Dasini was also very refreshed in her work. She signed the formalities in the morning and paid a lot of the payment in the afternoon. In the evening, Xu Ping'an once again invited Edland and Dasini to dinner, which was regarded as the money for the two. .

After the meal, Xu Ping'an arranged a car to take the two to leave. The car will take the two to the airport tomorrow. After the arrangements were made, they returned home with ease.

Time slowly passed. A week later, Eric Petroleum Group once again began hiring oil tankers to transport crude oil. Everyone knows that this matter was resolved and Tianqi Group reached a settlement with Eric Petroleum Group.

On this day, Dalbert, general manager of the Apocalypse Single Aircraft Company, issued a statement on the official website that the first batch of training aircraft has been shipped, and the statement finally announced the delivery details of the single aircraft.

Interested people took a breath after seeing the delivery details.

Fuck, is there any mistake.

Originally belonged to the YD country, the orders from the J country disappeared, and replaced by the Napu Group in the United States. Looking at the shipments to the Napu Group, it is exactly the data released by the Apocalypse Single Aircraft Company a few months ago. , The total number of orders in country J.

Apocalypse Group and Eric Petroleum Group both dispatched warships, submarines, and missiles to attack each other. As a result, the two parties made peace. In the end, the YD and J countries suffered losses.

However, the two countries of China and the United States are not something that these two countries can provoke. If the order is given to the United States, you have an opinion to find the Napu Group in the United States. If you eat the two countries, you will not dare to make trouble.

The damn meeting of you international giants is over. You must be cautious in the future and must not be used as weapons by these international giants.

Ordinary people don't know these things, but are very enthusiastic about studying and assessing single-person aircraft driving licenses. The number of applicants is very large. It can be seen that single-person aircraft will gradually become the mainstream aircraft.

Only three days later, the official website of Apocalypse Single Aircraft Company listed the sales price. The sales guide price of ordinary aircraft is between 550,000 euros and 700,000 euros.

The deluxe version, which is the one that Xu Pingan was forced to perform at the single-person aircraft exchange meeting in E City, has a sales guide price of 800,000 to 1 million euros.

This price is not low. Delbert has already explained that the reason why the price is so high now is because the price of many accessories cannot be lowered. After the price of the material goes down, the price will be adjusted again.

Seeing this shows that many caring people are pouting, Xu Pingan is really dark enough, the cost of the regular version is only 110,000 euros, and the price you give the dealer is 420,000 euros.

The price of the deluxe version is only 160,000 euros, and the price you give to the dealer is 700,000 euros. How much profit is there, really we don’t know.

Many people did not give up their plans to continue to develop their own single-person aircraft. As a result, they soon discovered that the problem began to suffer and patents could not be solved. Xu Ping An purchased a large number of patents, which was enough to form a terrifying patent barrier.

Even if you develop your own single-person aircraft, you still need to transfer most of your profits to Tianqi Group as a patent law. Thinking of this, many people are getting bored.

Time slowly passed, and the second batch of single-man aircraft training aircraft had been sent out. Delbert immediately began to adjust production and began to officially produce commercial single-man aircraft.

A lot of orders have been received. Although the economy is currently the top seven distributors, the order value of these seven companies is as high as 17 billion U.S. dollars, and many orders have been placed.

Advertisements for single-person aircraft have begun to land in many countries, and reservation channels have been opened. Without exception, many people are pained by the promotion.

The rich and celebrities play solo aircraft, the middle-class people play gas cars, and the poor people play battery cars.

With this slogan spreading, there is no need to worry about the sales of single-man aircraft.

You don’t even have a single-person aircraft. Are you ashamed to say that you are a rich man? Are you ashamed to say that you are a member of the upper class? Are you embarrassed to say that you are a celebrity gentry?

Many people touched their pockets and sighed up to the sky, with an expression of impossibility.

Why do people drive luxury cars and wear famous watches? Isn't it just to pretend to be coercive? Isn't it just to get into the wealthy circle in order to win more orders and bring their own benefits?

The more important thing is to reflect your identity, you are a rich man, and I will vote for your coffins.

Now it’s fine. The cost of trying to be forced is a straight line increase. The cheapest is 500,000 euros. The cost of this is really too high. If you drive a million-dollar luxury car, it’s just the performance of ordinary people. .

Many people have begun to think of ways to raise money, and this force has to be pretended to be, and many tycoons of the Chinese dynasty have cursed Xu Ping'an.

Half a million euros, but more than 4 million yuan, this is all money, and a house in the second-tier cities is gone.

Many real estate agents are also the envy and paralysis of everyone. We need to pay a lot of hard work to develop a real estate. Selling a house will not make a house. You can buy one and earn a house directly. It is completely robbery.

When this group of people was in pain, the seven major distributors of Apocalypse single-man aircraft were completely awake when sleeping. They had already collected a lot of advance payments, and the least of them had collected more than one billion euros.

The six giants of Campbell's organization had a good time together. This time they collected up to 2.8 billion prepayments. It can be said that the first batch of goods ordered has been fully sold.

The seven major distributors have begun to work hard, and there are still so many countries that have not issued single-person aircraft management regulations. They must speed up the progress and cannot affect their own money. All have begun to act.

With the passage of time, many countries have also begun to introduce single-man aircraft management regulations. The United States has been very quick this time. Many states have improved the single-man aircraft regulations, and many people have begun to take driving license tests.

This allows the relevant departments of each state to make a small profit. Hello, I'm such a big fellow.

Xu Pingan's mood is very refreshing, and another profitable project has been added. At the same time, the head of the design department of Airbus Group came to Xu Pingan for consultation with a design drawing of the palace in the sky.

Xu Pingan communicated with the people in the design department for one morning, and it was considered that the drawing was finalized. The Airbus Group could start production first. When halfway there, Xu Pingan would send someone to install other equipment on the aircraft.

The locations that need to be installed have been reserved, without delaying things, the core is the twelve special chips, which are already in production, when the unique program is entered in the chips, the aircraft can be integrated into One.

Without the chip, this kind of aircraft is a complete display.

During this period of time, people at the headquarters of Tianqi Group could feel Xu Ping’an’s smile, walking with wind every day, obviously the boss was in a very good mood.

This period of time has really been good things. Let’s talk about Tianqi Agricultural Group. After soybeans are listed, they have completely lowered the price of international soybeans, causing heavy losses to soybean traders in many countries.

The price of one ton of soybeans is 300 days cheaper than the international soybean price. Thousands of soybeans were put on the market, which completely suppressed the price of soybeans. The soybeans harvested this year have all been sold out.

The land prices contracted by Tianqi Agriculture Group in the three provinces are all very low. This is a preferential treatment given by local governments to support Tianqi Agriculture Group. The annual contracting costs are only half of the normal.

The cost price of soybeans in the Celestial dynasty could not be lowered. Fertilizers, seeds, and labor were not the main reasons. The land cost was the root cause. Compare the cost of planting land in the Celestial dynasty and the United States.

The cost of land cultivation in the United States is one-third of that of the Celestial Kingdom, so that the prices of agricultural products in the United States will be so low.

Now, because of the emergence of Tianqi Agricultural Group, the cost of land has come down, and the price must have also come down. It is difficult for the international soybean price to gain an advantage.

Besides, Tianqi Group's soybean oil output rate is higher than that of them, and they have no advantage. It is inevitable that a large price reduction is inevitable, and it cannot be sold without a price increase.

Fang Changlin never stopped expanding. He signed an agreement with the new province and once again contracted 5 million acres of land. Under the leadership of the provincial government, he acquired two state-owned farms.

In Hei province, the contracted land increased by one million mu, and a state-owned farm was purchased with the help of the local government. All of this new land was used to grow corn, the latest variety of the Institute of Botany.

The fruit-hanging rate is two cups of currently known corn varieties, and the final harvest is certainly very impressive, which will also exert a strong pressure on international corn prices in the future.

In Gansu Province, 700,000 mu of land has been added to plant all onions. In the past two years, international onion prices have been rising steadily. According to internal analysis, prices will increase next year because of abnormal weather.

The frequent occurrence of extreme weather has already begun to have a major impact on agriculture, but now technological advances have offset this part of the problem, but with the frequent occurrence of extreme weather, it will always cause strain on agricultural products.

The experience has been summed up in handling the original farm employees. One group will be retired directly, one group will be retired from illness, one group will be bought out, and the remaining rich and productive personnel will be accepted, and a group of lazy people will be cleared out during the integration period, and the company will be on track.

The Weather Supermarket Group has also begun to make profits. Although it is not a lot, the flow is very large. With the cooperation of strong capital and Tianqi Logistics, directly purchasing from manufacturers, the prices of many products have been compressed.

E-commerce has an impact on physical stores, and supermarkets have a greater impact on physical stores. A simple example, the store sells the same coat of the same style, the store sells 20,000, the Tianqi supermarket directly sells 3,000, the same material and the same quality. It's just a different brand.

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