Start the era of black technology

Chapter 483 The scallop ran away [third more]

The four people discussed for a while, Qiao Yicheng and the three of them left, each busy with their own affairs, Qiao Yicheng began to purchase related equipment for Zhu Hongyun, and fully supported Zhu Hongyun's project.

Satisfied to go home from get off work for dinner, "What good has happened, why do you have such a good appetite" Song Xinyun asked strangely.

"I just met an Indian beauty, so I am in a very good mood." Xu Ping'an said with a stunned smile. Song Xinyun gave him a blank look, and raised his hand to twist Xu Ping'an's waist.

The painful expression on Xu Ping'an's face was directly distorted. Song Xinyun let go when he saw Xu Ping'an's reaction, letting you stimulate me, deserved it.

Raising his hand and rubbing his waist, he said with an uncomfortable face, "You know it's fake and so cruel."

"Who made you irritate me?" Song Xinyun said equally unhappy, standing up and leaving the restaurant directly to ignore Xu Ping'an.

Take a few deep breaths, continue to eat, and not be familiar with this little woman.

After the meal, the two drank tea at the pavilion. Just after drinking two cups of tea, Liu Wenjun came over to "boss, number one".

"Wen Jun, drink tea together" Xu Ping'an greeted him and stood up. After receiving Liu Wenjun's call, he walked away, and Liu Wenjun accompanied Song Xinyun to drink tea.

"Who is Number One" Song Xinyun asked curiously.

Liu Wenjun's face was embarrassed for a while, with an apologetic expression on his face, he said, "You should ask yourself for a while, I can't say, I can't listen to the content of this call."

Song Xinyun stunned after hearing it, and she understood Liu Wenjun's expression, and still asked "male or female" unwillingly.

"Man" Liu Wenjun said, Song Xinyun nodded and stopped asking.

"Boss, it has been arranged, and I have contacted Bannon, and he will continue to work at full capacity," Gavin said directly.

After listening to Xu Ping’an, a smile appeared on his face, “Good job, it’s not easy to stop us from making money. I really want to see what the U.S. will look like in the future, hahahahahaha” Xu Ping’an laughed.

The small single-man attack submarine of Apocalypse Weapons Company is restricted from exporting to more than a dozen countries, which will reduce a lot of orders. Less orders will reduce profits. How could Xu Ping An accept it with such an evaluation.

After discussing with Gavin, he directly found a U.S. native to set up a trading company to specialize in smuggling such submarines. Even if the U.S. native finds out, you have nothing to say.

This is what you Americans did, and it has nothing to do with me, unless you restrict global companies from cooperating with Americans.

After the full popularity of small single-person attack submarines, the threat of American aircraft carriers will be minimized. Now you are just a fleet of twelve aircraft carriers. One hundred submarines attack one aircraft carrier formation, and more than one thousand submarines will be done.

One hundred submarines are unbalanced, adding one hundred more, and two hundred submarines attack the aircraft carrier formation, depending on what you use to maintain your hegemony.

"I think their president will vomit blood with anger," Gavin said with a laugh.

"I really want to see this scene with my own eyes, but unfortunately I can't see it"

"How is the base construction on your side? Is there anything abnormal in Daham" Xu Ping'an asked.

"It went well. He asked me when he saw that I started to build the airport runway. I said it was used to park the Xiaolong fighter, so he shut up." Gavin said with a smile.

Daham knew what the Xiaolong fighter was for, and his complacency for Gavin once again increased. Obviously, this increased the strength of the base and had long-range strike capabilities.

At the beginning, after the missile-launching warship was sunk, Daham was very worried for a while, but the situation was calm, making Daham and his son Mohan more sober. The strength behind Gavin was not so simple.

With a clear understanding, Daham became even more cooperative. No one should be guilty, and he honestly managed his one-acre three-quarter land without any trouble.

"Very good, let him make the right choice after seeing the facts clearly, do you need anything else?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"Boss, I need an eye from the sky. Renting an outside satellite is not very efficient. It is better to have our own satellite," Gavin said directly.

"The Apocalypse Island has already started research. I bought two sets of reconnaissance satellite drawings from the black market, and upgraded the design on this basis. Next year, we can use our own reconnaissance satellite next year," Xu Pingan said directly.

"I really hope that this day will come soon" Gavin said directly.

Xu Ping'an smiled, chatted with Gavin for a while, then hung up the phone, returned in a good mood and went back to continue drinking tea, nothing to tease Song Xinyun and Liu Wenjun, it was very fun.

In Italy, Bannon did not reduce the production line, but continued to produce at full capacity. Bannon communicated with relevant departments on production issues for the common profit of everyone.

Hearing this sentence, the relevant departments will know what is going on. It is also in Italy’s interest to do so. With one eye closed, the review of user information will be more relaxed, as long as your country of registration is not a dozen. All countries will receive money and release.

Besides, the maintenance of normal production by Apocalypse Arms Company is a great benefit to the domestic manufacturing industry. At present, more than one hundred manufacturing companies in Italy rely on the Apocalypse Arms Company to survive. This may affect the employment of hundreds of thousands of people, and it is not easy .

It can be said that the order of Tianqi Weapon Company has not been constructed much. After changing a layer of skin, many customers continue to place orders, and the number is not small, and many orders have increased expedited expenses.

To handle the rush, a small single-person attack submarine would cost 10 million yuan. As a result, many people didn't care and paid the money without hesitation.

Bannon was overjoyed when he saw this result and arranged for people to start overtime production. For the sake of the generous overtime pay, the workers did not complain, and were very enthusiastic about the work.

Xu Pingan stayed in Hangzhou for more than a week. Song Xinyun left and returned to Jinling. After Xu Pingan inspected some project teams and departments, he also went abroad directly.

Instead of going directly to the European branch for inspection, I went directly to Idrius Island. At present, the island is very lively. Companies that have signed contracts with Tianqi Group have begun to send personnel and equipment to build.

Israel Pass Water Resources has received an order for a medium-sized desalination plant.

German Bufanden Construction Company received one-third of the order for the roundabout

The Italian construction company Tiffany received one-third of the order for the roundabout

British Nelson Construction Company received one-third of the order for the roundabout

The French trading company Louise received an order to supply environmentally friendly materials

The American Victory Eagle Steel Company received an order to supply steel

Brazil Candice Construction Company received an order for the construction of a small town in the living area

The Argentine Avalis Trading Company received an order to supply food, vegetables and alcohol to the island.

South Africa Polaris has received an order to supply sand.

The Apocalypse Institute of Botany sent a group of people to the small island for actual inspection and plan the greening project of the small island based on the climate.

Tianqi Solar and Tianqi Carbon Magnetic Wind Tree have dispatched people to construct the power station to ensure electricity consumption on the island.

Tianqi Security Company Chen Qilin dispatched a team of 100 security personnel.

Zeng Xianwen, deputy director of the administrative department of Tianqi Group headquarters, went to Idrius Island and served as the general manager of Idrius Island.

In order for the company to receive an order for the installation of temporary communication equipment, the possibility of upgrading is reserved and preparation for the establishment of a complete communication base in the next step.

Tianchao Construction Group has dispatched technicians to start exploration and construction. The construction of two deep-water port terminals is carried out at the same time, and the entire island is busy.

The first five companies conducted surveys on the entire island in five parts. After the survey was completed, Protoss was responsible for the presidential design and planning. Therefore, each project has very precise standards and regulations.

Xu Pingan made a circle around the island. At present, the water on the island is still transported. The desalination plant will not start until about four months later. This is the newest type of desalination plant, and its conversion efficiency has increased by percent compared to before. ten.

The price has been increased by 30%, and the best is needed. This is Xu Ping’an’s consistent style. Ordering the latest models by himself can take decades for a one-time investment.

The current conditions on the island are still relatively difficult. After a one-night rest, Xu Pingan left directly and went directly to Italy to inspect the Tianqi Mechanical Equipment Research Institute and Tianqi Weapon Company.

The English Channel, France and the United Kingdom face each other across the sea. This is the area where the most conflicts between the fishermen of the two countries have erupted. There are several fishing wars every year in order to catch fish here.

The fisheries dispute between the two countries is also very big here. In addition, now that Britain is going to withdraw from the European Union, the dispute is even more intense, but this year, the fishermen of the two sides did not break out during the fishing period in this sea area.

All the boats looked a little silly looking at the fish and scallops they caught. Compared with last year, the number has been reduced by more than half. This makes all fishermen a little unacceptable.

The fishermen and boats of the two countries are very rare and have no fight together. Discussing this issue together is not a trivial matter, it is a matter of everyone's livelihood.

This incident was directly reported to the governments of the two countries. Both France and the United Kingdom dispatched personnel from relevant departments to investigate the incident. It was okay not to investigate, and I was shocked by the investigation.

Pollution, marine pollution aggravated a lot, scallops ran away, and many fishes could not adapt to the changes in the ocean and died directly after spawning, and many fish eggs lost their vitality without spawning.

This sea area is developing towards the dead sea area, and it will gradually become lifeless. The marine ecology has completely collapsed, and you can't start to repair it.

This news couldn't be concealed, and it caused a huge shock directly in the UK and Europe, and the price of seafood began to soar all the way, higher than that of the two brothers flying.

You can't buy a two catty fish for ten euros, and the price is still rising. At the same time, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, etc., all European countries with coastlines An investigation was launched.

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