Start the era of black technology

Chapter 472-It's Completely Ashamed of the Rich Second Generation

There is a large-scale promotion at the end of each month, which makes a lot of businesses a headache, and the business is hit hard on a bad basis.

Zhao Tongfu is also very able to spend money and fully understands Xu Pingan's philosophy. During this period of time, he used various means to purchase the real estate certificates and land certificates of all branches.

At the same time, they bought land in some cities for direct expansion. Others did not make money. In the future, these houses and land can also make a lot of money. It is completely cost-effective and the pace of expansion is very fast.

At the same time, Wu Sikai came forward and acquired seven quality inspection institutions. After some integration, Tianqi certification was launched. The certification standards are much higher than the national standards.

At the same time, it is very strict. All products that cannot pass Tianqi's quality are not allowed to be sold in Tianqi supermarkets. This regulation is a mandatory standard for enterprises.

National certification is serious in the laboratory, and Tianqi certification is not certified in the laboratory at all. There is a big difference between the two, which makes many manufacturers very painful.

For example, the air conditioner can obtain the national first-level energy consumption certification in the laboratory, but it is difficult for you to meet this standard outside the laboratory, and you can only become the second-level energy consumption certification.

In the celestial market, there are still most people who recognize the benefits. After the launch of this method, the products that have obtained Apocalypse certification have achieved very large sales. This is a situation that many people did not expect.

A fixed consumer group is slowly taking shape. This is what Xu Pingan and Zhao Tongfu both hope to see. The ultimate goal is to create an inherent consumer ecosystem.

With this foundation, the number of competitors will be reduced, and then making money will not be a problem at all. What's more, it is only making less now, even if the profit is less, it is more profitable than the money in the bank at interest.

Tianqi Logistics is also developing very fast under the leadership of Cao Deshun. Relying on Tianqi Technology Company, the efficiency of intelligent transit warehouse is much higher than other logistics enterprises.

According to the large database, the dispatch of personnel and vehicles is also becoming more and more perfect. There are still some vehicles that are not available, but Cao Deshun is not buying long-distance trucks. Many people do not understand this.

Xu Pingan explained to Cao Deshun that the Airbus Group’s hydrogen-powered aircraft will come out in a while. At that time, directly order 30 aircraft and use hydrogen-powered aircraft for long-distance transportation, which is more cost-effective.

This news is absolutely confidential, and no one can say that Cao Deshun strictly implemented this order. After other logistics companies have purchased new aircraft, Cao Deshun is unmoved.

Temporary discomfort is nothing. After the hydrogen-powered aircraft comes out, the spring of Tianqi Logistics will come.

During this short period of time, Xu Ping’an accompanied his parents at home, drinking and having fun with many people. A week later, he took two assistants, instead of flying by plane, to Hangzhou directly.

All luxury single-man aircraft, this aircraft has an automatic control program, after you enter the destination, you can ignore it, it will automatically rise to a certain height and fly towards the destination.

In the middle, the hydrogen refueling station on the outskirts of Bengbu City replenished fuel. In the envy of many people, more than a dozen single-person aircraft took off directly. Many people have already recognized Xu Ping An.

The video of Xu Pingan's mobile phone entering the aircraft with a red wine glass appeared directly on the Internet, including the flight formation after takeoff, which made people look full of envy.

When people on the Internet saw it, they fry the pan directly, and everyone is envious and hated.

Xu Pingan is too good at playing.

I am a deluxe single-man aircraft, and the assistants around me are also deluxe versions. The bodyguards are also deluxe versions. Fifteen single-man aircrafts, 15 million euros of equipment.

Although many people couldn't afford it, they could be stimulated to join the flight driver's license test team. Soon, Xu Ping'an and others landed on the top of the main building of Hangzhou Tianqi Science and Technology Park.

This was the person Xu Ping'an had specifically called Qiao Yicheng to arrange. The transparent cover of the aircraft raised, and Xu Ping'an came out with the wine glass, gave the wine glass to the assistant beside him, and shook hands with Qiao Yicheng and went straight into the building.

The scene of fifteen single-man aircraft landing in an orderly manner was seen by many people, and they were very jealous.

The navy hired by Tianqi Group began to speak frequently. As the boss, you don't have a single-person aircraft. Are you ashamed to say that you are the boss? It's damn shame.

As the rich second generation, you don't have a single-person aircraft. Are you embarrassed to say that you are the rich second generation? It's totally embarrassing to the rich second generation.

How does the language excite? Use public opinion to force you to pay for it.

Making money from rich people is Xu Pingan's marketing purpose. For the sake of face, you can't buy it.

After a day off, Xu Ping'an plunged into the Tianqi Game Company the next day and began to test the voice control system himself.

It's fun to play the game and shout out, this is what the player needs.

Screaming for nothing is good for your health.

After the two were over, Xu Ping'an was completely fascinated. He couldn't keep up with his hand speed, and he could completely keep up with the fastest. The PK winning percentage rose linearly.

Now the computer hardware on the market has been upgraded. New product launches are wave after wave. Memory sticks are completely upgraded to 36G ranks, and solid state drives are completely upgraded to the T era.

Many CPU manufacturers have launched a new generation of products, the product performance is directly improved to a great level, players are also very painful when they are happy, why these hardware manufacturers have recently launched new products crazy.

I'm completely picky, I don't know how to choose.

"Lao Ye, are the products ready?" Xu Pingan put down the headset and asked.

"Boss, a new generation of headset voice control system has been stocked with 10 million sets, and the global price is two hundred euros."

"The French apocalypse game company Jacques has also launched a large-scale online game of Disorder World, and is now ready to upgrade the version. Once we launch this voice-activated headset here, we will cooperate with the version upgrade there."

"Tianchao is promoting this type of voice-activated headset together with Europe, and the current hardware has fully met the demand," Ye Changlin gave a brief report.

"Send a notice and hold a press conference in a month to tell them that the game has entered a new era"

"Arrange for people to perform live demonstrations at that time, so that they can also experience it. With our voice control system installed, they can not only play games, but also establish new social groups," Xu Ping An said with a smile on his face.

"Boss, rest assured, I have let the planning department start to prepare, and then a series of promotion plans will be formed, and all aspects will be considered."

"The goal of increasing the number of players by 50% must be achieved" Ye Changlin said very confidently.

"Fifty percent, you are embarrassed to say this data"

"I'm telling you, if you don't reach 80% growth, you are unqualified." Xu Ping'an stood up and walked away, letting Ye Changlin sober up. This sharp weapon only increased by 50%. joke.

Seeing Xu Ping's back, Ye Changlin felt pressure, stood there thinking for a moment, and immediately turned to the office, and explained to his secretary before entering.

"Notify the planning department, let them minister, deputy minister, and group leader, all come to the small meeting for a meeting." Ye Changlin entered his office after speaking, and the secretary immediately began to notify.

Soon, Ye Changlin came out of the office with the notebook and went straight to the small conference room. They must be made aware that the 50% goal was unqualified.

The CEO must clean up himself, and he must clean up the planning department. The pressure cannot be carried on his own.

More than half an hour later, violent quarrels began in the small conference room. A good phenomenon in Tianqi Group is that people in various departments dare to speak and express their opinions clearly.

Before the final resolution is issued, we will strive hard for reasons. After the resolution is issued, the resolution will be seriously implemented. This is a set of plans Xu Ping's painstakingly managed. Only in this way can we form a force from top to bottom.

After several years of operation, good results have been achieved, which is definitely much better than the set of leadership authority.

Push to the budget and remake the publicity budget, and the minimum growth target of 85 percent must be achieved.

Ye Changlin said more than 5%. This is a common practice. Even if it is almost impossible to complete in the end, it will not be far from the goal set by Xu Ping'an, and it can be considered as one more room for change.

Besides, basically all companies do this. The tasks assigned by the general manager are always higher than those required by the boss, just in case.

Two days later, Tianqi Game Company issued a notice to the media, inviting all media to verify that the game has entered a new era. After the news spread, many media became interested.

The only thing that is facing a big enemy is the game companies of various countries. Does Tianqi Group have any technological breakthroughs, and each is uncomfortable. Every time Tianqi Group holds such a conference, it will release a disruptive product.

You must figure out what is going on, and you must prepare in advance.

The only thing that is clear is those hardware manufacturers. The CEOs of these manufacturers are all excited one by one and start to adjust their production plans to cope with the buying climax after the press conference.

A lot of media began to gather in Hangzhou. The most obvious effect is that the room occupancy rate of major hotels has begun to increase rapidly, and the occupancy rate of many hotels has reached more than 95%.

Zhang Jianbin was surprised after receiving the report from the following person. There hasn't been any major events in Hangzhou recently. How could the hotel occupancy rate increase so much? He immediately sent his secretary to find out what's going on.

In just over 20 minutes, the secretary came to report, "The mayor, it is the Apocalypse Game Company that is going to hold a press conference, saying that the game will enter a new era, and many domestic and foreign media are coming."

After listening, Zhang Jianbin waved his hand to let the secretary leave. What Xu Ping'an did, not to mention the breakthrough in other projects, it turned out to be a breakthrough in the game, and it was nothing to do.

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