Start the era of black technology

Chapter 482 I want people to give people, I want things, I want money and money [second more]

After arriving in Hangzhou, Xu Pingan took a good rest for two days, and then Song Xinyun also arrived in Hangzhou. Xu Pingan accompanied Song Xinyun to Hangzhou for three days before heading to the Science and Technology Park for inspection.

Knowing that Xu Ping'an had arrived, Ye Changlin, Ding Zhijun, and Qiao Yicheng directly came to report, and Xu Ping'an greeted the three of them to sit down and talk while drinking tea.

Ye Changlin first reported the situation of the game company. After hearing this, Xu Ping'an was very surprised, "How come the profit has increased so quickly in the next year, are you doing promotions?"

"President, no. The reason for the huge increase in profit is the sharp increase in sales of our headsets. Antarctic Goose has contributed 90 million euros to us in patent licensing fees and installed voice control systems for three of their good games."

"It can be said to be a win-win situation. According to the data I have obtained, the number of registered Antarctic Goose has also doubled, and monthly sales have also reached a record high" Ye Changlin explained, and Xu Pingan now understands what is going on.

"Old Qiao, how far is the brainwave control system development progress?" Xu Pingan asked, turning his head to look at Qiao Yicheng.

"It is still in its infancy, and there is no possibility of a breakthrough in the past two years"

"However, our Starry Smart System has made a big breakthrough. It is expected that the personal terminal starry system will be launched next year," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"How can it be so fast?" Xu Pingan was a little surprised at this progress. The development of intelligent systems requires extremely large amounts of data as a basis.

"President, after the establishment of the Fanxing Intelligent System project in France, there are few restrictions. After connecting to the Internet, it has cooperated with Twitter and Facebook, and collects a lot of data every day."

"I have communicated with Coster. Last month, they upgraded the entire intelligent system. After the upgrade, the capabilities of Fanxing Intelligent System were further released."

"This month, they have launched experiments on personal smart computer terminals. As long as your computer is installed with the Fanxing Intelligent System, you can use it for free for half a year and promote it with this kind of promotional activities."

"The data collection capability has been further improved, and the number of users is also exploding. Coaster is very confident to upgrade the Fanxing system again in six months."

"The most important thing is that Minister Zhu Hongyun has also added the intelligent search logic program to the Fanxing System, which greatly improves the algorithm of the Fanxing Intelligent System and becomes more precise and faster."

"No, Minister Zhu just submitted a report to me, requesting to purchase a large number of parts to assemble a supercomputer, which will cost 800 million US dollars. I am considering it," Qiao Yicheng said directly.

"You call Zhu Hongyun and ask him to come over, I will talk to him about this," Xu Ping'an said directly, with interest in his heart. It is certainly not that simple for Zhu Hongyun to assemble a supercomputer.

Regardless of Zhu Hongyun's fatness, the body is not fat but intelligent cells. The evaluation of Zhu Hongyun by the Protoss has been raised by one level. In the list of the global collection, only seven people reach Zhu Hongyun's level.

Qiao Yicheng froze for a while and immediately took out the phone and started to dial, and the phone was connected soon, and the two directly hung up the phone after communicating, "President, he will come right now."

Xu Ping'an nodded and continued to drink tea. Ye Changlin and Ding Zhijun were a bit surprised. They didn't expect Zhu Hongyun to have such a high status. From Xu Ping's performance just now, it can be seen that the relationship with Zhu Hongyun is unusual.

The two looked at each other, and they all had a moment of understanding. It's no wonder that boss Zhu is so tyrannical. He dared to make trouble in the personnel department for the people of his department. It turns out that the boss behind boss Zhu is the president.

One of Zhu Hongyun's subordinates, a single-parent family, and his old father needed to be taken care of in hospital, so the intermittent leave lasted for almost two months, and the Ministry of Personnel issued a notice of dismissal in accordance with the regulations.

After receiving the notice, Zhu Hongyun stopped doing it. He took the notice and ran to the personnel department and tore up the notice directly in front of the personnel in the personnel department. It was very strong.

It is clearly stated that "how the people in my department work is up to me. Your personnel department can't control it. If you don't agree, you should complain." This sentence was said in front of many people in the personnel department. It was very domineering.

Meng Xinrui, the head of personnel of the technology company, trembled with anger, and had a big quarrel with Zhu Hongyun on the spot. After the quarrel, he went directly to Qiao Yicheng to complain.

Soon, the employees of the entire science and technology park knew the result. The matter was left alone. Zhu Hongyun won, and Qiao Yicheng calmed Meng Xinrui, which left many people confused.

Everyone agrees that Zhu Hongyun is domineering and a domineering leader. There are many people who want to work in Zhu Hongyun's department.

The personnel of the Cyber ​​Security Department are now thoroughly appreciating Zhu Hongyun's dominance. Everyone admires Zhu Hongyun to death, and no one can command the Cyber ​​Security Department. They refuse to execute them without Zhu Hongyun's orders.

As long as Zhu Hongyun spoke, he immediately worked overtime to complete the work, which greatly improved the efficiency.

People in the entire science and technology park know that the most powerful network technology in the Tianqi science and technology park is the network security department. There are three employees who resigned due to family reasons. They are now technical directors of small technology companies.

These three are ordinary personnel of the Ministry of Security, which shows the strength of these people from the Ministry of Cybersecurity.

Soon, Zhu Hongyun arrived at Xu Ping'an's office with sweat on his face. He apparently came from a trot and sat on the sofa. One person occupied two seats. Xu Ping'an poured Zhu Hongyun a cup of tea.

"Look at what you are like now. Starting tomorrow, you will go to the gym for two hours of exercise every day. Old Joe, you are responsible for supervision. If you don't finish, you will directly deduct the monthly bonus." Xu Ping'an looked at Zhu Hongyun and said directly.

"President, rest assured, I must strictly implement it," Qiao Yicheng said directly, Zhu Hongyun's fat face was sweaty more, and the flesh on his face was all smoked.

"Can I go? Can it be done without deducting the money?" Zhu Hongyun looked at Xu Ping'an with a pitiful expression.

"Don't follow me in this set. If you can perform intuitively, you are not in this physique now. Practice for three months and exercise in the company's fitness room."

"If you can persist in these three months, let Old Joe cancel the supervision," Xu Ping'an looked at Zhu Hongyun and said directly, which was regarded as a face to Zhu Hongyun.

Zhu Hongyun nodded in pain, and accepted this condition.

"Old Joe just told me that you plan to spend 800 million US dollars to assemble a supercomputer. What are you planning to do with this supercomputer?" Xu Ping'an asked directly.

Zhu Hongyun looked at Qiao Yicheng, Ye Changlin and Ding Zhijun, and finally looked at Xu Ping An, Xu Ping An understood what was going on. "Just say, the three of them are people who can be trusted."

Hearing Xu Ping's words, Qiao Yicheng, Ye Changlin, Ding Zhijun, the three of them felt warm, and understood that Xu Ping's recognized the three of them as their core confidants and recognized themselves.

People need to be recognized, and the idea of ​​dying for a confidant just came out.

"I intend to conduct a comprehensive intelligent experiment in the science and technology park, just like the smart terminal in a science fiction movie. As long as everyone says your request in the science and technology park, the system can only answer according to your authority."

"Through this kind of experiment, we can test the shortcomings of only logic programs, and find out the weaknesses of intelligent logic programs to make up. This can speed up the growth of intelligent logic programs," Zhu Hongyun said with an extremely serious expression.

Xu Pingan, Qiao Yicheng, Ye Changlin, and Ding Zhijun were all dumbfounded. They never dreamed that Zhu Hongyun's purpose was like this.

"Minister Zhu, can this model really be realized?" Ding Zhijun swallowed dryly.

"President Ding, there may be some difficulties in the beginning, but with the step-by-step improvement, in the future you only need to say a word of "fanxing" and inform the department heads of the meeting."

"Fanxing can only automatically notify the heads of departments, which is very convenient."

"The real smart phone's Fanxing system is this mode. Fanxing can only control the APP of your mobile phone. My experiment is to expand the intelligent system and control the entire science and technology park," Zhu Hongyun said directly.

"The US$800 million is not enough. If it is not enough, I will report directly to Lao Qiao. The company will fully support you in this experiment, asking for people, things, and money," Xu Ping'an said directly with bright eyes.

"Lao Zhu, I fully support your transformation. Who prevented you from telling me that I will find them myself" Qiao Yicheng also directly expressed his opinion, seeing how valuable the experiment Zhu Hongyun wants to do.

"Mr. Xu, it's a little slow to get results, you can't rush me" Zhu Hongyun said directly looking at Xu Ping'an. Being quiet is a concept, and he hasn't even started to talk about it.

"I won't urge you, you just let it go" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and Zhu Hongyun was relieved.

"This matter is top secret. If anyone dared to leak this project, go to the seaside tour by themselves" Xu Ping'an looked at the four people and said directly. This is a practical application of intelligence and must not be careless.

"Understand" "Understand" "Understand"..............

The four people all expressed their attitudes. It can be seen that Xu Ping An is particularly valued on this project. Such important remarks have been said. This shows how determined Xu Ping An is.

After chatting for a while, Zhu Hongyun left to work on his own affairs. Xu Ping’an and the four of them continued to discuss things, “Old Qiao, Zhu Hongyun is a baby, his health is a big problem, you must enforce that he exercises every day. Two hours"

"When necessary, you can contact the security department to force him to exercise, and he must have a good body," Xu Ping'an told very seriously.

"The president can rest assured that I will treat this as a major event, and it will definitely change Minister Zhu's body. I specially arranged for him a beautiful fitness trainer to definitely let him exercise willingly."

"In addition, I am arranging a dietitian for him to keep his body adequate and have a physical examination once a week" Qiao Yicheng said directly, now he fully understands the value of Zhu Hongyun.

Xu Ping'an said at the beginning that once it came time to choose between Qiao Yicheng and Zhu Hongyun, Zhu Hongyun would only be left. Originally, he still felt uncomfortable, but now he has no complaints. Zhu Hongyun is totally worth the price.

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