Start the era of black technology

Chapter 486 Do you think this kind of product is meaningful [third update, today the update of more

"In that case, you have someone to accompany you this time, pity me and continue to be single, or else, how about you lend him to me for a few days" Susan said with bright eyes.

Clark patted himself on the forehead, knowing that Susan's playful heart was coming, and adding to his broken love, he wanted to indulge himself.

"Susan, I don't need to borrow it. He has lower resistance to beautiful women than anyone. If you want to, how about I invite him to dinner tonight" Clark said sturdily.

"Just kidding, I'm not interested in any man right now" Susan smiled and said, Clark also laughed, knowing that Susan would give in, and the conservativeness in her bones is not so easy to change.

"You arrange it, I'm interested in the evening" Raima said directly with a playful expression on the side, and both Clark and Susan were shocked.

"Raima, I'm really speechless for your sorrow," Clark said directly, and Susan nodded.

Raima shrugged with an indifferent expression, "I grew up in the U.S. and received U.S.-style education. I grew up in a free environment. I am not religious."

"The usual style of wearing a headscarf is imposed on me by my dad, not what I like. You should be very clear about this."

"Furthermore, I have now lived separately from them. I am financially free now. I have no reason to accept their constraints. This time we have agreed to come out and relax."

"Since you gave him the evaluation of the perfect lover, of course I am interested."

Clark and Susan looked at Raima, and the two looked at each other, "So you are the most relaxed of the three of us," Susan said directly.

"Susan, since we are out to relax, let's let go of our mood and have fun, isn't it okay to have a lover who pays for us?" Raima said with a smile, Susan and Clark also laughed, and the three began to say Whispered.

The whispering between women is more popular than men. This has been determined by many international women's psychology research organizations.

When Xu Pingan and Pippen came out after dinner, the three Clarke had already left, and they separated after walking out of the restaurant. Xu Pingan returned to the hotel and Pippen returned to the institute.

After resting for three hours, Xu Ping'an received a call from Clark at about five o'clock in the afternoon, and his heart was hot, "Clarke" Xu Ping'an said.

"Xu, the dinner of the three of us hasn't been decided yet. Do you have any introduction to your institute?" Clark's voice came over.

In a hotel, Susan and Raima were by Clark's side, and he made the call with Clark closed.

"Are you alone or three" Xu Ping'an asked with a smile.

Clark turned his head and looked at the two and said "three people."

I was very upset. If I were alone, I would definitely be happy with Xu Ping An for a few days. Now that I have an extra light bulb, I can only give up this plan.

Xu Pingan thought for a while and said, "I know a place where barbecue is very good. Where do you live? I don't know how far away."

"We are staying at the Leon Resort" Clark said.

"Fortunately, it's not too far away from the restaurant. You don't have any taboos about eating meat," Xu Ping'an said directly. The leader of Laima has a strong Middle Eastern taste, and she must respect her dietary taboos.

Clark was very upset. It was obvious that Xu Ping'an had noticed the difference between Raima, and Raima next to him showed a triumphant expression.

"There is no taboo, Raima is not religious," Clark said directly.

Xu Ping'an smiled and said directly, "Okay, I'll arrange it, I'll call you when the time comes." After a few chats, he hung up the phone.

"You are satisfied, look at your mean look in estrus" Clark was really speechless to these two girlfriends.

Susan said with an indifferent expression: "Clark, we are different from you. You are an actor. You see a lot of handsome guys. It is difficult for us to meet suitable handsome guys."

"Moreover, Raima and I have a very high probability of meeting a scumbag. This group of people not only think about the figure of the old woman, but also about the old woman's wallet. I want to open it, and treat myself seriously, which is the true meaning of life. ".

"Susan is right, you are a full man and you don't know that a hungry man is hungry" Raima said next to him.

Clark patted his forehead after hearing the words of the two of them. I am afraid that this habit of patting the forehead cannot be changed. "Then I wish you a good night."

"You can also be together" Susan said sturdily, and Clark lay down on the bed directly, feeling like he was on a thief ship.

As time passed slowly, Xu Ping'an had already booked the restaurant, called Clark, and sent a car to pick up the three of them. When Xu Ping'ing met Clark's three in the restaurant, the expression on his face was very shocked.

Susan and Raima were very satisfied with Xu Ping's expression, and the two of them dressed up carefully, and involuntarily gave Xu Ping'an a very meaningful look.

Xu Pingan smiled awkwardly, and greeted the three of them to sit down and start ordering food. They definitely drank not only beer, but also brandy and whiskey, a blend.

While talking and laughing, Xu Ping'an slowly let go, drank a lot, and went straight to the bathroom. When Xu Ping'an came out of the bathroom, he was also washing his hands in the public sink outside.

"Why are your two friends planning to eat my expression" Xu Ping'an asked when he washed his hands and dried them.

Clark patted his forehead. Susan and Raima were so obvious that Xu Ping'an could not see that it was strange at all, but it was the big problem that it was not.

"They really want to eat you, you better be careful," Clark said directly.

Xu Ping'an laughed after listening, and looked at Clark, "What about you, we haven't seen each other for a long time." After saying this, he took a step forward.

Clark took a step back and leaned against the wall, looking at Xu Ping An, and just about to talk, Xu Ping lowered his head and kissed him, and after struggling twice, he hugged Xu Ping's neck with his arms.

Reunited again after many years, and the original feeling quickly gained the upper hand in the brain.

After a long time they parted and pushed Xu Ping'an away. Clark left directly. He didn't know what would happen if he stayed any longer, worried that he couldn't control himself.

Touched his lips, with an inexplicable smile on his face, and waited a few minutes before returning to the restaurant. The four of them continued to eat meat and drink and make jokes, but the scale of the jokes was enlarged a lot.

Xu Pingan can’t remember how much he drank. He only remembers that three dozen beers, a bottle of brandy and a bottle of whiskey were all drunk.

When I woke up, I felt a headache. I wanted to raise my hand and rub my head. I found that my right arm didn't respond. I turned my head and saw that his arm was pressed by Raima. This is where Xu Ping'an is.

At this moment, I felt Raima’s eyes move. Xu Ping’an understood that Raima should have woken up, pretending to be asleep, and soon the memory of yesterday emerged in his mind.

It's really hard to forget things with the protoss.

Once I drink, I can't control myself, and I'm not just a young and energetic young man, how could I still make this kind of mistake.

After a big drink last night, Clark was sent back to the room. Susan and Laima sat on the sofa. Xu Ping'an held Clark and put her on the bed. They couldn't control it.

When he was crazy, Susan joined in very sturdily. After the madness, Clark and Susan lay down to sleep honestly. Xu Ping'an was also weak and wanted to sleep.

As a result, Raima appeared at this time and took Xu Ping'an to go directly to his room through the balcony. Everyone can understand the fragrant things behind, so I omitted it.

The balcony of the house here is connected, and there is a door locked in the middle. The three people are together. They are usually open and not closed, so that the three people can go back and forth between the rooms.

I looked at Raima next to her. Last night, the memory was not deep enough. Now she is awake. Let's exercise, and her left hand will start to move. See when Raima can be installed.

Soon, Raima’s breathing changed. At this time Xu Ping'an turned his hand over, Raimaha hahahaha laughed, already knowing what will happen next... .........

The rain in the bathroom opened, and Xu Ping'an stood up from the bath and started to wash. Laima had already washed it out, and went to get Xu Ping's clothes.

Soon, Xu Ping'an came out wearing a bathrobe, "The clothes are for you in the bedroom, you can change them," Raima said on the sofa with a weird smile.

Xu Pingan didn't care so much, went straight to change clothes, and just walked out, "Let's have breakfast, the two of them are already waiting in the restaurant."

This is already the case, Xu Ping'an also let go, and went directly to the restaurant with Raima to meet Clark and Susan. None of the four mentioned anything about last night.

Next, Xu Ping'an stayed in Austria for five days, Clark's three returned to the United States, and Xu Ping'an went to Germany. After these five days, Xu Ping'an was overwhelmed.

Clark is still a little reserved. Susan and Raima can be described as madness. Sometimes when they are interested, they will drag Xu Ping An to a secret place to go crazy.

After all, I was able to take a good rest for a few days, so I called Barry directly, and went to inspect after resting in the hotel for three days. If I didn’t recover, I didn’t have any energy at all.

I didn't go out in the hotel for three days, and my daily task was to eat and sleep, and then do some low-volume activities. When I went to the Advanced Materials Research Institute on the fourth day, I was quite recovering.

Xu Ping An was accompanied by Barry around, and Dr. Peggy and Giles collectively approached Xu Ping An for the simple reason that their plan was rejected by Barry, which slowed down the research speed.

Two years ago, the two submitted an experiment plan of up to one billion euros. Xu Ping'an seriously discussed with Barry, gritted his teeth and agreed. As a result, the two proposed another experiment plan of up to 300 million euros last year.

After reading it, Barry directly rejected it and did not approve it for a penny. He would either conduct research with the current equipment or cancel the project, leaving no room for negotiation.

The two had no choice but to endure it temporarily. When the big boss came to inspect the institute, they were looking for the big boss to discuss this matter. Barry had no vision, but the big boss's vision was very accurate.

The inspection could not go on. Xu Pingan took the two and Barry to the conference room. After everyone sat down, Xu Pingan began to ask "Dr. Peggy, I remember that you submitted a billion-euro experiment plan at the time. What results".

"Boss, we have made some progress. We are based on iron and added three other metals. After special processing, the super alloy steel is no longer so brittle," Dr. Peggy said directly.

"Really, what is the cost" Xu Ping'an asked.

The spirits of Peggy and Giles immediately dropped a lot. The two looked at each other, and Giles bit the bullet and said, "Boss, the cost is a bit high. The cost of one kilogram is up to four hundred. EUR".

Xu Pingan was stunned, how could it be so high, and continued to ask, "What kind of experiment is your newly submitted plan?"

"We plan to purchase a batch of gold for fusion. Gold is the strongest among all metals. It can be blended into super alloy steel to make alloy steel perfect."

"Easy to forge, tough, hard enough, resistant to electromagnetic radiation, corrosion, free conversion in the ultra-high temperature environment and ultra-low temperature environment will not cause any impact, is the perfect aerospace material," Giles said with excitement on his face.

After listening to Xu Ping'an, he looked at Giles "Giles, what is your wish?" and asked an irrelevant sentence.

"Boss, my wish is very simple. It is to create a kind of cheap airline..." Giles said that I can't go on here. A new plan and his own ideas have emerged. Serious conflict.

"Dr. Peggy, what is your wish?" Xu Ping'an turned to look at Dr. Peggy, and Dr. Peggy didn't say a word.

The two began to wake up from the enthusiasm of the University of Manchu. The super alloy steel has reached the current point. It can be said that it completely deviated from the original desire of the two people.

"Barry is right not to approve your plan. I want to support him on this point. The level is that the purchase of gold has made you successful, and how many spacecraft dare to use this material"

"Globally, there are several countries that have the strength to use this material"

"Do you think this product is meaningful?" Xu Ping'an looked at the two men and said this with a serious face.

"Two people, I will give you a week of vacation. Go and relax, think about your original vision, and clear your head."

"After I come back, I will conduct cost-reduction research on the current basis. It must be 30% cheaper than the alloy aluminum on the spacecraft to qualify."

"Or, you can achieve that the price of this material is equivalent to that of aluminum alloy. In terms of resistance to radiation corrosion, toughness, hardness, ultra-high and low temperature conversion, the life of the material is 40% beyond the current space material."

"Choose one of the two development directions, otherwise, it doesn't make any sense to continue to study." Xu Ping An looked at the two and directly said his decision.

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