Start the era of black technology

Chapter 476 Forget about the Apocalypse Weapon Company [second more]

At a time when people around the world are concerned about single-man aircraft, Xu Pingan, Niels and Bruce are investigating the island information in the manor. There are 14 islands sold in this batch.

Except for the six small islands close to the French mainland, the rest are located far away from the mainland. The largest one is located in the Atlantic Ocean and is an uninhabited island.

The area is not small, more than 400 square kilometers. The island has no fresh water resources. It is located in the vast sea and has a very low value. Food needs to be transported from outside, and energy needs to be transported. You must also invest in the establishment of a desalination plant. .

Without a desalination plant, the above would simply not survive. Of course, the French side has also considered this issue, so it gives the largest island policy a very favorable policy.

First of all, the sale of the island is a permanent property right, and the annual taxes and fees that need to be paid have been reduced by 70%, and it is still permanent.

If it is not reduced, it will not work. Such a large range is not affordable for ordinary people. According to calculations, even if it is reduced by 70%, it will cost more than 32 million euros per year. This is not a small figure.

The French side once wanted to build the island into a naval base. As a result, after the budget was released, the Congress stopped doing it. The cost was too high and the Congress rejected it unanimously.

This time, in order to stimulate the sales of small islands, many preferential policies have been given. The top three islands by area have given special policies. The island owner can establish a legally permitted management unit on the island, and you are responsible for the cost.

Except for the eight-article activities, such as drug production, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and terrorist activities, the French side does not care what you do, as long as you do not owe the annual land tax.

If you develop a small island into a big city, the tax collected will also belong to the island owner. France will no longer charge extra, and the conditions are very generous. Correspondingly, the purchase price is also a worrying figure.

The largest island sells for 6 billion euros, and there is no counter-offer. The annual land tax that needs to be paid is more than 32 million euros. This cost is really not affordable for ordinary people.

Xu Pingan understood that the biggest island was sold to himself, and he really didn’t want to buy it, but there was no way. The favors owed need to be repaid. Xu Pingan felt bored by the expenses counted by Niels.

"When will these additional conditions be announced?" Xu Ping'an asked, rubbing his head.

"It will be announced in five days at the slowest, and the additional bill has been passed in the French parliament," Bruce said directly.

"How much money is left in Europe can be directly transferred" Xu Ping'an looked at Niels and asked.

"Boss, I still have 13 billion euros in my account as a reserve fund and have not been used." Niels said very calmly.

Xu Ping’an was taken aback, why so many, seeing Xu Ping’s confused Niels hurriedly explained, "Boss, two years ago, you had a meeting with me and Mr. Huo Minghai, clearly stipulating that I must keep one Reserve funds of more than tens of billions."

After listening to it, Xu Ping'an suddenly realized and smiled unconsciously. In order to reduce tax payment, the European Apocalypse Accounting Firm kept a reserve fund of tens of billions. This part of the capital does not need to be paid if it is not turned over to the headquarters.

Once paid, you need to pay more than a dozen taxes, including value-added tax, corporate income tax, etc., plus personal income tax. Ten billion will require more than six billion taxes. This is not a small number.

"Be prepared. This time, half of the island purchase fee will be paid from your side. Then, your reserved amount will increase to 30 billion euros, do you understand?" Xu Pingan said directly.

Niels nodded earnestly. At the beginning, it took a lot of brain power to design this plan. Huo Minghai and Wu Sikai took a group of financial affairs and a group of tax lawyers worked out a plan for a month.

Apple in the U.S. holds almost 300 billion U.S. dollars in its hands without paying dividends in order to avoid paying taxes. U.S. taxes and fees are also very high. If you don’t spend this part of the money, you can’t collect my taxes.

Not only Apple, but many large companies do this. There are huge sums of money on the company's account and they just don't spend it. This makes the United States a very headache.

But you can’t withdraw from targeted laws. Once it’s introduced, companies that don’t have a large amount of money on their books will go bankrupt. You can be dirty secretly, but you must be fair on the surface.

This is the horror of large companies. It is completely different from the situation in the Tian Dynasty. Most of the enterprises in the Tian Dynasty have extremely high foreign debts. Once the enterprises are finished, these foreign debts will be completely yellow.

This is the reason why many companies stop production and shortages. As long as they are not eliminated, these accounts will always exist, and creditors will not allow it to go bankrupt.

Five days passed slowly, and the French officially announced a policy to stimulate sales on the island, which made many people tempted, but after seeing the calculated costs, all of them were a little daunting.

Many provisions have been revised. The federal government sends a five-member team to the island to conduct inspections every five years. Now this article has been changed to make inspections once every ten years.

The land tax fee will be changed from once a year to once every three years, with a discount of 5%, a one-time payment of 10% for ten years, and a one-time payment of 20 years, giving a 22% discount.

Small islands far away from the mainland are endowed with a special self-defense bill, which will be implemented from the day the island is purchased. This bill gives the island owner the right to kill all people who trespass on the island.

Those who set up a laboratory on the island only accept inspections by a five-person team specially authorized by the Congress. No other administrative agency has the power of inspection. The inspection period should not exceed one week. This rule makes Xu Ping an extremely happy.

Based on the current contacts of Tianqi Group in France, it is basically foolproof. The Congress specially authorizes the inspection of the group to be voted for. As long as Tianqi Group maintains the current development momentum, inspection is optional.

Hall came to Xu Ping'an directly, and the two discussed it. The next day, as Xu Ping's personal representative, Bruce went directly to the relevant department to complete the formalities.

The largest island far from the mainland was bought by Xu Pingan at a transaction price of 6.3 billion Euros. At the same time, Xu Pingan paid a lump sum of 20 years of land tax, and the 22% discount could not be avoided.

Add them together and the transaction price reaches 6.9 billion euros.

Bruce announced on behalf of Xu Ping An that this small island will be built as the space project headquarters of Tianqi Group, and Tianqi Group will fully enter the space industry.

After the news went out, everyone was completely shocked. There were people who bought these small islands where birds don’t shit, and Tianqi Group is actually about to intervene in the space industry.

Many people are not surprised. International giants have already begun to deploy space. It is normal for Tianqi Group to join this rank. Many experts around the world have expressed their opinions.

There is a list of good news media. Among the top 50 companies in the world, excluding financial companies and real estate companies, 90% of the companies have more or less space plans and have their own projects. .

The celestial dynasty was shocked. Xu Pingan had already established the Tianqi Space Mining Company in the northwest. Now he has purchased a small island to build a new space project. Obviously, Xu Pingan’s space plan is not that simple.

The R&D capabilities of Tianqi Group cannot be underestimated. If nothing else, the carbon magnetic supercharging technology speaks for itself. The effect of applying this technology to aircraft engines is very obvious, and the thrust force has been improved visible to the naked eye.

Coupled with the advanced aerospace materials authorized by Tianqi Group and the satellite research and development center on Tianqi Island, all this shows that Tianqi Group has begun to deploy space projects, not just now.

Only two days have passed, and many international giants around the world have announced that they will increase the company's space project funds, and will never fall behind in this space development competition.

While people were still shocking Xu Pingan's large sums of money and international giants increasing funding for space projects, the other two large islands far away from the mainland were also sold.

The sales price was 5.8 billion euros and 5.4 billion euros respectively. It was also a one-time payment of land tax for 20 years. The purchase was made by a giant German company and a giant American company.

The two companies announced that they will also establish space projects on small islands. The large-scale expansion of international giants into space projects is no longer obscured, and they are beginning to openly approach people's vision.

Three days later, all the islands were sold out. Everyone had to sigh that there were so many rich people. The French side was extremely satisfied. They sold the island and returned a large amount of money.

These small islands that don’t shit can actually exchange so much funds, everyone is satisfied, and the Congress is also very satisfied. With this funding supplement, coupled with the immediate reforms, the government has Funds will be very abundant.

Four days passed slowly, and Peng Yidong of Tianchao Construction Group flew to Paris. For nothing else, the construction of the island is a big project. After winning, the company staff will not rest next year.

Xu Pingan and Peng Yidong have an old relationship. Peng Yidong was invited to have a drink together in the manor. The two went directly to the study to talk and drink some tea to refresh themselves.

"Lao Peng, there is no problem with the project. I believe in your technical strength, but can you still mobilize people now?" Xu Ping'an made a tea request after he finished speaking.

Peng Yidong took a cup of tea and took a sip, "Brother, your island is located between South America and South Africa, and the nearest country is more than a thousand kilometers away. It is not cost-effective for me to send personnel from the local area."

"Therefore, we only need to deploy enough technical personnel. It is more cost-effective to recruit workers in South Africa and South America. All temporary workers will not delay the younger brother's work."

"Brother Peng is really a good calculation. African labor costs are low, South America is undergoing an economic crisis, and labor costs are also low. Both are much lower than domestic labor costs."

"Brother Peng wants to give me a preferential price" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

"It's easy to say, everything is easy to negotiate, I don't know how my brother plans to develop this island" Peng Yidong asked.

"Brother Peng, it's hard to tell right now. To tell you the truth, I have already sent personnel to the island to survey and map. You must have specific data to make planning drawings."

"It is expected that there will be results in more than two months. I will have to trouble Brother Peng at that time," Xu Ping'an said directly, and Peng Yidong nodded, understanding Xu Ping's arrangement. The plan for the island is not that simple.

"This small island is bigger than Tianqi Island, and it's close to Africa, so I need to strengthen protection, but it's not very peaceful over there," Peng Yidong kindly reminded.

"Brother Peng rest assured, I can still solve this problem. Tianqi Security Company has a lot of staff. I have asked Chen Qilin to send fifty people to purchase goods."

"At that time, I will live on the small island first. When the construction starts, we will be taking turns. Weapons? Did you know that I have a weapon company?" Xu Ping said with a smile, and Peng Yidong also laughed, forgetting the Apocalypse Weapon Company. A stubble.

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