Start the era of black technology

Chapter 487 A Chronic Virus Found

Both Peggy and Giles were silent, and there was a voice in their hearts telling them that the two development directions that Xu Ping'an said were correct, but now that they have paid so much, it is a bit unacceptable to give up suddenly.

"I'll give you a suggestion. Let's study separately. Giles will conduct cost-reduction research based on the current research."

"Peggy, you will conduct research on radiation corrosion resistance, toughness, hardness, ultra-high and low temperature conversion, and material life, which exceeds the current space materials by 40%."

"There is a premise that you must always keep in mind that the price cannot exceed the price of space alloy aluminum"

"Now you don't need to make a decision. Take a break and relax. Come back in two days and tell Barry of your decision. Barry will make corresponding arrangements." Xu Ping'an said, looking at the two of them calmly.

Peggy and Giles looked at each other, they both nodded silently, said hello to Xu Ping'an and Barry and left the conference room. This matter must be considered carefully.

"Boss, this is also you, and I am really helpless with these two people" Barry said directly.

Xu Ping'an smiled and understood Barry’s difficulties. "For Peggy and Giles, you must reason with them. As long as you are reasonable, they have nothing to say."

"What I just said is very simple. If you analyze it, they will adjust themselves and be prepared. The two will study 100% separately. The vision in their hearts is the driving force for their progress."

Barry nodded and said: "I believe this, the two of them treat the experiment more rigorously than anyone else."

"Go, go to my office and have a drink and chat. I'm not in the mood to watch it everywhere. You can give me a brief report." Xu Ping'an stood up and said as he walked out, Barry followed.

A luxuriously decorated office is kept here all year round. This is Xu Pingan’s office. It is opened at most once a year. It is usually closed. Yesterday, Barry had arranged for someone to clean it.

Boil water to make tea, and drink tea while listening to Barry’s report. Soon, Xu Ping’an was shocked again. “You mean that Canadian research institute sold us their noise-reducing material patents. How could they make this? Decided".

"Boss, it's normal for them to make this kind of decision. I let the shareholders of their institute see our Ms. Tamia's product. Although the effect is a little worse than them, the price is only 60% of theirs."

"Once we launch the market and their products are worthless, the best way is to sell us the patent. Otherwise, I don't mind sending samples of our products to some companies by mail," Barry said with a smile on his face.

Xu Pingan laughed hahahaha and gave Barry a thumbs up, "I think after integrating their technology, our noise reduction materials must have a new breakthrough, right".

"Boss is wise, we have indeed made a breakthrough. Two months ago, we did an experiment. We conducted an experiment in a room. We used plates to separate them directly, and put our new material two centimeters later on one side. "

"In another room, I prepared high-power speakers, tested it for a day, and finally came to the conclusion that you put this material on all walls and ceiling floors, which fully achieved the expected effect, and the sound of the next high-power speakers was almost weak. Uncheckable"

"The soundproofing of buildings is a big problem. You only need to cover all the walls, ceilings, and floors of your house with this material to completely isolate noise pollution. Even if your arm is playing drums, it will not affect you." Barry said very positively.

"When are you going to authorize it?" Xu Ping'an asked.

"We don’t plan to authorize temporarily. After another month or two of research, we can reduce the cost by 15%. After completing this task, we will authorize externally."

"Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle. We must maintain this honor," Barry said with a serious expression on his face.

Xu Pingan nodded, recognizing the spirit of Barry, Tianqi products must be the pinnacle. This sentence is used by a British media to describe the external authorization of all Tianqi Institutes. Every time a major product patent is granted, the technology must be an industry disruption. .

After the media shouted the phrase [Apocalypse products must be the pinnacle], many companies have also made comments, acknowledging this statement, recognized the technology authorized by the Apocalypse Research Institute, and cited many examples.

Only a media in the United States left a sentence, [How much technology does Tianqi Group hide?] This sentence gave people infinite reverie and made Xu Ping'an very frustrated.

While Xu Pingan was talking to Barry, a lot of electronic accessories were delivered to Tianqi Science and Technology Park. In recent days, a lot of equipment and components have been delivered every day.

No one knows what these devices and components do. At most they know that this is what the Ministry of Network Security wants. After knowing the news, they consciously stopped asking.

Zhu Hongyun, the boss of the Ministry of Cyber ​​Security, is a very domineering one. Even the documents issued by the Ministry of Personnel dared to tear up the documents directly in front of the Ministry of Personnel, and he has not been punished at all. This shows that Zhu Hongyun's status in Tianqi Group .

Qiao Yicheng did not recruit Zhu Hongyun, let alone Ye Changlin and Ding Zhijun, let alone a technology company, a mobile phone company, and a game company. The three companies jointly issued a document yesterday.

The network security of the science and technology park needs to be upgraded. Once the network security department needs it, the department involved must cooperate unconditionally. No one can set up obstacles. If they do not cooperate, they will report to the personnel department and leave directly.

After the publication of this document, no one dared to care about it. It was just that people from the Cyber ​​Security Department and the construction staff were very busy installing equipment in the main building all day long. Moreover, the security department was still cooperating on the sidelines and was forbidden to watch.

Everyone can't figure it out. They don't understand what the people in the Cyber ​​Security Department are up to. Those who are more informed discovered that the second basement floor below the main building was vacated, saying it was used by the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Identity verification is required for entry and exit, and no personnel at the supervisor level have authority. Only the general managers of the three companies and the personnel of the network security department have authority. This is even more suspicious.

But you can only doubt that time will dilute everything. After all, there are too many places listed as forbidden areas in Tianqi Science and Technology Park.

Xu Pingan stayed in Germany for a week before leaving Germany for the UK. After a day of rest in the hotel, he went directly to the Institute of Renewable Resources. Gilbert accompanied Xu Pingan for a round of inspections.

After lunch, they went to the office to have a tea and chat together. Some words could only be communicated by the two of them alone, drinking tea to listen to Gilbert's detailed report.

Listening, Xu Ping'an raised his brows and asked, "When is the project to collect carbon powder in the haze determined?"

"Last year, when the boss came to inspect last year, he just took a rough look and didn't pay much attention to it. Besides, the project team did not make any breakthroughs, and I did not introduce them in detail," Gilbert said directly.

"It's not just elastic powder in the mist," Xu Ping'an said directly.

Barry nodded and acknowledged this, "boss, we know that the project team has made a breakthrough, which can separate carbon and metallic substances. The more foggy the area, the more obvious the effect."

"How to solve toxic substances" Xu Ping'an continued to inquire.

There are three main types of particulate matter in the haze. The toxic substances include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon particles, and metal particles, all of which are very small. These three substances are extremely harmful to the human body.

"Boss, this is the key to our breakthrough. We can reuse sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides and convert them into oxygen materials, sulfur materials, and nitrogen materials."

"These extracted materials can be sealed, and when a certain amount is accumulated, they can be processed to become a lightweight synthetic fuel, which can be used in many ways."

"It's just that the problem now is that the elastic powder and metal particles we extract from the haze can be directly solved, but the remaining toxic substances need to be transported to a factory for processing"

"This kind of toxic substance is banned by many countries. If we don't have enough materials, we will be a loss-making business to build a factory. It is not cost-effective. This is where my headache is." Gilbert said directly.

Xu Pingan thought for a while and asked, "What is the difference between the converted oxygen material, sulfur material, and nitrogen material, and the material just produced?"

"Other aspects are okay, but the purity is about 15% lower. We can purify it, but we need to spend a certain amount of money to buy equipment and increase some costs," Gilbert said directly.

"What you mean is that the purity of the new production can be achieved, but the cost is much higher, right" Xu Pingan said directly.

"That's not the case, the cost will increase to a certain extent, but the price is still lower than that of the new production..." Gilbert explained in detail Xu Ping'an before it suddenly became clear.

"Let's authorize it. We have authorized the patent fee. The location of the fee is much easier than our direct operation." Xu Pingan immediately came to the conclusion.

"One more thing, the cost of ecological restoration in the English Channel, Mayor William approached me yesterday, hoping that we can agree to the four billion euros offer," Gilbert said with a frown.

"Let me talk to him about this. Let alone four billion euros, it is eight billion euros. We will not do this business either." Xu Ping'an said with a long sigh.

Gilbert was taken aback. The boss had something in his words, and asked carefully: "What happened?"

"You know that the people in the inspection team have been working in the scallop production area and the fishery production area for some time. Yesterday I read the email they sent me and found a chronic virus.

"This virus was found on scallops and can directly damage the reproductive system of scallops, especially in male scallops. Most of the sperm excreted are dead."

"Moreover, most of the eggs of female scallops are dead, and it is impossible to reproduce in the sea water. Moreover, this chronic virus has a tendency to expand. The virus has adapted to the seabed in these areas and has taken root on the seabed.

"That's not to mention. According to their predictions, the pollution level here is several times that of the Bay of Plenty in New Zealand. The negative ecology has already formed. To eradicate it, it will take a lot of manpower, material resources and time."

"You said, can we take this business? If we really take this business, I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble then" Xu Ping'an frowned and said.

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