Start the era of black technology

Chapter 484 Carrying a plate of diamonds and a plate of colorful gems [three shifts, first shift]

When Xu Ping An arrived in Italy, the media reported the incident overwhelmingly, Xu Ping'an smiled knowingly, and Xingling's action was extraordinary.

Soon, my own marine ecology research institute will usher in large orders, and the harvest time is really about to come.

At present, the only company that has a significant effect on the restoration of marine ecology is the Marine Ecology Research Institute, and the rest of the companies are very big, and mature cases are not available.

Even if there are companies that have come up with mature cases, it was only after the banning of fishing for a decade or so that they were gradually repaired. Do people today have the patience to repair them for ten years.

Definitely not. At least the British and French fishermen have no such patience. They cannot fish for ten years. Even with subsidies from the government, life will definitely be sad.

This time Xu Pingan did not live in a seaside holiday villa. Xu Pingan knows the pollution of the ocean better than anyone. Now when he goes swimming in the sea, his chances of getting sick and being infected by parasites are both very high.

Wearing a swimsuit, sitting on a chair next to the swimming pool, basking in the sun, talking with a phone in his hand, "Lao Sun, is this price worthy of the Tianqi Group brand?"

"You will be tempted by the 4 billion euro contract for ecological restoration on the English Channel. Are your brains broken? The complexity of the environment is not comparable to that of the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand."

"For a project of 4 billion euros, have you calculated our profit? If there is no profit, did you let the researchers drink Northwest Wind..." Xu Ping'an severely reprimanded over the phone Sun Wenbin.

Sun Wenbin raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "President, how can I respond?"

"It's very simple. The cost can only be calculated after an on-site investigation. You can call me after the investigation and remember it. The real data must be kept confidential. Please tell your employees that the leakage of the secrets has caused losses to the company. He goes to the bottom of the sea to be nourishment by himself," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"President rest assured, I will arrange it," Sun Wenbin said very positively.

In the past few years in charge of the Institute of Marine Ecology, Sun Wenbin has grown a lot. In addition to communicating with the heads of several other institutes, he knows how to deal with disobedient researchers.

After prosecuting three people and expelling five people, now the people in the Institute of Marine Ecology are very cooperative. Everyone dare not step beyond the thunder pool. The leak, the price of leaking is terrible.

The three persons indicted have increased their sentences in prison, and the reduction of sentences is basically less than three. Many people in the institute know that the company's secrets are leaked and a price must be paid.

After being reprimanded by Xu Ping'an, Sun Wenbin fully understood where his weakness was, and he qualified as a management researcher.

In this regard, I am seriously unqualified in terms of converting research into profit. In this respect, I still need to learn from Chen Fansheng, Barry, Darian, and other research leaders, and I must study well.

When the phone hung up, Xu Ping'an began to enjoy the sun. Xingling said that more exposure to the sun can provide the Xingling with a trace of energy, so Xu Ping'an usually attaches great importance to sun exposure.

Not long after, Darina came to Xu Ping'an in a swimsuit, and said in a low voice, "Boss, General Manager Bannon is here."

Xu Ping'an opened his eyes, it was snow white in and out, and couldn't help kissing, Darina's face was red.

"Invite him in and bring us two glasses of juice. I want mango juice."

After finishing speaking, she sat up and slapped Darina's ass. Darina was white. Xu Ping'an turned and left. Xu Ping'an looked at her hand and smiled.

Soon, Bannon came over. Xu Ping An asked Bannon to sit down and chat. It was not long. Darina came over with two glasses of juice. After putting it down, she left without disturbing the conversation between Xu Ping An and Bannon.

Xu Pingan's conversations with the head of the research institute, the head of the weapon company, and the head of the security company are not allowed to be recorded or audited.

"Boss, I just received an urgent order. The quantity is a bit large. If you want to complete it on time, you must add a production line," Bannon said with a mysterious expression on his face.

Xu Pingan was stunned for a moment, expediting the big order, how big it can be, "how much is the customer?"

"The free trade company founded by Box, a US native, has an urgent order for one thousand ships and requires it to be completed within three months," Bannon said directly, and Xu Ping'an was moved.

This is the person arranged by Gavin. Xu Ping'an thought for a while and asked: "Has the other party obtained the review by the relevant Italian authorities?"

"We have achieved seriousness, and we only discussed with the other party after checking, but the other party asked us not to disclose the specific amount," said directly for half a year.

"Let's increase it. The action should be faster and more secretive. We can't watch the money without making money, understand?" Xu Ping'an said directly.

"Understand, I'll arrange it right away" Bannon understood Xu Ping'an.

"One more thing, the AU will also order a large number of submarines. They hope to use gems, ores, and wood to replace 70% of the purchase price." Bannon reported another problem.

Xu Ping'an smiled, really used to taking advantage, and hitting my head "Tell them that they can use these materials to cover the bill, but only accept 50% of the bill."

"Also, gems, ore, wood, the price of these materials is low, we will decide, you can contact Yao Xingsheng, general manager of Tianqi Bank, and let him give you a reference price."

"I don’t agree with our pricing. I would rather give up this business. We must deliver the goods three months after we receive the top-of-the-book materials. This saves them from playing tricks. In the celestial dynasty, a lot of people have been cheated by this method. You must Be careful".

"This can also play tricks" Bannon was surprised.

"Of course, the price of these materials is not transparent. In Africa, it is the price of roadside weeds. You know the price of diamonds, but what you don't know is that the international wholesale price is more than ten times the price of the diamond origin."

"There are other gems. Wholesalers must keep at least three times the profit. There is a lot of moisture in them, so you must be cautious."

"There is one more thing you have to pay attention to. Don't let them mix with artificially made gemstones. Nowadays, artificially made gemstones cannot be clearly distinguished by ordinary people. You must ask professionals to conduct physical inspections."

"Take the watch on your wrist as an example. The layer of transparent sapphire glass on the watch can easily be made of pure sapphire by increasing the pressure and heat during processing,... ..." Xu Ping'an explained some of the counterfeiting methods.

Bannon’s piece is really an eye-opener. You can still play with gems like this. When you go home at night, you must appraise the gems you have collected to see if you have been fooled.

Xu Pingan knows that thanks to the Tianqi Advanced Materials Research Institute, many irregular gems will be randomly generated when testing many materials.

Barry once showed Xu Ping An with a plate of diamonds and a plate of colorful gems. After explaining in detail, Xu Ping was surprised. Moreover, these diamonds and gems would not be thrown away.

Instead, they are sold at twice the price of the material, and someone will come to collect them. The price is twice the price of ordinary products, and the price of five or six times the price of high purity is very common.

Every year, it will bring a lot of additional benefits to the Institute of Advanced Materials. Otherwise, how could Xu Ping An understand this kind of thing? At that time, Xu Ping An was shocked and remembered very deeply.

Yao Xingsheng is in charge of Tianqi Bank and has carried out a lot of mortgage loans. Therefore, a gem team and a cultural relic identification team have been specially formed to use modern high-tech sampling and testing to prevent counterfeiting. This is all at a disadvantage.

Every year, Tianqi Bank has to deal with a batch of deaths. Many people do not redeem them after the deadline. According to the contract, the bank has the right to deal with it. Generally, the processing will be carried out after the redemption period is three months.

Many auction companies of Tianchao's jewelry companies have cooperated with banks to specialize in recycling such products. This is a complete industrial chain.

The two communicated for a while, and Bannon left and followed Xu Ping's instructions. Xu Ping'an took a few days' rest and set off for inspections at the Austrian Academy of Biological Preparations.

On Tianqi Island, Sun Wenbin sent a team of 30 people on the plane and left Tianqi Island for a direct flight to France to investigate the marine pollution in the English Channel in detail, so as to calculate the treatment costs.

The three-day delay was due to the fact that Indonesia purchased outdated research equipment handled by the Tianqi Group Research Institute at a high price. The two parties agreed at the time that Indonesia has the priority of the marine ecological restoration contract.

After handling the ecological environment of the Gulf of Plenty, the Institute of Apocalyptic Ocean Research Institute should give priority to helping Indonesia restore the marine ecological environment, and the price will be based on the market price.

Sun Wenbin did not conceal this matter. He communicated this matter with the British and French parties. If you get this priority, I will send personnel to conduct field research. Otherwise, I will not be able to consider your contract.

The British and French would certainly not care whether Indonesia was happy or not. They directly suppressed the past and made the Indonesian senior executives directly ache. In just two days, they completed the secret transaction.

Britain and France have obtained priority. Indonesia has sent a document to the Tianqi Institute of Oceanography, confirming that its priority has been transferred to the UK and France. When such a notice was issued, the heads of relevant departments were extremely reluctant.

No matter how reluctant it is, it is stronger than others, and it must be endured.

There were no problems at this time. Sun Wenbin immediately dispatched personnel with equipment to go there, a special plane, and a special plane. This is Tianqi Group's own plane.

Airbus Group ships a hydrogen-powered aircraft to Tianqi Island. The remaining hydrogen-powered aircraft will be produced and delivered by the Tianchao branch. In more than a month, Airbus Group’s first batch of hydrogen-powered aircraft in J City will be able to come out.

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