Start the era of black technology

Chapter 485 He is a very qualified lover and friend [second more]

As soon as Xu Pingan arrived in Austria, Pippen, the head of the Institute of Biologics, gave Xu Pingan a big surprise. The successful development of a super polypancreatic preparation, polypancreatic, refers to multiple insulins.

There are many insulin supplement preparations on the market, but the effect is not satisfactory, and the price varies from high to low, and the effect is minimal.

In this way, there is a global market of hundreds of billions of euros every year, and the insulin drug market is more than trillions of dollars. The market needs this kind of product.

Insulin is a protein hormone secreted by the islet β cells in the pancreas stimulated by endogenous or exogenous substances such as glucose, lactose, ribose, arginine, glucagon, etc.

According to strict medical classification, everyone suffers from insulin deficiency, but normal people lack a lot, which will not cause problems such as diabetes, and will not cause damage to the body.

This polypancreatic preparation, which is the result of the research of the Institute of Biological Preparations, can well position the body's pancreas to function normally and supplement your daily insulin deficiency in your body.

Take a person with mild diabetes as an example, taking two pills a day for one year can completely reduce your diabetes. After three years, your blood sugar can basically return to normal.

However, you still can't do without this product, and keep it slowly for three days.

According to the current research of the institute, it has a slight improvement effect on human immunity, and long-term use has a significant effect on the body's endocrine.

At present, the institute has completed animal experiments within the institute. Under the operation of Poseidon, human experiments will soon be carried out in France, the United Kingdom, China, the United States, and the four countries. The dietary supplement model will also be carried out.

Many countries intend to compel super fish oil to complete the drug certification. Once the drug certification is completed, they can charge a lot of tax. The sales of super fish oil are a lot of income.

The general manager of Poseidon, Kyle, directly refused. If you have to let us complete the drug certification, yes, the price will increase by 50%.

This is the wholesale price. As for the retail price, it is the dealer's business. Poseidon Group is not responsible for all the consequences caused by that time.

This reply has caused pain in many countries. Once the price of Poseidon’s products increases for this reason, it will definitely be another huge political disturbance. In order to calm the anger of the people, everyone who can carry it out knows it well.

"Insulin converts blood sugar into glycogen, what is the effect on the liver" Xu Ping'an asked, looking at Pippen.

With a confident smile on Pippen's face, "Boss is a good idea. The liver is an important organ for purifying toxins in the human body. We have conducted detailed experiments in this regard."

"According to an experiment on 324 mice and 87 monkeys, a conclusion can be drawn that the detoxification effect of the liver can be increased by 3 to 5%."

"Once human experiments begin, we have to prove that the pancreas has a major connection with the liver, and that the pancreas is part of the system of detoxification and detoxification. Our researchers guessed."

"The pancreas is not only related to the liver, but also has a major connection to the duodenum. If human experiments confirm this conjecture, I believe that the project leader Geng Jingzhong will receive the Nobel Prize," Pippen said very positively.

"Geng Jingzhong" Xu Ping'an gave a thoughtful expression, when did the research institute have such a person.

"Boss, Geng Jingzhong, forty years old, is from the Celestial dynasty. He is an international student at the Vienna Medical School. He obtained a doctorate degree. He joined our institute five years ago. His team was disbanded after completing the research three years ago. Geng Jingzhong gave me Submitted a research report on multiple pancreatic preparations"

"I approved it after reading it, and allocated funds to arrange four assistants for him to start the project. The family immigrated to Austria the year before last. When the experiment started last year, the effect was not very satisfactory, so I didn't report to the boss."

"In the second half of the year, after Geng Jingzhong adjusted the formula and process, he achieved obvious results. I immediately added resources and manpower to him. Only today has I obtained the complete process formula" Pippen explained in detail.

Xu Ping'an nodded, feeling numb to this kind of thing. Ninety-nine percent of the top students in the heavenly dynasty would stay abroad and would not return. The reasons are also varied.

The universities jokingly called the imperial capitals of the empire in the world are talent training bases in developed countries. This is a kind of sadness.

"When is Kyle going to conduct human experiments?" Xu Ping'an asked with bright eyes.

"According to the call and contact with General Manager Kyle yesterday, the human experiment in France will be fully carried out tomorrow, and the human experiment in the United Kingdom will be carried out together with the human experiment in the Kingdom in three days."

"A week later, human experiments in the United States will also begin"

"We only need to conduct human experiments for half a year to prove that two bottles per day are indeed effective, and they can be directly listed. General Manager Kyle is more anxious than I am," Pippen said all he knew.

Xu Ping'an smiled and nodded and continued to ask, "Patents, have they obtained global patents?"

"Yes, the patent has already been applied for. It is of a global nature. The general manager of Kyle spent almost 20 million euros for the expedited application. Last month, he obtained all the patent certification," Pippen said directly.

"Okay, very good, have the bonuses been issued?" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile on his face, knowing exactly what benefits this product will bring to him.

"Issued, according to the level of major scientific research achievements, the first bonus is 30 million euros. After the product has been in operation for two years, the second bonus will be issued according to the specific circumstances."

"In my analysis, it will only be more than 30 million and not less than 30 million. The assistants' bonuses have also been distributed, with a bonus of 5 million euros per person," Pippen said directly.

The bonuses in the institute are divided into four levels according to your achievements. The first level is the major scientific research results, and the bonus is 30 million euros.

The second level is for large-scale scientific research results with a bonus of 20 million euros

The third level is for small scientific research results, with a bonus of 10 million euros

The fourth level is for ordinary scientific research results, with a bonus of one million euros

Project identification is based on two aspects: the commercial value of your scientific research results and the advancement of science and technology. According to the operation situation in the past few years, researchers generally recognize this judgment standard.

"I suddenly discovered that this year is really a good thing again and again, and many branches have given me big surprises," Xu Ping'an said with a smile, and took a sip from his teacup.

Pippen nodded in sympathy, and drank a cup of tea and said, "Boss, the outside world has said that our Tianqi Group has entered a technological explosion period."

"In my opinion, maybe this year we are really entering the period of technological explosion, and our accumulation in all aspects can be regarded as reaching the standard."

"Your analysis is good, and I share the same feeling. The Tianchao Research Institute has also made major breakthroughs in many products this year. Although they have not reached commercial standards, such breakthroughs are very rare."

"At present, we have increased investment in research and development, and it is expected that there will be multiple results coming out in the second half of this year. We are really going to rise," Xu Pingan said, looking at the sky outside.

In order to build an aircraft that can traverse dimensional space, Tianqi Group has changed many things in the past few years. The drizzle has been drenched in silence. Now looking back and comparing it with the year when Xu Ping was struck by lightning, it is very sci-fi.

"Master Geng Jingzhong, let him take the flight driver's license test, and I will reward him with a deluxe single-man aircraft" Xu Pingan said with a smile, Pippen was also shocked, and then smiled.

"Boss, I will be rewarded anytime, the deluxe version is 1.1 million euros. I bought the aircraft with my one-year salary and just drank the wind," Pippen said cheekily.

"Go ahead and give me this one. Others have no money. The general managers of your research institutes will definitely not be short of money. This time Geng Jingzhong’s achievement is defined as a major breakthrough. Your bonus is 300,000 yuan, right? "

"You also have a bonus of 10,000 euros for small achievements. The research institute produces many results every year. You can easily get 3 million euros a year. There is no problem with buying aircraft."

"If you count the year-end bonus, you can definitely get 5 million euros a year, so don't pretend to be poor." Xu Ping'an pointed out Pippen's income on the spot.

After listening to Pippen, he smiled awkwardly, his little abacus can't be turned in front of the boss at all. The boss is too smart, and he is indeed the boss I recognize.

Today is in a good mood. Xu Pingan went out for dinner with Pippen. The place was found by Pippen, which is considered the best restaurant in Innsbruck.

Pippen owns the VIP card of this restaurant, and the two of them went directly upstairs to Xu Pingan when they heard a female voice calling themselves "Hi, Xu".

Turning his head and looking, he was happy. Clark and the two beauties were sitting at the dining table beside them. After all, the two had such a dewy relationship, Xu Ping'an smiled and walked over to say hello.

A blonde with blue eyes and a hot body, another with an obvious Middle Eastern appearance, with delicate facial features and a well-developed upper body. With Clark, she is a beauty of the same level.

"Clark, I didn't expect to meet you here," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Clark also stood up, hugged Xu Ping'an and said separately: "I didn't expect that this time I came to accompany my friend Susan to relax."

"Let me introduce to you, this is Susan, this is Raima"

"You should know this, so I don't need an introduction," Clark said with a smile.

"Of course, I still recognize the appearance of the chairman of Tianqi Group, hello Xu" Susan stood up and shook hands with Xu Ping'an, while Raima next to him also smiled and shook hands with Xu Ping'an.

"Together?" Clark asked.

"Don't bother you, I'll talk to someone about something" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, Clark nodded, and the three of them exchanged greetings and Xu Ping'an left.

Pippen was envied for a while. Clark had an affair with the boss but shocked the whole world. The two beauties next to Clark were also enviable.

Looking at Xu Ping'an with profound eyes, Xu Ping'an gave Pippen a fist, and the two smiled and walked into the 9th private room. They soon ordered food and wine, and the two began to chat.

"Clark, this is a famous beetle-in-law, why were you willing to give up in the first place" Susan looked at Clark and asked.

Clark shrugged and smiled, "We are very happy to be together again, but it can only be short-term, and it must be inappropriate for a long time. He is sometimes very childish and I don't want to be a nanny."

"You're a dragon mother, isn't it right to be a nanny" Raima said with a smile, making Clark smile and pat Raima.

While the three were joking, the waiter brought a bottle of red wine, "This is from the gentleman in the private room No. 9, Romani Conti, it's iced to taste temperature."

"Thank him for me." Clark knew what was going on after hearing it. Xu Ping'an must have sent it to him. Just accept it. He gave the waiter a tip and the service happily left.

"It's so generous. The Romani Conti here is 30,000 euros a bottle. He treats you very well" Susan said directly.

Clark nodded and admitted that "he is a very qualified lover and friend."

The three of them are close friends who have been in a very strong relationship for many years. They talk about everything. Basically, they know each other's secrets. They know about Xu Ping's affairs all over the world, and there is no need to hide anything.

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