Start the era of black technology

Chapter 498 It's Time to Need Final Authority Authentication

The two assistants discussed it on their own. Liu Wenjun will take a one-month vacation, and then Darina will take a vacation a month later. Xu Ping'an will not interfere with this matter, and the two of them can go to the Administration Department to file for the record.

Time passed slowly for more than half a month, and Wu Sikai came to Xu Ping An with a smile on his face, "Mr. Xu, see what this is." After speaking, he handed a file bag to Xu Ping An.

Xu Ping’an took it and flipped through a few pages. His eyes lit up and the broadband license came down. This is not an ordinary broadband license, but a national IP-VPN license. The second is the Tianchao National Internet Access Service Provider (ISP). license.

"It's not easy. It took two years to get the approval," Xu Ping'an said with emotion.

Wu Sikai nodded, "In fact, this time we are caught up in the light of foreign investment. The British telecommunications company has also obtained my country's approval, and it will be announced in a few days."

"If it weren't for the approval of foreign investment, I guess our application would still be difficult to be approved."

"It's fine if it can be approved. Then they will know what opponent they are facing" Xu Ping'an snorted.

Wu Sikai was taken aback, and looked at Xu Ping'an with a puzzled look. "Mr. Xu, the cost of establishing a new broadband line is not low. The amount of optical cables required is massive. In addition to the construction of base stations across the country, 100 billion investment is not necessarily Will be enough".

"Who told you that I am going to lay the optical cable line" Xu Ping'an glanced at Wu Sikai and said.

Wu Sikai was stunned. How to play without broadband or laying the line? Looking at Xu Pingan, Wu Sikai suddenly felt "Mr. Xu, is there a breakthrough in the technology company".

"You have finally got the hang of it. The products of Tianqi Group are either not listed. Once they are listed, we will subvert the entire industry. The communications industry is no exception."

"There are still several problems to be solved. Next year, I will show you what wireless broadband magnetic transmission is. This technology will allow us to occupy the broadband market at a rapid rate."

"This is the crushing of technology, and no telecommunications company in any country can compete," Xu Pingan said aggressively.

Wu Sikai was taken aback and thought about "Mr. Xu, you must prevent the political forces from teasing, and countries will not let their own telecommunications companies collapse."

"I know, so I don't intervene in the mobile communications industry. I only use broadband instead of sending it."

"Counting the license plate from the Heavenly Dynasty, we now have nine-country width business licenses in our hands," Xu Ping'an said with a smile on his face.

Tianqi Group obtained the telecommunications broadband service qualification in Europe. At that time, many people were shocked. As soon as it was facing a big enemy, it began to publish promotional activities to crazily attract customers. As a result, Tianqi Group did not respond at all.

This puzzled many companies. After a few months of analysis, they finally came to a conclusion that Tianqi Group is only to obtain a license, and there is no breakthrough in technology, and there is no plan to join the telecommunications market for the time being.

However, the company did not care about the actions of the Tianqi Group. As a result, after more than a year, there was no shit, no action at all, except for paying the license fee every year, nothing happened.

The license fee is not low. The minimum fee for a year is more than 80 million, and the higher one requires more than 200 million.

"You are laying out" Wu Sikai said in surprise.

After that, I shook my head and smiled bitterly. I don’t have a long memory. After a few times, Xu Ping’an’s routine has not changed. He arranged everything in advance, and then swept all the way with technically crushed products until he firmly occupied the market leader. position.

Solar panels, wind trees, super fish oil, super paint, solo aircraft, etc., are all this kind of routines that establish their dominance on the opponent's bones.

Because of the emergence of Tianqi Group, the number of companies that have gone bankrupt in the world is uncountable. Many companies are still leading companies in the industry at that time. The larger your scale, the greater the impact you will be affected.

"Come slowly, at the latest in the next year, maybe we can start this project next year, breaking the wrist with 5G, breaking the wrist with the International Telecommunication Union, the standard of our Tianqi Group is your industry standard" Xu Ping Anyi His face calmly said these words.

Wu Sikai was convinced, gave Xu Ping an a thumbs up, and then began to drink tea, not to mention it, in business, he gave it for nothing, and Xu Ping's veteran of business strategy layout debate business, purely looking for abuse.

After drinking tea and chatting for a while, Wu Sikai said goodbye. Xu Ping'an sent Wu Sikai away. He checked the time and got off work early. My mother said that he must go home for dinner and go back early.

Three days later, the relevant departments issued a notice that British Telecom and Tianqi Group obtained the national IP-VPN license, and the second is the Tianchao National Internet Access Service Provider (ISP) license.

The spread of this news caused a lot of shock in China, especially the three major operators. In fact, the three companies have already had a headache.

The time to know the news was very early. There was no way to hold many meetings. I didn't worry about British Telecom because the three major operators had price advantages.

The Tianqi Group is different. God knows what hidden technology the Tianqi Group has. What is the current situation? I want to think about the actions of Tianqi Group before the advent of carbon crystal solar panels.

Begin the layout step by step, and to a certain extent, directly release a defying black technology product to crush the market, carry out an indiscriminate attack, and all the opponents that are attacked cannot continue to operate.

This is the crushing brought about by technology, and you cannot contend.

The people welcome the news. There are two factions on the Internet. One faction thinks that this is not a good thing. The price of Tianqi Group's products is high. Maybe it will defeat the direct high prices of the three major operators.

The other group believes that there is competition to provide benefits to the people. The three major operators obviously wear a pair of pants and expect them to compete. The slogan is so loud that there is no actual discount.

Other than that, in terms of current broadband speeds, you have no choice when to use it or not.

Qiao Yicheng, Coster, both received a call from Xu Ping'an, and began to tilt resources, and the magnetic broadband transmission technology began to accelerate.

Murphy also received a call from Xu Ping An, and the development of a small magnetic data transmission satellite is on the agenda. Murphy's head has been installed with a biological bomb and has been incorporated. Xu Ping An has also opened some magnetic satellite technologies to him.

In addition, a 30-person team was formed to start the research and development of small magnetic data transmission satellites, without delaying the research and development of meteorological satellites. Now Murphy has a bunch of elite soldiers.

People from Europe, America, Japan, China, and Russia come from more than 40 countries around the world, and they gather top talents from all over the world, and the progress is very fast.

On this day, Xu Ping’an received a call from Zhu Hongyun, “Boss, let’s perform the final authority authentication.” Fanxing Intelligent System has been installed and tested, and it is time for the final authority authentication.

"Lao Zhu, good job, I'll buy you a drink when I arrive," Xu Pingan said with a smile.

Zhu Hongyun curled his lips, "Canceling my fitness plan is even thanking me."

"No, this doesn't work. Your body is a big problem. To maintain a good body, I can exploit you for a few more years, hahahahaha" Xu Ping An said with a big smile.

Zhu Hongyun had a miserable expression upon hearing this sentence.

The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone. Xu Ping'an was relaxed, and couldn't wait to make a suggestion. He explained to Darina and started arranging the headquarters.

A day later, a group of people set off on their own in a solo aircraft. Now the solo aircraft has entered people's lives, and people flying in the sky can be seen every day.

Many tourist attractions have specially set up parking spaces for single-person aircraft. There are many people who use single-person aircraft to travel. The price of more than 10 million yuan does not stop people's enthusiasm.

Now people’s most direct feeling is that the second generation of rich officials no longer play luxury cars, drunk driving accidents have fallen off a cliff, and the traffic congestion has shown signs of alleviation.

The fuel was added halfway and the flight continued. The time was not very long. The group of people landed at the main building of Tianqi Science and Technology Park, and Xu Ping'an went straight to the office.

After a short time, Qiao Yicheng took Zhu Hongyun to Xu Ping'an's office. After the three of them had a conversation, they went to the second floor of the basement and began the final authorization verification.

Collected Xu Pingan's eye iris, skeleton map, tongue pattern, palm pattern, toe pattern, face map, scalp pattern, etc., and it took almost two hours to complete the highest authority certification.

Next, Zhu Hongyun was given secondary authority.

Qiao Yicheng, Ding Zhijun, Ye Changlin, and Darina were given the three-level authority, and when Liu Wenjun came back from vacation, he was performing the three-level authority authentication.

The remaining employees are assigned level 4 to level 9 permissions according to their levels.

"Is it available now?" Xu Pingan looked at Zhu Hongyun and asked.

Zhu Hongyun nodded, "You can use it at any time in the main building. The main building has been set up temporarily, and the other buildings have not been installed yet."

"Fanxing, play a song LastRideOfTheDay" Xu Pingan said directly into the air.

"Good boss, play it for you now" an electronic voice appeared.

Soon, LastRideOfTheDay of the Finnish Nightwish heavy metal band began to play. Others looked at Xu Ping'an and shook their heads and smiled bitterly, so the technology president is playing like this.

After listening to Xu Ping'an, he smiled, and returned to his office satisfied. Just after entering the elevator, an electronic voice appeared.

"Boss, Mayor Zhang Jianbin has entered the front desk of the main building" Fanxing's voice appeared.

Xu Ping'an is a happy one. That's good. Whoever came to find him was discovered as soon as he entered the building. "Notify the front desk, and ask Mayor Zhang to come directly to my office."

After speaking, the elevator quieted down, "Dalena, get ready" Xu Ping'an said with a smile, Dalena nodded directly.

Darina felt a little bit disappointed in her heart, feeling that a large part of her work had been replaced by renovations.

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