phone. He was secretly surprised that Xu Ping'an's reaction was unexpectedly guessed by the one who should have guessed it, and he had already sent someone to J City.

Edland picked up the phone and called Xu Ping'an. He wanted to bring one more person over in the evening. The Knapp group had already arrived and made it clear that he had just received the news.

Xu Pingan had no objection, so he directly agreed and followed the business rules. It didn't matter.

In the evening, Edland appeared with a blonde beauty. Edland introduced the two parties. Dasini, an executive of the Knapp Group, the three began to drink and chat.

The atmosphere was very good. Suddenly, Dasini looked at Xu Ping'an and said, "Xu, I know that your first order has been allocated. I hope you can cancel some people's orders and give us these quotas."

"No problem, I'll give you the order from country J, and I'll give you the order from country YD, how about" Xu Ping'an looked at the two and said directly.

Dasini looked at Xu Ping'an and smiled. This Xu Ping'an was as cunning as the intelligence said, but it didn't matter, these two countries would definitely not dare to make trouble.

"Happy cooperation" Dasini raised her glass.

"Happy cooperation" Xu Pingan also raised his glass, and the two touched the glass to reach an agreement.

Aidelan on the side was filled with emotion. Dasini's purpose for doing this was not so simple. Xu Ping'an was able to resolve the problem in an instant, the reaction was really fast, and he was bold and determined.

After more than an hour, the three separated and agreed that Dasini would go to Tianqi Group headquarters tomorrow to go through the formalities and sign the cooperation agreement. Dasini directly agreed.

Early the next morning, after Xu Ping’an arrived at the company, he explained to the legal department, and at the same time called Dalbert to cancel the orders from country J and YD, and forward the two orders to the U.S. Napu Group. .

Dalbert was very surprised when he received the call. The Knapp Group knew exactly whose industry he was. He was very surprised at Xu Ping'an's skills. He immediately agreed, and he would immediately adjust the order.

"Remember, you don't need to notify those two countries about this matter. After they inquire after the shipment, they will tell them that the order is forwarded to the Napu Group" Xu Pingan exhorted.

"I understand that this will be successfully completed" Delbert already understood what Xu Ping'an meant.

"When can I ship" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Boss, it will be shipped in four days. This batch is all training models, and the speed is controlled. The effect is different from the official version," Delbert said seriously.

"Very good. After the training model is shipped, let’s do our best to produce it. I believe that the dealers’ banknotes can’t wait to come to you." Xu Ping’an said with a smile, and after a few conversations with Delbert Dropped the phone.

Not long after, Dasini arrived at Tianqi Group, and Darina accompanied him to the Legal Department to sign a formal contract. Knapp Group was the general distributor of Tianqi Group’s single-man aircraft in the United States.

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