Start the era of black technology

Chapter 475: Must Be Responsible to the Enterprise [Three shifts, first shift]

"They dare to have patent authorization and monopoly. If calculated like this, companies in the United States and Europe will go bankrupt," Xu Ping'an said directly. This is clear, and the concept of stealing is irreversible.

"Well, I'll save you face and reduce it by 5 million euros. You also have to explain, how" Xu Pingan said directly.

"Ping An, many are friendly countries, mutually beneficial things, 30 million a year is enough," Zhang Jianbin said directly, Xu Ping'an laughed after listening.

"Brother Zhang, what you said is a reminder that the above is the benefit. What is my benefit? I can't reduce the price at all. Isn't it?" Xu Ping'an leaned back after speaking and looked at Zhang Jianbin with playful eyes.

Zhang Jianbin wanted to slap himself, and accidentally said that he missed his mouth. Xu Ping'an was really shrewd and thought for a while, "Let's do this, the city will give you a one-percent tax allowance."

"Ten percent" Xu Pingan said immediately.

"If you dream, you don't want to think about your current tax exemption limit. With 10%, you are not afraid to kill you." Zhang Jianbin immediately quit. The local tax exemption rate for Tianqi Group is not low.

"It's boring for us to bargain. You can just say something I can accept" Xu Ping'an said while looking at Zhang Jianbin.

"Three percent, no more," Zhang Jianbin said directly.

Xu Pingan smiled and did not speak, making Zhang Jianbin very uncomfortable. "For every wrong thing I guess, your bottom line is 6%, and lying doesn't make any sense."

Zhang Jianbin was stunned and looked at Xu Ping An. This bastard knew himself too much. This is not a good thing, "I will give you 6% and reduce the price by 30 million."

"Ten million, no more. There are too many junk games on the market for money, and they must know how to cherish them, so that they can really play games seriously," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Don't tell me anything. I know more than you. The bottom line is 20 million. If you don't agree, I will turn around and leave." Zhang Jianbin was not in the mood to wrestle with Xu Ping'an. As he went on, I was afraid he would be calculated by this kid.

"Okay, give you a face" Xu Ping'an said directly.

Zhang Jianbin was stunned, how could he agree to be so refreshing? Could it be that he should be less? Zhang Jianbin has already reacted somewhat and just wanted to talk.

"Drink tea, Lord Mayor, this is a top-quality tip, all of which are exported. It's rare to see in China, please" Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face.

Facing Xu Ping'an like this, Zhang Jianbin really felt a little bit aggrieved. "Chen Qingshan and I are not bad to you, are you so calculating us?" Zhang Jianbin said unwillingly.

"Too much, calculating you make me feel very fulfilled," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Zhang Jianbin's face went black immediately.

"What is our relationship? It is a friendship relationship. A joke that does not hurt each other's feelings is conducive to the development of friendship. Is this the truth?" Xu Pingan said directly.

"It's a fart." After Zhang Jianbin finished speaking, he picked up the teacup and went straight to work. He stood up and turned around and left. Your sister, I will make you feel fulfilled. If it weren't for my identity, I would fight you.

"Mayor, don't go, let's have a drink at noon, and count me apologized." Xu Ping'an directly grabbed Zhang Jianbin, and let Zhang Jianbin sit down again.

After drinking tea for a while, the two of them left the company together, found a hotel, and drank a good drink. Jian Nanchun directly killed one bottle. Xu Ping'an drank more than half of it, which made Zhang Jianbin feel relieved.

When I returned home, I called Ye Changlin and reduced the patent licensing fee by 20 million. This is something that has been considered for a long time. Even if Zhang Jianbin does not come to Xu Pingan, Xu Pingan will have to reduce the price in a few days.

Only when the authorization goes out can you have money. Monopoly in this area will cause criticism. So many countries will certainly not allow the complete collapse of their own game industry. This degree must be mastered.

The next day, Tianqi Games Company began to notify those game companies that the annual licensing fee was reduced from 50 million to 30 million. This notice only gave a few companies a long breath.

These companies are not small in scale. Even if they reduce the cost of 20 million yuan, it is a burden for them. There is no way. Many companies have started to act again and hope the government can help solve this problem.

The governments of many countries are also the top leaders. After activities, the high-level Tianchao has already allowed Tianqi Games to reduce 40% of the fees. It is not easy to speak now.

The reason is that they are asking for a 30% reduction. Now the Tianchao side has reduced operations by 40%, which is more than what they asked for. It is difficult for you to make Apocalypse Game Company reduce costs.

Again, the price is not high. Game companies in the United States have paid hundreds of millions of agency fees to Japan. With this comparison, it is difficult to ask Tianqi Group to lower the fees.

On this day, just before get off work, Xu Ping’an received a call from Yoko Watanabe, and the Japanese approached her, hoping to reduce patent licensing fees in another way.

Tax reduction is the method that Japan came up with. The game industry is one of the pillars of Japan’s industry, and it must be supported. A 5% tax reduction is provided to the branch of Tianqi Group in Japan. I hope that Tianqi Group can reduce it by one more. Ten million in expenses.

"You tell them that with tax exemption of 8%, I can reduce the patent licensing fee to 15 million" Xu Ping An said directly, and Yoko Watanabe smiled directly.

"Boss, you are so smart," Yoko Watanabe said directly.

"Watching you perform," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, chatted with Yoko Watanabe for a while and then hung up.

Xu Pingan’s proposal lies between what can be promised and what cannot be promised. The counter-offer is not much, only a 3% discount, and a substantial concession is given, which directly reduces the cost of 15 million.

Not surprisingly, the Japanese side will definitely give the Tianqi Group this discount. Two days later, Tianqi Group and the Japanese side announced this at the same time, and the patent authorization to Japan was reduced to 15 million euros.

This news came out and surprised many people. What was the situation and why Japan was exempting so many fees. Soon, Japan's tax reduction and exemption for Tianqi Group was controlled by other countries.

Soon, many countries signed new tax-free preferential policies with Tianqi Group, which made Xu Ping'an laugh all day in the office.

The taxes and fees of the Celestial Dynasty were still thirty million, not a single cent drop. Without seeing the actual benefits, Xu Ping'an would not open this hole, and no one would love it.

The purpose of establishing Apocalypse Game Company is to let these garbage companies finish playing. This is Xu Ping'an's careful wish. How could he easily give in. In order to escape, Xu Ping'an drove to the airport early in the morning, planning to go abroad to avoid the limelight.

As a result, the airport was blocked by Zhang Jianbin, and Zhang Jianbin had nothing to do. The upper hand overwhelmed Zhang Jianbin. Xu Ping'an hid again. Knowing that Xu Ping'an purchased the flight ticket to go abroad, Zhang Jianbin was directly at the airport. Waiting.

In a small room, the two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and they knew what was going on, "Peace, you have just been discounted on taxes and fees, and now the prices of foreign countries are lowered, what does it mean to not bargain domestically".

"Brother Zhang, Ming people don't talk secretly. The last price cut was a clear-cut statement. It was a preferential policy for me to reduce prices to foreign game companies."

"Why, because foreign companies are willing to give preferential policies, domestic companies are reluctant to give it, and to be honest, I am also reluctant to give it," Xu Ping'an said unceremoniously.

"How much do you want" Zhang Jianbin said, suppressing his anger. This time, it was clearly calculated again.

"Not much. You can give me as much as the foreign country gives me. It's not limited to Hangzhou," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Zhang Jianbin was taken aback.

"Do you think your request will be approved?" Zhang Jianbin said directly.

"For foreign game companies to give me tax cuts, you don't care about the life and death of domestic game companies, what do I care about" Xu Ping'an said without giving way.

This sentence made Zhang Jianbin unable to refute. In the past, all the policies of Tianqi Group were domestically more preferential than foreign ones. This has become accustomed to this. Suddenly Xu Ping'an didn't do this, and he couldn't accept it.

The price of super fish oil in China is lower than that of any country in the world.

The price of super paint is also the same, including many patent licensing fees, which are much lower than other countries.

Huo Minghai calculated an account for Xu Ping An. The domestic profit rate is the lowest in the world, and the tax rate is the highest in the world. Seeing this data makes Xu Ping an unacceptable, he directly asked Huo Minghai to recalculate.

"Mr. Xu, I have calculated five times." This is the answer Huo Minghai gave, and Xu Ping'an was silent directly.

It must be changed, the profit rate must be improved, and I am not a philanthropist, I must be responsible to the enterprise.

After unhappy, Xu Ping’an went abroad directly after changing his visa and went straight to France. In order to repay El’s last favor, he had to buy a small island. This is another large sum of money. Pauls and Bruce have a good discussion.

When Xu Pingan got off the plane and returned to the manor, Dalbert, general manager of Apocalypse Single Aircraft Company, issued a statement on the official website that the commercial version of single aircraft has begun to be shipped globally, and consumers who purchase can go to dealers to pick up the goods. .

The total shipment volume is 5,000. From now on, the output of 5,000 will be maintained every month. Many people are excited about this news and began to contact dealers to pick up the goods.

The dealers began to ship the goods in the order of payment, and the five thousand were distributed to the seven major dealers. Each of them did not have one thousand, and they were immediately emptied by the customer.

Xu Pingan looked at the media reports in the manor with a smile on his face. Many people have already obtained a single-person aircraft driver's license. Very few people have obtained the goods and immediately began to experience it.

The social video sites are full of flying videos posted by these people. Without exception, the single-person aircraft is so cool that you can take over the scenery everywhere.

The most practical one is Brazil. Everyone knows about the rain forest fire in Brazil. Under the pressure of the international community, the fire started, and single-person aircraft began to participate in the fire.

The larger the load, the closer the flight distance. After modification, more than one hundred people piloted a single-person aircraft to extinguish the fire from the air, and the fire extinguishing powder began to be sprayed. The effect was surprisingly good with the firefighters on the ground.

The click-through rate of the fire extinguishing video instantly soared to the first place. Many people noticed that they could not imagine that the single-person aircraft could still be played like this.

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