Start the era of black technology

Chapter 488 It's Not Money

"At this point" Gilbert was surprised.

Gilbert himself is also a person with a doctoral degree and has a certain level of science. He is very clear about the difficulty, high cost, and slow results of Xu Ping'an, which can perfectly explain this project.

Gilbert thought of another thing and immediately asked, "Boss, does this infected scallop pose a threat to the human body".

"I don't know, the samples have been sent to the biological laboratory in Austria, the life science laboratory in Japan, and the Institute of Marine Ecology in Apocalypse for testing. I hope it will not pollute humans."

"This virus was found here in the English Channel. I don't know if there is any in other waters. You issued an internal notice to prohibit people in the Tianqi Group from eating scallops, just in case."

"Forget it, let me post it," Xu Ping'an said directly.

"I will notify you today. Everyone in the institute bans practical scallops," Gilbert added.

"I'm thinking about the recovery of fog, and I will give you an answer in the last two days" Xu Ping'an said directly, and Jiber nodded.

After the two discussed for a while, Xu Ping'an left directly, returned to the hotel to rest, and went to the Apocalypse Rangers Football Club for inspection tomorrow.

"Wenjun, in my name, it is issued to all Tianqi Group branches to temporarily ban all employees from eating shellfish. When will the ban be lifted, wait for the headquarters to notify," Xu Pingan said directly.

"Boss, don't you need to explain why?" Liu Wenjun asked.

It is strange that Xu Pingan gave this order suddenly. Liu Wenjun didn’t know the reason. Xu Pingan’s conversations with the head of the institute were all alone, and no one could be present, not to mention there were bodyguards standing guard at the door.

"No need, raise a little bit, it's mandatory" Xu Ping'an finished speaking and waved, Liu Wenjun nodded and left to draft the document.

It didn't take long for the document to be drafted. After taking it for Xu Ping'an to sign, he left Xu Ping's room to start faxing, and faxed an order to all branches.

Soon, people in all branches received this fax, many of them were taken aback, but they still communicated and implemented it immediately, and the headquarters would not issue such orders for no reason.

Many factory canteens have shellfish dishes, and many people like to eat them very much. Now an order is issued, these dishes must be cancelled, and even if you do it, you must destroy them and throw them away.

All orders signed by Xu Pingan must be strictly executed immediately. This is the thickest red line of Tianqi Group. Once you fail to execute it, the lighter will deduct your monthly bonus and your year-end bonus points, and the heavy will be directly expelled.

The treatment of Tianqi Group is the standard treatment of the North Korean industry. No one wants to give up this treatment, so they all pay special attention to it. The general manager secretary led a team to conduct an inspection and found that they were dealt with together.

The next day, Xu Pingan took the car to the Apocalypse Cruisers Football Club market. Vysoka led the management to greet him in the parking lot. After Xu Ping'an got off the car, he shook hands with Vysoka and others before heading to the conference room.

General Manager Visoka was the first to report. This year, the club's commercial development was very good, especially in accordance with Xu Pingan's instructions to carry out commercial operations in the Tian Dynasty.

The sales of jerseys, scarves, and ball caps are completely historical records. As far as the jersey is concerned, one hundred and fifty-day currency has sold more than three million pieces.

The sales of each of the remaining scarves, ball caps, and sneakers are more than two million. Regardless of the low price, just one celestial market can bring the club up to two billion pounds in profits.

The emergence of this data directly caused an earthquake in the Premier League. When the retail price of the Apocalypse Rangers Club jersey appeared at the beginning, all clubs mocked the Apocalypse Rangers Club.

After the Apocalypse Rangers Club Tianchao market profit figures appeared, they were all dumbfounded. Two billion pounds. Manchester United only made a profit in a year. It can be said that the Apocalypse Rangers Club was the most profitable football club in the entire Premier League last year.

Not only that, the broadcasting rights of each game of the Apocalypse Rangers Club have been sold several additional copies, and the broadcasting fees allocated by the club have also reached a new high.

Correspondingly, the entire club's management and staff have issued a bonus. The ups and downs can be described as overjoyed. The president is indeed a business myth. A pointer directly gave the club a good financial harvest.

Visoka deeply understood Xu Pingan’s instructions, only to make money, and not to participate in the others. Last year, the team went to the sky and played a few performance-based commercial games and earned more than 60 million pounds. .

Let the club management have to sigh, the fans of Tianchao are really stupid and rich.

In such a good environment, the development of football in the celestial dynasty is unbelievable. In the words of the celestial fans, washing the feet of the national football team in the Pacific Ocean can wipe out the marine life of the Pacific Ocean.

Ranieri cooperated very well with Vysoka. He also bought two superstars during the transfer last summer to increase the team’s visibility and renewed contracts with seven or eight main players.

The club does not need money, and there is no need to sell players at all. It is the club's pursuit to buy players and achieve good results.

After Vysoka's introduction, the financial director, administrative director, head coach, etc. all reported. The whole club is a thriving scene, and Xu Ping An is very pleased.

I don't expect the club to make money, just as my usual pastime, "Is there a game recently?" Xu Ping took a sip of tea and asked.

Coach Ranieri directly stood up "boss, there will be an away game in two days, and a home game in five days."

Xu Pingan shook his head after listening, "It's a pity, Isabella will come over two days later, we don't have time to watch the game."

Everyone, including Visoka, smiled heartily. Xu Ping’an and Isabella’s affair is clear about what’s going on. Now it’s confirmed by the media that Isabella, Miao Yiyi, Song Xinyun, Three women.

The rumored girlfriend is Clark, and the rest is unknown.

"Well, I can't go to the home court to watch the football, but I will watch it in front of the TV. A goal difference will reward the first team owner with 10,000 pounds. The profit depends on the players' ability."

"Of course, it also depends on your head coach's ability, you and your coaching staff are also counted," Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Ranieri's eyes light up, 10,000 pounds, "please don't worry the boss, we will return the boss with a big win."

"I am looking forward to seeing you perform," Xu Ping An said with a smile.

After two for a while, everyone accompanied Xu Ping'an around for a while, Xu Ping'an left directly and returned to the hotel to rest. When Isabella came over, the two went to France to play together.

This time the visit is mainly to visit various buildings. Isabella wants to design her first work, and must go to many buildings to visit and learn from experience.

The next day, Xu Ping An went to William's manor as a guest and talked seriously with William in the study about the ecological restoration of the English Channel. William was surprised after hearing Xu Ping's talk.

The eight billion pounds of expenses are not intended to take over this project, which shows how bad the marine ecology is.

"Xu, is it really that serious?" William asked.

Xu Ping'an nodded and said, "William, you can ask your people from the Environmental Agency to conduct detailed investigations and tests on the spot. The actual situation is worse than I said."

William frowned and thought about "Xu, how much money do you need to take over this project".

"William, it's not a question of money. It costs a lot of money and slows results. Do you have the patience to wait for the ecological restoration?" Xu Ping'an asked rhetorically.

William stopped speaking and understood what Xu Pingan meant. Neither Britain nor France had the patience to wait. This is related to the livelihood of many fishermen. It can be barely maintained in one or two years, but it will be difficult for more than three years.

"When do you plan to leave England" William asked.

"Isabella will come over the day after tomorrow, and we will leave for France after a day off" Xu Ping'an told the truth.

After hearing this, William thought for a while and said, "You will wait three more days, and I will discuss this with the above."

"Well, calculations will begin tomorrow, and I will be leaving the UK in five days." Xu Ping'an said directly, and William heaved a sigh of relief.

At noon, Xu Pingan had lunch at William's house. He talked and laughed. After the meal, he drank a cup of coffee and left.

One day later, the bodyguard drove to the airport to pick up Isabella. Xu Pingan was reading the newspaper in the hotel, and suddenly frowned. The Times reported that Tianqi Group banned all employees from banning practical shellfish.

At the end of the article, I also gave a question. I hope Tianqi Group can explain the reason. Seeing Xu Ping'an here, I feel a big head for a while, what I am really afraid of.

Sit down and think about how to solve this matter. The Times reported on this matter. Soon more media will step in, and these media will be able to do anything for sales.

As time passed slowly, Isabella came, and immediately jumped into Xu Ping'an's arms when she put down the gift, and gave Xu Ping'an a deep kiss. The bodyguards smiled and left directly and closed the door.

Soon the two separated, Xu Pingan took Isabella to the sofa to drink tea and talk, "Finally, I can play around freely, and I really suffocated me during this period of school" Isabella said directly.

"I remember that your university has a lot of party activities, did you not attend?" Xu Ping'an asked curiously.

Isabella smiled and shook her head, and then said with a sly look in her eyes, "Xu, there are many parties, but those parties are couple parties. Do you want me to attend?"

Xu Ping'an patted his head, took Isabella's arm and pulled Isabella into his arms and kissed fiercely, "If you dare to participate, I will smash your little butt".

"Hahahaha" Isabella burst out laughing, Xu Ping'an's reaction was unexpected.

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