All the hostages returned to Lagos by boat. The ambassadors of various countries all saw it at the dock, and they all took a long breath, feeling a little more afraid of the power of the celestial dynasty in their hearts.

The reporters worked hard and got the news somehow. They had arrived at the dock. Nazm announced that he would immediately hold a live press conference to announce the matter.

Journalists from all over the world were shocked. It turned out that the heavenly dynasty rescued them by force, and none of the hostages were killed or injured. Why do you listen to such science fiction?

When interviewing the hostages, the hostage said that he didn't know what was going on. He just heard some buzzing sounds, and the reporters knew what was going on. This was the sound of guns with silencers.

Soon, the editor-in-chief of major media received this news and was collectively shocked.

Shocked that this matter was successfully resolved

The hostages in this incident were unscathed

Shocked the combat strength of the special personnel

The hidden power that shocked the celestial dynasty

In the previous stage, all major media in various countries reported that the special forces of various countries were not sure about the rescue by force. With the propaganda of the news, they were all psychologically prepared for the death of the kidnappers and hostages.

That knows it's turning around now.

As soon as the celestial dynasty took action, it directly turned the danger into profit

Everyone has been notified by the editor-in-chief to start work, and the front page headline must be changed. The front page headline tomorrow must be the perfect report on the hostage rescue event.

The next day, the newspapers of major media began to cover the incident, and the website also reported this kind of news. Everyone was shocked, shocked by the strength of the heaven.

Across tens of thousands of kilometers, take the lead in your sleep!

The analysts and professors on the Internet are dumbfounded. They have all published articles and clearly pointed out that if they want to use force to solve the problem, the final result is terrible. At least half of the hostages will be killed by the kidnappers.

Now, I was slapped by the facts.

Especially Americans cannot accept this fact. From the Black Palace to ordinary people do not accept this fact.

If you don't accept it, you can't do it. This is the fact.

Netizens with good news published a ranking of the strength of special forces of various countries on the Internet, and the strength of the Chinese Dynasty was ranked seventh.

Now a big greeting is drawn behind the ranking of the heaven.

What the top six special forces cannot do, the seventh did it, is it my brain problem, or the ranking problem.

No hostage was injured. What strength is needed to kill more than a hundred kidnappers, and it was still on an isolated island full of mine traps and heavily guarded.

When this post was posted, it was directly ranked first in the hot search in many countries.

The true intentions of the matter were covered up. The only people who knew that Xu Ping's parents were involved in this matter were the United States, the Chinese Dynasty, and the kidnappers. The three knew that the Chinese government would not say that the kidnapper was killed.

Even if the U.S. media exposed the matter in the end, it is estimated that most of the people who did not believe it, after all, the U.S. media black Xu Ping'an is a consistent style, and everything wants to be put on the head of Tianqi Group.

At noon, Xu Ping An accompanied his parents back to Lagos, and directly chartered a family to fly back to China.

All the combatants returned to the base, the bonuses were doubled, and everyone looked happy. They knew how much bonus they had this time, enough to be extravagant and chic for half a year.

Major cases have occurred in Australia, Somalia, Egypt, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. Many NRLY nationals were killed in the rented apartment.

According to investigations by relevant departments, these people are all members of the Butterfly God cult. The Butterfly God sect has been defined as a cult organization by the NRLY government and has begun to crack down nationwide.

Gavin ran around with personnel. According to the intelligence of the intelligence organization, all the ransoms paid by the six countries were blacked out. A single-person aircraft and submarine were used to transport all the cash to the base and Tianqi Island. Whitewashing.

On the surface of the lively media hype about this matter, secretly the military of various countries have begun to analyze this matter, especially the United States, and they have used great power to investigate this matter.

Soon, the United States discovered that the family of the five government officials involved in the incident had disappeared. After a while, the dark web information was grasped.

In the Black Palace, the president looked at the top of the house with a dark face, "Let's talk about it, who killed these five people".

No one said a word. For a long time, after the President's eyes were fixed on the personnel of the Intelligence Department, the head of the Intelligence Department stood up and said, "President, my analysis, this is done by Xu Ping An of Tianqi Group."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, everyone was shocked, Fack, everything was related to Xu Ping'an.

"Really, can you tell me why Xu Ping'an did this? Does he think about us declaring war?" The president said, staring at the head of the intelligence department.

Sweat began to appear on the boss’s face. After thinking about it, let’s tell the truth. "In this hostage kidnapping incident, Xu Pingan’s parents were also inside."

"These five people revealed the identity of Xu Ping's parents to the kidnappers. The kidnappers broke the contract twice and demanded a ransom of up to billions of dollars. In my analysis, this is Xu Ping's revenge."

"Fack", "Brain Disabled", "Idiot"......

Several bigwigs couldn't help but say these words, what do your Intelligence Department want to do, do you think there are not enough enemies in the US?

"Is the person who worked on the kidnappers this time belonged to the Tianqi Group?" The president continued to inquire, turning the subject away.

The head of the intelligence department is the one who arranged his own painstaking effort, so he must be protected at this time.

The head of the intelligence department secretly came out and said, "According to the intelligence, the personnel of the Tianqi Group base and the personnel of Tianqi Island have signs of mobilization. The other party is mobilizing on the sea, and it is difficult for us to keep track of whereabouts."

"What do our satellites eat? Wouldn't you locate them?" The military chief said uncomfortably.

"Submarine, can satellites monitor submarines?"

"According to unconfirmed news, the Tianqi Group itself has hundreds of small attack submarines. Even if your military sends an aircraft carrier formation over, they can only be the live targets of the other party." The intelligence chief directly fought back.

You must exaggerate the threat of the Apocalypse Group, otherwise, you will be sad at this level. As for the life and death of the Apocalypse Group, I don't care. This is the mind of the intelligence department.

The military boss sneered, and I knew you would say "hundreds of ships, you don’t know the exact number, I can tell you that our military has shipping records for the submarines produced by Tianqi Weapon Company."

"Most of all the submarines produced have been bought by our allies, and a few have flowed into our hostile countries, and the Tianqi Group has no more than 35 ships."

"Ten of these 30 submarines are on Apocalypse Island, and eight are on the New Human Project Team. I checked yesterday. All reports showed that none of these submarines were used, but they continued to wander around. Many people watched. Arrived".

"Xu Ping'an's greed is known to people all over the world. You don't sell submarines to make money, keep them for his own use, and return hundreds of them. Is it because you have a brain injury or Xu Ping's brain injury."

Everyone's eyes are on the boss of the intelligence department, your sister, you have done this trick again, are you addicted to playing false intelligence? Are you addicted to a small attack submarine?

Xu Ping'an's greed will definitely not be kept by himself. It is Xu Ping'an's pursuit to sell it to make money. Xu Ping'an's desire for money exceeds most people.

"I will give you one month to make rectifications. If the Intelligence Department does not change, I hope to see your resignation" the president said.

If you don't say it, you can't do it. It's clear that the Intelligence Department is guilty of public outrage, and if you make excuses, you can't find any excuses. I don't know if the military is staring at the Apocalypse Weapon Company. This is something everyone here knows.

An idiot, this is the president's evaluation of the intelligence chief.

"What does your military think about this rescue operation," the president said with a deep breath.

The military boss stood up, "Mr. President, we made an analysis. The people of the Tianqi Group do not have this kind of strength. Our analysis was carried out by secret personnel of the Chinese military."

"Obviously, this is a new force, a secret force that we have not mastered"

"I believe you all know what Xu Ping's status is in the Celestial Dynasty. If Xu Ping'an's parents were not involved this time, I guess the Celestial Dynasty would not use this force."

"This is also a good thing. At the very least, it exposes a hole card of the Celestial Empire. This special combat personnel is really powerful, and the combat effectiveness is terrifying. We analyze the number of people around 50."

"We currently don't have special warfare personnel with this ability. Now, I ask the president to allocate 5 billion U.S. dollars so that we can use the funds to build a 50-person super special warfare team to make up for our weaknesses."

Everyone looks bored looking at the military boss, your sister, you are not a good thing, seizing the opportunity to ask for money, desperately exaggerating the strength of the opponent, we can't deal with this without giving money power.

Can you give us a new excuse to convince us? You have been playing this kind of bad trick for decades.

In the celestial dynasty, Xu Ping'an stayed with his parents at home. After a detailed examination of his father, Xu Hong's mother, Qin Caixia, the doctor prescribed some shocking medicines. After a period of recuperation, there was no problem.

Unknowingly, more than half a month has passed, Xu Hong and his wife can be regarded as relieved of this panic and begin to return to normal. Mother Qin Caixia began to make delicious food for Xu Ping An.

Seeing this situation, Xu Ping’an started to work in peace, and bought two gold peace pendants to Liu Wenjun and Darina. During this period of time, the two of them comforted Xu Ping’an and let Xu Ping’an release the pressure in his heart. .

"Wen Jun, Darina, I will not run around recently, you two will discuss and arrange alternate vacations by yourself" Xu Ping'an said while looking at the two.

"Are you paid?" Darina asked.

"Paid, reimbursement of vacation expenses, are you satisfied?" Xu Ping'an said with a smile.

Darina laughed immediately and was very satisfied. She gave Xu Ping an a fragrant kiss, and took Liu Wenjun out to discuss it. She wanted to go to New Zealand for a vacation but yearned for a long time. This time she finally had a chance.

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